Sex with Kings

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Sex with Kings Page 29

by Eleanor Herman

frigidity of Kéroualle of Montijo of Pompadour

  gambling debts

  Gazzi, doctor to Archduchess Johanna

  George, prince of Hanover see also George II, king of Great Britain

  George I, king of Great Britain

  George II, king of Great Britain

  George III, king of Great Britain

  George IV, king of Great Britain

  George V, king of Great Britain

  George VI, king of Great Britain

  Godfrey, Colonel Charles

  Goncourt, Jules de

  Grafton, duke of

  Great Fire of London

  Guibord, abbé de

  Guise, Madame de

  Guise, princess de

  Guise family

  Guzman, Leonor de

  Gwynn, Nell

  Haakon, crown prince of Norway

  Hall, Jacob

  Hamilton, duke of

  Hamilton, George

  Harald, king of Norway

  Harry, Prince of Wales

  Hausset, Madame du

  Henrietta, mistress of Augustus the Strong

  Henrietta, Princess

  Henri II, king of France

  Henri III, king of France

  Henri IV, king of France

  Henri of Navarre see also Henri IV, king of France

  Henry II, king of England

  Henry VIII, king of England

  Hérouard, Dr.

  Hervey, Lady

  Hervey, Lord

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoiby, Mette-Marit Tjessem

  Hôtel de Soubise

  Howard, Harriet

  Howard, Henrietta

  Howard, Mr.

  Hoym, Madame


  Hungerford, Sir Edward


  inbreeding, royal


  Isabella the Insane

  James, duke of Monmouth

  James II, king of England

  Jermyn, Harry

  Johan, king of Sweden

  Johanna de Medici

  Johanna of Austria

  John, king of England

  Johnson, Brimley

  John the Imbecile

  John V, king of Portugal

  Jordan, Dorothy

  Josepha, Princess

  Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor

  Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor

  Josephine, empress of France

  Juana the Mad

  Juan of Austria, Don


  Karin, queen of Spain

  Keppel, Alice

  Kéroualle, Louise de see also Portsmouth, duchess of

  Kielmansegge, Sophia Charlotte

  kings death of miserliness of queens and see also specific kings

  Kiss, Nicholas von

  Königsmarck, Aurora von

  Koninklijk Museum

  Lady of Beauty. See Sorel, Agnes

  La Fare, marquis de

  La Ferté-Imbault, Madame de

  La Fontaine, Jean de

  Laking, Sir Francis


  Landsfeld, countess of see also Montez, Lola

  Langtry, Edward

  Langtry, Lillie

  La Tournelle, Madame de see also Châteauroux, Madame de

  Lauragais, Madame de

  La Vallière, Louise de

  La Voisin


  Leczinska, Marie

  legitimatization of children

  Leopold II, king of Belgium

  Le Parc aux Cerfs

  letter writing

  Lichtenau, Countess see also Rietz, Wilhelmine


  Lorraine, chevalier de

  Louise-Françoise, Mademoiselle de Nantes

  Louis XI, king of France

  Louis XIV, king of France on adultery Charles II and children of Choin and on death Fontanges and Kéroualle and La Vallière and libido of Ludres and Maintenon and Marie-Thérèse and Montespan and Philippe, duc d’Orléans and sister-in-law of Soubise and Visconti and

  Louis XV, king of France Charlotte-Rosalie and children of du Barry and Mailly sisters and Marie and Pompadour and

  Louis XVI, king of France

  Louvois, minister of France

  Lubomirski, Madame

  Lucia, mother of Antonio de Medici

  Ludres, Madame de

  Ludwig I, king of Bavaria

  Ludwig II, king of Bavaria

  Luyne, duc de

  Lytton, First Earl of

  Mailly, comte de

  Mailly, Madame de see also Mailly-Nesle, Louise-Julie de

  Mailly, Marie-Anne

  Mailly, Pauline-Félicité de see also Ventimille, Madame de

  Mailly-Nesle, Louise-Julie de see also Mailly, Madame de

  Mailly-Nesle, Marie-Anne

  Maine, duc du

  Maintenon, Madame de

  maîtresse-en-titre of Charles II discomforts of of François I of Louis XIV of Louis XV of Louis XVI maintaining the position of necessity of nobles on noblewomen as other mistresses and qualities of see also specific maîtresses-en-titre

  Malmesbury, Lord

  Malta, order of

  Mancini, Hortense

  Mansdotter, Karin

  Mantua, duke of

  Marguerite de Valois, queen of France

  Maria, queen of Castile

  Maria Anna Christina, princess of Bavaria

  Maria Louisa, empress of France

  Maria Theresa, empress of Austria-Hungary

  Marie, queen of France (m. Charles VII)

  Marie, queen of France (m. LouisXV)

  Marie Antoinette, queen of France

  Marie de Medici, queen of France

  Marie-Thérèse, queen of France

  Marlborough, duke of


  marriage, royal

  Mary I, Tudor, queen of England and Ireland

  Mary II, queen of Britain and Ireland

  Mashin, Draga

  Maurepas, comte de

  Maurice, Count de Saxe

  Maximilian II, king of Bavaria

  Mayenne, duc de

  Mazarin, duc de

  Mazarin, duchess of


  Medici, House of

  Medici, Marie de


  Mercoeur, duc de

  Mercoeur, duchesse de

  Metternich, Princess

  Mirapoix, Madame de

  mistresses Catholic Church and children of deaths of duties and hardships of husbands of on king’s death married to monarchs necessity of perks of poverty of power and political aspirations of public contempt for see also maîtresse-en-titre; specific mistresses

  Modena, Mary of


  Monaco, Princesse de

  Monceaux, marquise de see also Estrées, Gabrielle d’

  Mons, Anna

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

  Montespan, Athénaïs de

  Montespan, marquis de

  Montez, Lola

  Montijo, Eugénie de

  Montmorency, Charlotte de

  Montmorency, duc de

  Montmorency, Françoise de “Fosseuse,”

  Montpensier, Anne-Marie de

  Mortemart, Athénaïs see also Montespan, Athénaïs de

  Munk, Kirsten

  Nancy, bishop of

  Napoleon I, emperor of France

  Napoleon III, emperor of France

  Nemours, duchesse de

  Normandy, duke of

  Noyer, Madame de

  O’Murphy, Louise

  Orkney, duchess of

  Orkney, earl of

  Orléans, Philippe d’

  Ormonde, duke of

  Ornano, Philippe Antoine d’

  Palmer, Anne

  Palmer, Barbara

  Palmer, Roger

  Parabère, Marie-Madeleine de

  Parabère, Monsieur de

  Parker-Bowles, Andrew

>   Parker-Bowles, Camilla

  Pedro, king of Portugal see also Pedro, prince of Portugal

  Pedro, prince of Portugal see also Pedro, king of Portugal

  Pembroke, marchioness of see also Boleyn, Anne

  Pepys, Samuel

  Perrers, Alice

  Petersfield, Baroness see also Kéroualle, Louise de

  Peter the Great, czar of Russia

  Philip II, king of Spain

  Philip III, king of Spain

  Philip IV, king of Spain

  Philippe, duc d’Orléans

  Pitt, William

  Plantagenet, Geoffrey

  Poisson, Jeanne see also Pompadour, marquise de

  Poitiers, Diane de

  Pöllnitz, Karl von, count of Saxony

  Pompadour, marquise de see also Etioles, Jeanne-Antoinette d’

  Pope, Alexander

  Portsmouth, duchess of see also Kéroualle, Louise de

  Praslin, duchesse de

  press, free

  printing press

  Protestant Church, Protestantism

  Puyguilhem, marquis de

  queens hardships of kings and mistresses and purpose of see also specific queens

  Racine, Jean Baptiste

  Raime, Mademoiselle


  Ray, John


  Reresby, Sir John

  Ricci, Marie-Anne de

  Richard I, king of England

  Richelieu, duc de

  Richmond, duchess of

  Richmond, duke of

  Rietz, Wilhelmine see also Lichtenau, Countess

  Robert the Devil

  Rochester, Lord

  Romans, Mademoiselle de

  Romsey, Lord

  Royal Marriages Act of 1772

  Rudolf, Crown Prince

  Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin

  Saint-Simon, duc de

  Santi, serving woman of Archduchess Johanna

  Scarron, Françoise

  Schratt, Katharina

  Schulenberg, Ermengarda Melusina von

  Sedley, Catherine

  Serguidi, secretary of state of Tuscany

  Settlement Act of 1701

  Seven Years’ War

  Sévigné, Madame de

  Sèvres porcelain factory

  Shakespeare, William

  Shand, Camilla

  Shand, Major

  Shore, Jane

  Simpson, Ernest

  Simpson, Wallis Warfield

  smallpox Josepha with Louis XV with Mary II with mistresses nursing monarchs with scars from Schulenberg with

  Sobieski, John, king of Poland

  Sophia Dorothea, queen of Prussia

  Sorel, Agnes

  Soubise, prince de

  Soubise, princesse de

  Spencer, Lady see also Diana, Princess of Wales

  St. Albans, duke of

  Staatliche Museum

  Stainville, comte de

  Stanhope, Philip Dormer

  Stuart, Frances

  Suffolk, duchess of see also Schulenberg Ermengarda Melusina von

  Sully, duc de


  Taisey-Châtenoy, marquise de

  Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de

  Teschen, princess of

  Therese, queen of Bavaria

  Tournehem, Le Normant de

  Trundle, Guy

  Tuscany, archduchess of

  Uriah the Hittite

  Ursins, Jean Juvenal des

  Vaillant, Marshal

  Valerie, Archduchess

  Valois, Marguerite de

  Vatel, François

  Ventimille, Madame de see also Mailly, Pauline-Félicité de

  Ventimille, Monsieur de

  Verneuil, marquise de see also Entragues, Henriette-Catherine de Balzac d’

  Vesci, Eustace de

  Vetsera, Maria

  Villiers, Elizabeth

  Villiers, George

  Visconti, Primi


  Wadsworth, Mary

  Waldersee, Count Alfred von

  Waldersee, Countess Mary von

  Walewska, Maria, Countess

  Walewski, Anastase, Count

  Walmoden, Amelia von see also Yarmouth, Lady

  Walpole, Lord Horace

  War of the Austrian Succession

  Warwick, Daisy, Lady

  Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany

  Wilhelmina of Prussia

  Willem, crown prince of the Netherlands

  William, Frederick, prince of England

  William, Prince. See Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany

  William, Prince of Wales

  William I the Conqueror, king of England

  William III, king of England and Scotland

  William IV, king of Great Britain see also Clarence, duke of

  Windsor, duchess of see also Simpson, Wallis Warfield

  Windsor, duke of see also Edward VIII, king of the United Kingdom

  Wycherley, William

  Yarmouth, Lady

  York, duke of


  Zorreguieta, Maxima


  I am inexpressibly grateful to many individuals for their encouragement and assistance.

  My late mother, the artist Louise Herman Donahue, nurtured me with creativity, encouraged my curiosity, and bequeathed to me unforgettable love and laughter. She gave me the priceless gift of dreaming, a gift that forever remains with me although she does not.

  My father, journalist Walter Focke Herman, proud of his medieval royal ancestors, inspired me in my earliest years to love history. Sitting at his knee I first heard the screams of battle, smelled the smoke of burning castles, saw the pageantry of royal processions. To him I am also grateful for his hawkeyed editing of the manuscript.

  My sister, Christine Merrill, an artist of rare talents successfully living her dream, prodded me constantly—often to my great annoyance—to live mine. I don’t believe I would have completed this project without her stubborn but loving insistence that I do so.

  Many thanks to Susanne Becerril, Karen Griswold, and Helena Hoogterp for their unceasing encouragement and support of this project and its author.

  I am particularly grateful to my good friend Leslie Harris, proprietor and designer of Noblesse Oblige Renaissance costumes, for getting me into the spirit, and the corset, of a royal mistress. Wearing one of their gorgeous but restricting gowns has sharpened my understanding of their gorgeous but restricted lives.

  I am astonished at the patience of my wonderful husband, Michael Dyment, who listens to my nonstop chatter of kings and queens, of mistresses and royal bastards, and tolerates my elaborate court costumes at countless events without showing a shred of embarrassment.

  Clearly this book would not have been possible without the diaries, letters, dispatches, and memoirs of the past, nor indeed without the dozens of biographies and histories written by modern authors reporting and interpreting the original sources. To all writers—past and present—upon whose work I have heavily relied, and who are listed in the bibliography, I am deeply grateful.

  And lastly, to make sense out of the chaotic events of the past, the historian must view them through a particular philosophical prism. For this I am immeasurably indebted to A Course in Miracles, a work of keen psychological insight and great spiritual power.

  About the Author

  ELEANOR HERMAN was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She studied journalism and German at Towson State University and languages in Europe. For eight years she was associate publisher for North America for NATO’s Nations and Partners for Peace magazine. She is married and lives in McLean, Virginia, where she writes history from a woman’s perspective.

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  Cover design by Beth Middleworth

  Cover painting: The Great Odalisque, 1814, by Jean-Auguste-
Dominique Ingres, oil on canvas, 91cm x 182cm, photograph by Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York


  SEX WITH KINGS. Copyright © 2004 by Eleanor Herman. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

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