Kimchi & Calamari

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Kimchi & Calamari Page 11

by Rose Kent

  “You know what’s worse than having a disease that might kill you and makes you bald at ten?”


  “Having jerks ask if you’re going to die. Jesse told me he was tired of all the questions and the staring in school. Well, naturally I armed him with sharp comebacks.”

  “Like what?”

  “I told him to poke ’em between their dumb bunny eyes and ask them what disease caused them to be mentally defective—and ugly!”

  I laughed. “You’re vicious!”

  “No, I just look out for the people who matter,” she said.

  In study hall that afternoon, Robyn and I shared the marble pound cake we’d made in Life Skills. I was confused about quadratic equations, and we sat there sneaking cake while she explained the FOIL technique for solving them. In a niente per niente return favor, I let her borrow my Great Depression notes, since she’d been sleeping during the second half of social studies.

  As Robyn copied my notes, I noticed Kelly across the room, talking with her friends. I take that back—her friends were listening. Kelly’s lips were moving ninety miles per hour. For a second our eyes locked, but then she looked away, disgusted, like she’d spotted roadkill.

  Why had I ever fallen for her? As Gina would say, “She is not nice.”

  “Joseph, your worksheet fell,” Robyn said, picking up a piece of paper off the floor.

  “Thanks.” I studied Robyn’s hands when she gave it to me. She had perfectly shaped, half-moon fingernails. She wore a silver ring on her pinkie with a dangling peace sign. She was cute, I realized. Funny, I’ve never thought of crazy Robyn that way.

  “What is it, Joseph?” Robyn asked. “Your eyes are glazed over like you’ve been hypnotized.”

  I snapped out of it. “Nothing. I mean, you look very, um, put together today.”

  “And I really like your elbows,” she replied in a deep, throaty voice. “They’re so…bendable.”

  I couldn’t help laughing.

  As I left study hall, I thought again about going to the Farewell Formal. Only this time it wasn’t Kelly’s hand I imagined I was holding.

  Detour on Discovery Road

  “If it’s not strep throat, it’s definitely a tumor on my tonsils,” I groaned. I was slumped in Dad’s recliner, wearing an undershirt and boxers.

  Mom pressed her hand against my forehead. “You’re not even hot,” she snapped in an unsympathetic voice.

  “Don’t you think I’m a little old for schoolitis? Nobody fakes it in June, Mom.”

  Finally she gave in. She didn’t sound the official “Stay home from school” decree, but she did say there was plenty of juice in the fridge.

  “I’ve got a customer waiting for a cap highlight. I’ll call you later!” she yelled as she clomp-clomped out the door in her platform sandals.


  My throat did feel a bit scratchy. But more importantly, I had a phone call to make. Dad was visiting college Admissions, but he’d be back by the time school ended, so I wouldn’t have had a chance to talk privately with Jae. “Do, or do not. There is no try.” That’s what Yoda tells Luke in The Empire Strikes Back, and that wrinkly little alien was wise. If I wanted to connect with my birth mother, it was up to me to do it.

  Right away I dialed Jae. She sounded happy to hear from me. And thankfully she didn’t ask why I wasn’t in school. She shared a funny story about how Kevin dressed up as a superhero, and naturally I approved. Then I found myself spewing out news about Dad’s accident and how it somehow led him to apply to college. I even told Jae how badly I wanted to take Robyn to the Farewell Formal.

  “Ask her, Joseph,” she said in a big-sister voice. “Be polite and sincere—like a gentleman—and I bet she’ll accept.”

  “I doubt Robyn would use ‘gentleman’ to describe me, but my best friend Nash says I have a way of charming parents. It’s my Italian upbringing.”

  Jae laughed.

  What was I thinking with all this chitchat? My phone time was limited. I had to cut to the chase.

  I cleared my throat. “Jae, I’ve been thinking about writing to your Aunt Hea,” I said, my voice cracking a little. “Introducing myself and sending my picture. Will you give me her address?”

  A pause.

  “Do your parents know we’ve talked?” she asked.

  “Um, not yet.”

  I heard a door slam on Jae’s end.

  “Joseph, we’re not sure yet that you’re my aunt’s child. I think we should do some checking before we talk to her.”

  Suddenly Jae seemed like another detour on the road to discovery.

  “My parents don’t know any more about me than I’ve already told you, and this isn’t exactly their favorite subject,” I explained.

  “Would they let you talk with the adoption agency? They must know something more than we do. I wouldn’t dare speak to my aunt unless we were absolutely certain. I just couldn’t.”

  “What, the thought of being related to me would put her in shock?” I was only half kidding.

  “I know this is exciting for you, Joseph, but it could be difficult for my aunt. We have to be sensitive.”

  I didn’t want to hear that. I wanted Jae to say Aunt Hea would be high-fiving everyone in Pusan after she got my letter. That she’d frame my eighth-grade photo and put it on her dresser. Maybe she’d even hop on the next Korean Air flight direct to JFK to meet me.

  “If I talk to my parents and the agency, will you tell your aunt about me?” I asked.

  Kevin was chanting in the background. “Juice! Juice! Juice!”

  “You’re almost as persistent as Kevin. Yes, talk to your parents and the adoption agency. And if the facts check out, I’ll call Aunt Hea.”

  I was the only one in my family available to play cheerleader at Sophie’s soccer game Saturday morning. Mom was working, Gina had started her singing class at the Y, and Dad had another appointment at the college.

  This was Sophie’s last game before the playoffs, and her team was undefeated. You’d think eight-year-olds would be only moderately intense about a sport, right? It’s not like they’re squaring off for the World Cup or anything. Well, think again, because Sophie was on the elite travel team. These girls meant kick-butt business, with scabs on their elbows and bruises on their knees to prove it. But tough as she is, Sophie gets upset if we’re not there to cheer her on. So, marshmallow-hearted brother that I am, I rode my bike three miles to the soccer fields, along with Nash. I’d invited Yongsu, too, but he had to go to Korean school. Yongsu frowned when he told me that, but I said Korean school sounded awesome.

  Of course, Mom had bribed me with some moolah if I watched the game, but that was beside the point.

  The wind blasted more like March than June, and the bike ride was all uphill. Sophie’s team had already scored the first goal by the time we got there. She was playing midfield, one on one against a girl built like a mobile home. But Sophie didn’t seem fazed. With gritted teeth and a messy ponytail, she kicked the ball right around the girl like she was running to save civilization.

  Nash and I stood by the sideline. Sophie’s friend Kaylie was alone guarding the goal. She waved to me.

  “Coach finally put me in for goalie, Joseph. My first time!” she shouted.

  I cupped my hands to my mouth. “Don’t let the other team hear that!”

  After we sat on the bleachers, Nash asked me about Jae.

  “The whole search is stuck in the mud. Jae won’t tell her aunt about me until I talk to my parents, and that’s a waste of time.”

  “Maybe they’ll surprise you once they see how strong you feel about this.”

  “I’ve had enough surprises lately,” I said.

  A curly-haired kid from the other team broke away with the ball. In a desperate ditch effort, Sophie slide tackled her.

  Toot. The referee’s whistle. “Yellow card on Ten.”

  “Out, Sophie!” her coach shouted, and she stomped off the field.

  After Sophie returned to the game, a tall girl stole the ball from her and made a breakaway downfield. Kaylie leaped for the ball, jumping-jack style, but it swerved past her shoulder into the goal.

  The crowd cheered. Sophie pounded her leg with her fist.

  I thought about what Nash had said. Maybe Mom and Dad would be more open to helping me search. After all, Dad seemed to be on a high since the accident, as weird as that sounded. And I remembered what Mom told me when she found out about my fake essay. She said she wished I’d talked to her first; she would’ve wanted to help.

  At the very least they might speak to the adoption agency for me. Privacy laws probably wouldn’t allow me to find out anything more about how I was found without Mom and Dad being involved anyway.

  The wind picked up again during the second half. Nash and I moved to the far end of the bleachers, where the breeze was at our back. We had parked ourselves on the bottom row when a bunch of girls from school arrived. I recognized a few of them from Kelly’s crowd.

  They glanced at us with less-than-enthused expressions.

  “No wonder none of them won Most Friendly for the yearbook,” I told Nash.

  “So who are you asking to the Farewell Formal?” Nash asked.

  “You tell first.”

  “I want to ask Ok-hee, but I doubt she’d go with me.”

  “Why not? Besides being obsessed with Wolverine, you’re practically normal.”

  “Ha-ha. Spoken by a guy who looks up to a web spinner. But seriously, Ok-hee acts mature, like a high schooler. And she’s really smart. She composes music and reads the same books as your dad.”

  “Ever heard of multiple intelligence? You’re smart too, in different ways. You work that computer almost as well as you play trumpet. Ok-hee might seem sophisticated, but trust me. Her world is full of lip gloss and mall madness. I even saw her reading Teen People once.”

  Nash laughed. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “It means she’s reachable. All you’ve got to do is come up with a catchy way to grab her attention.”

  “Like what, interrupting morning announcements and asking her out over the PA system?”

  I shook my head. “She’d never speak to you again if you pulled that one.”

  I didn’t have an answer, but I could tell that Nash felt encouraged. Think, Joseph. What did I remember about Ok-hee Han that could give us an idea? She wants to study abroad. She’s a vegetarian. She takes Italian….

  She takes Italian!

  A genius idea ricocheted inside my brain, like the soccer ball passing from one player to the next—though unfortunately those players were on the other team and running back again toward Kaylie.

  I had a plan for Nash!

  “Ok-hee takes Italian and loves all that European stuff. Write her a note in Italian and stick it in her locker. I bet she’ll say yes faster than you can sing ‘That’s Amore.’”

  Nash shook his head. “Forgettaboutit. I don’t speak Italian.”

  But I knew who could. “Vinny Calderaro lives for this kind of stuff, Nash. You gush on paper, tell me what you want to say, and I’ll ask my dad to write it en Italiano.”

  Nash shook my hand. “Deal—but only if you ask someone. You haven’t told me who yet.”

  I shrugged. “I kinda like Robyn.”

  He nodded. “You two are always joking around in band.”

  “That’s the problem. Robyn thinks I’m funnier than a beer commercial. But that’s all I am. Funny.”

  “Funny is very in—with the right girl, that is,” Nash said, glancing toward the snooty girls, then back at me. “Maybe someone should put in a good word for you.”

  I started to speak just as the other team scored again, seconds before the game clock ran out. Sophie’s team was no longer undefeated.

  After the players all shook hands, Sophie grabbed her water bottle and walked over to us. Laces were dragging from her cleats, her shin guard was twisted backward, and her elbow was cut.

  I tugged on her ponytail. “You win some, you lose some.”

  She kicked the ground, sending a rock flying. “That referee didn’t like me.”

  “No blaming, just shake it off,” I said, sounding like Dad.

  “I’m the reason we lost. I played crummy in the wind. Are you happy now?”

  I looked at my sister. She was seconds away from a full-throttle meltdown.

  “Forget it, Sophie. You’ve got the playoffs to save the good stuff for,” Nash said.

  Neither of us could get Sophie out of her funk. Tears poured down her dirt-streaked face. But then I remembered who could help Sophie recover: Andrew Jackson. He was crammed in my pocket on the twenty-dollar bill Mom gave me. “Sophie Teresa Calderaro, put on my helmet and hop on the back of my bike right now. I’m treating you and Nash to ice-cream sundaes, drowned in hot fudge and whipped cream. Who’s afraid of lactose intolerance?”

  That would’ve snapped Gina out of it, but Sophie sulked a little longer.

  “I can’t have any ice cream,” Nash said.


  “I’m tracking what I eat and drink, remember? To see what triggers my headaches. Right now I’m off dairy.”

  “How about candy?”

  Nash nodded. “Candy works.”

  “Okay, a king-size whatever chocolate bar you want—on me.”

  Nash grinned. He looked pretty happy for a guy who couldn’t eat ice cream.

  “Time’s up, Sophie. Either you come for ice cream or I drop you off at Mom’s shop. And you know she’ll make you sweep up hair.”

  Sophie looked up slyly. “Can I have an ice-cream float instead of a sundae?” she asked.

  The ouch of her defeat was already subsiding.

  An Elephant off My Back

  Saturday night turned out to be a pizza-and-movie date at my house for me, Frazer, and two beautiful young women. Unfortunately, they were my sisters snuggling on the couch in matching Little Mermaid pajamas. Earlier Dad had returned from the college, swinging his cast merrily and talking nonstop about an American literature major. Mom decided this called for a night out, and arranged a double date with Aunt Foxy and her boyfriend.

  I agreed to babysit for my sisters without a protest. I figured if Mom and Dad returned home from a rockin’ good time, our talk might go better.

  So Gina and Sophie and I watched The Return of the Jedi, my favorite of the Star Wars movies. We watched part of it, anyway. Gina fell asleep after ten minutes. Sophie hung in longer, but by the time Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge blew up, she was snoring too. After I had carried them upstairs, one at a time, Mom and Dad’s key turned in the door.

  “What a love story.” Mom flung her purse in the closet and kicked off her spiky heels. “I swear if I weren’t hitched to your father, I’d track down that blond hottie, whatshisname.”

  Mom and Dad went into the family room. I heard them talking about Aunt Foxy.

  “Did you notice how Dominick helped Foxy put her shawl on? That’s a good sign. Seeing Foxy with a decent guy helps me sleep at night,” Mom said.

  Dad was already stretched out on the couch, buried behind the newspaper. Mom was snuggled beside him.

  “I need to talk,” I blurted out, looking from Mom to Dad. They raised their eyebrows nervously, like they were afraid that I’d messed up in school again.

  Dad got up from the couch. “Let’s go in the living room.” He put his hand on Mom’s back and led us there.

  The last time we spoke in the living room was when Dad gave me the “what-makes-boys-boys” spiel. He must have known this was serious.

  I took a deep breath and told them everything. Dad’s arms were folded over his chest; Mom’s knees were crossed.

  “I think Hea is my birth mother. Jae does too, but she says we should check this out with the adoption agency—just to be sure. Then she’ll talk with her aunt. So…I need your help.”

  Dad swallowed. Mom kept nodding her head.

  I shut my mou
th and waited.

  Mom spoke first. “Of course we’ll help. We know how much this means to you, Joseph. Right, honey?” She squeezed Dad’s hand.

  Silence. The tick-tock of the hallway clock gave me something to concentrate on.

  Finally Dad opened his mouth. “Have you thought this through, Joseph? About the search, what it means?”

  I nodded.

  “I understand being curious about your birth mother and where you come from, that’s natural. I just think it’s too soon to be doing this. You’re only fourteen.”

  “Fourteen isn’t four, Dad. I found this out all by myself so far.”

  “He can handle it, Vinny. Joseph needs to do this.”

  Mom was like a human bridge trying to connect Dad and me. But Dad kept shaking his head—not angry, because the Mad Meter wasn’t running, but not ready to join my search party either. Yet I could tell he was trying, in his Dadish way, to understand.

  “It’s like you starting college, Dad, after all these years. You said you made decent money with the business, right? But that wasn’t enough. There was more to you than just washing windows. Well, it’s the same with me.”

  Dad rubbed his fingers slowly over the top of his cast. Then his eyes met mine, and I knew: he’d help.

  “Maybe we can call the adoption agency on Monday,” he said softly.

  I felt relieved, like someone had taken an elephant off my back.

  Mom’s eye shadow sparkled and her whole face lit up. “I’m off on Monday. I’ll call.” Sure, she’d do the leg-work, but this was the most involved Dad had ever been.

  I told them how Jae said her aunt gave birth close to my birthday, right there in Pusan, and how the baby disappeared and was never mentioned again. And I wrote down Jae’s phone number for Mom, in case the adoption agency needed to contact her directly.

  “Guess what? Hea has a brother with my Korean name, Duk-kee. I was probably named after him.”

  “Or maybe there are thousands of Duk-kee’s running around Pusan,” Dad added, “like all the Giovannis in Sicily.”


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