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My Granddaughter was Stolen!

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  My Granddaughter was Stolen!

  by Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2012 Robert C. Waggoner

  Smashwords Edition


  In Washington DC, Brad Pratt sat talking to Steve Lewis and Nancy Longstreet. They were in their office inside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House. He had just returned from overseas helping our English friends search for an elusive terrorist. It had been a grueling assignment and he was happy to return home to his family on the Oregon coast.

  Sujin, his Korean wife was due to deliver their second baby. Brad wanted to be there when the happy event happened. However, as they say: 'Even the best laid plans…………'

  Brad had risen to his feet and previously alerted his pilots that they would fly at three o'clock. He'd put on his overcoat, it was winter and snowing out, when the phone rang. Nancy identified herself and listened, while looking at Brad with eyes that said, wait, someone wants you. She said, "Yes sir. Ten minutes. We'll be there Mr. President."

  "Call the pilots Nancy please. They're on standby. Well, Steve, put your Burberry on and let's go. Nancy we'll wait for you at the elevator," said Brad

  They were quickly ushered into the Oval Office. A new Chief of Staff, Felix Wilhelm, sat with his legs crossed like a woman. His thin lips never smiled making his face look like he lacked a mouth. Samuel Bates stood behind his desk with a grim look on his face. He nodded for all three to sit down.

  He turned to look out the window to see a winter wonderland. Then he said, turning back to face his guests, "We all have skeletons in our closets. I too have a skeleton that needs explanation. First, I'm going to say this, my granddaughter has been kidnapped." He let that sink in as Nancy sucked in a gasp of air, but neither Steve nor Brad batted an eye.

  "Ironically, Brad, she lives in your coastal town of Bandon, Oregon. I'll try to make a long story short. I was previously married and subsequently my wife died of cancer. However, she was pregnant at the time we were married. We had a baby girl. My aunt in Portland, Oregon raised her as I was too busy being a young politician. We did keep in touch and remained on a very friendly basis. Well, my daughter married Donald Hedgewire the land developer and real estate tycoon.

  I received a call this day noon from Amy, my daughter. She told me Lisa had been kidnapped and an e-mail had confirmed that event. Further information and demands are forthcoming it said. The kidnappers sent a picture of her and a scanned document of her finger prints. They also said they could send some blood for a DNA if so desired. Also adding fuel to the fire they said Lisa was wearing purple panties."

  Sam sat down heavily and elbows on desk held his head up by his large hands. Brad said, "Is that the same land developer that built the luxury condos and golf course just north of Bandon?"

  "The very same one. I'm just guessing but I don't think the kidnappers are looking for money, but wanting something political from me. The press would have a field day digging up old dirt and making life miserable for many of us directly linked to the event. This would put me at the mercy of the opposition party. If I bent to their whims, I'm a dead duck for re election this fall. There's nothing worse than being a one term president.

  But let me be clear here. I want my granddaughter back safe and sound. If my political career is cut short, so be it. Brad, do what you do best. I realize that the odds of my granddaughter coming out of this alive are remote. Whatever you need, call me day or night. I thank you for coming."

  Felix stood up signaling the meeting was over. They walked back to the office on snow covered sidewalks. Brad was deep in thought. The first thing they needed was Billy Ricker tracing the e-mail. As usual, Brad possessed the tools to fit the occasion. The second thing was to get home quickly and develop a plan for his team. It would be best if both Nancy and Steve stayed here to liaison with the president.

  From the private Gulfstream G550, he called his best friend and team member Mike Henderson. He and his significant one, Julie lived just down the coast from Brad and Sujin. He told Mike to have Wendy and Agent Jones on standby. Both were former FBI special agents recruited from within to fulfill special areas in the operation of the Batt Team.

  Brad Pratt, a retired SEAL, formed what is euphuistically known as the Batt Team with his friend and former SEAL Mike Henderson. It was formed when a need for special covert operations in and outside the government was needed. It fell under the direct command of the President of the United States.

  It was now in its fourth year with the beginning mission involving a senior serial killer that had been eluding the local and federal authorities. The outcry from the senior citizens forced the president to take some unusual action.

  The Batt Team performed admirably with the demise of the serial killer. What began as a two member team was added by the need of a computer expert. Hence, the arrival of one Billy Ricker, a computer nerd if there ever was one. He was the best in the business. As time went on, three more members were added; all from the FBI. Last and very important was his wife Sujin and a Chinese Master was called upon when the need arose.


  A masked man was watching Lisa Hedgewire begin to waken. They'd had given her enough drugs to keep her out for about 12 hours. She placed her arm over her eyes to keep out the ceiling light. She groaned and licked her lips. The man knew she would be very thirsty and he was instructed to keep her fairly happy.

  He walked over and with a container that had a straw sticking out of it, placed it in her mouth. With her eyes still closed, she greedily sucked on the life giving fluid. Lisa opened her eyes and blinked rapidly looking around. Her pale blue eyes stopped on the man who held the glass with the straw. She jumped a little as he wore a ski mask. It scared her for a minute then her memory came back flooding her brain with what had transpired upon her last recollection.

  Someone grabbed her from behind and threw into a van. Before she could scream, a gloved hand covered her mouth. She bit down as hard as she could, but a deep voice only laughed. Then she felt a needle jab in the arm and she soon went limp.

  Now she was almost able to think clearly without a fog, and a deep head pain, both occupying her young body. She said, with a croaky voice, "Who are you and what do you want?"

  Masked man had a high pitched laugh. He said, "Never mind as you'll probably not live long enough to worry about it. As I've heard it said, 'you're my meat,' and you'd best get used to it. I'll be back in a few minutes with something for you to eat. Feel free to roam around and check out your prison cell."

  Lisa was a modern teenager that epitomized the ultra rich. She had bravado coming out of her ears. Nobody messed with her. Even the teachers were scared of her name and what might happen to them if her parent's decided she needed some new teachers. Now, that persona was being shed like a snake's skin. What was left was one scared little girl who missed her mother.

  She'd been covered with a sheet and as she threw it back, she startled to see she had on a heavy thick pair of green pajamas and no socks. She felt the need to relieve herself and a small bathroom held a toilet and a sink. She staggered to the small room as she was still dizzy from the drugs. She dropped her pajamas and discovered she didn't have any panties on. She wondered where her clothes went and why?

  Against the wall were a small table and two wooden chairs. She sat back down on her single bed and looked around. The walls were all the color of pale yellow and not a window anywhere. The door appeared stout and had two shinny locks on it. She hurried over and discovered it was locked. She went back to her bed and waited for some food to arrive. Soon she felt tears running down her cheeks. It finally dawned on her she was a kidnap victim. Her young brain did a fast forward on m
ovie and TV programs of kidnapped victims. She buried her head in the pillow and let it all loose.


  Just north of Bandon was an exclusive resort complete with luxury condos. A championship links style golf course attracted the high and low handicappers alike; albeit with money. The man behind this complex was Donald Hedgewire from LA.

  If you were to listen to him you would hear how he started with nothing and now he wants for nothing. He'll tell you he started out by selling newspapers and then he had a stable full of boys working for him. The next thing you are told is he took over the newspaper. The truth is his grandfather was the star of the family.

  Donald sold the newspaper and bought real estate. Indeed, he made a fortune. He married Amy Bates for pure political reasons. However, he found out too late that he stood on the opposite side of the street from Samuel Bates. Sam was a social democrat and Donald was climber with golf spike shoes. In his wake he left a lot of scars on people's backs.

  In his swank condo, Donald Hedgewire had just finished throwing a cut crystal glass against the wall. To say he was pissed off would be an understatement. His wife Amy was an emotional wreck. Donald couldn't handle emotional women. He flopped down in his high back desk chair and said to the room, "Lord what did I do to deserve this?"

  His wife said, "Father said he would do his best and we should expect a visitor by the name of Brad Pratt."

  "Who the hell is Brad Pratt anyway," he said almost screaming. "And get me another glass of scotch."

  Amy looked at her husband of 15 years and wondered why she had married this selfish man. When she met him he was soft spoken, well dressed and very rich. In no time he swept her off her feet and then he sat back waiting for the political favors to roll in from Senator Samuel Bates. None were forth coming.

  Nowadays he was belligerent, rude, and mostly bald and wore nothing but Hawaiian shirts that made him look gaudy and pompous: which he was. Now their daughter had been abducted and god knows what they wanted to return Lisa unharmed. Donald knew they didn't want money. The fact was money was the last thing they wanted from the President's granddaughter.


  One might think that with a life on the line, he or she would do everything possible to prevent any harm to that person. Brad Pratt was no different in that respect. He'd twice given his team room to escape at the potential cost of his own life. Once in Afghanistan and the other time was in North Korea. However, his family came first and he first went home to the Round House to see his family. It was only after that he went to see the parents of the President's granddaughter. Needless to say, he wasn't looking forward to meeting them.

  Brad had been working on a plan and so he only took Billy with him. Mike he thought could act the part of rich investor and Park would find a job as a groundskeeper or something like that. Brad surmised this abduction went deeper than just what appeared on the surface. What that was remained unclear and what he needed was a starting point. The Chinese Master always told him to start a fire you would need a match; or something similar.

  Billy Ricker had just recently returned from China. He'd spent almost three months at the Compound deep in the mountains in eastern China. That is where the Chinese Master called home. The Compound was a remnant of Peking Man: an offshoot of man with over three quarters of a million year old record.

  Before he took a sabbatical to China, Billy was the epitome of an original Marlboro man. He was a three pack a day chain smoker. That all changed when he went to China. The Master squeezed his neck one day and he's never smoked since. Also before China he always dressed in jeans and sweatshirt with Birkenstocks on his sockless feet. Now he was a Dockers man and in love with is teacher back in China by the name of Sandy.

  Now duty called and he was riding with Brad and Rocky, Brad's faithful German shepherd dog, to see the real estate mogul. It was lucky Brad had called first as security was tight. Brad thought that a little ironic as the daughter was snatched in town. He drove through a winding black top road that finally led to a condo with its back to the road and its front to the Pacific Ocean.

  Billy said, "Nice to see how the other half lives eh boss?"

  Rocky gave woof agreeing with his friend Billy. Brad chuckled and they got out into a stiff winter wind, but no rain yet. Rocky stayed in the car as Brad didn't want any trouble with this guy.

  A uniformed maid answered the door. She was dark and foreign. She said, "You're expected. Please follow me." Brad noticed her English was very good. She was probably from the Philippines, he guessed. They were led up a short flight of carpeted stairs to a large room with a glass window at least twenty feet long and ten feet high. Billy gave off a low whistle. Standing in front of the window, holding a glass of dark liquid stood Donald Hedgewire. His wife sat on a long sofa that was perpendicular to the window. She too had a glass, but it looked like wine to Brad. Both guests thought Amy was attractive and had similar features as her father.

  His Hawaiian shirt looked ridiculous, both Brad and Billy thought. He took a big gulp of his highball and walked across the rug complete with a salesman's smile with his right hand out. Brad did shake his hand and was careful not to offend the man with his iron grip. Donald said, "So you're Brad Pratt here to find my daughter?"

  "Well, I doubt she is here, but yes, I'm going to find your daughter Mr. Hedgewire. I've a few questions for both you and your wife."

  "Do you have any connection with the FBI or any law enforcement agencies," he asked.

  "Sometimes we work together on a case, but for now, my team will work alone. Your daughter's grandfather is my boss. I answer to him and him alone.

  Lisa Hedgewire said, "Mr. Pratt, we have not had any ransom demands as of yet. But we have had an e-mail that you're welcome to read on that computer over there on the desk." She was still pointing as Billy scurried over and then asked her for the password and the password to the e-mail address.

  Brad asked Donald to give him his daughter's schedule on the day she was abducted. He said, "She, I guess, did her usual routine at school. My wife told me she had called her best friend Jan Brooks and was told Lisa had told Jan she had to hurry to the post office to mail a letter to her pen pal in Africa. I guess her pen pal doesn't have a computer."

  "How far is it from her school to the post office," Brad asked.

  "Jesus man, what does it matter how far it is? We can assume she was grabbed between school and the post office."

  "Details, Mr. Hedgewire are what will find your daughter. I really doubt walking around with a drink in your hand is going to help find her. Now, tell me about her personality and if I understand correctly, she is an only child of thirteen years old."

  Amy looked up from the computer while standing next to Billy and said, "Let me take that question Donald." Brad heard her voice getting stronger and stronger. "Lisa is very typical precocious thirteen year old rich kid. I think it's best if you were to follow me to her bedroom and we'll talk from there."

  Brad did follow her while Donald went back to the bar to fix another highball. Billy heard the clinking sound of ice against glass as he began his trace of the e-mail.

  Up another set of carpeted stairs and down a short hallway to a very remarkable myrtle wood door they softly walked. Brad saw a still very shapely woman of around thirty five or so years of age. Passing through the door, Brad was in for a shock and a big shock it was. This Lisa girl didn't want for nothing. He saw a sound system and video system that would rock Billy's eyes back in his head. On a purple desk he saw matching Apple laptops and lord knows what else. The walls were covered with posters of rock groups unknown to him. It was clear that Lisa lived in a world he knew nothing about. For that reason, he needed to know her current personality as what she said and did with the kidnappers might have a large bearing on her life.

  "As you can see Mr. Pratt, my daughter is fairly typical of a teenager of today. She doesn't have an idea of the value of money or what it really represents. She just takes or asks for what she w
ants and either I or Donald gives it to her. As the latest hi tech gadget comes out, she has it ordered and delivered in a few days time.

  Her friends are the same way. The pack she runs with are all the same: brazen, outspoken, cutting, nasty and the adjectives Mr. Pratt go on and on. I'm afraid she will make the abductors angry and they will do some bad things to her. The main word is: spoiled."

  Brad walked around really not seeing what he wanted to see. He wanted to see dolls on the bed. A book shelf full of fairy tales. And most of all he wanted to see a pink color denoting a girl lived here. But what he really saw was something he didn't really understand. What her mother did say was very correct in that they might just do some real physical and mental damage to this little girl.

  Brad's eyes caught a glimpse of something mostly hidden under the bed. He reached down and pulled out a pair of pink slippers. They were very worn and that meant Lisa did have some feelings in her young body. He said, "May I take these with me. I've a dog that has helped in abduction cases before."

  "Of course and you say my father is your boss?"

  "Yes, we've worked together now for almost four years. He's a fine man. I've no party affiliation and stay out of politics when I can. He's done as good a job as anyone in that office. However, Mrs. Hedgewire, if I don't miss my guess, powerful people are behind this abduction. Your little girl is but a pawn in a much larger game of chess."

  She followed him back down to the living area. On the way down he asked her if Lisa was known to do drugs or drink alcohol. She told him no, not to her knowledge. Then he asked about boyfriends. She said nothing serious as she knew. Brad then asked for Jan Brooks's phone number.


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