by Bruce Catton
Volunteers, organization of, under McClellan, 61-66
Wade, Ben, 79-80, 200
Walker, General John G., at Antietam,
251, 285; at South Mountain, 215,
Ward, Commander James H., 86 Washington, D.C., danger of attack after First Bull Run, 66; organization of troops under McClellan, 60-62; plans for defense of, during peninsular campaign, 100-1, 103-7;
water route closed, 85-88, 90, 94 Watson, P. H., Assistant Secretary of War, 6
Weapons, 68-69, 73, 166, 186-91, 233; artillery, increasing effectiveness of, 140, 190-91; howitzers, mountain, 39; in peninsular campaign, 127; rifles, 186-89, 192; tactics outdated by technical improvements in, 186— 88, 191-93
Webster, Colonel Fletcher, 39-40
Webster, Timothy, 121
Welles, Gideon, Secretary of Navy, 149-50, 199; evaluation of officers by, 201-2; quoted, 196, 322
West Point, Northern suspicion of, 202
Western military campaigns, 117, 147, 150-51, 159-60
Western Virginia, campaign in, 56-57
Whaley, William, 19
"When This Cruel War Is Over," song, 171
Willcox, General Orlando, at Antietam, 306, 312-13; at South Mountain, 235-37
Williams, General A. S., 213, 280 Williamsburg, battle of, in peninsular
campaign, 110-13 Wilson, Lieutenant James Harrison,
196, 314-15, 330 Wisconsin, recruiting in, 185 Wisconsin volunteer regiments: 2nd,
6th, and 7th, see Black Hat Brigade;
3rd, 163, 169, 175, 280; 5th, 18, 116;
6th, 170, 257 Wood, Fernando, mayor of New York,
154-55, 168 Wooden guns of Confederates, episode
of, 102
Wool, General John Ellis, 87 Wounds inflicted by firearms, 188-89
Yorktown, Va., in peninsular campaign, 107-10
Zouave regiments, 38, 124, 174