Impending Love and War

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Impending Love and War Page 25

by Laura Freeman

  “What you said was enough,” Noah said. “You’re a good lawyer. Miss Olivia would have been proud.”

  Tyler turned to Sam. “My mother is dead, but I’d understand if you don’t want me to practice law for you.”

  “Folks like a colorful yarn and a little scandal,” Sam answered. “Especially in court. That story probably won some clients for us.”

  Tyler grinned. “I think I’m going to like working for you.”

  “I’m already thinking of a partnership.”


  Cory had joined the Reverend and others in prayer. Only twenty minutes had passed when the door to the judge’s chamber opened, and Judge Shoemaker entered. He took his seat and the bailiff told everyone to be seated.

  “You made an eloquent argument, Mr. Montgomery, and although the father retains his parental rights when a child becomes indentured, the master decides the punishment and training of the child. Noah may be the husband and father, but Mr. Vandal is the master. The law is clear on this subject. A runaway slave, whether married or not, must be returned to its master. This woman and her baby belong to Edward Vandal, and the court will return them.” He took a deep breath. “On the other matter of Noah St. Paul aiding a runaway, I find your argument has merit.”

  Judge Shoemaker nodded at the defense table, and they stood. “I find through the evidence of the pass, the letter, and ease of the slave’s escape, Mrs. Vandal was key in urging Tess to run away.”

  Edward stood to protest, but Daniel shoved him back into his seat.

  “I also believe this man, Noah, was acting as a husband and father in his behavior to protect his wife and child. These men, Clyde and Buck Cassell, have testified they made no attempt to ask the woman to return with them peacefully but instead took her by force. Therefore, I find Noah St. Paul was protecting his family from these men and is not guilty of aiding runaways.”

  A spontaneous cheer erupted from the citizens seated in the courtroom. Judge Shoemaker pounded his gavel to silence them.

  “Therefore, I do not find enough evidence to make any federal charges against this man. However, Noah St. Paul is guilty of obstructing the law, and I sentence him to one day in jail, already served, and a two-dollar fine.”

  Edward stood. “That’s ridiculous!”

  “Are you calling this court ridiculous, Mr. Vandal? I could have you fined and jailed for contempt.”

  Edward sat in silence.

  Daniel Hossler stood. “I ask your honor to detain the defendant, his lawyers, and those in the courtroom until the train leaves with the girl and her baby. I wouldn’t want to see any more violence or a futile attempt to rescue the runaways.”

  “I agree.” Judge Shoemaker looked around the courtroom. “Sheriff Carter will escort Mr. Vandal and his property to the depot.”

  The judge turned to the court deputy. “You will escort Noah and his attorneys to the clerk’s office to pay his fine and guard them until the train is gone. Everyone else will remain in the courtroom until I dismiss you.”

  Cory needed to leave the courtroom. Adelaide had given her the task of protecting Adam in case Buck and Clyde tried to use the baby against Tess or Noah again. She watched the deputy lead Sam, Tyler, and Noah out the door first. Cory saw Tyler’s bag on the floor and grabbed it. She rushed past Sheriff Carter with Tess, Edward, and the Cassell brothers and handed Tyler his valise.

  They gathered in the hallway at the top of the staircase, each waiting for the other group to go downstairs first.

  Noah stroked tears away from Tess’ cheek. “I’ll come for you. I promise.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t.”

  “I’ll buy their freedom.” Tyler put the valise on the floor and removed a wallet from his coat pocket. “How much will it take?”

  “I wouldn’t take a dollar from you,” Edward said.

  “What about me?” Cory opened her purse and removed the money she had saved from teaching. “I have a hundred ninety-six dollars here.”

  “That’s barely enough for the babe.”

  “Sold!” Tyler took the money from Cory and waved it at Edward. “The baby is hers.”

  Edward looked at Tess. “You’d give away your baby?”

  “You’re going to take him away from me anyway.” She shoved Adam into Cory’s arms. “Take him.”

  Edward refused to take the money. “No deal.” He grabbed Adam, who wailed at being passed around. “He should grow to be a big strapping boy by the looks of him.”

  Edward tried to hand Adam back to Tess, but she refused to take him. She turned her face away.

  “No one is going to buy him for what he’ll be some day,” Cory warned Edward. “Babies die when we least expect it.” His face paled, and she knew her words had hit a mark. “It’s an awful big gamble with talk of emancipation. This money is guaranteed today, right now.” She waved the bills and shook the coins in her purse.

  “You seem to forget no one can buy a slave in Ohio,” Sam said.

  Cory closed her purse. Now what? She saw Tyler’s valise on the floor. “Can we barter a trade?”

  “What are you willing to trade?” Buck asked.

  Cory ignored Buck’s lewd stares and opened Tyler’s bag. She grabbed the vest Regina had made and waved it like a flag. “Will you trade this vest for the baby?”

  Edward stared at the vest but made no offer.

  “No deal!” Tyler yanked the vest from Cory and stroked the embroidery. “I plan to wear it at every trial I’m in. Reggie’s fine needlework ought to impress the judges.”

  Cory frowned at Tyler. Why was he making a fuss about keeping the vest? He turned away from the others to put the vest back in his valise and winked at her. He was fueling the fires of competition with Edward.

  She could help. “I thought that vest didn’t mean anything to you!” Cory shouted at him. “You still love Reggie!”

  “I knew it!” Edward pointed his finger at Tyler.

  “No man ever forgets his first love, especially when he has such a special token of her affection.” Tyler removed his jacket. “Let’s see how it looks on me.”

  “Do you want the baby or not?” Edward demanded.

  “An even trade of property,” Tyler argued. “The vest for the baby.” He put on the vest and buttoned it.

  Edward stared at the vest. “Deal.”

  “Give Adam to Noah.” He removed the vest and held it out.

  Edward made the exchange and handed the vest to Buck. “Cut it up.”

  Buck and Clyde flashed their knives and reduced the beautiful needlework to a pile of shredded fabric and frayed threads.

  Cory gasped. “Why?”

  “He didn’t care about the vest,” Tyler explained. “But he wanted to make sure I never wore it.”

  “Regina is my wife. No man has a claim on her affections but me.”

  “You can’t buy affection,” Cory argued.

  “You can buy anything.” He looked at Tyler. “You bought a slave.”

  “You heard Sam. I can’t buy a slave in Ohio, but Adam is free.” Tyler looked at Noah. “Like I promised.”

  “He’ll be free?” Tess glanced at her baby. She kissed him several times and looked at Noah. “Tell him I gave him away because I loved him.” She swiped away the tears on her cheeks and turned to Tyler and Cory. “Thank you.”

  “What about Tess?” Tyler removed his wallet and dropped it on the floor. “There’s two thousand dollars in it. You could pick it up and leave Tess behind. The baby will need his mother to feed him.”

  Edward picked up the wallet and handed it to Tyler. “Nice try. I don’t mind giving away the baby. He’s useless to me, but I plan to recover all my money and more from this gal.”

  “But why?” Cory demanded.

  “She ran away.”

  “You read Reggie’s letter. Tess had no choice.”

  “Regina had no right to give away my property. I own the Silver Pheasant and everything on it. I decide what to keep and what t
o discard. Regina will learn that soon enough.”

  Cory thought of the little girl lost in the dark coal mine and worried about Reggie’s future.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  A train whistle sounded in the distance.

  “The train will be leaving soon,” Lane said. “You want to board or stay here and barter some more?”

  “Let’s go.” Edward signaled his chasers. “You and Noah stay here until we’re gone,” he warned Tyler. “That’s part of the deal.”

  “I don’t want to go!” Tess cried as she clung to Noah. “I’ll die first.”

  “I’ll come for you,” Noah swore.

  She glanced at Buck and Clyde and shuddered. “There won’t be anything worth coming for.”

  “Get her,” Edward ordered the two men.

  Tess screamed.

  Cory stepped in front of the two men. She nodded toward the closed courtroom door. “You don’t want to create a scene. If you let me walk with Tess, I can convince her to come peacefully.”

  “She’d keep her calm,” Lane said. “You don’t want a hysterical woman in the middle of a town this size. Might create trouble.”

  “You can come,” Edward agreed.

  Tess ran to Noah, and they kissed. Adam reached for her, and she took him in her arms. “I love you.”

  “If she changes her mind and takes the brat, he belongs to me,” Edward said.

  Tess handed Adam back to Noah. “I won’t change my mind.”

  Cory put a protective arm around Tess, and they headed down the stairs. They exited the courthouse and walked along Broadway Street to the depot.

  “You won’t be able to protect her on the train,” Buck reminded Cory.

  “I won’t think about it,” Tess whispered to Cory.

  “It’s against the law to rape a woman,” Cory said. “If you allow it, you’re no better than them.”

  “He’s Cyrus Vandal’s son!” Clyde announced. “He took any woman, any age, any color. He slapped Edward on the back. “It’s about time you followed in his footsteps.”

  “All the time you were on the Silver Pheasant I never touched you. I never let any man touch you,” Edward said. “No more.”

  “It’s a long ride back to Vandalia,” Clyde remarked. “I bet you’ll be worn out before we reach the Ohio River.”

  Cory could feel Tess shudder. She prayed Adelaide’s plan worked.

  When they reached the station, Cory saw a familiar face with red hair and blue eyes standing in the depot.

  Her cousin Jake was taller and stronger than his siblings, Ethan and Paddy. He had several friends of equal size with him. He nodded and lowered the brim of his hat to cast a shadow over his face. She watched him and his friends move out of sight on the far side of the locomotive engine.

  “I brought you to the station without incident,” Lane said. “That ends my role in this drama. I’m going to eat and then catch the northbound train to Darrow Falls. Good bye, Mr. Vandal.” He shook his hand. “Seems like an awful little girl to cause so much trouble. Might be better next time to let her go.”

  “I won’t tell you how to do your job, Sheriff, if you don’t tell me how to do mine.”

  “Fair enough.” Lane tipped his hat to Cory and Tess and headed for downtown.

  Edward bought tickets while Clyde claimed their bags from the storage room. He watched the porter load them on a cart and take them to the baggage car.

  “She can’t ride in the passenger car,” a conductor informed them when they attempted to board with Tess.

  Edward frowned. “Can she ride in the baggage car?”

  “It’s full.” He pointed to a closed car near the caboose. “There’s room in the livestock car.” He led the way. He put a step in place and opened the door. A couple of horses were tethered inside. “Better board,” the conductor said.

  Tess turned to Cory. “Tell Noah I loved him.”

  Cory didn’t miss the meaning of her words. She didn’t plan on seeing him again.

  Cory couldn’t offer any words of comfort. She didn’t want to tip off the Cassell brothers by hinting of a rescue. Tess would have to believe the worst.

  “I’m dead once I board this train,” Tess said. “It’s best if he forgets me.”

  Her words frightened Cory. What if the plan failed? “Don’t give up.”

  Clyde stepped into the livestock car. “It smells like manure and piss in here.”

  “You’re smellin’ yourself.” Buck lifted Tess into the car. His hand groped her in the process. “Why don’t you ride in the passenger car, Mr. Vandal? We’ll keep a close eye on her.”

  Edward looked at the dirty car. “I’ll be up front.”

  The conductor turned to Edward. “Time to close the door. You better hurry to your car.” He slammed the door and shouted, “All aboard!”

  Cory heard Tess scream. She chased after Edward. “You’d leave Tess alone with those monsters knowing what they’re planning to do?” she shouted. “How can you let them violate your own sister?”

  He turned on her. “She’s no kin of mine. She’s nothing but a whore. She’ll welcome Buck and Clyde to feast on her body, and they’ll give her a whelp to replace the one she gave up.”

  Cory was aghast. His words shook her faith in any remnant of decency he may have possessed. Tyler had fought to protect Noah, but Edward had no concept of honor with Tess. Tyler hadn’t acknowledged Noah publicly, but his actions spoke the truth. He loved Noah. Edward, on the other hand, didn’t love Tess. She recalled the violent way he had destroyed Reggie’s vest and shook with fear.

  Edward boarded the train.

  “Tyler was right!” she shouted above the noise of the locomotive.

  Edward paused on the top step and faced her. “When was he ever right?”

  “He said Reggie was making a mistake when she married you,” she shouted. “I think she did.”

  Edward’s face was etched in granite. “Regina knows the consequences of disobeying me. She won’t make the same mistake twice.”


  The train whistle echoed beyond the courthouse as the locomotive headed south. “The train is gone!” Noah held Adam against him and wept.

  “We’ll get horses and head off the train at the next stop.”

  Noah shook his head. “It’ll be too late for Tess.”

  Tyler knew what he meant. Buck and Clyde had made their intentions clear. “She’ll need you more than ever then.”

  “She gave away Adam.” Noah looked at his son. “I failed to protect her. She doesn’t want me to come for her.”

  “If she can survive, you have a duty to rescue her.”

  Noah’s voice was cold. “She’s too gentle and sweet to survive those animals.”

  The deputy looked at his watch. “You’re free to go.”

  “Go where?” Noah remained seated.

  Tyler didn’t want to forsake hope. He looked at Sam. “There’s still time to catch the train, right?”

  “There’s a livery near the depot,” Sam said. “Go after her.”

  “Come on,” Tyler urged Noah to his feet. They turned toward the east door.

  “Wait.” Beth Davis hurried down the stairs. The rest of the courtroom spectators followed at a slower rate behind her. She pointed at the west entrance. “You’re heading the wrong way.”

  “We’re going to ride after her.”

  “If our plan has worked, Tess won’t be on the train,” Beth whispered. “She’ll be on the Irish Rose. Do you know how to reach Mustill Store?”

  “I remember.”

  Noah stood. “What plan?”

  “I only know my part,” Beth confessed. “I’m to make sure you go to Mustill Store to board the Irish Rose.”

  “What’s the Irish Rose?” Noah asked.

  “A canal boat,” Tyler said. “That’s where we’ll find Tess.” He led the way out the door and downhill along the route he had taken previously with Cory.

  Noah hurried with each step.
br />   When they reached the Irish Rose, only Captain Donovan, Ethan, and Paddy were on board.

  Tyler looked around. “Is she below in a cabin?”

  Captain Donovan shook his head. “No sign of her or news from the others.”

  “The train left ten minutes ago.” Noah sat down on a crate, his shoulders slouched. “Something must have gone wrong.” Adam fussed and chewed on his fists.

  Tyler wasn’t ready to give up. “We need to get horses and go after the train. Every minute leaves Tess in their hands.”

  “I know where you can borrow two fast horses,” Captain Donovan said. “What are you going to do with the baby?”

  “Give him to Cory.” Tyler reached for Adam.

  “Wait!” Paddy shouted from the deck of the boat. He pointed to the road.

  Captain Donovan raised his hand to his brow to shield his eyes. “There’s the Mustill wagon.”

  Tyler saw the box wagon coming down the hill at a fast clip. It stopped in front of the store.

  Paddy pointed at the driver and the young man next to him. “It’s Jake and Tom Mustill!”

  Jake jumped down and opened the back. Out came Adelaide, Cory, and Tess.


  Tess ran to Noah and Adam. Her dress was torn, but she was smiling. Noah engulfed her in his arms, and Adam squealed. She covered them with kisses. “Let’s get aboard,” Captain Donovan ordered. “It’s a long trip to Canada.”

  “Maybe if Lincoln is elected, the Republicans will repeal the Fugitive Slave Law,” Adelaide said. “You can come back to Darrow Falls.”

  Cory thought of poor Lou. “We need a blacksmith.”

  “How much time do you think we have before the Cassell brothers follow?” Tyler asked.

  “Are those the two big hairy fellows?” Jake tossed a pair of knives and guns into the hold of the boat along with a large club.

  “What did you do with Buck and Clyde?”

  “Gagged and trussed like vermin,” Jake announced. “Appropriate since they were in the livestock car. It won’t be a comfortable ride back to Virginia for them.”

  “And Edward?” Tyler demanded.

  “He rode in the passenger car,” Adelaide said. “He won’t discover what’s happened to his companions until Noah and Tess are out of his reach.”


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