The Aquarian Age Chronicles

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The Aquarian Age Chronicles Page 5

by Tabitha Stevens

  Raven turned then treaded down the aisle. She ignored the glances from the other students. Jenny and Danielle turned their attention back to the board. The teacher wrote on the board. Jenny looked back to Raven looking out the window bored. Jenny frowned for there was another troublemaker at the school once more.


  Skipper sat under a tree and looked up at the leaves falling. He speculated if the dream was really real. The dreams were becoming more dangerous. He pulled out a thermos and opened it drinking down coffee. Zeke marched over to him and sat next to him.

  “Hey man, how are you today?” Zeke asked.

  After a few more moments, Skipper put down the thermoset and lazily smiled, “I’ve been well.”

  Zeke glanced at Skipper’s eyes and waved a hand in front of it “are you drinking coffee?”

  “Yes,” Skipper pursed out.

  “Why?” Zeke pondered.

  “Because I’ve been having these dreams,” Skipper retorted.

  “What dreams?” Zeke asked with concern for his best friend.

  Skipper took a good hard look at his friend Zeke and argued with himself to see if he wanted to tell him about his dreams. He was already changing and didn’t know if he should. They didn’t keep many secrets from each other, but Skipper knew he had to keep this to himself. He was worried for what could happen or what his friend would say.

  “There just dreams…some nightmares, but I’ll get over it,” Skipper tried to cover over what he was going to say.

  Zeke nodded and took the coffee away from him then pouring it out, “like I said, we’re thirteen and should be worried about our homework and not getting into too much trouble.”

  Zeke got up and turned to run back into the building. Skipper looked down at his hands slightly glowing then shook it. The glow disappeared then Skipper thought back to what the guardian said about his powers growing. Skipper wished he could tell Zeke about his secret, but he was too much of realist to share something grander. He funneled back to the school building. The leaves continued to fall and the image of Aquarian appeared. He picked up a leaf then it dusted it in his hands.

  “Life is important, Skipper.” Aquarian’s voice resounded in the wind.


  Skipper held his books in his arms. He smirks to Jenny as she passed him down the hall. Zeke comes from him and slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Are you still doing your Twilight, Edward thing?” Zeke laughed at him.

  “No,” Skipper tensed up.

  “Good. So, why don’t you go over there and hook up with her. Why not be a man about it and tell her that you like her,” Zeke lightly pushed him.

  Skipper scowled at Zeke, “the only reason you talk like that is because you have six older sisters and you’re the only boy. You’re a woman’s best friend.”

  Zeke fixed his collar and sighed, “hey, I had to get it from somewhere. My sisters rag about men all the time. I’m the only boy.”

  Zeke winked at Skipper and sauntered passed him then turned to smile and winking gesture to a nearby girl. He slicked his hair back and smirked. Zeke promenaded down the aisle and disappeared into the crowd.

  Skipper scowled once more and turned his locker to put some books in it. He turned to see a boy with brown hair, a sickly appearance and gray eyes. He leaned against the lockers and wore a blue and black suit. His hair was slicked to the side. His almost white lips stood out in contrasted to his clothes.

  “Hey Tommen,” Skipper said casually.

  Tommen coughed then glanced down at his shoes, “Skipper have you seen the new girl?”

  Skipper looked around to see who had mentioned about, “who?”

  Tommen pointed to Raven holding a lollipop in her hand and sucking on it “her.”

  Skipper in Tommen’s direction and frowned again “so?”

  “I think she’s creepy and doesn’t talk to anyone. She just moved here a few days ago and she is antisocial., Tommen pointed out.

  Skipper rolled his eyes and closed his locker. “Tommen, I wouldn’t give into the rumors. This is a small town and just because she’s new doesn’t mean anything.”

  Skipper walked away. “

  “Just be weary of her! She might have rabies!” Tommen yelled.

  Many of the students heard what he said and moved away from her. Raven rolled her eyes and glanced at Skipper. Their eyes met and he felt a pull toward her. Skipper stopped in his tracks and sensed a sea of endless water around her. Disturbing orange and red energy formed around her. The reality around him began to shift and swirl. He saw her eyes holding an unspoken fire and bewilderment. Time seemed to slow down and he returned all at once. He moved passed her ignoring the people around him. Their eyes parted and he walked further down the hallway. Raven glanced back at Tommen and marched to him.

  “Hello antithesis,” she said wickedly to him.

  Raven sucked on her lollipop and Tommen frowned at her, “I knew you were weird.”

  She smiled wretchedly then ran away. Tommen watched her leave then stuck his hands into his pocket and walked away.


  The sun burned brightly under the tree. The winds moved lightly outside. She turned the page in her textbook then glanced up to see Skipper walking the other direction. She blushed for she wanted to get to know him more. Her friends thought she was crazy but she knew what her feelings were.

  “Skipper, come sit with me,” she shouted out.

  He turned his head to hear a voice and noticed it belonged to Jenny. He moseyed over to her and sat down beside her.

  “What are you reading?” he asked.

  She showed him the book on their current Language Arts assignment “this.”

  They both groaned at the same time knowing that their class assignment from their teacher Mrs. Whitfield was going to be agonizing.

  “Why are you doing it now?” he questioned her.

  “Because I want to get a head start on it. Mrs. Whitfield would also put footnotes for us to follow from the digital classroom online. If you do the prep work she will give you hints.” She said lazily.

  “Jenny, you are such a brain,” he laughed.

  “I had her last year and know how she operates. Mrs. Whitfield isn’t a bad teacher. She is honestly good at what she does. Someday I would like to be a teacher. She inspires me.” Jenny said with pride.

  Skipper shook his head and looked up the clouds covering the sky, “that’s good you have a dream.”

  “Don’t you have one, Skipper?” Jenny questioned.

  “I don’t know right now. I just want to be kid. Live in the moment and enjoy what I have,” he said absently.

  She shrugged, “but wouldn’t you want to have a plan for the future?”

  He turned to her and felt himself stuck in a vortex of what he really desired. The leaves began to fall and Skipper looked at them for a brief second. He blinked his eyes to feel a pulse line of energy from them. He raised his hands in the air and sighed feeling the lifeforce within. A spec of energy through the veins of the leaves jolted around him. A leaf landed in his hand then he placed it on the ground. He glanced back at Jenny and smiled. He wanted to forget a brief second.

  “Maybe someday but right, I want to be a kid,” Skipper smiled.

  “I get it,” Jenny nodded.

  “Would you like to go see a movie with me this weekend?” Skipper smirked.

  “Sure,” Jenny said easily.

  “We can go Saturday afternoon,” Skipper grinned once more.

  “That would be great,” Jenny stated.

  She turned back to book and Skipper got up languidly. He dusted himself off then looked back up at the tree. The wind continued to blow and the clouds moved over the sky covering the sky.

  Skipper turned to leave, “I’ll pick you up at your house.”

  She peeked up at him and waved bye to him. He waved back and put his hands into his pockets. Skipper smirked to himself
and knew now he could impressed Jenny. He skipped a few moments then stopped. He glanced up to see Zeke giving him a thumb up.

  “Did you, do it?” Zeke modestly said.

  “Were you watching me?” Skipper asked suspiciously.

  “No,” Zeke half lied.

  “Right,” for Skipper didn’t believe him.

  “Well did you take my advice?” Zeke asked him.

  “Maybe,” Skipper scowled then pushed his friend.

  Zeke pouted then pushed him back, “I told you to go in for it, Edward.”

  Skipper glared then pushed him again, “I’m not a Twilight fan. Stop calling me Edward. That earlier teen craze was more than ten years ago.”

  Zeke chuckled, “when you made the right moves then I won’t joke about it with you like that.”

  Zeke continued to laugh and Skipper sighed. He loved Zeke like a brother but at times he was troubling. He sighed then wrapped his arm around his poor friend.

  “So, what did you two talk about?” Zeke pursed.

  “Just about Mrs. Whitfield’s assignment due on Monday,” Skipper glanced up at the sky once more.

  “That’s boring but it’s a start,” Zeke laughed.

  “Seriously. How are you even my friend at times?” Skipper pondered.

  “Because I’m the only person who would dare be around you. Everyone else thinks you’re crazy,” Zeke bellowed.

  Skipper glared then walked ahead of Zeke. His dear friend was right for everyone thought he was in some way. It all happened to the incident when he was in the second grade. Skipper would never repeat incident ever again. Zeke groaned and ran up to his friend. Skipper moved in front of him. Zeke and Skipper began to race each other home.

  In the distance, a woman with a jade cloak covering her whole body watched him. “You’ve grown up, Skipper.”


  Later, Jenny got up from the tree and put her things into her bag. She looked up to see Raven in the distance watching her. Jenny ignored her then put her bag over herself and began walking. The winds moved around them and Jenny held her bag closer to herself. Raven strolled passed her then turned around.

  “You will break his heart.” Raven casually mentioned.

  Jenny turned around to her oddly. “What do you want?”

  Raven shook her head and turned to look at the tree, “I don’t want anything from you but things are much bigger then what we thought.”

  Some leaves fall down into Raven’s hand, “what do you mean?”

  “You should break up with him before it’s too late. Even before it started, he needs to be free,” Raven said gazing at the leaf.

  “Look Raven, I know you’re new but going around creeping people out is not the way to go. I get that you might want be a Master Yoda but don’t stand there and except me to know what you are talking about.” Jenny raised an eyebrow at her.

  Raven glanced at her and sighed, “I’m here to see what happens next. Everything is important. He is more important than you.”

  Jenny grit her teeth, “if you jealous then say so. Don’t tell me to not go out with Skipper. He is a human being and whatever is your problem I would get a clue.”

  She pushed passed Raven upset. “I’m not jealous. I want him to choose his destiny.”

  Jenny turned around and started to speak but only saw the leaves on the ground. She looked around to see where Raven could have possibly gone. Jenny stepped back afraid for what had happened. She knew something was off and no one was that fast. They were in an open space and Raven disappeared. Jenny gasped then turned around not wanting to rehash what just happened.


  Skipper closed the door behind himself and saw an older man with white hair. A woman with loose gray hair and a beret in her hair holding the side bangs. They held each other’s hands and looked at him. Skipper walked in with anxiety.

  “Mom, Dad, what’s wrong?” Skipper asked.

  They looked worriedly at him, “Skipper, we noticed that you’ve had some changes happening to you since your thirteenth birthday.”

  He treaded toward them and sat down on the couch, “what do you mean?”

  The older man glanced his wife then back to her. “Gladys…”

  She held his hand a little tighter, “Paul…”

  Skipper looked intently at his parents afraid for the next thing that would come out their mouths.

  “We knew when we took you in that you were special,” Paul mentioned.

  “Special?” Skipper said softly.

  “On that night, you were dropped off on our porch, there was a note left with you and a letter for you to open on a certain day,” Gladys looked wearily.

  “The note said that you were going to have special things happen to you throughout your childhood and incidents just like what happened in second grade,” Paul directed.

  Skipper sunk into the couch. “I know but why would you tell me this now?”

  Paul and Gladys looked at one another, “we didn’t know how to say it before. We always saw you as our child and thought nothing of it.”

  Skipper nodded then leaned up, “I know I’m different but—"

  “We aren’t your real parents but we love you the same,” Gladys said easily.

  “Mom and Dad, you’re my real parents. You love me and I love you. It’s not like my other parents are coming for me. I never thought of that would happen. You’re my parents.” Skipper got up and hugged both of them.

  “I knew I was different but I want to be a kid,” Skipper said holding them tightly.

  They hugged him back and kissed his forehead, “we love you too, son.”

  They pulled away from him and kissed his forehead once more. Skipper identified in his heart he would never leave them.

  Gladys held his face, “Skipper, I want you to be a kid as well. One day you might be special but never forget where you come from.”

  Tears fell down from her face and Skipper hugged her again. Paul smiled then tapped Skipper’s shoulder.

  “Son, remember that no matter where you that we are important to you,” Paul revealed.

  Skipper nodded then sat in between them. They hugged one another intently not wanting to give up this moment in their lives.


  Skipper and Zeke sauntered together on the street.

  “So, what are you going to wear to the dance?” Zeke asked Skipper.

  “I don’t know, something cool, for Jenny,” Skipper said slyly.

  “Do you like her that much?” Zeke questioned his friend.

  “I do. I hope she will like me enough on that day,” Skipper said blushing a little.

  Zeke laughed at him then ran in front of him. Skipper followed him trying to beat him but couldn’t.


  Some of the figure heads within the Light Corporation began to quarrel over leadership over the vast corporation. Without Pisces as the true lead, things began to falter, for the line of succession tore the company in many different ways. In the shadows of the company, others who deemed to rule took it upon themselves to showcase this valid storm. The hidden truths within the corporation took light in different directions.

  The might Light Corporation was coming from the seams and it all fell from fall on the true hierarchy of the company of who would really rule, yet certain heads would come to past in their own idealism of what Pisces wished. Power attracted power, and their own master was not present to a poison that was the devil within.


  A man sat on bed looking up at the ceiling. His phone rang and he looked at it to see Karly.

  “I’m here,” the man said.

  “Showman, remember you are there to observe. If you see anything out of the ordinary report it back to me. I want to know everything that happens,” Karly said.

  “I will, Karly. I know,” Showman gathered.

  He hung up the phone and got off the bed and walked to the window. Showman pulled bac
k the curtains and glanced at the town. He wondered if he would find anything. Karly was depending on him to give her facts. Her clock was ticking and he had hoped this time he had some news to give to her.

  Chapter Six

  The sun shined brightly in the sky. The trees whistled against the wind. Many children and teens played outside on the block. Skipper walked passed the houses on the calva sac. He smiled looking up at the matching houses with different colors. He stopped at a single green home with a welcome mat on the porch. He rang the doorbell and a few minutes later, the door opened with Jenny.

  “Hey,” she smiled looking at him.

  “Hey. You ready?” he asked her.

  “Yep,” she said lightly.

  Skipper put his hands into his pockets and smiled looking at Jenny. She blushed and grabbed his arm leaning her head on his shoulder. About fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the local movie theater. Skipper paid for the tickets and they entered in. Jenny pointed to the movie food. Jenny loaded up a tray filled with popcorn and candy. Skipper sighed and shook his head thinking girls love junk food. He got himself a ICEE and placed it near the cashier. Jenny began to eat her candy as Skipper paid for it. They ambled to the back theater and handed their tickets to the movie theater employee. She ripped their tickets and gestured to them their movie. Jenny and Skipper walked into their movie. The movie began to start and Jenny started eating. They sat down near the middle of the theater and watched it as the previews began to roll.

  He sighed wondering how he got suckered into a chick flick. Jenny leaned her head against his shoulder and watched the movie. He looked over at her and smiled a little. The movie started the people in the movie theater smiled seeing the credits roll.

  Over an hour and a half later, Jenny and Skipper exited the movie theater. Jenny threw the tray in the trash and jumped up and down.

  “That was such a great film. We should go see another one like that,” Jenny smirked.


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