Weathering the Storm

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Weathering the Storm Page 16

by Kait Gamble

  Maia shimmied back a little, needing to see his eyes. “I know.”

  Alex shook his head. “I don’t think you do.” He tugged her over to the chaise and sat her at the foot of it. “I thought that I needed my memories to complete our relationship. But I know now that what we have is already complete. We have each other. We can make new memories.”

  She watched in a daze as he lowered himself down on one knee. He pulled a small box out of the pocket of his jeans. It was opened to reveal a dazzling diamond surrounded by tiny ones all set in glossy platinum. Maia’s heart lurched into her throat.

  “That’s why I bought this for you before I left Nice. I know that I want to be with you. I need to be with you. Maia, I love you.” He took her nerveless hand and slid the ring on. “Please, marry me.”

  She launched herself into his arms. He’d bought her a ring before he’d left. He didn’t know where she was or anything about a damned pregnancy test and he’d still wanted to marry her.

  “I love you too, Alex. So much.” Dragging his head down, she grinned before her lips met his for a scorching kiss. She drew back after a long while, both to refill her lungs and to say, “I’ve been so lost without you. You were right about me running myself into the ground. Without you, my life is hollow. It’s just travel without the fun or the enjoyment. I need you in my life. You make me whole.”

  Alex grinned and didn’t hesitate to dive back in for another searing kiss. Tongue dueling with hers, he groaned when her hand grazed his erection. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  Maia tore at his jeans. “What do you think?” It had been far too long. With his jeans out of the way, she ripped his shirt open, sending buttons flying into the far reaches of the room.

  “I’m glad I’m not the only eager one.” Chuckling, he made short work of her clothes tugging them off her with swift and decisive moves. Once she was bare, he let his hands and eyes trail over her skin. Alex picked her up and hooked her legs around his hips as he carried her to the bed.

  He laid her on it as if she was made of spun glass. Alex grinned down at her. “I’ve missed you so much.” He grazed his hands up her legs with feather-light strokes.

  Maia loved the care he was taking with her but she needed him now. She didn’t want soft and gentle. She wanted him wild and unbidden, ready and willing to push her over the edge again and again. But when she tried to drag him over her, he resisted.


  “I’ve been patient enough.” Hooking a leg around his, she pushed him over and straddled his hips. Maia changed her angle so she could feel him wedged against her and wriggled her hips. “Are you saying that you’d rather take it slow instead of taking me right here, right now?”

  She let her hair trail over his chest as she slowly slid down over him. Maia rocked gently. “We could take it slow, I guess. Soft and quiet. But wouldn’t you rather make me scream your name?”

  She could see the instant his control snapped. Gripping her hips, he drove upward. Alex sat up, sliding his hands up her back to claw in her hair. “You know there’s nothing I would deny you.” He nibbled her bottom lip as he bucked into her.

  Maia skyrocketed toward bliss. Arching against him, meeting his urgency with her own. With a biting kiss, he flipped her under him and drove even deeper. The words he growled against her breasts were a tangle of English and French. But she understood that she was loved. Cherished. His.

  She climaxed with a keening cry. His name on her lips as she had promised.

  Alex, wild and uninhibited exactly as she wanted him, drove her over the edge twice more before he finally joined her with a deep groan.

  As they lay intertwined and gasping, basking in the afterglow, he ran his hands over her skin and sighed. “I could do this forever.”

  Maia laughed. “Could you imagine what Jo and your father would say to the idea of their favorite workhorses lying around naked all day?”

  He kept hold of her as he rolled to his back, sprawling her over him. “I can’t speak for Jo, but I think that my father would be delighted that we’ve finally decided to marry.”

  “We have? I don’t remember agreeing to that.” With a squeal, she evaded his halfhearted attempt to grab her. Maia slipped off the bed and dashed into the bathroom with a grin.

  He watched her disappear into the bathroom and stretched, feeling languid and relaxed for the first time in weeks. The smile on his face wouldn’t be budged.

  Alex chuckled. He didn’t have any doubt what her answer would be, but he asked, “So? What’s your answer?”

  “Yes.” She stuck her head out of the door with a grin and waved the test. “And yes.”


  “Félicitations! Nous vous souhaitons à tous les deux tout le bonheur du monde!”

  Cheers went up from around the room as Maia and Alex walked into their wedding reception.

  They had returned to Nice a week before after spending another blissful week in Zermatt ensconced in their little haven. They’d spent the days enjoying each other and making plans for the future. It had been a struggle to leave. Maia couldn’t imagine anything more romantic.

  It wasn’t until they’d arrived in Nice that she realized that he had taken the details of what would make her dream wedding that he’d ferreted from her while they were snowed in and made it happen. The week leading up to that morning had been filled with cake tastings and gown fittings and flowers until every detail was perfect. What made it even better was that Alex had been with her every step of the way.

  They’d also taken a trip to the obstetrician almost the moment they landed to confirm that the test was accurate. And it was, but, for the moment, it was their little secret.

  Alex pulled out her seat for her as they took their places at the head table. Maia looked out at the crowd of people. Smiling friends and family filled the tables. Guillaume sat proudly at the table nearest to them. Jo and Tomas were two faces that she spotted among the others through the pale rose centerpieces. Her editor winked while Tomas smiled and nodded his approval. She grinned back with all the happiness she felt.

  Alex waved over a waitress just as the toasts started. She brought over two glasses filled with what looked like champagne. He leaned in. “Ginger ale for us both for a few months, no?”

  With a giggle she took up her glass. With each toast, she and Alex took sips smiling conspiratorially over their glasses at each other.

  They were enjoying the meal when Guillaume came over. “You two look so happy.” He kissed Maia on one cheek then the other. “I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome you to our family, my dear.”

  She hugged him. “Thank you.” Maia caught Alex’s gaze. He did look very happy as he gazed at her. The scowl that was almost always on his face when she first arrived in Nice was gone. The deep furrow on his brow had smoothed out. Alex looked at peace. And very much in love.

  Guillaume whispered something to his son, who choked back a laugh, before he smiled at Maia once again. “I expect a dance or two with you later, my dear.” He pecked her on the cheeks again and disappeared into the sea of guests.

  “What was that about?”

  With a shrug he chuckled, “I’ll tell you later. We’ve got more people coming to speak with us.”

  Jo sashayed her way to their table and pulled a chair from nearby to sit next to Maia. “Congrats, you two!” The hug she gave Maia was sloppy. It was clear that she had a few drinks in her. “I just wanted to tell you that I’ve taken action against Chloe. You won’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  Maia had told Jo about everything that had gone on between Chloe and herself. Her editor wasn’t impressed to learn the tactics that the other writer had used to undermine Maia. “Thanks, Jo. There was something I wanted to talk to you about too. I’ll give you a call in a few days.”

  “Make it a week or two. You two deserve a proper honeymoon. Not somewhere you’re trapped together.”

  If she only knew how those storms had helped

  Jo gave them both a hug and wobbled back to her table where a handsome man welcomed her back with a grin.

  Maia would have to ask about that later.

  Tomas kissed Maia on the cheek and clapped Alex on the shoulder. “I wish you both every happiness.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” Alex smiled warmly.

  Maia knew that Tomas would find someone who would be perfect for him. She just wasn’t the one.

  A quick hug and a promise to see each other soon, then Tomas hurried through the room to sit at the table next to a raven-haired beauty. Obviously, he was already on the search for his Ms. Right. It made her smile even more.

  * * * *

  After an amazing meal, Alex pulled his new bride out of her seat and led the way to the dance floor. With a spin, he enveloped her in his arms. “So was it everything you hoped it would be?”

  Judging from her dreamy smile, he knew he’d done well. “Everything and more. It was”—she waved at the room around them—“it is incredible.”

  “Good.” He would do everything in his power to give her whatever she wanted. Always. Her dream wedding was just the tip of the iceberg. He spun her again and brought her back close. The dress she had chosen was simple, elegant. The silk clung to curves that he noticed were just beginning to change. Ones that he wanted to be exploring right now.

  “Hey. I know that look. We’re not about to disappear into a storage closet somewhere.” She kissed away his pout. If she was trying to take his mind off dragging her away? And tearing that dress off her, licking his bottom lip as she pulled back was not the way to do it.

  He growled against her lips. “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to embarrass us both.”

  Her tinkling laughter made him smile more. Watching her throughout the day, he could see that she was brimming with happiness. It was all he wanted for her. That he had been the one to provide all that made her glow the way she did made his chest swell with pride.

  His gaze trailed down, past her happy smile, down the graceful curve of her neck, to the swell of her breasts…

  Then Maia said something he didn’t catch.


  She looked up at her new husband, devastatingly handsome in his tux. As the night continued it was getting harder and harder not to drag him to the suite waiting for them upstairs. But they had to put in some time, it was their wedding after all. Though the way he looked at her put a severe dent in her best intentions.

  Especially when he pulled her in close and she could feel just how eager he was to go upstairs as well.

  Everything about the day had been perfect. And she knew that he would do his best to make all the days that followed the same.

  They just had to endure it a little longer.

  She just had to keep her mind away from dangerous thoughts, like how easy it would be to nibble his chin and slide her hands into his shirt. Or drag her hands through his hair to give it that mussed bedhead look she loved seeing on him. Or kiss those delicious lips…

  She had to stop or she would be the one dragging him out. Maia looked around the room for something to distract herself. She caught Guillaume’s indulgent smile and it reminded her of earlier.

  “Are you going to tell me what your father said?”

  He started guiltily. “Sorry?”

  Amused that she’d caught Alex staring at her cleavage, she laughed. “Your father. When he came to our table. He said something to you.”

  Laughing, Alex lowered her into a dip. “He said he can’t wait until we tell him the reason why we were toasting with ginger ale instead of champagne.”

  She should have known Guillaume would have noticed. The man was as astute as his son. When he swung her back up, she met his grin with her own.

  “We’ll tell him soon.”

  Alex nodded. “Maybe next week? At the opening of the new hotel in Bangkok, perhaps? We could tell him after the celebratory banquet.”

  Maia rolled her eyes. “You do realize it’s monsoon season, right?”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sure we’ll find a way to occupy the rainy days.”

  Knowing their luck when it came to weather, they’d have to. Laughing, she kissed him as deeply as she dared in front of witnesses. “I have no doubt.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Totally Five Star: Fuel to the Fire

  Kait Gamble


  Chapter One

  Jackie got out of the cab and took a moment to stare at the magnificent hotel. Right away just gazing at the building, she knew that her stay here would be something different. Instead of towering into the sky, the hotel sprawled up the mountainside and outward to the limits of her peripheral vision. The stone façade might as well have been hewn from the rock face while the lush greenery threatened to envelop the entire thing and reclaim it for Mother Nature. The hotel appeared so incredibly natural it could have been a part of the mountain itself.

  On the other side, clear blue water lapped at immaculate white sand dotted with brilliant vermillion umbrellas and wooden loungers she couldn’t wait to try out.


  In a slight daze, she walked into the grand foyer and out of the sultry air to take a deep breath of the chilled, perfumed interior. Her kitten heels clicked along the stone floor as she gazed at the beautiful architecture and design. The abundance of stone and wood gave the space an organic feel. Dominating one of the walls, a waterfall splashed, surrounded by indigenous plants and a pool where colorful fish flashed in the water. Together with the enormous windows and natural light, the room exuded the perfect relaxed island ambience.

  It felt good—great—to be somewhere different. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a trip anywhere, let alone somewhere so opulent.

  “Jackie! You made it!”

  A slender, elegant blonde figure dashed toward her. She was quickly engulfed by the well-toned arms of her best friend, Caroline.

  She hugged her friend back. It had been too long. Jackie stepped away to smile at Caroline. “Of course. You didn’t think I would skip out on your wedding, did you?”

  “It never crossed my mind.” Brilliant green eyes sparkling, she wound her arm through Jackie’s and led her through the hotel. “Ever been here?”

  Jackie grinned up at the luxurious surroundings and shook her head. “No. it’s always been on the bucket list, though.” The beautifully lush island of St. Lucia was the complete opposite of her everyday life.

  Caroline grinned. “I’m glad.” Her smile softened. “It really is wonderful to see you. Things haven’t been the same without you.”

  A pang of emotion Jackie didn’t want to name twinged in her chest. The first of many times this weekend, she was sure. “Things have been a bit different, haven’t they?”

  “Head’s up.” Caroline nodded, her attention on someone behind Jackie.

  Jackie had a fraction of a second to brace herself before the group of women was upon them.

  “Jaqueline Pennington! I thought it was you!” Regina, Caroline’s mother, sashayed up to Jackie with her arms out swept. But instead of a hug, she clasped her by the shoulders and air-kissed her at each cheek. She stepped back to give her a critical once-over, making Jackie glad she had primped at the airport before getting in the cab. Though, from the thinly veiled disapproval in the woman’s eyes, Jackie didn’t quite make the cut. “My, you have changed! They have a spa here that’s supposed to work wonders.”

  Ignoring the last comment, Jackie flipped her ponytail over her shoulder as she forced herself to smile at the well-coiffed woman and her friends. “It has been a few years, hasn’t it? They have been kind to you, haven’t they?” Not enough, by Jackie’s reckoning. “We should go to the spa together and have a nice long chat and really catch up.”

  The older woman’s expression grew pinched at the insinuation that she would need such a long session, but she quickly recovered.
“We’re all so glad you’re here.” She looped Jackie’s arm through hers and started walking.

  Caroline gave her a helpless shrug and a pleading smile. It was her friend’s wedding weekend, and Jackie refused to do anything that would ruin it.

  “I saw your mother just the other day. She’s doing well. She tells me that she and your father are heading to Rome this summer.”

  All the muscles in her body contracted at the mention of her parents. She’d known someone would bring them up sooner or later, but she’d hoped it would have taken longer than five minutes after she arrived. “That’s nice,” Jackie said as mildly as she could.

  “It is. They’ve done quite a bit of traveling, from what I’ve heard.”

  Jackie really had no comment about that, so she stayed silent. Focusing on the scenery was much more interesting than listening to Regina blather on about her parents.

  “Mum, it’s been a while since Jackie and I have seen each other. I wanted to spend some time together before everything starts.”

  Regina slowed to a stop. “Yes, of course! Silly me!” She spun Jackie into Caroline’s arms. “Dinner is at eight.” And with that, she flitted off leaving a thick wake of Chanel No. 5.

  They watched her until they were sure she was out of earshot.

  Caroline smiled apologetically. “Sorry about that. Mum didn’t think you would come, and I don’t think she quite knows what to say.”

  Regina hadn’t been the only one not to know if she was going to make it. “It’s fine. I doubt I’d know what to say either.”

  Her friend didn’t look convinced. “You know, if money is a problem, my offer to pay for your stay still stands.”

  How had she managed to have such a good friend? “Thanks. But I’m okay—at least for the moment.” She laughed weakly. “I highly doubt I’ll make use of the magical spa they have here, though.”


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