Douluo Dalu - Volume 18 - Three Spirit Bones

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 18 - Three Spirit Bones Page 8

by Tang Jia San Shao

  When they returned to their residence, Dai Mubai had already woken up. He and Zhu Zhuqing were so excited they couldn’t calm down until nightfall.

  The third round of matches had ended, and in the entire tournament only remained six teams. Two of the seeded teams had unexpectedly washed out in today’s matches, leaving only the Spirit Hall Academy team.

  No need for doubt, among all the remaining six teams, the Spirit Hall Academy team’s strength counted as number one. Following closely behind, was the Shrek Academy team and the Godwind Academy team. Even though the other three teams had also broken through to the final six, they were little more than foils.

  Tomorrow’s lot drawing would be very troublesome. Nobody wanted to be the first to face the Spirit Hall Academy team, that would mean running up against a wall.

  * * *

  [1] (邪月) “Evil Moon”

  [2] (月刃) “Moon Edge”

  [3] (焱) “Flames”

  [4] (火焰领主)

  [5] (胡列娜) The “hu” in her name is pronounced the same as the “hu” in Fox (狐).

  [6] (狐狸)

  [7] (妖魅) Either character can mean either charm/bewitch or demon/monster.

  Chapter 124: Hell White Tiger’s History

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  By now the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament was considered reaching the end, and at the same time reaching white hot intensity. The ones capable of remaining behind were no doubt the most powerful of the young generation.

  Especially Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation allowed people to truly see the potential Spirit Masters could reach.

  Of course, this was under the condition that nobody knew the Shrek Seven Devils’ true age.

  After dinner, the Shrek Academy students each returned to their rooms to rest.

  Spirit Hall had arranged excellent residences. Each person had a room to themselves. The opponents in tomorrow’s match would be decided by lots, but no matter who they faced, they couldn’t go wrong by maintaining their peak condition.

  Tang San was just preparing to meditate when a knock sounded at the door.


  He asked somewhat astonished. Everyone had just returned to their rooms, who would come here? Xiao Wu?


  A gloomy voice gave Tang San the answer.

  Opening the door, Tang San saw the still somewhat pale Dai Mubai outside,

  “Mubai, you should be resting and recovering your spirit power, why did you come here?”

  Dai Mubai sighed lightly,

  “I want to talk to you.”

  “Come inside.”

  Tang San let Dai Mubai into his room.

  Walking into the room, Dai Mubai sat in a sofa to the side. His facial expression had already calmed a lot. As Tang San closed the door, Dai Mubai sighed, saying:

  “Little San, thank you.”

  Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

  “If you say thanks, you should thank everyone. It was everyone’s joint efforts that gained us the victory today. What’s more, between us brothers, what’s the need for thanks?”

  Dai Mubai relieved leaned back in the sofa, smiling:

  “Little San, haven’t you already guessed something?”

  Tang San still wore a smiling expression,

  “You tell me? Your Highness. Besides the imperial family, I don’t know what clan would have such fierce internal struggles. Even having brothers killing each other. What you called ‘inheriting the clan’, should refer to the title of Emperor.”

  Dai Mubai sighed,

  “You found out? There’s no good hiding it between us brothers. That’s right, I’m Star Luo Empire’s third prince. Dai Weisi whom we beat today is my older brother. His strength, talent and age, all made him the first ranked heir. Actually, what Zhuqing said today was a bit exaggerated. If we lost, perhaps I wouldn’t die for certain, but my spirit power would definitely be crippled, and I’d be sent to some fringe region to live out the rest of my days.”

  Tang San’s brows tightened slightly,

  “How’s that different from death? Is the imperial family really so cruel?”

  The corners of his mouth displaying a cold smile, Dai Mubai said:

  “You aren’t a member of the imperial family. You don’t understand the complexities. The two great empires on the Continent, do you know how they differ in strength?”

  Tang San blankly shook his head. He’d never had any concern for matters of politics.

  Dai Mubai smiled coldly:

  “If not for Spirit Hall blocking it, perhaps this world would already be ours. In national strength and military strength, our Star Luo Empire far exceeds the Heaven Dou Empire. Even if we also have several internal kingdoms, the imperial authority isn’t as scattered as in Heaven Dou Empire. And all this originates in this special method of competition in our imperial family. Even if it’s cruel, this way each generation’s regent has grown up to be outstanding in all ways. Heaven Dou Empire really can’t compare. Heaven Dou Empire’s only advantage is that it has the three upper sects within its borders. Among the three upper sects, even though the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and your Clear Sky School have never participated in political struggles, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has always supported Heaven Dou Empire. And then there’s Spirit Hall blocking between the two great empires. Otherwise, there might already have been a war. Until the last few years, Heaven Dou Empire’s development has been a bit faster, and some internal problems had appeared in Star Luo Empire. The strength ratio between the two great empires started to level out.”

  Tang San said:

  “This is what Spirit Hall wants to see the most?”

  The corners of Dai Mubai’s mouth slanted,

  “Of course. To an existence like Spirit Hall, balance between the two great empires is most beneficial to them. The number of Spirit Masters grasped by Spirit Hall is really too frightening. The two great empires added together aren’t equal to it. But if the two great empires became one, unified into one integrated powerful empire, then Spirit Hall wouldn’t be able to continue to exist. After all, no kind of centralized imperial power would allow this kind of organization to exist.”

  Tang San somewhat astonished said:

  “Even if the two great empires became one, don’t tell me it could deal with Spirit Hall? Don’t they have large numbers of Spirit Masters? On the battlefield, with overwhelming numbers of Spirit Masters, it should be possible to directly control the outcome.”

  Dai Mubai smiled faintly, saying:

  “I’m not your equal in talent, but your understanding of political battles isn’t equal to mine. It would be impossible for Spirit Hall to become the ruler of the Continent. Even though they hold Spirit Masters, all they hold is Spirit Masters. There are ten billion people on the continent. All Spirit Masters come from the two great empires. Even though Spirit Hall can conduct them, they can’t make them commit treason. As a result, no matter what angle you look at it from, Spirit Hall can only constantly expand their influence, it’s never been possible for them to rule.”

  Tang San suddenly understood. He had never before thought that there would be such complex relationships involved.

  Dai Mubai stood, stepping in front of Tang San and raising his hands to hold his shoulders, his evil eyes firmly locked on Tang San,

  “Little San, by now you’ve already drawn the attention of Spirit Hall. They won’t let you off. With Spirit Hall’s attention on you, in the future you won’t be able to take a single step on the Continent. Even if school master Ning can protect you for a time, it’s impossible to always follow you. Unless you join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

  Tang San nodded silently. Of course he understood what Dai Mubai was saying.

  Dai Mubai continued:

  “At the end of the tournament, we’ll also officially graduate. Me and Zhuqing will return to Star Luo Empire. Come with us. Bring Xiao Wu. I po
ssess the qualifications to fight with my big brother over the throne now. In Star Luo Empire, the imperial family’s strength is more ferocious than in Heaven Dou Empire, and Spirit Hall also doesn’t dare be too forceful. I truly don’t want to some day see the news of your death.”

  Dai Mubai’s eyes were brimming with a sincere light. If it was someone else, perhaps one might think he was doing it to recruit Tang San, but Tang San sensed that Dai Mubai’s words were completely for his protection, and without any other intentions.

  “Big brother, thank you. No matter what the future is like, you’re my big brother. But I still need to think about this. I can’t decide rashly. I want to hear Teacher’s opinion. You also know that Spirit Master cultivation is like rowing a boat upstream. Going to Star Luo Empire, I’m afraid……”

  Dai Mubai resolutely said:

  “What’s there to fear, in my domain, whatever resources you need for cultivation, don’t tell me big brother can’t provide? With us brothers joining hands, if I sit on the throne in the future, you will be my commander in chief, my imperial chancellor. That Xue Qinghe has always wanted to recruit you, I’ve seen it. However, listen to your big brother, the authority of Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family is too scattered. Even if he became regent, gaining any great achievements wouldn’t be easy. But in Star Luo Empire, as long as I sit on the throne, matters of the imperial household would be mine to decide alone.”

  Tang San said:

  “Boss, I still can’t promise you right now. I understand what you mean. If I really want to pick a side to join in the future, then your place would absolutely be the first choice. If you have any trouble in the future, if you need me, as long as you send word, no matter a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers, Tang San will be there.”

  Dai Mubai didn’t try to persuade him further. The two bumped fists, and even though they didn’t truly pledge, this was already equivalent to an oath between them. Even more binding than any promise.


  The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament fourth round began after a day of rest.

  Beyond anyone’s expectation, after the bitter last round, this round became ordinary.

  The final six teams decided their opponents by drawing lots.

  Among them, the teams who were clearly the strongest, Spirit Hall Academy Team, Shrek Academy Team, and Godwind Academy Team, none drew the other two teams. The three great powerful teams each drew opponents whose strength wasn’t considered that great.

  This also meant that the fourth round ended without any suspense, the final three were astonishingly the three strongest. At this moment, they had at last entered the final moments of struggle.

  The three great teams basically had intact fighting strength.

  In the finals at present, they were only one step away from the final victory.

  The bright sunshine fell on the vast land. Under the light of the sun, Supreme Pontiff Palace seemed even more splendid, like the abode of immortals.

  In front of Supreme Pontiff Palace were two rows of temple knights arrayed down the hill from the doors of Supreme Pontiff Palace. The bright silver armor and heavy knight swords made the entire Supreme Pontiff hill even more imposing.

  The eliminated teams had already left, not even allowed to watch the battles of the final day. Only the true young powers had the qualifications to set foot in the plaza before Supreme Pontiff Palace.

  At dawn, the three teams entering the final round were already quietly waiting in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. The teachers of the three great academies weren’t allowed to stand in the plaza, and could only wait on the outskirts.

  Altogether twenty one team members participating in the finals stood straight in the plaza, all waiting for this final moment to arrive.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  With Xie Yue in the lead, the Spirit Hall Academy team members had the most relaxed expressions, but the light of faith still flickered in their eyes. Faith in Spirit Hall, faith in the Supreme Pontiff.

  Shrek Academy kept the lowers profile, the seven of them standing in a light, from left to right they were Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing.

  The size of the platform in the plaza in front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace wasn't a bit smaller than the one used before. The plaza was surfaced with a special rock, and by careful observation one could discover that this stone held a faint gem like luster. Even though it wasn't truly gemstones, it also wasn't common rock. This showed how dreadful the financial might of Spirit Hall was.

  A group of people walked out the gates of Supreme Pontiff Palace, altogether twelve red robed cardinals whose position was second only to platinum bishops slowly walked over. They walked directly in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, separating to the left and right, six on either side.

  The one in the lead said loudly:

  "Her Holiness the Supreme Pontiff arrives. "

  "Long live, long live, long live! "

  The three cheers resounded through the entire Spirit City, like a landslide or tsunami.

  That wasn't just the shouts from the temple knights arranged neatly on Supreme Pontiff Hill, but at the same time the shouts of all the Spirit Masters in Spirit City who couldn't get close to Supreme Pontiff Hill. To them, the Supreme Pontiff was the highest object of faith.

  The enormous gate slowly opened, the symbols on the two great doors gradually separating.

  Everyone's gazes unconsciously turned in the direction of the opening gate. Even the seven members of the Spirit Hall Academy team couldn't keep their pulse from accelerating.

  Even as Spirit Hall's Golden Generation, they had only met the Supreme Pontiff when they were awarded the Purple Record medal.

  Wearing a resplendent golden formal long dress from head to foot and a purple gold crown, holding a staff of authority, with a solemn expression, Bibi Dong took the lead out of Supreme Pontiff Palace. She gave a kind of unreal impression, as if infinitely lofty.

  Nobody even noticed her beautiful appearance. At this moment, she represented only the dignity of Spirit Hall's Supreme Pontiff.

  The resplendent long dress was extremely close fitting. The dazzlingly beautiful ceremonial dress flashed with the gemstones, having more than a hundred red, blue, and golden gemstones. The purple golden hat was even more splendid with ten thousand rays of light. At this moment, all this light condensed on one person.

  All the Spirit Hall subordinates knelt on one knee on the ground,

  "Our respects for Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff. "

  In the indescribable atmosphere at this moment, even people with unswerving will like Tang San and Dai Mubai, surrounded by noisy shouting, couldn’t help but feel an impulse to prostrate themselves in worship.

  Behind Bibi Dong followed four people. Three of them wore large red ceremonial robes, different from the red robes of cardinals, inlaid with gold and silver patterns, especially the chest flashed with golden light, more than baby's fist sized gems filled with an even more expensive aura.

  To ordinary people, these robes were perhaps only a symbol of wealth, but to Spirit Masters, they represented the highest honour, because only Title Douluo had the qualifications to wear them. Clearly, that was the status of these three.

  Tang San had only met one of the three. That was Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's ninety sixth ranked Title Douluo, with the title of Sword, Chen Xin. The Sword Douluo renowned for the strongest attack.

  Of the other two, the one on the left carried an illusory demeanour, even though he wore the same apparel, nobody could see his countenance. As for the other person, skin tender as a baby's and delicate features gave people a kind of peculiar feeling. If not for the Adams apple on his neck, nobody would have believed he was a man.

  Even though Tang San didn't recognise these two, seeing them immediately gave him a familiar feeling. Secretly he thought that these two should be the Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo that sh
owed up prepared to kill him that day.

  Only three kinds of people could walk out the main gates of Supreme Pontiff Palace. The first was naturally the Supreme Pontiff. The second were the Title Douluo, having proved themselves with strength. And the third kind was the Spirit Hall elders. Apart from these three, not even the platinum bishops and the emperors of the two great empires had the qualifications.

  The fourth person walking with these three clearly didn't have the strength of a Title Douluo, but he still walked out the main gates, implying a different status. Spirit Hall elder. To be precise, it was an honorary elder, the school master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi.

  Originally Dugu Bo also had these qualifications, but he wasn't mixed among them. He only quietly waited next to the Golden Iron Triangle.

  Had it come at last? Tang San gazed attentively at the five walking out of Supreme Pontiff Palace. On the plaza right now, only Shrek Academy's seven didn't kneel. Even the seven from Godwind Academy were kneeling with one knee on the ground right now.

  The Shrek Seven Devils hadn't talked it over beforehand, but they all made the same decision.

  As prince, Dai Mubai naturally wouldn't kneel for Spirit Hall, and Zhu Zhuqing had similar reasons. Oscar had never held Spirit Hall in high regard, and only thought well of them when receiving the gold spirit coin stipend.

  As for Tang San, he would show obeisance to Spirit Hall even less. Not because of his Clear Sky School background or something similar, but because of his unyielding character.

  In his heart, the only ones that could make him kneel, was his father and Teacher. As for the others, even if it was the emperor, would they?

  Ma Hongjun was of much the same mind as Tang San, Xiao Wu hung her head and nobody knew what she thought, but in fact, her eyes betrayed a peculiar glint, unexpectedly containing hatred.

  As for Ning Rongrong, as the pearl of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's school master, and possibly the next generation school master, she naturally wouldn't kneel either.

  Even though it wasn't expressly stipulated that Spirit Masters must make obeisance to Spirit Hall, at this moment, the Shrek Seven Devils no doubt appeared unconventional.


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