Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 2

by Maia Starr

  My eyes widened. This was it. This was our chance! This was what we needed. I didn’t like the idea of going to another cyborg leader, but at least it would get us out of the cell.

  K2Q let out a growl. “But he is on the other side of the planet!”

  “Yes, but orders are orders, and you know what happens if you defy the superior leader,” the soldier said.

  K2Q growled louder. “Ready my ship and a transport!”

  The soldier nodded and went into action.

  K2Q marched over to me and grabbed my arm hard. He yanked me from the room back toward the cell. He threw me in and stomped off.

  “Emma! Are you alright? What happened?” Veronica said as the other girls also gathered around me.

  “I am fine. I am not hurt. I think we are all going on a trip,” I said.

  “What? What do you mean?” Sara asked.

  “The reason he brought me back here was because he got orders from someone they call their leader. The order was that we human females need to be taken to him,” I said.

  The women gasped in shock.

  “Where?” Amber asked.

  “All I know is that it is far from here. It is a city called C2. K2Q said it was on the other side of the planet,” I said.

  “This is it. This is our chance to escape,” Veronica said.

  “They will chain us up all together like they did when they brought us here,” Jennifer said, her eyes watering.

  “We can’t all run together if we are chained up,” Monica added.

  “If only we could fight them off. But they are machines,” Diana said.

  “Let’s not lose hope. There has to be a way,” I said.

  We sat down and started to think about how we could get out of this situation. I knew that it was pretty hopeless, but I knew it was a better chance than being locked in this cell. We would be on the move, and it was a very long journey; anything could happen. I had to keep the girls motivated. I had to tell them to take any opportunity they saw, without hesitation.

  An hour later, it was time.

  “Let’s go! Stay together,” a cyborg soldier said as he opened the door to the cell. Another cyborg came in and attached our chains to one long chain, the same way we had been brought in. We all walked slowly, following the cyborgs out of the dark cell and into the bright sunlight. We all gasped, trying to shield our eyes.

  When my eyes adjusted, I finally was able to look around. There were several mud-brick type buildings, like a small village. There were cyborgs everywhere, going about their daily business. It looked to me like a military outpost. I could see artillery areas, parked vehicles, and some cyborgs sitting at long outdoor tables eating food.

  “What the hell is this?” I heard Veronica whisper behind me.

  We were led toward the parked vehicles. It was then that I realized they were hovering above the ground by about five feet. They were some sort of hovercraft. We were led to the stairs of a very large one.

  “Wait! Not that one!” K2Q shouted.

  We stopped walking. K2Q looked directly at me. My heart stopped as he smiled.

  “This one is going to ride with me on my ship,” he said. The cyborg soldier unlocked my chains. I was free. There were no chains around my wrists or ankles anymore. I looked over my shoulder at Veronica. She nodded her head at me. Then the long line of women was pulled again and led into the large transport vehicle.

  I felt K2Q’s hand wrap around my arm. He pulled me to another smaller ship. It was nice and shiny. It was smooth and polished, almost like the cyborgs themselves.

  K2Q pushed me on board. A few minutes later, we were in a caravan. His ship was first, in front of the larger transport with my friends.

  “Sit on my lap, human,” he said grabbing my arm and pulling me down. I winced as he put his arm around my waist. I looked around the ship, watching for anything I could use as a weapon, but there wasn’t anything loose. I looked out the windshield and was surprised by the beauty of this planet. The vast desert landscape went on for miles, and the sand was bright orange. It was beautiful, and I wanted to cry at the fact that I was on an alien planet.


  The ship suddenly shook, knocking me onto the floor.

  “We have incoming!” the pilot shouted.

  “Who? Where?” K2Q shouted.

  “From the west! It’s… sir, it’s one of our own speeders!” the pilot said.

  “What! Who the hell!” K2Q said running to the front windshield.

  I crawled undetected toward the back of the ship, toward the door. I listened to the cyborgs up front shouting at each other.

  “Speeder! Identify yourself. This is K2Q! Don’t shoot!” K2Q shouted into the radio command.

  “Release the humans, K2Q!” the voice said.

  My eyes opened wide. Who was it? How did he know that there were humans on board? I stood up, holding onto the wall, and looked out the window, but all I could see was the speeder, not who was inside of it. This was my chance! I needed to take it. I looked down; the sand would hurt. I would be killed if I jumped, even though the ship had slowed after being hit. Then I saw something on the wall that could help. It was a chrome breastplate: a replacement part for the cyborgs. If I could land on that, I would skid across the sand. If I was going to do this, I had to do it fast. I looked at the door. There was a lever on it, and emergency handle, a lot like an airplane door. I could do this. I moved slowly to the plate and pulled it off the wall. It was heavy. Luckily K2Q and the other cyborg were occupied with shouting at the radio.

  “Who are you? Identify yourself. Do you know who I am?” K2Q shouted.

  I set the breastplate down against the wall and pulled the lever with both hands. The door burst open. I grabbed the plate and jumped! I could hear the shouts from inside the ship as I flew through the air, curling my body on the plate. Bam! I hit the sand and slid fast and hard. I must’ve landed on the top of a sand dune because it just kept going. My eyes were shut tight, and I held on for dear life. I could feel the sand in the air scraping my skin as I skidded across. Finally, I came to a stop. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was indeed at the bottom of a very tall sand dune.

  The muffled sound of a motor was so loud, it felt like it was right in my ear. I turned to see a speeder that looked like a convertible pull up near me.

  “Get in! Hurry!” the blue alien shouted. I recognized him immediately. He was one of the ones that took me and the others from Earth.

  He held his long arm out to me. I grabbed it, and he pulled me up inside the speeder. I fell onto a seat. Then the speeder moved hard and fast. I finally got to my feet and looked up. I could see K2Q’s vehicle coming toward us. But we were running away from it.

  “The others! The other girls—human females are on the bigger ship. We have to get them!” I shouted.

  “And we will, but not now,” the blue alien said.

  “What! What do you mean? Turn around!” I shouted.

  “I can’t take out those ships by myself in this speeder. It has very little firepower. If we get in range of their guns, they will blow us out of the sky,” he said calmly, never taking his eyes off the path in front of him.

  “No! We can’t leave them! We have to go back!” I shouted grabbing his arm. He yanked his arm away from me and said nothing.

  “I remember you! You are the ones that took us from Earth. You are the reason we are here, and it is your responsibility to get those women!” I shouted at him.

  “I said that I will. Now sit down and shut up!” he barked.

  My chest was heaving up and down. I held back tears. I looked back at the transport and K2Q’s ship. They were growing smaller and smaller in the distance. I had left them. I had left my friends that had fast become like sisters. I had to go back for them, but this bastard wasn’t doing it.

  “I heard you on the radio! You said let the humans go! Why are you backing down now?” I shouted at him as the wind whipped my hair.

  “Because I got close enoug
h to see the guns on their ship,” he said.

  Boom! Suddenly an explosion went off to my right side in the sand. It knocked me to the floor. But the blue alien stood firm and flew with concentration. He was veering the ship left and right, zigzagging all over the place. More explosions went off. I threw my arms over my head and curled into a ball. The cyborgs were shooting at us!

  Chapter Four

  Elon Fiul

  I was amazed by this human female. I couldn’t believe it when I saw something shiny drop from the transport I was chasing. I knew they had the human females on board because I heard the radio communications. But I wasn’t expecting to see a human female drop from the sky.

  I saw a flash of red hair and a white cloth on top of the chrome plate as it fell onto the sand dune and slid down it. I assumed she was dead. I thought the cyborgs were dumping the human females after I commanded they hand them over. But it was then that I saw the large guns on the transports. These weren’t ordinary transports; they were military ships. Shit! I had to get out of there. One direct shot would blow the speeder I was on to pieces. So I quickly made a U-turn and headed back in the direction I came from. Then I saw the human female on the chrome plate move. She sat up! Shit! She was alive! It was unbelievable. I swung around and picked up the red-haired female and then went into evasive maneuvers to lose the cyborg guns that were chasing us, but the human female was resistant. She kept pleading with me to go back and take on the massive cyborg ships to rescue the rest of the females. Was she dumb? Did she not see the guns?

  Then the gunfire came. Boom! Explosions were happening on all sides of us. It finally shut the human female up, but it was a very sticky situation.


  “What was that?” she shouted as the speeder jolted.

  “We’re hit!” I shouted.

  “Oh my god! Get us out of here! I can’t go back to him!” she shouted.

  “It’s just the left engine. Shutting it down!” I shouted. With one engine out, I needed to figure something out. Then up ahead I saw a possible escape. There was a large wall of rock, and it was just diversion I needed.

  “Cover your head!” I shouted.

  “What?” she shouted back.

  I flew straight toward the wall and started firing shots at it. Just as I expected, it created a large dust cloud. Soon we were flying straight into the cloud. I continued firing, making more and more dust. Then I made a hard left, changing directions. I flew low, just inches above the desert. I could hardly see, and there was dust on my face. I could practically taste it. I flew low and landed behind a dune. I turned off the engine. I turned off all communications and sounds. I had previously ripped out the tracking beacon when I stole it.

  “What are you doing? Are you insane?” the human said. I quickly ran to her and pushed my hand over her mouth and held her in place.

  “Shhh, not a sound,” I whispered into her ear.

  The sound of the transports grew louder, and louder, as if it were bouncing off the sand particles itself. They were getting closer. They were going fast. Then, ZOOM! They passed us without even slowing down. They went straight through the dust storm and kept going. I could see the lights of the transports disappear. Then as my worry about the cyborgs slipped away, I felt her body against mine.

  There was dust all around us, so I couldn’t see her, but I could feel her. She was trembling in my arms. Her lips were soft against my hand, and I could feel her hot breath on my skin. Her soft hair was against my chin. My arm was resting around her small waist. The cloth she wore was thin and flimsy. I didn’t remember any of the humans being dressed in this manner. They had all been wearing pants, shirts, and boots. I found myself growing aroused as I held her. My cock stirred. I had to get us out of there.

  I let go of her. “Stay quiet,” I said to her. Then I moved back to the pilot seat and turned the one engine on. I stayed low and turned back in the direction I came from and drove away. The dust storm I created was the perfect cover. It would be at least fifteen minutes before they realized they had lost me in it.

  As the dust began to shake off of me and the speeder in the wind, I felt the human come to my side.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “You are welcome,” I said.

  “That was a smart move,” she said.

  “I did what I had to do. But now we have to get back to the beacon,” I said.

  “Beacon? But we need to come up with a plan to get the other girls back!” the human female said.

  “Right now, the plan is to get back to that beacon, and that is all that you need to know, human!” I barked at her.

  She gasped and crossed her arms. Yes, I wanted to get the rest of the females as well, and the fact that I couldn’t was pissing me off. This crash was my fault, and I wanted to make it right. I had to do it for her. I had promised her before I left our home planet of Xeion. I had promised I would return to her and I was going to do whatever it took to fulfill her wishes.

  I looked at the radar map. We were ten miles from the beacon. Then there was a sputtering sound.

  “What the hell is that? What now?” the human said.

  “It’s shutting down. Damn it!” I said hitting the console over and over. It seemed we had sustained more damage than I thought.

  The speeder came to a sputtering stop and just hovered. I tried to turn it on again.

  “I can fix this,” I said not knowing if I actually could.

  “You better; we are stuck in the desert in the middle of nowhere!” she said.

  “I don’t see you helping!” I said turning to face her. For the first time, I got a good look at her. I was mesmerized. Her creamy skin was evident even though she was dirty from the orange sand. Her fiery red hair was all over the place. Green eyes stared back at me with fierce anger in them. Her delicate hands were on her ample hips. The ridiculous white cloth she wore left nothing to the imagination. It was torn in places, and it hugged her swollen breasts that were heaving up and down with her breath. Long pale legs led down to her feet, which were covered by lace-up boots.

  “Why the hell are you wearing that?” I said looking at her clothes. I turned from her and jumped out of the speeder.

  “It’s not mine. It’s a long story,” she said with a voice fading a bit. I turned back to her. Her eyes were lowered, and she looked sad. Clearly, I had said something that wounded her. I had no time for that.

  I walked around the speeder to the back.



  “I can’t fix this. We lost a major gasket, and there’s no way to put it back. If it was just electrical, I could fix it, but it’s not,” I said punching the back thruster.

  “Great. Now what?”

  “We walk,” I said climbing back in the speeder.


  “You heard me. The beacon is ten miles in that direction. It shouldn’t take more than an hour or two, and it will be dark in a couple of hours. Here,” I said throwing a bag of supplies at her.

  “Walk through the desert? That’s how you die!” she said.

  “When we found you, you were walking through the desert,” I said smiling at her.

  “Yes, but that was different. That was a hike,” she said.

  “A what?” I said as I threw bags of supplies, including food and water, over the side. I ripped up cloth from the seats and threw it over the side. I salvaged everything that I could from that speeder and took it with us.

  “This way,” I said gathering what I could and began walking.

  “Great,” she mumbled as she grabbed the two bags I gave her and draped them on her small frame. Then we walked. I could handle it fine, but the human female was petite. I didn’t know if she could. But then again, she had jumped out of a moving ship, and that was the kind of behavior that I only saw from soldiers: brave soldiers. So maybe she was tougher than her appearance made her out to be? It would be her appearance occupying my mind for the rest of the walk.

pter Five

  Emma Garrett

  I found this blue alien to be impressive. It wasn't just his white-silver hair, purple eyes, and blue skin with darker blue tiger stripes. It was his maneuvers while flying, the trick he pulled off, creating a dust storm so that we could hide. But I was not expecting to feel the way that I felt when he pressed his body against my backside. He had put his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking while we were hiding; he was behind me with one arm around my waist and the other on my mouth. I could feel his hard chest against my back. I was terrified, not of him, but of being found by the cyborgs. I knew there was a chance that they could see us, and I would again be taken by K2Q. I never wanted to be with him ever again, but I was conflicted because I did want to do whatever I could to get the other girls set free. But having the alien's body pressed against mine made me feel safe.


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