Class of Love (Letters From Home Series Book 1)

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Class of Love (Letters From Home Series Book 1) Page 4

by Maryann Jordan

  How long have you been a teacher? I can certainly say that I never had a teacher that looks like you, but that’s probably a good thing – I might not have graduated if I’d had someone so pretty. I have to admit, it’s cool that your school is in Virginia since that is where I’m from. I grew up in Roanoke and my dad still lives there. Are you from Chesapeake?

  I don’t get a chance to get on the computer very often, but I’m including my email if you want to email me sometime. I also wanted to offer to Skype with the class if you’re interested. We’d have to get it set up because of the time difference but we could make it work.

  I suppose that is all for now, but I’d love to hear from you sometime, if you would like to correspond. I’ll let you filter some of the information to the kids since you know what’s best to tell them. I’ll close for now but hope you will write back sometime. I’d love to know more about you.

  Your friend, Ethan Miller

  I ran my finger over the words, Ethan now more real than before. Shifting my eyes over to the coffee table, I leaned up to pick up his picture. Flipping it over, I gasped. Dressed in a tan t-shirt that showed off his thick muscles, and camouflaged pants, he grinned toward the camera. His short, brown hair was slightly longer on top. The crinkles next to his blue eyes showed how much he smiled…or maybe it was from the sun. He was a glorious specimen of a man and I realized just how long it had been since I had had a date…much less a boyfriend. God, he could get anyone and here I am, drooling over him like some teenager!

  I drained the rest of my wine before leaning back on the sofa. Christmas music played on the TV and I’d plugged in the lights we had strung up around the window. With Emily gone, I had not put up a tree. Looking around, I realized how lonely my life had become.

  I had a great roommate, good friends, and I liked my co-workers. And of course, I loved my students. But something was missing. That spark…the connection with someone else. And I feel this with Ethan? Pursing my lips, I shook my head. There is no way I can feel this for someone I have never met other than through letters.

  Grabbing my laptop from the end table, I opened up Facebook. I wonder…typing in Ethan Miller, I found quite a few. Biting my lip, I then added U.S. Army into my search. There were still a few, but I quickly found his profile. I’d recognize those blue eyes anywhere now! I clicked through his information. Single. Thank God! My finger hovered over the Friend Request button for an instant before I clicked.

  Glancing back down to his picture, my heart pounded. Running my finger over his features, I smiled. Well, what’s the harm in a little infatuation, even if it’s one-sided?

  That night, lying in bed, my imagination ran wild as I fell asleep, images of a handsome, blue-eyed man, with a heart-stopping smile, invading my dreams.

  Chapter 5

  (January – Ethan)

  The freezing wind’s bite made this place miserable. But, then, so did the summer sun. Maybe it’s just a miserable place. Or maybe since I get out in a few months, I’m just sick and tired of being here.

  Wearing my winter coat, bundled against the cold, I trudged toward the hangar. The sun was not up, but with a mission eminent, the Apache helicopters needed to be maintained. Hearing the hustle of footsteps, I did not have to turn around to know Jon was pounding the sand behind me.

  Catching up with me, we hurried inside, grateful for the chance to get out of the bitter cold. I wonder what it’s like in Virginia right now? If I were honest with myself, I would have to admit those thoughts entered my mind often…or maybe all the time. What was Brooke doing? How are the kids? Do they talk about me? Does she think about me?

  The bustling hangar quickly took my mind off her and back onto the job. We had a lot to do and, from the looks of things, it needed to be done quickly. But nothing could be done half-assed in this work—these birds needed to be able to fully function without any malfunctions.

  As Jon and I got to work, a few of the pilots came by, checking on equipment and letting us know of any particular concerns they had. While the hangar was cold, I was grateful to be out of the wind. The winters in Afghanistan were brutal—a fact vividly brought back to mind as soon as I stepped outside once more and was slapped by the icy-cold wind.

  By the end of the day, pent-up frustrations had me itching for a physical workout. Entering the tent filled with gym equipment, I shucked off my outerwear, down to my t-shirt and shorts. After a warmup, I began with the free weights, enjoying the burn from the repetitions. The room began to fill as more soldiers finished their duties and I worked my way around the room, using the different equipment.

  The banter was light—the camaraderie strong. But I was beginning to want more. More than another tour in the Army. Twenty-four years old and I knew when spring came and my tour was over, I was going home. Home to Virginia. And that thought made me wonder if there was something to go home to.

  “Where the fuck is your head?” Burt called out, jolting me out of my musings.

  Looking up with what must have been a dumbass expression on my face, he just laughed.

  “You’ve been standing there staring off into space for about five minutes straight.” Smirking, he added, “I sure hope whoever she is, you’ll share!”

  Ignoring his jib, I stalked toward the showers. He was right—my mind was on a girl. But no fuckin’ way would I share! The warm water sluiced over my body, washing away the sweat, but did nothing for my raging hard-on. Gripping my cock in my hand, grateful for the private shower stall, I pumped my fist up and down, my mind filled with the image of Brooke. Closing my eyes I could imagine it was her hand…or mouth…working my dick. It did not take long for my body to shudder with the force of my orgasm as I shot cum down into the drain. With one hand on the wall propping my body up, my chest heaved in exertion.

  Drying off, I pulled on my clothes once more, adding layers just to get to the DFAC tent for our meal. The wind hit my face as soon as I exited the showers and I jogged the rest of the way, attempting to keep my body warm. Later, entering my tent, I headed straight back through the bunks to mine and saw a large box sitting on my bed.

  Jon was standing nearby, grinning, and said, “They let me pick it up for you…I figured you didn’t need to go back out into this fuckin’ freezin’ weather.” His gaze dropped down to the box and he licked his lips like a mongrel dog. “Anyway, I figured there might be something good inside that you’d be willing to share with your ol’ buddy.”

  Before I could step closer, he whipped out a knife and, with a grandiose gesture, said, “Here, allow me!” With a flick of his wrist, he slit the box open and stepped back.

  Shaking my head in laughter, we both leaned over, peeking inside. I began lifting out books, magazines, toiletries, bags of candy and more homemade cookies. Jon’s long arm reached in, snatching the cookies before I had a chance to protest, but since it got him moving out of my way and back over to his bunk, I didn’t complain.

  Quickly reaching the large envelope, I ripped it open, my heart leaping as I saw not only the one filled with the children’s letters but a thick one with Brooke’s handwriting on the outside. Hell, yeah—Score!

  By now, we were surrounded by other bunkmates, all with their hands out toward Jon and the bag of cookies. “Save me just one, bro,” I called out, wanting to make sure I could honestly tell whichever student made the cookies that I had eaten one. He nodded so I went back to the letters.

  While Jon dished out the goodies, I leaned against the headboard, my pillow pushed behind my back, and ripped open the kids’ notes. Another picture fell out and I flipped it over to see the kids lined up, holding a sign with the words Come Home Soon painted across the front. Their innocent smiles faced the camera and my heart warmed at the sight of their familiar faces. I was now able to recognize them by name and personalities.

  Chloe was the baker in the group. Chad wanted to be a mechanic and, once he found out I worked on helicopters, he had lots of questions. Sarah was a worrier and constantly asked if
I was homesick. I read through their letters, now taking notes so that I could answer their questions.

  Dear SPC Miller,

  We got snow the other day and got to have a day at home. It doesn’t snow too much here, but we watched the weather in your hometown of Roanoke and we saw where their schools got a whole week off because of snow. Do you get snow there? Our teacher said it gets cold where you are. Do you get off work when it snows? Do the helicopters get to fly in the snow? Love, Todd

  Dear SPC Miller,

  I hope you like the scarf that is in the package. My grandma knit it when I told her that we were sending you a package. She said that she prayed for you while she worked on it. She made it out of brown yarn so you can wear it with your uniform. Our teacher said you have to stay in your brownish uniform. If you want, she can make some gloves to match. And she’ll pray more if she does. Love, Sybil

  Dear SPC Miller,

  I had Miss Thompson show me the Apache helicopters you work on. How cool! Do you think I can fly them when I get older? My dad said that my great-grandpa flew in a war called Vietnam. I don’t think that is close to you because I looked it up on our map. I decided to learn everything I could about the helicopters so that if you get to visit us, we can talk about them. Tyronne

  Dear SPC Miller,

  I can always tell when one of your letters comes because Miss Thompson gets a special smile on her face. I know she thinks we are all busy writing our letters but I watch her when she reads your letter over again. I like the way it makes her smile. She’s always really pretty but I think she gets prettier when she is thinking about you. I hope you can come see us sometime. You would like her and I know she would love to see you in person. Xxoxx Nicole

  All other thoughts fell far away as I read the last letter. Brooke gets a special smile on her face when she reads my letters? Closing my eyes for a second, I could imagine her sitting at a desk, her long hair framing her face as her delicate fingers hold the paper and her face beams in the same smile as I’ve seen in my dreams.

  “You okay?” Bill called out as he walked past my bunk.

  Jolting, my eyes shot open and I hoped the shadows underneath the bunk kept my blush hidden. “Yeah, sure,” I replied.

  By now, the gang had gotten a cookie and headed away, leaving just Jon sitting on his bunk staring at me. Lifting an eyebrow, I asked, “What are you staring at?”

  Chuckling, he said, “I’m looking at a man who’s completely gone for some chick he’s never met.”

  Months ago, I would have called him a liar or cracked a joke, but it died in my throat. He’s right…and how fuckin’ crazy is that? Sighing heavily, I pushed the kids’ letters back into the envelope and looked down at the other one—the one that I knew had her letter just for me in it. “Yeah…you’re right,” I confessed, not meeting his eyes.

  “Don’t sweat it, man. She writes to you, separate from the kids in her class, so she’s got to be feeling something too.”

  “Or maybe she’s just taking pity on me,” I bit back, hating the idea.

  Shrugging slightly, he stood, tossing the almost empty cookie bag next to me. Stretching, he said, “Doubt it. But you’ll never know if you don’t keep this little pen-pal thing going. Who knows? Could be your one fuckin’ great love.” Grinning, he walked away, calling over his shoulder, “Going to play pool. Catch you later.”

  And with that, I was alone again, staring at the last letter in my hand. Sucking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly as I slid my finger under the flap and opened the missive. A couple of pictures were tucked inside the folds of paper and my heart pounded erratically once more. One was a close-up of Brooke, and I recognized it was her teacher’s photograph. The lights caught the golden highlights in her blonde hair and she wore a headband as the waves of length fell about her shoulders. Her pink mouth, widely smiling, showed off perfect teeth. Her green eyes focused on the camera, but it was easy to imagine them focusing on me. What would it be like to have that face smiling at me every day?

  The next picture was of her sitting in front of a large stone fireplace, her arms wrapped around her bent legs. Her head was thrown back in laughter and I was sucked into the image. I wanted to be there with her. I wanted her to be laughing with me. I wanted to be the one she stared at when her eyes sparkled. Damn, Jon is right. I am completely, fuckin’ gone for this girl.

  Setting the pictures aside, I unfolded her pages and held my fingers to the words for a few seconds before reading them, attempting to pull her essence from the ink.

  Dear Ethan,

  I was so glad to get your letter and I am enclosing my email as well. I would love to Skype with you and we can certainly set up a time when the children can see you.

  I grew up in the Virginia Beach area, but attended Radford University, which is near Roanoke. That is such a lovely area and I like the mountains too. Is Roanoke where you will go when you get out? Your father must be so proud of you! If you get a chance to come to Chesapeake, please let me know. I would love to meet you in person.

  I have an older brother, who is an accountant and lives in Washington D.C. He’s engaged to a nurse and they plan to get married next year. My parents still live in the house I grew up in. It was in a nice, but older neighborhood and I still like to visit. The streets are ideal for jogging and they have block parties where all the neighbors will have a cookout together.

  I’ve got a great family, but need my privacy! I live in a two-bedroom apartment with a roommate, but she is getting married in a few months and so I will be looking for a new roommate. I have friends but don’t get out a lot other than work. I really hate to have to try to find someone on Craig’s List, but I am getting desperate to find a roommate. The rent isn’t too bad if I had to pay it all myself but it would be nice to share the rent with someone. We’ll see…I have a few months to find someone.

  I’ve been teaching for two years (yes, I’m 24 years old). I have no idea how old you are, but from your picture I’d guess mid 20’s. Am I close? I love the kids and was lucky to get the job I have in the school I wanted. Most teachers hate teaching 4th grade…the kids can be a bit difficult, but I really like this age. They are inquisitive and the world has not taken away their enthusiasm! (but old enough that I don’t spend my days wiping noses!)

  I’m trying to think of what else to tell you. I’m single. Like I said, I don’t get out too much, so you’d probably think I was totally boring! I do run for exercise and have been working up to run in a half-marathon this spring. The naval base holds one here every year.

  I hope you are well and staying safe. I confess to thinking of you often and even find myself worrying about you. I now watch the news carefully just to see if I hear of anything happening there that would make me feel closer to you. Anyway, this is all for now, but please write soon. If you want to Skype, we can try it ourselves before trying it with the kids, just to make sure we have the time difference right. Take care!

  Love, Brooke

  Her words soothed over my heart, still pounding out a rock beat. Love, Brooke. I knew it didn’t mean anything, but seeing the words made me smile. My gaze skimmed the letter once more, memorizing every detail of her life that she shared. She must be interested…there’s no way she would share so much if she wasn’t. At least as that thought hit me, I hoped I was an object of her interest and not just a project.

  I knew something was changing…something had moved inside of me and I was going to see where this new feeling would take me. Locking the letters away in my footlocker, I tucked her pictures on the inside lid with the others and headed back out into the night, jogging straight to the communications tent.

  Chapter 6

  (February – Brooke)

  Elementary classrooms are filled with hearts decorating every surface this time of year, but for single adults, Valentines is a sucky holiday…and makes us think of the love we don’t have.

  Saturday morning dawned bright with a deep chill in the air and frost on the ground.
Dressed warmly, I left the apartment, my morning jog taking me along the park path near my apartment. The cold air sent an ache through my lungs until my body acclimated. I thought of Ethan in the freezing Afghan winter and knew that my discomfort was nothing compared to his.

  I did that a lot now…well, almost all the time. No matter what I was doing, I thought of him. It began as wondering what he was doing each day and then slowly morphed into wondering what it would be like if he were here with me. God, this is such dangerous territory! I was falling for someone I had never met, but it appeared I was helpless to stop the tidal wave of feelings.

  I still longed for the letters that came to the classroom, but now we had advanced to emails. The first time I saw his name in my inbox, I could not contain my scream of excitement. Emily had come running into the room, panicked at my outburst.

  Then I had to listen to her incessant questioning about my soldier, as she likes to call him. Now, as my feet pounded the sidewalk through the park, I turned those two words over in my mind. My soldier. I don’t know what Ethan is. A pen-pal? No, that’s not enough. A friend? Definitely. Something more? Who knows!

  As I rounded a curve, I saw a man in uniform standing near the entrance to the park. The world slowed to a crawl as my feet led me closer and closer. My breath came rushing out much too fast, but I was unable to control the pants. Could Ethan have gotten out sooner…could he have come to surprise me? Could—now that I was able to see the man up close I determined it wasn’t him. A mixture of embarrassment and disappointment flooded my being and I turned away, feeling foolish tears sliding down my frozen cheeks.

  Jogging back to my apartment, I was thankful Emily was gone for the weekend, saving me from having to explain my breakdown. I entered the warmth and walked straight to the refrigerator, taking out a bottle of water. Drinking deeply, I held on to the counter as my rubbery legs regained their strength.


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