Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances

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Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances Page 58

by Christin Lovell

  Aside from work and sleep, the only other thing Wade had accomplished all week was scheduling, and keeping, a meeting with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

  “Good morning, Cindy,” he’d said to the receptionist.

  “Good morning, Wade. How’s it going out there?”

  News had spread fast about the explorers, and their unidentifiable intentions, and many of the residents worried for the fate of their home. They did have a contingency plan if things went to hell, but no one, especially the enforcers, ever wanted to use it.

  Moral was unusually low, especially with Christmas only a few days away, but he had faith in his team and their abilities. Soon, the men would leave, and the Christmas festivities would carry on as usual. They just needed a bit more time.

  “It’s going,” Wade smiled. “It could be easier, but I know things will be back to normal soon.”

  Her relief was palpable, and suddenly, he was eager to get back to work.

  “That’s wonderful,” Cindy said. “You can go on in now.”

  “Thank you.”

  He pushed open the wooden door, and entered Santa’s receiving room. Santa and Mrs. Claus sat in two high backed red-velvet chairs, and they looked like a jolly king and queen dressed in matching red and green Christmas sweaters.

  “Wade,” Santa said. “We are so happy to see you.”

  “Thank you, sir,” he replied. “I would have come sooner, but things have been crazy with work, and my mate proved to be a challenge in the beginning.”

  “All the best ones are son,” Santa laughed.

  “She’s a lovely girl,” Mrs. Claus said, “and she’ll fit in well here. We’d be honored to have her join us.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Wade said. “I’ve told her about my bear, but I plan on bringing her up on Christmas Day to explain everything else. Sir, will her medallion be ready?”

  “It will be ready at exactly the right time,” Santa said. “And don’t worry about the men beyond our walls. It may seem unsettling, but everything out there will work out as it should.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go get some rest,” Santa said. “You have a tough couple of days ahead of you.”

  Wade had left Santa’s office, went home, and slept until his next shift. That had been on Wednesday. He’d been working with Santa long enough to know that things happened for a reason, but he didn’t always understand them.

  It was now two days later, Christmas Eve, but he still didn’t totally understand what was going on. He did have a better idea, though, and they also had a plan.

  He and three other bears had moved in on the visitor’s camp. After two weeks of watching the men, they now knew where they kept all of their food, guns and surveillance equipment. The men were more savvy than most, but the bears weren’t idiots. There was a reason why they worked for the man in red.

  On cue, two of the bears started hauling away the food storage lockers, and another hauled away a locker full of firearms. Wade stood watch as his team slowly rid the outside of the camp of their provisions and made sure they would never be found. Without food, weapons, or a stable camp, the men would have to leave.

  When the last box of equipment was hauled away, the storm suddenly disappeared and the men emerged from their tent. One of them had a shotgun, and when he saw Wade in his bear form, he aimed and fired.

  The bullet hit his shoulder and tore through the flesh, leaving a fire in it’s wake. Blood drenched his fur, and he fell from the impact, leaving a red puddle in the snow.

  One of his men tackled the man from behind and destroyed the weapon, while the other two tore through the camp, ripping the tent to shreds. When they were finished, the three bears ran off in different directions, and the ice storm resumed it’s battering of the earth.

  The explorers scrambled to gather what little belongings they had left, and they loaded up their trailers and escaped on their snow mobiles.

  Wade stood and watched the ice cover the red stain in the snow, and noted that his blood loss had slowed significantly. The wound was wet, and blood still seeped into his fur, but he wouldn’t leave a red trail behind him.

  He lumbered back to the secret opening, exhausted and in pain. If this is what Santa meant by a rough couple of days, the man needed a reality check.

  Not going to happen, dumbass!

  Oh right, he was Santa Claus. Reality checks went out the window a long time ago. Wade smiled at his silly joke and thought of Dani. God, he missed her so much.

  He tried to walk faster, so he could get to her sooner, but his shoulder resisted the effort and he fell on the ice. All he wanted to do was sleep, and he momentarily closed his eyes. Luckily, the other three bears arrived a minute later.

  One of the bears doubled back, to make sure his tracks were covered, and the other two lent their strength to his sides and guided him home. As soon as they entered the tunnel, the three men shifted back into their human forms, hopped in a golf cart and sped down the corridor toward the lodge.

  The forth bear entered the hallway, and followed close behind them. Everyone was home, everyone was safe, and he knew everything would be fine.

  He closed his eyes and welcomed the darkness.


  Running late…

  Stuck at work…

  Will be there ASAP!

  Love you! <3

  Dani read the text message on her phone and frowned.

  It had been a week since she’d seen Wade in person, and though they’d talked via text and video, she’d been hoping for a few minutes of physical contact before the band went on.

  Unfortunately, it was Christmas Eve, the club was packed, and the band was late.

  She slid her phone in her back pocket and tried to shake off her disappointment. Wade had been working hard all week to ensure he would have all of Christmas Day off, and as soon as the bar closed, she would have him all to herself. A few more hours wouldn’t make that much difference.

  She picked up her tray to make her rounds again, and saw Stuart walking toward her.

  “Hey, Dani,” he said. “Did you get Wade’s text about running late?”

  “Yeah, I did,” she said. “Thanks. I’m glad you guys made it.”

  “Me too,” he said. “Things are crazy right now. I don’t know what made us think playing tonight would be a good idea. I’m so glad Scott was cool with us being late.”

  “He’s a cool guy,” she agreed, “and you guys are awesome. Look at this place!”

  “Thanks Dani,” he said, motioning toward the stage. “I’d better help the guys get set up.”

  “See you later, Stuart.”

  “See you.”

  As Stuart walked away, Dani noticed Kira racing toward the band’s dressing room.

  What is she up to?

  She looked at the stage and immediately noticed Wade’s absence.

  Why isn’t he helping?

  Suddenly, the temperature of the room elevated, as if she were under a spotlight, and the music from the speakers rose to deafening levels. Her stomach tightened, a wave of nausea raced over her, and her throat went completely dry.

  Not again. This can’t be happening again.

  She walked through the crowd like a zombie, determined, unyielding, and ignoring everyone in her path. Dred filled her with every step, but she only hesitated a second before she twisted the knob and pushed open the door to the dressing room.

  Kira stood with her back to the door, in between someone’s legs. The man held her by the waist and kissed her stomach, the same way Wade had kissed her in the bedroom a week ago.

  Time seemed to stand still, until the man mumbled familiar words.

  “You’re so sexy, baby,” he said. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

  Kira turned toward her and smiled.

  “A little privacy, please.”

  “Who is it?” he asked.

  “Dani,” Kira said.


  Dani st
arted hyperventilating and backed out of the room. She bumped into a group of club-goers and one poured his drink down her shirt. Kira’s laughter trailed after her as she ran through the crowd and out of the building.

  There was a line of people waiting outside and they all stared as she rushed into the cool air. She didn’t have her keys, and she couldn’t go back to get them, so she ran. The trails weren’t too far away, and she allowed the tears to fall when she entered the seclusion of the wooded area.

  She ran until her legs collapsed beneath her, and then she crawled to the nearest tree, leaned her face against the cool bark, and sobbed.

  How could she have been so stupid?

  Wade had talked about mates, and trust, and forever, and she’d eagerly believed his lies without question. They’d even had unprotected sex, and worse, the thought of a condom had never crossed her mind. Not even the morning after. That’s how gullible and desperate she’d been. After a week of friendship, and a few promises he didn’t intend to keep, she’d given him everything. In exchange for nothing.

  A gust of cold wind blew through the trail, kicking up snow powder and rustling the few leaves left on the trees. A shiver shook her jacketless body to the core, and for the first time, she glanced around at her surroundings. Darkness encircled the area, and nothing looked familiar.

  As she’d cried, enough flurries had fallen from the sky to cover the trail, and she had no idea which direction would lead her home. The man with the ax flashed through her mind, and the fear of being found by him nearly crippled her. She hurriedly pulled her cell-phone out of her pocket, but the relief she felt was short-lived. She knew there was no service on the trials.

  As she weighed her options, the flurries stopped, and the sound of sleigh bells filled the air. Dani studied the area as the sound moved closer and closer, but she couldn’t see anything.

  She hid behind her tree as the sound descended upon her, and then she watched as a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer seemed to burst out of the darkness.


  The reindeer slowed and came to a final halt when the sleigh was next to her tree. It was red with gold trim, and the cargo consisted of one giant red sack and a jolly man dressed in a red and white suit. He secured the leather strap of the reins, and then stepped out of the sleigh and looked around.

  “Well, come on out, girl,” he said. “I have a lot more stops to make.”

  Dani stepped out from behind the tree, and slowly approached the man. He was tall—taller than he looked in story books and movies—but his belly, whiskers and rosy cheeks were exactly like she’d always imagined.


  “Of course, dear,” he said. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He turned back to the sleigh, opened the red sack, and pulled out a beautiful red coat. “You’ll need this where you’re going.”

  She took the coat and put it on, grateful for the gesture. The lightweight material fit perfectly, and it instantly blocked out the cold.

  “This is wonderful, thank you,” she said.

  “Best the North Pole has to offer,” he winked. “Now, let’s move on.”

  He looked around, and then walked to the nearest tree and gathered enough snow to make a baseball sized snowball. He rolled the ball between his gloved hands, and the ice transformed into a crystal ball.

  “I know you’ve been hurt before, but Wade was telling you the truth,” he said. “Look.”

  Dani looked into the ball and the scene she’d walked in on earlier replayed inside the ice. The difference was, from Santa’s angle she could see the man kissing Kira’s stomach clearly, and it wasn’t Wade.

  “It’s not Wade,” she whispered.

  “No dear, it’s not. That’s Johnny. The band’s drummer healed sooner than expected, and Wade had to work late. You are his mate, Dani, and he needs you as much as you need him.”

  “Oh no,” she said. “Can you take me back?”

  “No, but the medallion around your neck will take you where you need to be.”

  She felt for the gold chain, and smoothed her hand down the links. When she found the medallion, she held it up to see the design. A polar bear’s head was etched into the quarter sized pendant.

  “How?” she asked as he walked back to his sleigh.

  “Just think of Wade, and ask,” he said, grabbing the reigns in both hands. “Merry Christmas, Dani. See you tomorrow.”

  “Merry Christmas, Santa. Thank you.”

  “On Dasher, on Dancer…”

  The reindeer started moving as soon as he said their names, and they disappeared almost as fast as they had approached.

  Just think of Wade, and ask…

  “Please take me to Wade.”

  In an instant, she stood in the middle of an enormous building. The walls were composed of log, and the large open space and twenty foot ceilings, reminded her of a huge, modern barn. On her left, a row of rooms with doors looked like changing rooms, or stalls, and several cubicles with desks and computers lined the wall on her right.

  “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  A booming voice sounded from the front of the building, and she noticed the entrance boasted nine foot wooden doors. A man as tall as Wade with features similar to all the members of Arctic Storm approached her, a frown marring his face.

  “My name is Dani North,” she said, “and I’m looking for Wade. Santa sent me.”

  That had to be the weirdest thing she’d ever said, but something strange passed over the man’s face and he seemed to relax a fraction.

  “Okay, good,” he said. “He’ll be here soon.”

  A minute later, a golf cart came barreling into the room from a tunnel she hadn’t noticed before. It had a bench for two in the front, but the back was a long flat bed with rails on the side. One man drove, and another was turned toward the passenger in the back, seemingly holding him upright. The man sat with his legs stretched out in front of him, but his head lobbed forward as if he were unconscious.

  “We need a first aid kit,” the driver yelled.

  Several Arctic looking men seemed to appear out of nowhere, coming out of the offices and changing rooms. The passenger continued to hold onto the man, and the others joked as they removed the rails from the cart.

  “What happened, Smalls? You’re not supposed to let them hit you!”

  “Hunters, one; Smalls, zero!”

  “Dude, you’re supposed to run from the bullets!”

  “Wade,” the driver said. “Wake up man. You can’t sleep yet.”

  Dani pushed her way through the group and saw Wade open his eyes and nod. His shoulder was covered in blood, and torn flesh and muscle were grossly exposed.

  “Here’s the kit,” one man said, handing it to the driver.

  “He needs a doctor, not a first aid kit,” she yelled.

  Everyone in the room stopped talking and looked at her, including Wade.

  “Dani? Come here, baby.” He flashed her a lopsided smile and reached out his good hand. She grabbed it and moved in close to his uninjured side.

  “The kit will be fine,” he said. “We heal fast.”

  The men resumed their chatter, and the driver started bandaging his shoulder.

  “There’s a hole in your shoulder,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes.

  “I’ll be okay,” he assured her. “I like your coat. How did you get here?”

  “Um…Santa?” she laughed nervously.

  Some of the bears chuckled, but Wade silenced their joking with narrowed eyes.

  “Good. Sorry I was late.”

  “That’s okay,” she whispered. “Santa is the person you work for?”

  “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Cool is an understatement,” she laughed.

  “Okay, that ought to do it,” the driver said. “I’ll be back with another cart.”

  Wade nodded and the crowd dispersed.

  “I have to sleep a lot to heal, but will you stay with me tonight, baby?” />
  “Yes, of course,” she said.

  “Good. Joel is going to drive us home now,” he said.

  Joel pulled up next to them in another cart big enough to seat four. Wade sat on the back bench and slid across the seat to make room for her. She joined him, and when everyone was secure, Joel acted as their chauffeur.

  The ride to Wade’s house was quick, but she didn’t miss seeing the center square, the fun festive shops, or the ice storm that seemed to attack the land just beyond the houses. White Christmas lights wrapped around every tree, and the smell of hot cocoa filled the air. It was both fascinating and frightening.

  Joel allowed Wade to walk on his own, but he followed them inside the house and made sure the patient laid down in bed.

  “He needs to sleep, a lot,” Joel said, “but he’ll be fine in the morning.”

  “What if he isn’t?” she asked, following him to the door.

  “He will be,” he said, “but if you need anything, call me. My number is in his phone.”

  “Thank you, Joel,” she said.

  “Merry Christmas, Dani,” he smiled.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  She closed the door behind him and looked around. Wade’s home was decorated with simple, rustic pieces spotted with hunter green accents. It was definitely a man’s domain, but from what she’d seen, he had very good taste.

  Surprisingly, the room was bare of any sign of Christmas, and she briefly wondered about the reason why. He’d asked her to spend the day with him, but how did they celebrate in Santa’s Village?

  Who cares? Wade has a hole in his shoulder!

  She raced back toward the bedroom and saw him sleeping in the center of the bed. Except for his shoes, he was fully dressed in jeans and a torn, plain black t-shirt. She glanced at his bandaged shoulder and cringed. It seemed impossible to recover from a wound like that without a doctor, but she’d never met a shifter before. If Wade said they healed fast, then they must.

  He’d asked her to stay with him like she’d had a choice, and she wondered if the medallion gave her the ability to travel back home. Either way, it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t leave him unless he asked her too. When he found out about her lack of trust, he might change his mind.


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