Ride: Cyn and Fallon: Episodes 5-8 (Puca Mates Collection Book 2)

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Ride: Cyn and Fallon: Episodes 5-8 (Puca Mates Collection Book 2) Page 16

by A. C. James

  Now, years later, Cyn cringed when she thought of how she’d handled things with Nathan. She’d never had any intention of dating him, but she lived in a world without consequence. The incident with her first agent made her overly bitter about relationships, and love in general. Cyn shuddered. How can Fallon even want someone like me? she wondered, on the verge of tears. Even though Cyn had changed the direction of her life, she couldn’t ignore the years of pain and hurt she’d likely inflicted on a variety of men. Nathan was just one of many.

  Across the table, Nathan was winding down from a rant. Anguish marred his face. He’d acted like a total arsehole, but she obviously deserved it.

  “I’m so sorry for all I’ve done to hurt you over the years. I know I was selfish, and it was so careless...”

  Nathan sat in stunned silence. He took a long drink of iced tea, obviously calculating his next move. “Then you’ll realize how impetuous you’re being now.”

  Cyn shook her head. “That’s just the thing, though. I’m not being like that at all, Nathan. For once, I know exactly what I want. I can’t waste any more of my life running away.”

  “Then don’t run away now. I don’t want to see you unhappy, but don’t you think you should take more time with this decision? You can’t run off when you get a wee bit depressed, Cyn. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Of course, but I’ve been thinking about this for months. It’s the right decision.”

  Nathan laughed. It was a hollow sound. “Well, you haven’t bloody clued me in before now.”

  “It’s personal, and I wasn’t ready. And you know me, it’s the hardest bloody thing in the world for me to talk about my feelings. I’ve been afraid of getting hurt, and that’s why I haven’t wanted more.”

  “Must be nice to realize that now,” Nathan snapped.

  He looked ill at ease, and Cyn worried about what he was going to do. She craned her neck, desperately looking for the waitress.

  “I think we’re done here.” Cyn kept her tone calm as she dug through her bag, and searched for her wallet. She’d decided that once the waitress arrived with their entrees, it would be a good idea to leave for Heathrow. This wasn’t going well, and she couldn’t imagine it would get any better.

  “Well, it’s hard to understand when I know you’re full of it.” He sounded surprisingly calm and cold.

  “Fine. But I won’t be back. At least, not to live here. I’ll come back to visit, and so will Felicity.”

  Nathan glared stonily from across the table. The waitress arrived with their steaming hot entrees. She set them down on the table and cleared the empty glasses and spring roll baskets. A lump settled in her throat as the waitress took them away. Carefully, Cyn pulled out some cash and set it on the table.

  “Thanks for meeting with me, Nathan.” Cyn tried to keep her voice calm, as she shifted in the booth and tugged on her coat. “I promise Felicity and I will be in touch soon.”

  Nathan smiled cruelly. A strange twinge of fear twisted in her belly.

  “Well that’s just it,” he said, as he reached for his glass of iced tea. “If you won’t make the right choice, then everyone you claim to love will be destroyed.”

  “What the bloody hell is your problem, Nathan? I’ve already explained it to you, loads of times.”

  “If you go back to him, I’ll share the truth with the hundreds of thousands of subscribers who read Everyday Supernatural. They might be very interested to know the púca are real.”

  All the blood drained from her face. “What? You can’t be serious!”

  “If you go back,” Nathan said again, more firmly, fixing her with an icy stare, “I’ll break my promise to Felicity. I’ll tell all the blog readers the púca exist, and I’ll reveal where they live.”

  “No,” she whispered. “Please don’t do this.”

  He took another sip of his ice tea. “It’s your choice, but if you don’t do the right thing then the ones you love will pay for your mistake.”

  Episode 8

  Chapter One

  Cyn recoiled in horror. Cold shock radiated through her body. “Nathan, it’s not right. You can’t reveal the púca on your blog.”

  Nathan glared. “Oh, isn’t it? Well, love, you’ve mucked around with my affections for years. And now you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life. I won’t let you do it.”

  Her face was hot. “It was never my intention to hurt you. I tried to tell you a million times, and I think deep down you knew it too. You’ve always been one of my best friends.”

  Nathan casually leaned back on his side of the booth, but didn’t say anything. Cyn swallowed hard. It seemed like a game to him, one he was enjoying.

  “I’ve watched you tromp all over men, and the only reason you want this one is because he’s different. He’s not even human, Cyn. You don’t know what you’re doing. If you leave I’m going to expose them.”

  Cyn’s voice squeaked out. “This is bloody ridiculous. How could you be so cruel?”

  He shook his head. “I have no choice.”

  “Nathan,” Cyn said softly. “You don’t have to do this.”

  Nathan glared at her.

  “I, I...” Cyn spluttered.

  Sharing her emotions wasn’t really her forte, but she had to make him understand.

  “I love him, Nathan. My heart belongs to him. This is what I have to do, it’s the only thing I can do, does that make sense? I have to go back to the Realm.”

  His stony expression was immovable.

  “I’m his mate, and he is mine forever... There’s no changing it. Mating is for life in the púca world. I can’t keep lying to myself and denying it. I love him.”

  Nathan smirked. “I’ll be sure to mention it in my blog post.”

  Her heart sunk even lower. “You know it’s not going to make anything better, and I won’t change my mind. All this time I’ve been connected to him. He’s in my dreams, a part of my soul, and I know I’ll never have this with anyone else. Please don’t do this.”

  He stared out the window, apparently unable to look at her. And while that hurt, she wasn’t about to live a banal existence, empty and hollow, to satisfy his ultimatum. She gathered up her purse and stood. His entire body stiffened, and he still refused to look at her.

  “Goodbye, Nathan,” she said quietly. “I’ll miss you.”

  Walking out of Thai Thai, Cyn wondered if he’d really go through with it. He was angry and had every right to be, but she hoped he’d come to his senses once he calmed down and thought it through. She grabbed her bags from the coat closet at the front of the restaurant, saying good-bye to the waitress on the way out, and hailed a taxi. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if the world knew púca were real, but she pushed aside her fears for now. Her heart pounded at the thought of being reunited with Fallon. On the way to the airport, Cyn stared out the window. Everything was ugly and bleak compared to the Realm, and for the first time in her life she was certain about where she belonged.

  FALLON SAT UP WITH some effort, and took the bowl of broth from Darcy before she tried to spoon the hot liquid down his throat as if he were some kind of invalid.

  “You were a lot harder to feed than this as a wee lass. I won’t let you dote on me. I can do it my damn self, and I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than hang around here all day,” Fallon said.

  Darcy laughed mirthlessly and waved the spoon at him. “Da, you’ve got to eat, and keep your strength up.”

  Fallon grunted, but he choked down more of the broth. “This tastes like nothing.”

  “Clear fluids are important,” Darcy said. “I thought you liked broth with carrots.”

  “Maybe when I wasn’t reduced to eating this and not much else.”

  He hadn’t had much of an appetite, and most food hurt his stomach. But he scowled at the bowl of broth nonetheless.

  Darcy sighed. “You’re right. I’ll speak with the healer, and have the cook prepare something different
tonight. Is there something you’re craving?”

  “A picnic with bread and cheeses and fruits and ale.” Fallon licked his dry lips, closing his eyes. “And roasted leg of lamb.”

  “You know you can’t go outside now,” she said, lightly chastising her father. “It’s getting cold.”

  Fallon raised an eyebrow. “And just who do you think you are, lass, telling the chieftain what to do?”

  Darcy grinned, ignoring his rebuke, and tried to order him around again. “Sorry, Da. Now drink more of that broth.”

  Fallon shook his head, unwilling to drink any more of the flavourless shite. He was unable to stop thinking of Cyn and the picnic they’d shared when she first arrived. A lump swelled in his throat as he remembered how happy and gorgeous she looked that day. He’d loved showing her around the Realm and the envious looks others had thrown his way when they saw her. Her face could light up a room. It crushed him to think he’d never see her smile again. His stallion was weak, and he couldn’t bear being without Cyn either.

  Darcy cocked her head to the side, and her rich brown hair spilled over her shoulder. “Father, do you hear that? There’s a commotion downstairs.”

  Fallon frowned, sitting up in bed and clearing his throat. His stallion instantly perked up. “Something is going on. Perhaps Felicity has given birth.”

  Darcy shook her head. “I’m not sure it’s that. I visited the healer right before I came up with your supper, and she seemed to think Felicity still has a ways to go.”

  Fallon winced. “Niall must be a wreck.”

  Darcy shifted uncomfortably. Fallon knew she felt responsible for the death of her mother sometimes, but before he could say something to comfort her, the chamber door flew open.

  Fallon’s jaw dropped.

  “Fallon...” Cyn said, dropping her bags on the floor with a thud.

  Chapter Two

  Fallon couldn’t stop staring. Maybe subconsciously he was afraid she might disappear if he took his eyes away. In an instant, she was on the bed by his side, cupping his face in her hands.

  “I’ll never leave you again,” she murmured, nuzzling into his neck. “I can’t live without you.”

  He gulped. “I can’t believe you’re really here. I thought I’d never see you again.”

  Months of hurt and pain lined her beautiful face. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. His stallion leapt up, prancing around, tossing his brittle mane with pride and glee.

  “I’m so sorry...” Cyn said.

  Fallon stroked her hair. The feel, smell, and sight of her was a vision he’d summoned to get him through countless lonely nights. He’d dreamt of this moment, but hadn’t expected her to return. He wanted to start all over and pretend it was the day they’d first met, without a shadow looming over them. Cyn hadn’t chosen to come to the Realm, and the mistake almost cost him everything. She’s really back. We’ll never let her go again.

  Darcy launched herself at the weary traveller. She wrapped her arms around Cyn and squeezed, making Cyn squeal and Fallon chuckle. “Cyn, I’m so happy you’re here.”

  Cyn wrapped an arm around the girl and pulled her close. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Fallon loved how enamoured Darcy was with his mate. It meant everything to him. His youngest daughter had never experienced having a mother, and it broke his heart. The affection reflected in Cyn’s eyes showed the feeling was mutual.

  “I’ve been taking care of Father,” Darcy said, pointing toward the tray with broth. “But maybe you can make him eat a little more.”

  Cyn furrowed her brow. “I didn’t know he was sick. What happened?”

  Fallon silenced Darcy with a sharp look. “Would you mind leaving us?”

  “Not at all,” Darcy said, hopping off the bed. “Bye!”

  When she was gone, Fallon pulled Cyn close and inhaled her familiar fragrance. Love, affection, and desire flooded his senses. The mate bond soothed the dull ache in his chest. Cyn’s heartbeat was pounding against his body as she tucked into his frame. He pulled her fingertips up to his mouth and kissed them gently.

  “I love you,” Cyn said. “I love you with every fibre of my being. I was so lost without you.”

  Fallon studied her face. It was completely free of guile, and tears shimmered in her eyes. From the moment he first saw her he’d fallen under her spell. There was no denying the desire that surged through him. His stallion nodded in agreement. He needed to reunite with her, and feel her shiver beneath him.

  “I forgive you.”

  Cyn gently leaned forward and placed her lips against his. The kiss was magical, like a balm to his stallion. Lust flowed through him, its warmth spreading through his limbs, and his stallion whinnied and tossed his head as the mate bond surged through them both. He wanted her desperately, but it would have to wait a bit. Felicity would give birth soon, and he was certain Cyn would want to be there.

  “I want to spend more time connecting,” Fallon said as he stroked Cyn’s lower lip with his thumb. “But I know you must be worried sick about Felicity.”

  Colour faded from her cheeks. “I am.”

  Fallon concentrated on his words, reining in his stallion. He was distracted by Cyn’s beauty. It was hard to believe he’d forgotten little details, like the small mole on the right side of her upper lip. Seeing her again in the flesh was exhilarating and he could barely contain himself. He wanted to pick her up and carry her directly to his bed.

  “She’s in labour right now and it’s not been an easy one so far.”

  Cyn sucked in air. “She’ll be okay, though, right?”

  “The healer is with her now,” Fallon said, not wanting to lie. “I understand you’ll need to go to her. Have Darcy take you. Don’t listen to anyone if they order you out, do you understand? Seeing you will do wonders for Felicity, and as my mate, you answer to no one.”

  She laughed. He’d forgotten how musical her laugh was... It was so good to have her back.

  “I answer to no one anyway,” Cyn said cheekily.

  Fallon melted inside. He pulled her close, kissing her soft lips once more. Then he reluctantly released her. Felicity needed her, and his stallion would simply have to wait.

  CYN AND DARCY FLEW down the stairs, through the castle doors, and all the way to the healer’s cottage. Niall was pacing outside the door to the birthing chamber. He didn’t even register their arrival. While she hadn’t been afraid before, Niall’s dishevelled appearance and the panic in his gaze sent a small shiver down her spine.

  Cyn approached him cautiously. “Niall...”

  She hadn’t really considered how everyone, aside from Fallon and Felicity, would treat her when she returned to the Realm. Niall was friendly enough when she’d known him, but that was before she’d walked out on everyone.

  Niall nodded and slowly clenched his hands into fists. “I feel helpless. The healer won’t let me in. I can’t even see my mate. It’s driving my stallion mad.”

  There was a wail from the other side of the door. Cyn’s palms broke out in a sweat.

  Cyn donned an artificially cheery voice to comfort Niall. No sense in upsetting him further with her fear for Felicity. “It’s going to be okay now.”

  “Hello, Cynthia.”

  Cyn turned, and blushed. Tomas was sitting on a bench by the doorway. She hadn’t noticed him when she first came in. She’d shamelessly flirted with him for weeks, but now she only had eyes for one man, her mate.

  “’Ello,” Cyn said.

  Tomas rose and greeted her with a hug. Relief washed over her. At least there was one more person in the Realm who didn’t hate her.

  “You think there’s a chance I can go inside?” Cyn asked Tomas, searching his face for clues to Felicity’s condition.

  He shrugged. “It’s possible, but the healer is extremely protective right now. Please don’t be offended if she says no.”

  “She won’t even let me in and I’m her bloody mate,” Niall muttered.

  Niall sa
t down next to Maelíosa and a male púca Cyn didn’t recognize. She’d been completely focused on finding out about Felicity, and hadn’t paid any mind to Maelíosa. Why bother? The woman was vexing.

  “Look who’s back,” Maelíosa said, her voice snide.

  Cyn ignored Maelíosa. “Niall, when was the last time you heard an update on her condition?”

  “It’s been hours.” Niall tilted his head against the wall. There were massive dark circles under his eyes.

  Cyn swallowed. “I’ll see how she’s doing.”

  “Don’t pretend like you care about anyone other than yourself,” Maelíosa said. “If you gave a shite about her you wouldn’t have left. I don’t know how you could leave my father and your best friend.”

  “Maelíosa, enough,” the púca seated next to her said. He stroked her shoulder soothingly. “This is a stressful time for all of us. Don’t make it harder than it has to be.”

  Cyn was stunned. She’d never seen Maelíosa compelled into silence. All the wrath faded from her face. When Maelíosa wasn’t scowling, she was actually lovely. Cyn was surprised more of the male púca hadn’t chased after her. Although, considering her temperament, Maelíosa most likely turned them off with her sarcastic wit. It was probably enough to send even the most hot-blooded stallion running.

  “Fine,” she snapped. She stood and headed for the entrance to the hut. “Kieran, let’s take a walk and get some air. Maybe there’ll be news of my little niece soon.”


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