A Fiend in Need

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A Fiend in Need Page 18

by Maureen Child

  “Yep. Real demons.” I patted his hand. I sympathized, but I didn’t have time to walk him through his epiphany. I’d tried to tell him the truth the month before. But had he listened? Um, that’s a big no.

  I looked into the backseat. “Brady? You okay?”

  “Yes,” he said, shaking his head as if he weren’t really sure. “Yes. I am fine. Thank you, Cassidy. You risked yourself for me. I am honored.”

  I smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  “All of this for a Faery,” Jasmine muttered.

  I didn’t even look at her. “Devlin? You okay?”

  “Fine.” He leaned forward in his seat. “We were lucky we got out when we did. Vanessa must have transported into the house just as we were leaving. We must go before she follows.”

  This information left me suddenly speechless. Needless to say, that didn’t last long. “Transported? Like on Star Trek? ‘Beam me up, Scotty’? Like the Asgard on Stargate?”

  “Again, television,” Jasmine muttered just under her breath.

  “Give me a break,” I shouted, and didn’t care that my voice was hitting notes that usually only Sugar should have been able to hear. “Nobody mentioned transporting to me! This is the first I’ve heard of it. If she can just biddy-bop in and out of places, why didn’t she just pop into my house and get Brady for herself?”

  “Sanctuary,” Brady said, laying his head on the seat back, clearly exhausted, either by the surprising escape or from his arduous hours with Vanessa. Clearly it was hard getting used to the fact that he was once again a free Faery.

  “I claimed Sanctuary,” he said, “and she cannot violate that. It is a rule. She cannot enter your house without an invitation.”

  “I thought that was just vampires.”

  “Oh, for…” This from Jasmine again.

  “You know,” I said, “you’re being awfully snarky for somebody who’s withholding a shitload of information! You’re the big kahuna. The master to my grasshopper! The Obi-Wan to my Luke—though I prefer Han, and who the hell doesn’t? The Giles to my Buffy! How come you didn’t tell me all of this stuff?”

  Jasmine’s usually blue but now suspiciously black eyes narrowed at me. “You clutter your mind with more trash than anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “I’ve been your trainer for a month, Cassidy. That’s hardly time to fill you in on all aspects of demon life.”

  “How about the pertinent ones?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but Logan beat her to it.

  “Demons,” he whispered, as if he were trying the word out to see how it tasted. Judging by the expression on his face, I was guessing it didn’t taste very good.

  “You’ll be okay, Logan.” I gave his shoulder a quick squeeze. “It’ll get easier.” Not really, but why give the guy any more grief tonight?

  When we got back to the house Thea was so happy to see us, even Jasmine got a hug. Sugar barked and spun around so fast in a show of dog joy she made herself sick and barfed on the rug. (She couldn’t have hit the wood floor?)

  Logan had dropped us off in a sort of stupor I hope wore off on his drive home. Nights like this would be easier on him when he lived across the street. Yeesh. They wouldn’t be any easier on me.

  Devlin had hopped into his car, but not without giving me a look that said we had a talk coming in the near future. None of that mattered at the moment, though. We’d survived, Jasmine had gone off to wherever cranky old demons went in their off time, and it was just Thea, me, Brady and Sugar in the house.

  Brady used Faery dust to make some clothes for himself—and wouldn’t that be a handy skill? No more fitting-room nightmares with bad lighting and funhouse mirrors! Then he made hot cocoa and cookies. (It seemed to relax him; what can I say?) By the time we all went to bed I was so tired I fell into unconsciousness.

  And I woke up tingling.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brady was back!

  I didn’t try to stop him either. Forget it. If you’ve been paying attention to the state of my life, then you have to agree I’d earned an orgasm. And damn it, I wanted one now. But it wasn’t all about the trip to Orgasmland. I’d spent the last week or so being hurt by a demon I’d thought I could trust and being pursued by a man who claimed to love me, though I knew he would never be able to accept the world in which I lived.

  I was feeling alone and put-upon and downright miserable. To have Brady act as though he wanted me was just too much temptation to resist.

  My eyes slitted open, and I noticed it was still dark out. Good God. Yet I was tingly enough not to care that I was actually awake before the sun! That had never happened to me before.

  “Cassidy,” Brady’s voice whispered to me in the darkness while his fingers were doing some whispering of their own.

  Magic fingers, I tell you. While I was busy enjoying myself completely, my mind dredged up the image of how I’d found him the night before—tied up to a bed, stark, gorgeous naked—and everything inside me lit up like the Strip in Vegas.

  And I was naked. How convenient.

  Apparently Brady was as skillful as using Faery dust to take off clothes as he was in making them appear.


  His mouth was on one of my nipples, and his tongue was doing some seriously fabulous things. The man had talent. Real talent.

  I mumbled something like, “NeverstopbecauseifyoudoI’llhavetokillyou,” or words to that effect.

  In response he used his teeth on me, too—nibbling, tasting, sucking. He made love to that one nipple so long, my other breast was thinking about suing for alienation of affection.

  While he nibbled, his fabulous fingers explored. He stroked my hoo-hah with the tips of his fingers, his touch so light it was almost just the impression of a touch. I opened my legs wider. (I dare you to say you wouldn’t have done the same.)

  His breath was hot on my breast, his fingers delving deeper and deeper with every stroke, and I was so twisted up, with every nerve jangling, I felt like I was going to boing right off the bed.

  I arched my back, because it was impossible just to lie there and not move. I stroked my hand through Brady’s hair and fixed my gaze on him while his mouth tugged gently at my nipple, and I wondered absently if I could just spend my days like this…you know, walking around with his mouth on my nipple.

  My hips started rocking when he set a languid rhythm with his fingertips. We were in this together now, a team. Working it, building to something I knew was going to be amazing.

  Suddenly I knew I wanted Brady like I’d never wanted anything else in my life. My breath was fast and hard and short. My heart was pounding, and my mouth was so dry I kept licking my lips just so they wouldn’t stick to my teeth. I wanted that impressive Faery penis I’d seen the night before. I wanted it deep inside. I wanted Brady pumping his hips against mine.

  At least I’m honest about what I want.

  I’ve been with human males. And a demon.

  Now I wanted to take that Faery ride.

  “Come on, Brady,” I said breathlessly, catching his face in the palm of my hand and turning him so I could look into his eyes. “Show me what a sex slave can do when he’s a free Faery.”

  “Yes, Cassidy,” he said, and gave me a smile that told me I was really going to like what was coming next. He leaned in and kissed me, his mouth moving over mine with lazy abandon. His tongue traced the outline of my lips, then dipped inside to tangle with mine. I was so primed, I was ready to explode by the time he finally meandered down my body.

  Boy, do I mean meandered. He took his mouth out for a stroll around my personal block. He kissed and licked every inch of me. There wasn’t a spot or crevice or curve he didn’t pay attention to in detail.

  But I was no closer to that Faery penis than I had been when we’d started.

  He flipped me over onto my stomach and nibbled my spine before biting my butt. He kissed the backs of my legs and all the way down my calves. Then h
e flipped me back over and worked his way up again.

  I was flummoxed. (I know that’s a word; my dad used to use it, but not exactly in this kind of situation. Well, as far as I know, anyway.) Completely flummoxed and discombobulated, and didn’t know whether to breathe in or out. My skin was humming, my brain was trying to keep up and my heart felt like a jackhammer in my chest.

  Imagine what happened to me when Brady paused on his “stroll” up my body right at my hoo-hah!?!

  Oh, yeah.

  Brady lifted my legs and dropped them over his shoulders; then he scooped his hands under my ass and picked me up off the mattress. Moonlight swam in the room, sliding through the windows opened to the night. His pale eyes seemed to glow, his skin looked like polished bronze and his hands felt like they’d been sent from heaven.

  I was just hanging there, hoo-hah exposed, mouth dry, watching him. Waiting. Please, God, let me have this orgasm and… What kind of deal was that to make? Never mind, I thought wildly, leave God out of this.


  “You saved me,” he said, dipping his head to lick me once. Twice.

  I went completely still and shook my head. Suddenly this didn’t seem right at all. Yes, I still wanted him, and I still needed to be wanted myself. But gratitude shouldn’t be the reason behind any of this.

  “No, Brady. You don’t owe me anything.” If I just used him, what made me any better than the bitch queen? “You don’t have to do this because you’re grateful to me.”

  He smiled, and his eyes burned with desire. “I am not. I do this because we both wish it. Because to touch you gives me pleasure as well.”

  “Are you sure?” Please be sure, I thought.

  “Will you allow me to touch you? Taste you? Pleasure your body until you weep with the joy of it?”


  How many women ever get to hear that from a guy?

  What’m I, Saint Cassidy? I don’t think so.

  “Yes, Brady, it’s okay by me, and—” Wow. Hard to talk to a man when he’s got his tongue in your hoo-hah. Hard to keep your mind on anything but the amazing sensations flying around your insides.

  So I shut up. I quit thinking.

  If he wanted to give me a present, who was I to say no?

  He played me like a virtuoso. Brady was amazing. He had a real gift for sex. Made me want to take him out for a spin even more than I had before. He knew when to lick, when to suckle, when to nibble. He knew when I was on the very edge of reason and stopped long enough to pull me back, to make it all last so long I thought I was going to die from the whole lack-of-breathing thing.

  My hoo-hah trembled with an orgasm that seemed to shake me right down to my bones, shock waves rolling through me one after another, and I figured I was finished. But Brady had other ideas. Even after a second time he wouldn’t let me go. I didn’t think I could survive another climax, but I was willing to give it a try.

  Brady the Faery was every woman’s dream come true: a man who not only knew how to do the tongue thing, but really seemed to like doing it.

  That was the last rational thought I remember having. After that it was me twisting in his grasp, rocking my hips and reaching down to hold his head in place for fear he might stop. Then the earth exploded.

  Or maybe it was just my little corner of it.

  All I know for sure was, I’d been orgasmed (trust me, it’s a word) by the best damn Faery in the world.

  When I finally stopped trembling he set me down and smiled at me. God, he was cute.

  But now that the festivities were over, I had a couple of questions. Not that I didn’t enjoy what was happening, and I was still hoping that it would happen again. But there were some things we had to talk about. Might as well do it now, I thought.

  “That was really incredible,” I said first off, because you don’t insult a guy who’d just rung your bell three times.

  “I am pleased you enjoyed it,” he said, idly stroking the inside of my thigh. “Do you wish to have more pleasure?”

  “Oh, yeah—I mean, no. I mean…” Damn it. “Not right now.”

  “Whatever you like, Cassidy.”

  “Uh-huh.” I scooted back, reluctantly moving away from that oh-so-insistent touch. “Look, Brady, now that you’re back and everything, I think we should talk.”

  He looked worried, and also as if he were going for confused innocence. “About what?”

  “I know,” I said, and scooted off the bed. (I’ve already admitted to slut-puppy issues. No point in testing my restraint.) I found my jammies tossed to the floor and grabbed them up. While I tugged them on I threw my hair out of my eyes and slanted a look at Brady, still on the bed, looking completely comfy. “I know about the whole male-Faeries-stealing-female-powers-during-sex thing.”


  Hmm. Not exactly the dropping-to-his-knees-and-begging-for-forgiveness that I’d expected. So I kept talking while I got dressed. Hard to be large and in charge when you were naked and the guy looking at you had just had his head between your legs.

  “Jasmine told me. Everything you ever wanted to know about male Faeries but were afraid to ask.”

  A brief smile curved his mouth, then disappeared.

  “I know about the curse on you guys….”

  He scowled. Apparently the males still weren’t real happy with the female Faeries.

  “I know about the whole being-able-to-give-someone-your-power thing. And I know that you were trying to seduce me into losing my powers to you.”

  “Ah…” He nodded solemnly.

  “That’s it?” I asked, pulling my T-shirt on over my head. “That’s all you’ve got to say?” The floor was cold against my bare feet, but I hardly felt it. “You didn’t come to me just for sanctuary. You came here to tempt me into sex”—not too difficult, but I wasn’t saying that—“and steal my strength for yourself.”

  “Yes,” he said, and stood up. His shirt gaped open over his chest, and he scrubbed one hand across his face as if he were both irritated and uneasy. “I did plan to do that.”

  A cold ball of something ugly dropped into the pit of my stomach and settled in deep. Funny, but even though I’d known this since Jasmine had spilled the beans, hearing him admit to it hit me pretty hard. “Even knowing I have Thea to protect?” I demanded. “You were going to leave me defenseless against the demons who keep attacking me?”

  His gaze shifted to mine, and the sweet, sexy Faery I thought I knew was gone. He’d become a strong, tough male, looking at me through defiant eyes. “I had no choice. It meant my survival, Cassidy. You don’t know what it was like being held by the queen for more than a hundred years.” He paced off a few steps, spun around and glared at me. “I enjoy sex. I don’t enjoy being held as a slave. Being used as a battery charger. Or being threatened daily to either give her the power she wants or to remain a slave for eternity.”

  “And that makes what you were going to do to me okay?”

  “I don’t expect you to understand,” he said tightly, and reached up to shove both hands through his thick, dark blond hair. “But I didn’t know you when I came here. All I knew was that a powerful Duster had been called. You were a stranger to me. Thea was a stranger. Things are…different now.”

  The cold spot in my belly was dissipating. Because whether he realized it or not, I did understand. In his place, wouldn’t I have done anything I had to, to survive? To protect Thea? Keep her safe?

  I sighed and asked, “Different how?”

  He smiled, and behind him I saw the first signs of dawn beginning to filter through the window. “I know you,” he said. “I like you. And I care for Thea. I wouldn’t harm you like that, Cassidy. I would never leave you unable to protect your child. I hope you can believe me.”

  I walked around the edge of the bed and stopped directly in front of him. He was so damn tall that tipping my head back to look into those blue eyes of his was damned uncomfortable.

  “I do believe you,” I said, and it was the
truth. But even knowing that, I’d be keeping my guard up if we ever did have sex.

  “Thank you.” He cupped my face in his palms, and tingles of anticipation rushed through me like the bubbles in a freshly poured beer. “You have given me a great gift, Cassidy. You have delivered me from the queen.”

  I covered his hands with mine. “It’s not over. I’ll have to face her again,” I said. “I know that. Not sure yet how I’ll beat her, but you’re safe for now.”

  “Yes. Safe and with you.”

  Ooh. There were those bubbles again. I moved in closer to him. He dropped his hands to my waist and pulled me tightly to him. I felt his Mr. Happy—awake, alert and oh-so-ready—pressing into my abdomen. Oh, boy. I swallowed hard, moved into him and watched his eyes darken with the same kind of desire I was feeling.

  Sex with Brady? Was I ready for that? Okay, yes. I was.

  “There is something you should know, Cassidy.”

  “There’s more?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He bent low, kissed my forehead, then straightened up. “I will not make love with you.”


  He let me go and took a step back for good measure. “We cannot.”

  “Why the hell not?” (Yes, I was crabby. And probably a little greedy. I know—I’d had three orgasms already, but I wanted more. Brady wanted me, and I wanted him back. I wanted to forget about everything else in my life for a few crazed minutes and simply be Cassidy. I wanted…I wanted a Faery-driven, penis-enhanced ride to Happyland.)

  “Because I like you.”

  Now I was really confused. “When you didn’t like me, you would have had sex with me. But now that you do like me, you won’t?”

  He beamed at me. “Exactly!”

  Could my life get more screwed up?

  “You want the ghoul hanging from the roof or the tree?” Rachel shouted.

  “Ghoul in the tree, ghosts on the house,” I called back, and thought for just a second that this would sound like a very weird conversation to any strangers who happened to be listening. Fortunately, everyone I knew was cool with it.

  Two days after escaping the demon queen’s house, Faery in tow, I was finally getting our Halloween decorations up. I’d decided that we needed a little normalcy. Well, as much normalcy as we ever had, anyway. There was another fight coming, I knew. But at the moment the sun was shining, Thea was safe and I was getting tingled by a Faery every morning. (Still no actual sex, damn it, but the tingles were nothing to sneeze at! And Brady really did have a terrific mouth.)


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