Douluo Dalu - Volume 18 - Three Spirit Bones

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 18 - Three Spirit Bones Page 11

by Tang Jia San Shao

  The suddenly accelerating Feng Xiaotian no doubt made the Shrek Seven Devils start, even the spectating Grandmaster couldn’t help displaying a praising light.

  The combination of Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy was undoubtedly a good match. Wind fanning the flame, flame borrowing the force of the wind. Capable of focusing the strength of four people and relying on Feng Xiaotian’s created spirit ability to release it would undoubtedly push the resulting attack power into the realm of terror.

  However. The calm on Grandmaster’s face didn’t falter. Because the Godwind Academy side’s fusion ability only had four people, and the Shrek Academy side had seven equally talented people, and moreover followed the strongest control of Tang San.

  Confronting the suddenly accelerating Feng Xiaotian, standing furthest in front, after a brief moment of astonishment, the faintly trembling Tang San immediately raised his left hand.

  The Clear Sky Hammer he originally used to break Feng Xiaotian’s Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops appeared once again.

  But as the Clear Sky Hammer appeared this time, it floated over Tang San’s palm.

  Surging black light rushed out of Tang San’s left palm. This moment, he fiercely raised his head, purple golden rays of light shooting from his eyes. That wasn’t any mental attack, but in order to see everything more clearly.

  Under the effect of Purple Demon Eye, everything before Tang San seemed to slow down, immeasurable data converging in his brain. The next moment, his left hand moved.

  Under the pull of that black light, the Clear Sky Hammer turned upside down and flew out.

  The hammer didn’t have any rotation, but flew straight in one direction, but at the same time as it acted, a thunderclap like explosive sound echoed from the Clear Sky Hammer. In a moment that originally small hammer suddenly rose sharply against the wind in midair, and the instant it turned, that hammer head became the size of a water jar.

  A magnificent veined pattern flashed from the body of the hammer under the sunlight. A frightening aura blossomed with black light, dragging a black tail of flame in the air.


  The black Clear Sky Hammer collided with Feng Xiaotian’s incandescent armor in midair with a loud explosion.

  An ear piercing shattering sound spread through all of Spirit City.

  The shattering came from the wings. Feng Xiaotian’s right wing turned nonexistent in practically an instant, and at the same time his incandescent suit of armor was smashed, turning into specks of white light and rupturing in a flash. Feng Xiaotian screamed miserably, and under that enormous impulse, he was completely sent flying, thrown directly to the Supreme Pontiff Palace plaza, his survival uncertain.

  Including Huo Wu, the six students on Godwind Academy’s side were stupefied at this moment. How could they have expected that their captain, Feng Xiaotian, would actually be unable to withstand a single strike.

  Even that one versus one with Tang San had lasted a long time before the outcome was settled, but at this moment, in just one exchange, he was already utterly crushed.

  Having lost Feng Xiaotian, this match no longer held any suspense. But what they couldn’t understand, was why this kind of situation would appear.

  In fact, only Tang San himself knew why Feng Xiaotian would be defeated so miserably. This was actually a combination of several factors. It wasn’t that the support Huo Wu gave Feng Xiaotian was weak, but rather because right now Tang San was too powerful, and also restrained Feng Xiaotian too much.

  First of all, behind Tang San was the united support of six teammates. And behind Feng Xiaotian were only three.

  Both sides being fusion abilities, the amount of spirit power decided the overall magnitude of the ability on either side. No need for doubt, Tang San held the absolute advantage.

  Second, Feng Xiaotian’s biggest mistake was to use Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops again.

  The first time he used it against Tang San he had no doubt given Tang San enormous pressure. But after the end of the match, how could Tang San not have carefully studied the opponent’s ability?

  After careful research, Tang San had immediately understood that both Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops and his own Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method had a flaw, a similar flaw. That was, as long as one could interrupt the ability when it first started, it would basically be unable to display its might. And letting him continue unleashing it, the constantly layering force, was where this ability was at its most terrifying.

  So what Tang San did, relying on Purple Demon Eye’s precise calculations, the place where he threw the Clear Sky Hammer was at the optimal timing when Feng Xiaotian’s full strength still hadn’t emerged. With his Tang Sect hidden weapon techniques and precise judgement, all of Feng Xiaotian’s movement trajectories had already been accurately calculated in Tang San’s mind, it basically wasn’t possible to dodge.

  This was still the result of Tang San starting off leniently. If Tang San hadn’t attacked Feng Xiaotian’s wing, but rather his chest, then the only result for Feng Xiaotian would have been instant death.

  Only Tang San himself knew just what level his strength had reached. Relying on the superpositioned boost of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, relying on the support of his partners’ spirit power, the spirit power Tang San had accumulated right now already surpassed the seventieth rank. Even if he had faced seven seventieth ranked Spirit Sages right now, he still wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

  How could the seven fusion ability resulting from Grandmaster’s research be something the Blue Sunshine Academy could compare to? This kind of fusion ability wasn’t as formidable as the spirit fusion ability, but it could join everyone’s strength. Since it was like this, the best choice was to focus everyone’s strength to erupt on a single point.

  And Blue Sunshine Academy’s biggest mistake at that time was to use the strength of seven connected people on what was similar to a barrier, that was then broken by Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye.

  The Shrek Seven Devils naturally wouldn’t make the same kind of error. Grandmaster wouldn’t let his disciples make that kind of mistake.

  Consequently, as the seven’s spirit power condensed together, after passing the amplification of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the strength Tang San possessed had right now grown by several levels of terror.

  Moving baselessly, having beaten Feng Xiaotian flying, that Clear Sky Hammer returned to Tang San’s left hand anew. The hammer hadn’t returned to its original size. Held in Tang San’s hand right now, the hammer was even bigger than his entire body. But held in that left hand alone, it was still extraordinarily stable.

  Godwind Academy naturally weren’t willing to give up at this point. Huo Wushuang and two Godwind Academy team members charged simultaneously, and behind them, Huo Wu also began to store strength for a second attack.

  Closing his eyes, Tang San slowly raised the enormous Clear Sky Hammer with a single hand. The lines of light on the hammer’s body suddenly erupted completely, deep red lustre incomparably dazzling. This moment, it was as if an incomparably tyrannical voice roared frantically. And Tang San himself, like the handle of the hammer, seemed to completely merge into one with the Clear Sky Hammer.

  Seeing this scene, even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong was unable to stay seated, a bewildered expression flickering in her eyes. The scene before her eyes was only too familiar to her.

  “Tool Spirit Avatar.”

  Ning Fengzhi sitting next to Bibi Dong already cried out in alarm.

  After a Spirit Master possessing a beast spirit reached the seventieth rank, the seventh spirit ability of the seventh spirit ring would invariably be Spirit Avatar, incarnating oneself as the spirit itself, possessing tremendous burst strength, might increasing geometrically.

  But a Tool Spirit Master’s circumstances were different from Beast Spirit Masters’. Their seventh spirit ability was Tool Spirit Avatar. Using themselves as the
soul of the tool spirit, it made the might stressed by the tool spirit reach its pinnacle. If one possessed a tool spirit that was frightening on its own, then the Tool Spirit Avatar erupting would be even more terrifying than the Spirit Avatar.

  Before the seventieth rank, Beast Spirit Masters were undoubtedly a bit more formidable than control type Tool Spirit Masters, but after reaching the seventieth rank, they would instead be surpassed by Tool Spirit Masters relying on Tool Spirit Avatar.

  Who could have anticipated that, in this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament semi finals, there would actually appear the rarest Tool Spirit Avatar of the Spirit Master World. Moreover the Tool Spirit Avatar was actually launched by the tool spirit reputed as the world’s number one, Clear Sky Hammer.

  Actually, even Tang San himself hadn’t expected that he would actually be able to unleash the might of the Tool Spirit Avatar. As his might surpassed the seventieth rank from the spirit power boost, when he held the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, he did it practically unconsciously.

  The tremendous force constantly emanating from him formed a bizarre cycle with the Clear Sky Hammer, as if those forces would break the body and erupt.

  Chapter 126: Tool Spirit Avatar, Deep Gold Clear Sky Hammer

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand began to change. The originally black hammer turned to glittering dark gold, the hammer also swiftly shrinking, the handle growing to one meter fifty, and the hammer head the size of a bucket before it stopped shrinking.

  At this moment Tang San himself was also covered by a layer of dark golden light, the aura released by him and the Clear Sky Hammer no longer separate from each other.

  Tang San raised the hammer to point, and a ball of dark gold light and shadow grew in front of Tang San. That was the seemingly unlimitedly growing shadow of the Clear Sky Hammer.

  With a loud rumble, Wushuang’s charging trio was practically flung back, directly flying more than a hundred meters and falling below the hill.

  In front of that terrifying hammer shadow, even Huo Wu and the two support type Spirit Masters were battered away like tumbling bottle gourds. Let alone using another spirit ability, they didn’t even have the chance to act, entirely without the ability to resist.

  Clear Sky Hammer, the first tool spirit under heaven, how would it have an undeserved reputation? At this moment, even the Title Douluo present had eyes brimming with crystal luster. Even to the extent that in the main hall of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, several old men slowly raised their heads.

  This was the Tool Spirit Avatar of the seventieth ranked Clear Sky Hammer. The oppressive might of the spirit world’s number one sect’s spirit.

  Tang San’s originally one handed grip had changed to two hands. For some reason, even though he had already beaten the opponents, an intense craving appeared in his heart.

  A craving to fully use the Clear Sky Hammer. A craving to fully use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

  Half turning, Tang San was about the swing the deep golden Clear Sky Hammer in his hands. But at this moment, a low voice suddenly reached his ears, a voice brimming with force,

  “Stop. Restrain your strength, withdraw your spirit.”

  The voice held a bizarre charisma, drawing Tang San to return the Clear Sky Hammer in front of him. The deep golden lustre rushed out of the hammer, and swiftly returned into Tang San.

  And the Clear Sky Hammer also quietly returned to its original size.

  If not for the might of that one swing just now, perhaps nobody would have thought that such a small black hammer would actually be able to produce such terrifying force.

  The expression on Tang San’s face had clearly changed, turning from brief bewilderment to pain. He clearly felt as if his own soul was peeling away, and afterwards again quietly pouring into his body. At this moment, he suddenly had a flash of understanding.

  Using the Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar didn’t only consume spirit power and strength, but still his own soul. That moment had been his soul fusing into the Clear Sky Hammer to become a true Tool Spirit Avatar.


  Tang San managed to squeeze out one word.

  The other six Shrek Seven Devils withdrew their strength one after another, the nine colored halo slowly retiring.

  When that light completely returned to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Oscar reluctantly released his soft embrace, and the seven practically simultaneously loosed a long breath. At the end of what had seemed like an easy match, each of their chests soaked with sweat.

  Tang San staggered, and Dai Mubai behind him hastily grabbed his shoulder, stabilizing him.

  Right now, Tang San was as if pulled from a lake, completely soaked through with sweat.

  But his heart was still joyful.

  Without using that kind of strength, it would be impossible to understand its terror. But right now Tang San knew that he had for the first time sensed the true terror of the Clear Sky Hammer.

  His heart was fervent, because he couldn’t help but anticipate, if he used Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method while using Tool Spirit Avatar, just what kind of force would that be?

  This was the world’s number one school, the true might of Clear Sky!

  The competition ended so much faster than expected that even now a lot of people still hadn’t returned to their senses.

  Each of them eating one of the big recovery sausages Oscar prepared before the match, and the Shrek Seven Devils left the stage. The cardinal in the ring had no choice but to declare that tomorrow’s finals would be Shrek Academy versus Spirit Hall Academy.

  Drawing a deep breath, under the effect of the big recovery sausage, Tang San’s exhaustion felt a lot better. Forged by the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot, his body was originally already more durable than common people by far, and the Mysterious Heaven Skill possessed much faster recovery traits than ordinary Spirit Masters. He believed that before tomorrow’s match he, who was the most exhausted from today, would definitely recover to peak condition.

  In front of Grandmaster, Tang San’s eyes held a particular luster,

  “Teacher, thank you.”

  Tang San knew that if it wasn’t for that voice suddenly sounding by his ear, halting his full use of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, right now he might have already had his soul pulled out from being unable to control it.

  That might not necessarily be fatal, but he would definitely have become an idiot. At that time he had been unable to differentiate the source of the voice, but he believed that only his Teacher could have raised the point at the key moment.

  Grandmaster wasn’t excited in any way because of the Shrek Seven Devils’ victory. On the contrary, his brows were tight,

  “I hadn’t expected that, as long as you had enough spirit power, you could actually use Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar. Truly worthy of being the number one tool spirit of the present age, it was my mistake.”

  Before the start of the match, Grandmaster had only been able to teach the Shrek Seven Devils the seven fusion ability. This was something he had long since researched, even if as his disciple, Tang San was also able to exhibit this kind of research, he after all hadn’t had the time Grandmaster had.

  After teaching the Shrek Seven Devils the seven fusion ability, Grandmaster had only told Tang San to conduct it to defeat the opponents in the fastest possible manner to conserve spirit power. He believed that his disciple would definitely accomplish this task with the most effective method available.

  But even Grandmaster hadn’t expected that the aggregate spirit power of the seven fusion ability would actually let Tang San use Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar.

  Raising his head, Grandmaster looked in the direction of Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. The pair’s gazes collided in the air, and the Supreme Pontiff frowned slightly, but in her eyes was still a
difficult to conceal admiration, and even a bit of pride.

  ‘It seems you are worthy of being the man I like.’

  Compared to the reserved Supreme Pontiff, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi’s gaze was a lot more blunt.

  Looking at Grandmaster with admiration, at this moment, he truly considered Grandmaster as one of several friends on the same level as him.

  Returning to the residence, Grandmaster didn’t give the Shrek Seven Devils time to recover, and immediately called them to his room.

  First having everyone sit and continue to eat Oscar’s recovery sausages, at the same time he called Jiang Zhu to the room to release her healing halo, helping everyone recover their spirit power.

  In what had seemed like an easy victory, even if the Shrek Seven Devils hadn’t suffered any injuries, their spirit power output hadn’t been small, especially Tang San had practically drawn out all his spirit power by using the Tool Spirit Avatar.

  Looking at everyone, Grandmaster’s expression seemed somewhat grave, speaking to Tang San:

  “Can your spirit power recover to its peak for tomorrow’s finals?”

  Tang San nodded without hesitation,

  “No problem. I have foundation strengthening medicines here, recovering spirit power isn’t a problem.”

  Grandmaster’s face relaxed somewhat. Sighing, he said:

  “Plan’s won’t keep up with changes, I still miscalculated.”

  Everyone somewhat shocked looked at him. To them, prevailing over Godwind Academy in this fight had been entirely without suspense.

  They didn’t understand why Grandmaster would still be talking like this.

  Grandmaster lowered his voice:

  “If I had known earlier that little San could use the Tool Spirit Avatar with Clear Sky Hammer under the effect of the seven fusion ability, even if today had been a bit more exhausting, I still wouldn’t have let you use this ability. With the Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar, I would have a seventy percent certainty against the Spirit Hall Academy team. But now it’s been revealed prematurely, it won’t work.”


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