Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances

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Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances Page 66

by Christin Lovell

  Clay hung up and let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to lose this woman before he’d even had the chance to learn more about her and get to know her.


  Tess couldn’t be sure, but the connection with Clay in her mind had gone quiet. As she drove, she thought about what had just happened, and how it defied all logic.

  Was she really headed back to Clay Emmerick’s mansion in Beverly Hills? What would he and his staff think when she showed up again after having left for the day?

  A part of her was preparing for the inevitable. That she would show up, have no clue why she was there and she’d have to apologize, promptly leave and figure out whether to self-admit to a mental health ward. There would be no explaining to anyone about the voice in her head!

  That would be asinine, at best.

  Then she heard it again. His voice.

  You’re not crazy, Tess. I promise, I’ll explain everything once you’re here. I need to alert you that my security team is working on securing your location. They’ll escort you in to my place.

  Tess’s breathing started to increase as did her heart rate. She could feel it coming on, the beginnings of a panic attack.

  No, no, no… She muttered to herself.

  Rover looked at her and let out a groaning whimper, worried for his owner, sensing that she wasn’t doing okay.



  You’re okay, you’re not crazy. I’ve got you under my protection. Just keep driving. You’ll be here soon enough. I promise, everything will be okay. Focus on being calm. Deep breaths in and out.

  Tess couldn’t explain why, but hearing his firm and in control voice calmed her, despite feeling absolutely crazy. She managed to do as he suggested, just focusing on two things; driving and breathing. Remaining calm. Focused.

  After a few minutes of driving, she made the connection on the 405 North freeway, headed back to Beverly Hills.

  She noticed a large, black, Cadillac SUV was now trailing her closely. Worried, and before she could even ask Clay, in her mind, he spoke up.

  You’ve noticed the SUV. That is my guy. He’s with you now. Just keep driving and don’t stop until you get to my place, okay?

  Tess shook her head in disbelief, a tremble passing through her.

  How was this happening? She’d woken up today like any other day. Maybe a bit excited about the new decorating project and client, but the day had started ordinary enough. Now she was contemplating her safety, sanity and overall well-being. Just like one of those crazy homeless people on Venice Beach that she would steer clear of.


  Yes, Tess.

  Who are you and how in the world can you hear my thoughts? Why can I hear you?

  You might not believe this, Tess – but you have gifts that you likely never knew about until meeting me. I’ve triggered your awakening, if you will.

  My awakening?

  Yes, I think you noticed that there was something different about me when we met today?

  Tess paused and reflected back on this. It was true, she had noticed something about him. Something almost magical and magnetic.

  Yes, I did notice. Why was that?

  I’m not so sure this is the best time to explain or reveal. Your safety is my first priority right now. I need you to stay focused. I promise to answer all of your questions once you get here. Okay?


  Tess could feel fear attempting to overtake her. She fought back her tears and did her best to just breathe and drive. Drive and breathe. She felt the buzzing energy coalescing at the top of her head. Not that again…

  What is that?

  It’s me. My energy. We’re synced in a way that is hard to explain…

  Weird. So weird…

  Is it bothering you?

  Tess could hear genuine concern behind his voice. She didn’t want to seem ungrateful for his protection.

  No, just have never experienced anything like this before.

  Try and stay focused on your driving and breathing. I don’t want you to get in an accident.

  Okay, I’m doing my best…

  Tess breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the exit which would lead her to his estate and that it was only a mile away. She smiled when she noted that the holiday decorations for the area had gone up. It helped lighten the mood and made her feel a bit better.

  They add some beauty to the season, don’t they?

  Yes, they do. It’s always my favorite time of year. Without having cold weather or snow, it’s the decorations that make the difference in this city. That remind us it’s even the Holidays…

  Tess couldn’t get over how intimate this connection was to Clay. That she was telepathically having a conversation with him. That she was even getting used to the idea. How familiar it already felt to have his voice, his presence in her mind like this.

  It was all so ludicrous! Impossible…

  Not ludicrous. Not impossible. I promise.

  Tess turned down the canyon drive that would safely deliver her to Clay’s estate. The closer she got to his home, the safer she felt. All the while, the large, black SUV trailed her.

  Finally, she pulled into the long driveway of his home, the gates opening to allow her onto the property without her even having to call from the call-box at the gated entry.

  Right then and there, that was a sign. She really wasn’t imagining this. And that really was Clay’s security team right behind her, in the SUV.

  Pulling up in front of the mansion, she turned off her car and sure enough, Clay was stepping through his doors and rushing to her car.

  She wasn’t insane. She could see the look on his face and it held nothing but pure relief. And he looked more handsome to her than ever. Even more magnetic and alluring…


  Clay let out a sigh of relief once he saw her car pull onto the driveway, his security team’s SUV trailing her. He stepped outside, deciding not to wait for her to come to the door. As it was, she was already a wreck of nerves, doubting her sanity and afraid for her life.

  He strode out to her car and met her at her car door, opening it for her.

  “Please, Tess – do come inside. As promised, I can explain everything.”

  She stepped out of her car, her dog soon following who eyed him suspiciously and protectively. Clay spoke to the beast gently, allowing him to get a good whiff of him. Most dogs reacted poorly around a dragon shifter, often frightened. Luckily, Grover seemed to take a liking to him and was soon trotting along beside them as they made their way into Clay’s home.

  Clay led Tess into a comfortable office den with built-in bookshelves that covered the wall, floor to ceiling. A pair of leather chesterfield sofas faced each other, with a fireplace at the end of the room complimenting the classic and masculine feel of the room. Between them was a large antique coffee table, and on it were the various items that a busy businessman would need.

  He invited her to get comfortable and headed over to a stash of liquor tumblers that held fine spirits from around the world.

  “Drink?” he asked, peering at her with concern.

  “God yes, please.”

  He poured her what he was having, uncertain as to what she would like. He’d get to know her better, soon enough and would be able to provide her what she liked without needing to ask. When he turned around, he noticed that she was shaking a bit when she reached out to accept the drink from him.


  She peered up at him, a flash of fear and confusion revealed in her eyes.

  “No… Just freaked out. I am having a very hard time accepting that this is really happening, let alone what it means to my life…”

  Clay nodded, sympathetic to her plight.

  Unlike her, he’d been born long ago into the world of magic and the paranormal. His life had always held these elements. For him, it was the role of playing along and pretending so as not to bring unwanted attention and scrutiny to himself. His true nat
ure, his age, and his unique status in a world that was blind to his kind.

  “I assure you. I can only imagine how hard this must be…”

  Tess was still shivering and this bothered him.

  How could he calm her nerves? Make her feel safe?

  He sat down across from her on the opposite sofa and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his legs slightly spread. Using his dragon magic, he hummed a soothing and calming tune into her mind at a level she’d barely be able to notice or acknowledge. Over and over, he repeated to her that she was safe and protected, bundled inside an emotive overtone of relaxation.

  Sipping at his beverage, he watched her face and body relax while his power worked its magic on her. Soon, she leaned back into the chesterfield, getting more comfortable and took a few hearty sips of her drink. Content that she was doing better, he stood up and went to his iPod sound system. It just so happened that his assistant had uploaded a playlist of holiday tunes and he thought that perhaps, turning on some holiday music would make Tess feel better.

  Soon, Nat King Cole was crooning a classic and the ambiance in the room changed along with the mood.

  Tess smiled at him, having remained quiet, watching him closely. He noticed her emerald colored eyes, the way they sparkled, the depth that lay hidden beneath them. He also noticed that her features were somewhat elven. She had a small nose, small hands and ears. Although a curvaceous woman, she had a petite frame. It suited her and he was drawn to her curvy body.

  He’d cloaked his thoughts, mindful of their telepathic connection, not wanting to frighten her with his lustful thoughts.

  “Feeling better?”

  Tess nodded gently, “Yes, thank you. What is this? Magic liquor? I feel worlds better.”

  Clay smiled and allowed himself to relax as well, settling in deeper to the leather sofa. “The liquor is helping the magic, if you will.”

  That caused her eyebrows to perk up. “Forgive me, Mr. Emmerick… but what in the world is going on?”

  “Please, call me Clay. Mr. Emmerick is way too formal.”

  “Still, you’re my client…”

  “True, but sometimes things change the way we would need to address one another. This would definitely be one of those times, in my opinion.”

  She let out a little, disbelieving laugh. “Fair enough. Clay it is.”

  Clay shifted to look at her expressive face, focusing on her lips and mouth. They were full and very pink, very kissable… Tantalizing. He took in a deep breath, forcing himself to stop thinking about her so sexually. Yes, he was drawn to her, but now was not the time.

  She was in crisis and he needed to be mindful of her mental state. She was in a state of shock.

  “I apologize for what you’re going through,” Clay said, hoping to find a way to explain. “Thank you for being willing to trust me, to help you.”

  She gazed at him as if peering into his being, his soul. She blinked, waiting for him to continue.

  “Why would there be people who want to harm me? Just for working for you…” she asked.

  “It’s a long story, hard to explain, but I’ll do my best.”


  Clay shifted in his seat, he wasn’t sure where to start. How to go about explaining to her what was happening.

  “Not everything in the world is as it appears to be. I’m different from most people. I’m not entirely human…”

  Tess raised her eyebrows, a surprised look on her face. But she remained calm. She remained quiet, waiting for him to continue.

  “In one sense, there are different types of beings. I guess you could think of it as there being different types of species in the animal kingdoms. However, there are those of us who prefer to not be recognized or known by the human realm.”

  He realized that Tess was listening intently, she took another sip of the soothing, calming liquor in her glass. She nodded, encouraging him to go on but didn’t speak.

  “So, we operate in your world, but we live very private lives. On the fringe, so to speak.”

  “Okay, I understand and as much as I might not believe, just yet… I sort of get it. But that doesn’t explain why my life would be in danger?”

  “True, very true. Your life is in danger for one simple reason – you have a certain type of ancestry and lineage in your blood. Although it’s entirely serendipitous that we met, there are those who unfortunately monitor all of my activities. Somehow, they’ve become aware of you – almost before I did.”

  Tess squinted her eyes in confusion. “How would they know about me? I just only started working on the decorating project today?”

  “I don’t know just yet. I don’t have the answer for that…”

  She nodded softly, “Okay. So what type of being are you? If you’re not human.”

  Clay wasn’t sure if he should divulge, but he decided to go ahead. Since she hadn’t run screaming from the room in fear, he figured she was able to handle it.

  “I’m a dragon shapeshifter.”

  Tess smiled, “Oh come on… A dragon? Shapeshifter?”

  It amused him that she didn’t believe him. That she thought he was joking. He smiled back. He’d show her, but that was something that no one did unless they absolutely had no choice.

  “Yes. There are different types of shapeshifters. Of almost every kind. The stories of fiction you’ve heard or read about aren’t entirely fantasy. There is some truth in those stories.”

  “You mean like Twilight? There are really vampires and werewolves?”

  Clay nodded.

  She processed what he was saying and shook her head in disbelief. “Wow… just, wow…”

  “Do you want me to continue? Is this too much? Overwhelming?”

  “Yes, it is, but I’m more curious and intrigued than overwhelmed… My mother always did say I have an overactive imagination. Maybe, I’m just more perceptive than I realized?”

  This piqued Clay’s attention. She was likely right. Many times, humans who were able to perceive beyond solely the human realm had certain psychic and intuitive gifts. Abilities that were hard to explain, but were very real.

  “You understand and see what most don’t, is it like that?” he asked.

  She nodded softly, “Yes, exactly. I usually keep it to myself. Only a few close friends know…”

  “Then it was only a matter of time, before something occurred that would help you fully actualize your abilities.”

  “Meeting you, for example.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “So what now?” she asked.

  Clay took a sip of his drink, “Time. Some time to explain, to help you understand. I hope you don’t mind, but I would feel better if you were to stay here, in my home. As a guest. You will be safer here.”

  “Stay here? Oh, I can’t impose on you… I’d feel bad.”

  “Don’t worry, it really would be for the best. I need a few days to get on top of this. Please, be my guest and stay. It will make it easier. I have plenty of space. You won’t inconvenience me or my staff.”

  He watched her contemplate his offer, could hear some of the thoughts in her mind. She really didn’t want to impose on him, felt silly for it. But in the end, she was also confused and worried. Not sure what to make of it all. What was happening.

  “Okay, then. I hope not to be a bother or in the way.”

  “Not to worry, it will be pleasant having you around. I would like to have your company here.”

  This made her flush and she looked away shyly. Flustered.

  “Are you tired?”

  “Not just yet… I’m not sure I can sleep. This is overwhelming. My wheels are spinning.”

  “Do you want to learn more? Hear more?” Clay asked.

  Tess nodded, “Yes, I have to admit, as wild as this is – I want to know, I want to understand.”

  Clay noticed that Tess’s glass was empty. He stood and refilled it, placing it before her. He sat back down and decided he’d share a b
it more, of the simpler things that might not be too overwhelming. They talked, late into the night until she was finally too sleepy to stay awake. Eventually, he showed her to a guest room and said goodnight, not sure if she’d actually be able to sleep and get some rest, but glad that she was in his home.

  Safe and sound.


  Tess woke up from a deep dream feeling disoriented. She could still hear the lyrical voice of the beautiful fairy woman telling her a story…

  Of a koiaa.

  A collection of koiaa’s…

  What’s a koiaa? Tess mused to herself.

  She sat up slowly, her head swimming with the details of the mystical and magical dream lingering in her mind. It was as if she had been transported to another world altogether. As if she’d slipped into some sort of parallel realm.

  Which didn’t seem or sound as crazy as it might have before – having since met Clay the day earlier. A dragon shifter. A being so magical and powerful, she could barely comprehend what it entailed, exactly…

  All she knew was that she trusted him.

  She couldn’t explain why. But she felt it, at a gut level.

  He’d protected her and saved her life twice now. In less than a day’s time.

  As she roused herself fully awake, she could hear the sounds of the Emmerick household. A maid was vacuuming somewhere nearby and there were voices talking out in the garden. She could hear them through the slightly open window.

  Stepping out of the bed, she peered out the window and down at the expansive yard. Clay was chatting with the gardener and they were standing by the beautiful goldfish and koi pond she’d discovered the day prior.

  Clay crouched, and skimmed his hand on the surface of the water. His beautiful fish collection rose to the surface, kissing at his fingertips, eager for food. Mesmerized, Tess observed him while he tended to his exotic collection of fish.

  She couldn’t explain why, but she sensed a lot of love, tender endearment and fondness from him for his gilled pets. It was sweet and she liked it…

  There was a rap on her door, and a voice called out, “Miss? Are you awake?”

  Tess grabbed a robe conveniently placed across an ottoman at the end of the bed and draped it around herself before opening the door.


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