Her Lycan Lover

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Her Lycan Lover Page 23

by Susan Arden

  “Jeremy, did you find her?”

  “Yes. Right here. Hold on.”

  “Hello, Quinn, this is Lettie. How can I help?”

  “It’s my mate. Sherry Delacroix. She’s been wounded. Can you help me get her into the energy realm? I know you have special powers… something with her life line? She talked about life forces when she did some sort of work in the realms to keep the Fae from crossing over. So far, I’ve drawn the casting circle, but need help. We have the so-called High Priestess here and she claims not to know.”

  “Quinn, the Delacroix are some of the strongest casters known to exist. They have capabilities no one understands. I can meet you and Sherry inside the realm. You’ve got to get the portal to open. I’ll find you on the Denver ley line. Can you get inside?”


  “You have the head of the Sisterhood there?” Lettie’s tone sounded bitter.

  Quinn swung his gaze over to Nina who held onto her wounded arm. “Yes.”

  “Did you make the mark of the sacred symbols inside the circle?”

  “All five.”

  “We need a sacrifice. Cut Nina’s flesh and let her tainted blood drip on the left side of the inscribed elements in the circle. I’ll find you by that mark. I’ve wanted to catch up to her for some time because of what she’s done to conjurers.”

  She hung up and Quinn rose, facing Nina. “You’re coming over here,” he said.

  “Why? What are you going to do?”

  “Your turn to help. And you will cooperate. Refuse and I’ll put you out of your misery. I need some blood. Yours.”

  “No. You can’t kill me. I’m the head of the spellcasters.”

  “You’re Fae. I promise to do whatever is necessary to save Sherry. Without an inkling of guilt. Understood?”

  Sonya took hold of Nina’s uninjured arm and propelled the woman over to the circle where Quinn waited. Nina stopped in front of him. She reached out and he stepped back as she said, “We could escape. You’d have strength and wealth beyond your dreams. Join with the Fae and we’d have such power. Anything you’d want. Why do you refuse me?”

  “Shut your revolting mouth. The Fae will squish you like the insect you are. When this is over, I’ll make certain they know where to find you.”

  He pulled her sleeve up, revealing greying skin, and remembering all too well Simon’s party when she’d come onto him. The nausea of her Fae nearness had rendered him incapable of doing more than drinking himself into a drunken stupor before he’d disappeared into his dream.

  “Sonya, can you hold onto her?”

  “Do you want me to slash her other arm?”

  “I’ve got it.” He used Sherry’s blade to cut Nina’s finger and pressed droplets of grey blood on the side of each of the crude symbols he’d carved. “Now, you’d better start reciting the words to open the passage.”

  She swallowed. “First to bless the circle.”

  “Wait.” He retreated to the sofa and tenderly picked up Sherry. She moaned, but did not stir. He held her close to his chest as he stepped back into the circle. “Begin reciting the spell.”

  Nina started to speak, asking for assistance from the elements and gods. He listened closely and from what he remembered it sounded similar. He hugged Sherry, pressing his forehead against hers, and wishing she could absorb his life force. All of it. If only he knew what to do. It was nearly dark outside, and the dimly lit room became colder. Throughout Nina’s incantation, none of the brilliant flashes occurred as had happened when Sherry had recited the spell.

  “That’s it,” Nina said. Nothing happened.

  Sonya put her arm around Nina’s throat. “I’ll choke you into eternity if you hold back on the magick.”

  “This isn’t something you can just do.” Nina began to tremble. “Let me try again. Give me your cell. I’d better phone a friend.”

  “Dammit,” Quinn growled, extending his phone toward her outstretched hand.

  Shaking, Nina tapped the screen and then spoke into the phone. “Holly, I need the incantation for the doorway into the realm. Don’t question me, just give me the blasted thing! Yes. I’m waiting!” After Nina hung up, she reached for Sherry.

  Quinn quickly retreated. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded.

  “Bitch. Watch it.” Sonya grabbed for Nina.

  “This is the part that was missing,” Nina whined. “We all must be connected. I’ve got to hold onto her.” She jerked her chin over to Sherry.

  “Just her fingers,” he said sharply, watching Nina take hold of Sherry’s hand.

  Nina repeated what the person on the phone must have said, with a brief stop at each turn of the four elements, and ending at the symbol for spirit. Vibrations began to take hold of Quinn’s body. The hairs on his skin stood up, charged as it had been when Sherry invoked the passage into the realm. Before him a shimmering doorway appeared, unlike the time when he had watched Sherry’s body move and sway within the circle.

  He walked toward the opening, unsure if this was the right course to take. He heard a loud knock on the apartment door and the forms in the room flickered. He continued forward, stepping into the portal. All around him there was darkness and he made the mistake of looking down into vast, unending darkness.

  His stomach lurched. It was as though the entire world dropped away. He cautiously walked forward, expecting to take a tumble into oblivion. Once inside, a feeling of joy bathed him. Wonder swam in his bloodstream.

  Sherry stirred in his arms. “Darling, almost there,” he whispered.

  Quinn progressed farther inside and another doorway came into view. He moved through the entry and it was as though he and Sherry ceased to exist as tangible figures. Their bodies transformed into energy, emitting sparks. Together he and Sherry were connected by colorful, flowing lines of energy woven together, linking their essences.

  Another energetic being approached them, warm and glowing. The form connected to their energy lines and instinctively he knew it was Lettie as she existed in this realm. He followed her pull, drawing Sherry’s being along a passage. They moved deeper into the interior of the space. All around them were lines of light. Twinkling. Shimmering surges, and sometimes bursting flares.

  It made no sense to him. He lacked a way to frame the experience. He felt movement and they changed direction, gliding into another passage, different somehow, and yet he couldn’t formulate the idea of how. They came to a bright hallway. The light was all-encompassing—it filled him. Final. Total.

  The light swam over Sherry’s essence, hovering and sweeping in between him and his mate, little by little pulling them apart. The energy increased in power, tugging at him, and nearly separating Sherry from his energetic form. They were still connected, only now by slender golden energy lines. The light began lifting her away from him, and he struggled to keep hold of his mate’s energetic being.

  She’s mine! His mind echoed it. He surged forward only to be stopped, held back by an invisible force. Lettie’s energy swirled around him, attempting to keep him in place. There were brilliant ripples of light from the passage where Sherry’s energetic form had gone.

  Piercing pain stabbed at his being. He pulled back on the tendrils of golden energy as jagged spikes of sorrow impaled him. The feeling of loss rained down on him, drowning him. His being shuddered, beseeching something to have Sherry returned to him. His wolf spirit howled from the depth of his core. A fierce, protective sound wrenched from his soul. Baleful and reverberating from him. He howled again, refusing to accept she was gone.

  His nature to protect her thrashed, refusing to back down. He moved along the passage, searching for a way to follow, but at each point of entry an invisible shield prevented him from following Sherry. The wolf in him pummeled the barrier, snarling in desperation to follow his mate. A growl tore from his being. Quinn hurled his energetic form against the invisible wall, over and over, until a breeze blew past, snaring his att
ention. The achingly familiar scent was warm and settling to his spirit. His mate’s scent.

  Sparks flew up around him, and then Sherry’s energy form reconnected with his. Laugher erupted from deep within his being. Flashing arcs burst along the glimmering line of energy connecting them. Her essence swam within him while the sound of her whispering voice captivated him. Their life lines rewove, merging. Sherry-mine.

  Lettie’s energy beam flickered over them before unfurling, and then jetted away. He and Sherry were moving again, rocketing faster and faster away from the light and into a narrow passage. They glided through a doorway and returned to the corporeal realm. The force released them and he found himself staring down into topaz-colored eyes.

  For a prolonged beat he and Sherry silently stared at each other, then he reached for his mate, pulling her to him, inhaling her scent. His wolf senses surged with the instinct to safeguard her. They were back at his home in the mountains. He steadied himself, glancing around with Sherry protectively encircled in his arms. No Fae scents or sounds other than the looped recording of their voices. He reached down and shut off the computer soundtrack. Coming upright, his senses pricked again. There was the ticking of the clock on the mantle and Sherry’s body pressed against him, capturing his attention.

  “Love,” he whispered, gently kissing her sweet lips.

  “You saved me,” she said softly.

  “Angel. Mine. You scared the daylights out of me.” He peered down at her side, tenderly tracing her jaw. “Your side. You were hurt.”

  Her brows drew together. “I feel fine. Really.”

  They were standing within the casting circle. He picked her up and walked over to the couch, then gently set her down. Sherry lifted the material wrapped around her body, displaying smooth skin. And the scar she’d shown him in her office: a pink line of lightened skin over the place where she’d been wounded.

  She touched the scar. “It’s the same as it ever was.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve carried the mark, foreshadowing that moment.”

  “Let’s just hope it’s over for now. It sometimes bleeds, but I’ve never been stabbed before. Once is enough for a lifetime.”

  “I don’t understand all that’s gone down. I thought, I’d seen it all. Baby, you’ve shown me there’s so much more to life and living.”

  “I heard a full moon is coming up.” She stroked her hand up his arm. “We can run as wolves to one of your secret dens. We can even howl together.”

  “Or whisper under the covers,” he murmured, pulling her back into his arms. He pressed his mouth to hers, relishing the taste of his sassy spellcaster mate.

  After dinner, Quinn came up behind her. “My sweet love,” he said, running his hands over her shoulders. A brief quiver rippled through her body. Quinn responded by nuzzling her neck, his warm lips lingering, before he said, “I heard from Shawn. Sonya was released from the hospital and she’s fine. A few bruises but she’ll be better with some bed rest at home.”

  “And the others?” Sherry asked, leaning into the warmth of her Quinn’s body. It had been a day and she felt conflicted about wounding the Priestess. She was unsure what it meant to be a Lycan. She’d tasted blood, torn flesh with her teeth, and had been ruled by a fierce rage to protect her mate, roiling her into action. Her whole future lay uncertain. Was she a spellcaster or ‘shifter going forward?

  “The authorities have Nina and some others in custody. Mick died and I won’t pretend I’m sorry.” He exhaled and she understood. “From what Shawn said, they’re no longer considered humans. They’ve become hybrid Fae and are classified as others. They were taken to the Boulder detention center awaiting a determination. From all indications, I don’t think they’ll survive. They’ve got whatever disease is affecting the Fae.”

  She shivered, wondering if it were a foreboding or a simple chill. All her senses were fried. “I’m worried the patch I put up is going to blow. More and more Fae might come.”

  Quinn leaned over her shoulder and took hold of her chin, tilting her face up to him. “That’s not your concern now. The Sisterhood Council will deal with it.”

  “Was I fired?” she asked, afraid of his response. She didn’t know if she still had caster abilities. She’d been too drained to try out the simplest feat.

  “Hardly. I hear you’re up for a promotion and the whole ley line network is going to be renovated. They already have crews working. Seems like Nina’s so-called special guards worked to rip holes in the ley line. Lettie asked if she can call you when you’re feeling better.”

  A soothing glow worked through her at the mention of Lettie’s name. “What did she say?”

  “The whole Sisterhood Council is going to be investigated. I’d bet by the end of the week, the Interpol authorities will have placed most of the upper members under arrest.”

  “A complete scandal?”

  “From the top. Having gone digital, it will be easy to track their embezzlement of funds. From what Tristen has said, he had some shifter computer techs look into Nina and her cronies. Seems they stole millions from the Sisterhood, based on their offshore accounts.”

  “I owe you and Lettie my life.”

  “Lettie was happy to bring to light these fakes.” He skimmed his jaw over her neck, and nibbled her ear. “Baby, I owe you my life and my heart. We’re more than even.”

  With Quinn’s love, she didn’t know or care if she had caster capabilities as long as they were together. A ginormous plus was hearing that the Sisterhood hadn’t banished her. She entwined her fingers with Quinn’s as her spirits soared. Her future lay open and far from shattered. “We’ve come full circle. Is that what you’re saying?”

  He enfolded her within his arms, keeping their fingers threaded together. She drank in his nearness, running her hand over his forearm, a steel band of muscle teasing her fingertips. She relaxed, savoring the sensation of being safe in his presence.

  “Something like that. See, as I understand it, a circle doesn’t have an end or a beginning. Am I right?”

  “I guess.” She stilled, getting accustomed to her hyper Lycan senses. Quinn’s heartbeat had ramped up. Something was about to happen.

  “Oh, there’s no guessing about it. Just take a look.” Quinn turned her around to face him. “Here.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He held it out, an offering on his outstretched palm while a cocky smile spread upon his gorgeous face.

  “What’s in there?” She lifted the paper.

  “You’ll have to be brave and open it to find out.”

  “If it’s my marching orders, I won’t blame you.”

  “Oh, silly spellcaster. Can’t get rid of me that easy.”

  Unfolding the paper, she picked up a small white ribbon. It was tied into a circle, knotted with a tiny bow. His writing filled the paper. She glanced up at Quinn and smiled. “Promises?”

  “Read on, love.” He smoothed a lock of her hair behind her ear. The feel of his fingers sent an electrical current tingling over her skin. Her fingers trembled, holding the piece of paper, and she started to read the list of promises he’d written.

  A free pass for a full body massage, together with warm oil and candles.

  You pick a date to see a chick flick—popcorn and candy included.

  A coupon for coffee, delivered. Rain or shine or snow.

  One promise to overlook a very bad mood.

  Three times you can be right without question.

  A picnic—anywhere you desire.

  She stopped reading. Tears filled her eyes, blurring the words, and she blinked to clear her vision. Inhaling, she continued to read his words. A lifetime commitment to the woman of my dreams. I promise to make you happy as my wife.

  She looked up, meeting Quinn’s soul-searching gaze, a single tear slipping down her cheek. “I love you,” she whispered. “I’ve fallen head over spellcaster heels in love with you.”
  “And I love you, baby. Marry me. Say yes and wear my promise ring. When you’ve recovered, we’ll have a ring made however you desire. Just say yes. Sherry, I love you so much it hurts.”

  “Yes, yes. Yes!”


  “Yes.” She laughed, the love for her mate tugging all of her heartstrings. “I am so in love you.”

  “Let’s do this all official.” He took the ribbon from her hand. “To the woman who captured my heart. I searched all over and you were standing here, all along. You’ve opened my eyes to true love. My sweet and sexy she-wolf, I’m prepared to make an honest woman out of you.”

  Quinn slipped the ring of ribbon on her finger and her wolf senses knew, without a doubt they would be blissfully happy.

  “My Lycan lover.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, weaving her hands, then stopped the sacred motion of her fingers. Their power lay in their love.

  Magick wasn’t required here. Perhaps they’d never need another spell or incantation. He came into her life and taught her how to love freely, living in the moment, and letting the past go. The love they shared brought them together. And come the full moon, they would be bonded forever.

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  For more the next story in the Wolf & Witch Series,

  checkout http://susanardenbooks.blogspot.com

  My Lycan Husband due out 2014 ~ Spellcaster & Lycan wedding bells.

  My Wife’s a Witch releasing in 2014


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