My Granddaughter was Stolen!

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My Granddaughter was Stolen! Page 2

by Waggoner, Robert C.

Back facing the giant window Donald slipped his cell into his pocket and turned to look at Brad. Billy was still playing with the computer. Donald said, "I ran a check on you Mr. Pratt. All I could find out is that you're a former SEAL. Now I have a lot of respect for that branch of the Navy, but what makes you think being a SEAL qualifies you to head an investigation to find my daughter?"

  "Being qualified means that someone or some event had benefits to the one in question. I ask you, Mr. Hedgewire, what qualifies you as a good parent?"

  Billy nodded at Brad and Brad said, "We must take your computer with us. Nothing that is personal will be at risk; or professional for that matter." Amy had found a sack for her daughter's slippers. Also a list of names and phone number of her and her friends' were put inside the sack.

  It had started to rain as they got back into the van. Rocky was happy to see them. He saw the sack and wondered if there was a snack inside. His ears went down when Brad pulled out the slippers and told Rocky to remember the scent.

  Billy was driving and he said, "Lord have mercy on that little girl. I wish they'd taken that dip shit father instead of her."

  "I agree Billy. Run a check on that guy. I want to know what jockey shorts he wears. He's vulnerable and someone is trying capitalizing on that end of things. This might be a two pronged attack. One is a feint for money and the other will be a political demand. Regardless, the players are all in the card game to the bitter end. Texas Hold Em."


  In the Oval Office Sam was working hard to keep his mind on running the country. However, his Chief came in with a note, and an even tighter mouth that displayed a thin line under his pug nose. Indeed he wasn't much to look at but he had a superior brain. The document was a copy of an e-mail. It said:

  Sister Ellen Goodly. You've been chosen to be a go between. If you have faith in God, then you will do everything that is required to, perhaps, save a life.

  We have in our safe keeping a 13 year old girl named Lisa.

  Send this to the White House in care of Felix Whilhelm. He'll know what to do with it.

  Tonight at ten o'clock be in the first confession booth to receive further instructions.

  I shouldn't have to remind you and the White House to come alone. Any sign of law enforcement or secret service and we send one finger from the little girl's right hand.


  Sam sat back in his chair and rubbed his forehead. He realized this was only the beginning. He looked up at Felix with blood shot eyes and said, "Call Steve and have him bring Nancy with him. Squeeze 15 minutes in my schedule please."

  When Steve Lewis received the invite, he wished now he'd retired for good. His boss, Mr. X had finally passed on leaving the position of responsibility of communication between Brad and the President to him. Well, he thought, here we go again. His wife firmly but gently told him to give it up before a stroke came sneaking up on him.

  Nancy had her heavy coat on with some new sleek rubber boots. Steve with Florsheim shoes and his Burberry was enough for him. What no one saw or knew he had on cotton long handles. He just pretended he was tough.

  They didn't have to wait long and were showed into the Oval Office. Sam was still sitting in the same place as before. The doctor had warned him not to sit so much and get up to exercise the muscles for circulation. He tried to do as told, but as usual, too many things going on at one time to take care of the body. He asked both to take a chair or a place on the sofa. He showed Steve and Nancy the document. He let them read and then he said, "Brad's in Oregon and Steve, you and Nancy will have to handle tonight's meeting. I think it's best if we bring Sister Goodly up to speed on what's going on. Have you any thoughts Nancy or Steve?"

  They looked at each other and Steve gave her the nod. "Sir, it's my opinion as a former FBI agent that this person or persons mean what they say. It's our experience that a kidnapped victim is just a tool or a means to an end. As Brad would say, let's not jump to any conclusions and see what we hear tonight. I agree with that. I'll inform Brad when we get back to the office. I'm afraid sir that someone will be calling you around midnight tonight."

  "Never mind, I don’t sleep well anyway. Do either of you have any idea where they might be holding her?"

  "No sir. She could be anywhere in the world by now. But it's entirely possible she is within a few hundred miles of Bandon. I'd guess she is still unharmed at this point, but, sorry to say, as time goes on the bad guys get a little ruthless. Sir, prepare for the worst and hope for the best."


  In Virginia, only a few miles away from DC two men sat talking over cigars in the International Country Club. In this day and age of no smoking a special room was designed and built to accommodate die hard smokers. It was also a place for private conversations, but yet public enough to not draw attention if seen. This was precisely the case tonight as both men spoke in hushed tones. A said to B, "We all set for tonight?"

  "At 10 pm the first part of the message will be delivered. We'll wait 24 hours and then send the second part of the message," said B.

  "Tomorrow is Saturday and we need to send the second message before Sunday church day," said A.

  "I know. All is going to plan at this point. However, word has it that Brad Pratt and his team is on the trail," said B.

  "Damn that man. He's good and maybe too good. We need to move quickly. I'm thinking we need to abduct the mother to sweetin the pot," said A

  "Consider it done," said B.


  Nancy had called to make an appointment with Sister Goodly. Sister Goodly was more than anxious to talk to someone about this mysterious e-mail she'd received. At first she'd thought it was sent to the wrong person, but then she was the only Sister Goodly that she knew of. She sat at her desk, hands folded in her lap staring out the small window at the small snowflakes drifting down. She looked down to her left breast where her watch was pinned like a nurse usually wore. When she raised it with one hand, she saw it was almost time for the nice lady to arrive. What was her name again, she wondered. She looked at a post-it and saw Nancy written on it for 5 pm.

  Nancy knocked softly on the office door at exactly 5 pm. Sister Goodly waddled to the door and opened it. Before her stood a tall lady with a nice smile. "I'm Nancy," she said.

  "Come in. Please come in. I'm Sister Goodly. My, forgive me, but you are rather tall and lovely looking."

  "Why thank you Sister Goodly. That's a very nice thing to say. I'm afraid we have some not very nice things to talk about and I do hope you're up to the task," Nancy said. Nancy saw a very old nun and a little on the heavy side. Nancy was afraid for her health with a kidnapping which can turn gruesome at times. Well, best get on with it.

  Nancy sat across from Sister Goodly in front of her smallish desk. The only thing on the desk was a yellow package of post-its. Behind her sat an old computer and printer. She wondered how Sister Goodly liked computers. Nancy said, "Tell me about the e-mail you received this morning."

  "Well, I came in at my usual time of 9 am. Always the first thing I do is turn on the computer to see if we have any e-mail that came in while I was away. I hung my coat up and set the tea pot on the burner. Oh, my, I forgot my manners. Would you care for a cup of tea?

  Nancy told her no thanks and to continue her story. She knew to let the sister tell the story in her own words. Sister said, "We had five e-mails and that is usually about what we receive over night. The one that caught my attention was marked urgent with my name on it.

  Well, my dear, you know the rest of the story I presume. Now do I have to meet this person at 10 pm tonight? I'm not very brave you know."

  "I think you'll be fine Sister Goodly. This person doesn't want to hurt you. This person wants to tell you something so you can pass the message on. He or she doesn't want anything more in writing. Also e-mail messages can be traced. I think you will be fine. The only thing is you'll be alone unless you're open at that hour?"

  "No, we usually close and lock the doors at
8pm. I leave at 6 pm. I do have a key and there is a side door with a light. I'll leave the light on and a light in my office. Now do you really think this little girl is in trouble?"

  "I won't lie to you Sister. Yes, she is in mortal danger. Every hour or day that passes the risk to her well being increases. Please take a notebook with you and make sure this person speaks slowly and write down the major points. Take your time Sister. It's crucial that we receive exactly what the demands are. One more thing. I've a small recording device that would easily fit into your pocket. It makes no sound whatsoever. I see you have a pocket next to your watch. Think about it Sister."

  "If this person asks me if I've a recorder I'll not lie to him."

  "No tell this person the truth that you want to make sure you get the story right. Tell them you're not getting any younger. Now, I'll be a few blocks away and will wait for you to call me. I'll wait 15 minutes and then come to the side door and knock so as not to scare you."

  "We must say our prayers for the little girl. I can't imagine what she's going through. It's even harder to imagine why God would let a thing like this happen," she said with her hands in a prayer position.

  Nancy called Steve from her car. He told her that Brad was aware what was coming down. He felt sure that Lisa was still in the state of Oregon or down in Northern California.

  Nancy had some till to kill so she called her significant one Brenda Weeks. Nancy suggested dinner and they met in an out of the way Italian restaurant. They were well known and regular customers. Luigi always had a kind word for the both of them. All of the staff knew their sexual persuasion and totally accepted it. After a bottle of wine, they were known to show a little affection for each other. Nothing more than a hand held or a kiss to the palm, but Luigi realized the love between the two nice ladies.

  But no wine tonight. Nancy was on the job and need total concentration for the upcoming event. She told Brenda some of the case, but didn't want to upset her with knowing a young teenage girl was being used for a deal maker.

  Brenda said, "Nan, this sounds a little dangerous to me. I'm scared for you. I know you can take care of yourself, but what if there're more than two of them? You can't be a one man band. You need backup."

  "I'll be fine. I'm parked a half mile away. The Sister will call me when the person has left the church. I'll wait awhile and then go visit her."

  Indeed Nancy was right. She did wait and when she felt enough time had passed, went to the church side door. Sister Goodly let her in and quickly closed and locked the door. Similar to following a penguin Sister led her to the little office. Nancy calmly sat down and waited for the good Sister to catch her breath. Sister Goodly sat the USB recorder on the edge of the desk as if it were a glass of poison.

  Sister Goodly looked at Nancy with her tired grey eyes and said, "That was quite an experience Nancy. It was a man for sure. He had a pleasant voice and was very friendly. He even apologized for the intrusion. Yes, he did ask about a recording device and I told him the truth. I also took notes as you can see." She slid a secretary's notebook across the desk to Nancy. Nancy left it there for the time being.

  "He said, 'The first thing we want is for the President Samuel Bates to fire his Chief of Staff. After that the second part of the demand will be revealed. The girl is unharmed at this time. We want to see the resignation of the Chief in tomorrow's headlines. Thank you and good night.'"

  Nancy later checked the recording and found Sister Goodly had remembered word for word what the man said. She thanked the Sister and asked if she needed a ride home. She turned the ride down and Nancy left to make some phone calls.

  By noon the next day Chief of Staff Felix Whilhelm resigned his post. As usual, health and time off with family was given to the media for the reason. Insiders were shocked and fellow party members were even more shocked. The other party smiled with satisfaction.

  A sat in his office watching the 12 o'clock news and just a short ways down in Fairfax, B was doing the same thing. So far so good they both thought.


  At the Round House, grim faces watched the news reports. They'd been alerted the night before, but that didn't make the report any less shocking. Nancy had sent a copy of the recording. Billy had been working hard on finding the sender of the original e-mail to Donald Hedgewire. So far he been chasing a round the world cyber message. Billy had told Brad that a real pro had sent this mail. But he said, "Boss I've never been one upped yet and don't aim to be this time either."

  Brad had already put in motion Mike the investor and Park the groundskeeper. The head groundskeeper had been bought off by a government man, Agent Jones, to have him hire, at no salary, the North Korean Park. He told the man it was for a good cause to keep the Asians happy. The man just shrugged and pockets the crisp $100 dollar bills.

  Mike would enter the picture the next day looking to buy a condo and also looking to investing a few bucks in such a wonderful seaside location. Donald Hedgewire would perk up when he heard Mike come and the cash register ring.

  Brad had the whole team at his house watching the aftermath of speculation who would replace the odd looking pervious Chief. Brad said, "We now know this is political and we are facing some very ruthless and powerful people. How to get our foot in the door is what we need to discover. Anyone can say the opposite party has dirty hands. But, Lord, where do we start?

  Wendy I'd like you to assist Nancy. A voice recognition comparison is needed. That's a painstaking job, but recruit all the help you need. Jones, you need to go to church. I don't think it was just a random choice to select Saint Teresa Catholic Church. Someone is familiar with the church and staff. Both of you leave as soon as you can."


  Amy Hedgewire, that same morning that her father let Felix go, left the house to buy a few groceries and get some fresh air. She was oblivious to any and all things around her. She never saw the van; she never heard the van door slide open next to her in the parking lot of the local supermarket; and when they yanked her out of her car, her bag fell onto the parking lot. During the slight scuffle, her bag was kicked part way under her car.

  If it hadn't been left on the ground, Sean Parker and his six year old girl wouldn't have seen it and taken it inside the store. An hour later Bandon City police officer Milton Burns called Brad Pratt's house. Nothing usually surprises Brad when he's on a case, but the abduction of Amy Hedgewire the President of the United States daughter, took him by surprise. He'd never thought they would take the mother too. He said to Sujin, who was waddling around the house like duck, being nine months pregnant, "This one, blindsided me."

  She said, "What does blindsided mean, my husband?"

  "It means I never expected it to happen the kidnapping of Amy the mother of Lisa. I must go there to see if I can get a sense of knowing where they are going. I'll be back soon."

  When he arrived, his brother-in-law, Chief of Police Alex Street, who had married Sujin's sister Earie, was standing outside the store interviewing the manager. Brad nodded as he walked up to Alex. Alex's expression displayed the 'why are you here' look towards Brad. Alex asked the manager, "Please tell me again how you obtained this bag."

  "A man and his daughter brought it in to the cashier. The cashier looked inside for ID and discovered it belonged to Amy Hedgewire. Everyone in town knows who she is. The cashier brought it to me and I called your office Chief."

  Brad said, "Sorry to interrupt, but what car is hers?"

  The Chief pointed at the black Lexus with the door still partly open. Brad walked over and opened the passenger side door. He looked carefully for any evidence on the floor or seat. Seeing nothing, he sat down to see or sense any vibrations from Amy as to where she was.

  It must be noted that Brad Pratt was and is a student of Eastern Chinese religion. The Chinese Master took on the responsibility of his education. One of the 'paths' is to feel the magnetic vibrations of a person. The idea is to glean where that person is or where that person is going. In this p
articular case, Brad, sitting in the victim's car, she having just been rudely abducted left some residual behind. Admittedly Brad was still a neophyte at this pathway, but he was trying his hardest.

  The car was pointed southwest. That direction would lead to his house. He got out and rested his arms on the top of the car. That direction would point him mostly to the east and a little north. It felt a little stronger in an easterly direction. Then he turned north towards Coos Bay and on up to Portland. Brad turned back to the east and that's when he felt the vibrations strongest.

  He first learned this phenomenon from his Chinese Master. While they were on a mission to destroy a group of terrorist submarines that had laid waste to some oil refineries on the east coast, the Master could foretell the arrival of a submarine without visual sight.

  Brad had learned a long time ago there were things not understood by humans yet. Most knowledgeable and educated people realized there was much more to learn about the human brain. Therefore, to say something is impossible, would only fall on deaf ears to one such as Brad Pratt.

  What was to the east, is what he wanted to know. Roseburg was on I-5, but really not a big city. Strangers would bring curiosity to the regulars. Brad thought about Bend, Oregon was a fairly large city. In the winter time flocks of skiers would invade the area. An upscale resort known as Sunriver might be a place to look into.

  To be sure, he turned south and focused on Eureka in Northern California. It felt empty and hollow. Turning north was the same as south: empty. East had a slight pull to his feelings.

  The Chief walked up and said, "Hi Brad. I know you're not here for the shopping. Is this missing person of interest to you?"

  "Nice to see you Alex. Yes, it does. Let me briefly fill you in." Brad told him the story to date and when he finished, the Chief let a lung full of air out.


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