All I Want: Rod & Daisy (All Of Me Duet Book 1)

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All I Want: Rod & Daisy (All Of Me Duet Book 1) Page 13

by A. D. Justice

  She glances around the room, unsure of what she should say. The answer is there, but she’s unsure of saying the words. “Well, all my things are in my room. I need to shower and get ready for our outing today. I mean, I’m not wearing this genie getup all day, so I’m not sure what you expect me to say right now.”

  “Are you trying to ditch me right now? Are you running out of here and avoiding me the rest of the day?” I tilt my head to the side and raise my eyebrows.

  The irony of the situation is not lost on me. I’m choosing not to acknowledge this is the one time I don’t want my overnight guest to walk out on me.

  “No.” Her statement sounds more like a question. “I don’t believe in overstaying my welcome and I need different clothes. And a shower. And my flat iron. Hairbrushes. Sunglasses.”

  “You know, I have a very nice shower right here. It doesn’t require clothing to enjoy it. And maybe you’ve forgotten, but Tracy and Kevin claimed your room last night. They may not be ready for you to barge in on them again so early in the morning.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Are you trying to ask me to stay here with you, Rod?” There’s a hint of doubt in her eyes, but the smile attempting to break free is genuine.

  “Stay, Daisy. Don’t leave me yet. We’ll order room service, enjoy the walk-in shower while we wait for breakfast, and avoid the crowded shore excursions. I’m sure you and I can find plenty to do today, without including everyone else.”

  “All right, then. I’ll stay.”

  “Good. We’ll call the room phone to warn them before we show up to get your things. You can wear one of my T-shirts as a dress. No one will think twice about it. You could be wearing your bathing suit cover for all they know.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. I’ll call in our breakfast order right now.” To save time, I order one of everything available on the breakfast menu then turn my attention back to Daisy.

  “Now, you mentioned a walk-in shower?” She licks her lips and I briefly consider holding her hostage in my bed all day.

  “I did. Let me walk you into it right now. Drop your drawers and come with me.” I waggle my eyebrows.

  She giggles and does as I ask. “Wow. This bathroom is enormous. It’s almost the size of our entire room. We can’t even wash our hair in our shower stall without bumping our elbows on the sides. The next time Tracy and I go on vacation together, we’re upgrading to a suite.”

  “The suites do have their perks.” I adjust the temperature then pull her underneath the water raining down from above our heads. “Last night was only a taste. What do you say to a four-course meal now?”

  Her reply is to run her hands down my chest and grip my already hard cock in her delicate little fingers. “I say I’m starving.”

  When she drops to her knees and nearly swallows me whole, my eyes roll back into my head and I’m amazed my legs can still hold me up. She works her mouth and her hand in tandem, bringing me to the point of no return. I try to warn her, though my entire being would revolt against me if I stopped her. But she keeps going of her own will, determined to see me crumble to my knees with her.

  When I open my eyes, she’s looking up at me. This time when our eyes lock, it’s not from an overabundance of raging hormones. Something deeper calls to me, regardless of how hard I try to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. With no effort at all, I lift her into the air and push her back against the cool tile wall. We both feel it, this invisible link connecting us, drawing us in closer with each passing moment.

  I cover her mouth with mine, savoring every inherent sensation. Her sweet lips. Her soft tongue. Her unique taste. Her exclusive scent. The hot water continues to pour over us, making our bodies slick as her breasts slide against my chest. Her arms tighten around my neck, her legs tighten around my waist, and her hips move in tight circles over my cock, searching for release. I grasp her ass and surge upward, burying myself as deep inside her as I can go.

  Her nails claw into my back and she releases a loud cry before digging her heels into my ass and urging me on. The water sloshes, her moans increase, and her inner muscles tighten around me, milking me for everything I have to offer her. Our foreheads are still pressed together as we try to regain control of our senses. When we finally come up for air, and our eyes meet once again, I realize the dire mistake I just made.

  Before I can apologize profusely for my lapse in judgment, she shakes her head. “It wasn’t all your responsibility, Rod, so stop feeling so guilty. I’m just as much to blame for not keeping my head on straight. We both got carried away. Just so you know, I haven’t been with a man in, let’s just say it’s been a very long time. You have nothing to worry about with me. I’m clean and I’m covered.”

  “To be perfectly honest with you, I’m ashamed of myself, Daisy. I’ve taken a lot of pride in never having had sex without protection, even when I was a teenager. I’m clean, regardless, so you can rest easy about that. But I won’t be the least bit offended if you want to be tested for everything. I’ll even pay for it. This isn’t exactly the sweet pillow talk I had in mind for you today.”

  “It’s real life talk, Rod. I’d rather have that than unobtainable fairy tales any day.”

  “I’m willing to let you thoroughly inspect me, make sure there’s nothing suspicious on any inch of my member. You can get as close and personal as you’d like.”

  “And he’s back, folks. There’s the Hot Rod I know.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been trying to introduce you to Hot Rod this whole time.”

  Now that we’ve dispelled the tension and restored our easygoing banter, we can move on to more important things. I turn off the water, grab a towel, and rub it over her skin, everywhere, without missing a single spot. When I finish, that heated expression is back in her gaze and her skin is flush. I fucking love how my simplest touch affects her, something I rarely pay much attention to with other women.

  Maybe Daisy is the missing link in my life. No one else has ever made me want to pay close attention before her.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, you’ll have me for breakfast instead of the bacon and eggs we ordered.” I arch one eyebrow at her in a direct threat.

  “I’m not hearing a downside to this ultimatum. Is there supposed to be one?” She has the nerve to smile at me.

  “I’ve created a monster. You will be the death of me. You know that, right? No food. No drinks. No sunlight. Locked inside a suite, pleasuring my woman day and night.”

  “Again, exactly what are you trying to persuade me to do? I’m not clear.”

  “Get out of this shower before I tan your backside.” I wrap the towel around her to hide her gorgeous body from my overactive libido.

  “Really, Rod. It’s as if you’re intentionally trying to provoke me.”

  She steps out of the shower and purposely drops her towel on the floor. She swings her hips from side to side, knowing damn well I’m watching her like a stag in rut, my tongue hanging out of my mouth, and my eyes unblinking.

  “I’m changing your name, Daisy Nash.” I announce as I follow her into the living area. “Daisies are sweet little dainty flowers. They’re delicate and elegant. They don’t try to kill people.”

  She’s visibly amused at my sudden outburst. “Is that so? What is my new name then?”

  “I have to do some research on that subject before I announce it.”

  “Because you have no clue what the other flowers are, do you? Besides a rose. Everyone knows that one.”

  “You’re not a rose either.” I pitch a T-shirt to her, mere seconds before there’s a knock at the door. “Room service is here. We’re not finished with this conversation.”

  Her smile nearly splits her face in two. “No, we’re certainly not. Now peel my grapes and feed me, man slave. I’m hungry.”

  I’m enjoying this time with her way too much.


  “Aha! I’ve got it!” Rod exclaims, rather loudly, as we pick up more bottles of spiced rum and Tortuga Rum Cakes from a small store in town.

  “You’ve got what?” I glance around the small store, noting all the eyes intently fixed on the two of us.

  “Your new name. It just came to me.”

  “Oh, God. Let’s hear it then.”

  “You’re no longer Daisy. You’re Mahoe.” He grins broadly, proud of himself.

  I’m stunned speechless. The snickers from around the store are quickly covered by fake coughs and hands firmly placed over mouths. This isn’t embarrassing at all.

  “Rod. Did you seriously just call me your ho? And you think I’ll be all right with that?”

  “No, I didn’t call you my ho. I said Mahoe.”

  “You’re not making this any better.”

  “It’s also called a sea hibiscus. A Mahoe.” He spells out the name, but my deadpanned expression doesn’t change.

  “Again, you’re not making this any better for yourself. Do you honestly think I’ll answer to ‘ma-ho’ when you call me that in public?”

  “Hmm. I see what you mean. That could pose a slight problem. How about I only call you my ho in private then?” He waggles his eyebrows and I can’t help but smile in return.

  With a roll of my eyes, I shake my head. “No, not even in private. Find another nickname.”

  “That’s the state tree of Jamaica, if that makes you feel any better.”

  “It doesn’t.” I walk off to grab a bottle of banana-flavored rum, leaving him alone with his Mahoe thoughts.

  “Your husband is hilarious.” The lovely woman behind the counter smiles at me, then cuts her eyes toward Rod. Our banter over the nickname he tried to give me amuses her. “Are you two lovebirds here on your honeymoon?”

  Before I can correct her, Rod is at my side with his arm draped over my shoulders. “As a matter of fact, we are. How could you tell?”

  “I’ve been married for a very long time. My husband and I have three boys. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that a man only teases and laughs with a woman the way you are if he’s head over heels for her. You, my friend, are crazy about this one.” She nods her head toward me, her sweet smile still securely in place. Rod freezes in place. I’m not sure he’s even breathing anymore.

  “Now you’ve embarrassed him. He hates showing his feelings. He’d prefer for everyone to believe he doesn’t actually have any. It’s okay, honey. Your secret is safe with us. It won’t go any further than the bottom of this bottle of banana rum.” I playfully jab him in the ribs with my elbow, partially to get him to breathe again before he passes out—and also to play along with the big fat fib he just told.

  “Whew. That was a close one. You’re not recording this, are you?” I glance over at him in time to see him smile and wink at the store owner.

  “No, of course not.” She swats her hand in his direction. “No need to do that. Everyone can see it anyway. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself, mister.”

  Before this conversation turns more uncomfortable, and we dig ourselves deeper into a lie, I place the goods to the counter in a not-so-subtle move. “Looks like we have enough alcohol to hold us over until morning now.”

  Rod insists on paying for our booty, so I back off and let him. I was fully prepared to pick up the tab for the entire bill. After all, Rod has done more than enough for me on this trip. But it seemed to be important to him, bordering on a matter of pride and dignity, even, so I let him have his way.

  We say our goodbyes to the store workers and walk outside to our waiting taxi. The ride back to the hotel is quieter than usual.

  I thought we already passed the awkward stage of our vacationship.

  I’ll be damned if I let one offhanded comment ruin the four days we have left together. This is the most fun I’ve had in years and I’m not ready to let it end just yet. Check-out day will be here soon enough, and I’ve mentally prepared myself to say goodbye to him then.

  But not one minute sooner.

  “Rod? Is something wrong?” I finally just blurt out the question that’s on my mind. At least if he runs away from me now, it won’t be because of a simple misunderstanding.

  “No. Why would you think something’s wrong?”

  “You’re just too quiet. It’s not like you, so I thought maybe what that woman said spooked you beyond repair.”

  “Why would she spook me?” He arches one eyebrow, trying to look cute. He succeeds.

  “Because you’re in love with me, Rod. She knows it. I know it. Even you know it deep down. It’s embarrassing for me too, but I know you can’t help it. Can we just go back to pretending you’re not already fully attached to me, that you won’t be emotionally devastated when you have to let me go?”

  A slow smile crawls across his face. “For you, my ho, I will do my best to act natural again.”

  “Thank you. But we’re changing my name to something else. Anything else. Because I’m ninety-nine percent sure you said ‘my ho’—two separate words—on purpose just now.”

  He exaggeratedly feigns his shock and bewilderment. “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of something so heinous. You’ll pay for that later.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes. My hos don’t disrespect me like that and get away with it.”

  The taxi driver sniggers from the front seat, causing Rod and me to burst out laughing. Any unease between us disappears, but it makes me wonder why Rod’s so averse to love. What happened in his past to make him run from his feelings? I wasn’t kidding when I said he hides any trace of emotion from others. I may be damaged, but I can spot a kindred soul.

  “So, tell me about Daisy Nash. What do you like to do when you’re not working? What lights your fire?”

  “You really want to know about me? Like, personal information?”

  “Yes, I do.” His sincere expression nearly melts me on the spot. I wish he’d show this side of his personality more.

  “Tracy and I have been best friends pretty much all our lives. We grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, so we had that in common from the start. Even still, our families were polar opposites. Hers was very cold and unloving while mine has always been the epitome of love. We were so poor back then. When I say we had nothing when I was growing up, I mean that literally.

  “My parents are great, don’t get me wrong, but they did everything backward. Got married way too young, had kids right away, then Mom went to college. Attending undergraduate then medical school and residency with small kids at home was harder than it sounds. Dad worked all the time, but money was always tight, and it seemed we could never catch a break.

  “The other kids relentlessly teased and bullied Tracy and me in school. For me, it was because of the holes in my clothes, my run-down home, or my parents’ old broken-down vehicle because we couldn’t afford a better one at that time. That takes a toll on kids in ways many people don’t understand. So, a few years ago, I started a summer camp for underprivileged kids. I love teaching, but extending the camp has become my mission in life.”

  “That’s fascinating, Daisy. What kind of activities do you do at the camp?”

  “We have a lot of fun things built in the program. But the primary focus is to teach them the life skills they don’t learn in school so they can be more successful adults. We have experts from various fields come in and give us a glimpse into their lives. We recognize everyone isn’t cut out for college, so we have focused time on technical vocations. We arrange internships for the older teens to work with mentors and give them on-the-job experience to put on their résumés. Plus, we cover room and board for the kids to ensure they have a full stomach and a safe place to sleep.”

  “Not to pry, but how is this program funded? Do you get government grants for it?” He turns in his seat and faces me, fully engaged in the conversation.

  “I’ve tried, but there never seems to be enough money left over to help those who are trying to h
elp themselves. Our funds come from local corporate sponsors who want to invest in the community. They get tax credits for their donations, and we get to stay open for another summer. But our model is too dependent on corporate donations. Changes in the stock market could wipe out all our hard work, so I’m looking into different funding options for future camps. I won’t give up.”

  “You are amazing. Instead of letting your past make you cold and unfeeling, you used your experiences to make you more compassionate and giving. Not many people are like you, Daisy. You’re absolutely one of a kind.” He rubs the pad of his thumb along my jawline, slowly and seductively. A shiver runs up my spine from the contact and intimate expression in his eyes.

  “The kids are the amazing and resilient ones. They keep me going the days I feel defeated. I know I can’t wallow in my pity party because they’re counting on me.”

  “That’s a lot of responsibility to put on your shoulders.” He searches my eyes. What is he looking for?

  “Who else will step up and help them if I don’t? I can’t wait and hope someone else feels compelled to undertake the project. I’d never be able to sleep at night.”

  He’s not sure how to respond, so he simply shakes his head in disbelief instead.

  “What are you thinking, Rod? Do I not qualify for ho status anymore?”

  “You never did. I hope you know I was only kidding about all of that. I’d never disrespect you like that.”

  “If I thought you were serious, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’m a big girl, I know how to call my own cab and everything. You’ve mentioned your sister a couple of times and how close you two are. I don’t think any man who cares about his sister the way you do would purposely hurt another woman.” I link my fingers between his, reinforcing my message.

  “You’re incredibly perceptive. My sister and I have been close all our lives, not in a creepy way or anything. We also had a rough childhood and learned to lean on each other to get through life in general. Even though we’re both grown, I’m still overprotective of her. She’s used to it by now, though.”


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