Freedom to Love

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Freedom to Love Page 7

by Ronica Black

  “Look, you can follow me, bug my house, my phone. You’ll see I don’t know.”

  “Oh, we’ve done that. And will continue to do so. Because whether you like it or not, Bea will be held responsible for these charges.”

  Blood drained from her face. “Which charges?”

  “The stolen vehicle. Leaving the scene of a crime. We can’t prove the weapons charge until we find them. Resisting arrest. And I’m sure there will be more to add to that as time goes on.”

  “Why am I not being charged?”

  “Do you want to be?”

  She looked away and chewed her lower lip. “No, sir.”

  “Then count your blessings.” He stood with more groans and creaks. “One more thing.” He stuck out his hand. “Thank you for saving my people. They wouldn’t be alive without you.”

  She reached up and took his powerful hand. He squeezed and she did too. She went limp to release, but he held firm.

  “Stay out of trouble, Williams.”

  She nodded once. “Yes, sir.”

  “And if you hear from your sister, you better call in. You can’t protect her this time. And just so you know, I will charge you with harboring a fugitive.”

  He released her hand and motioned for the other officer to open the door. They filed out and the officer held the door for her. She exited with her Coke and stood, unsure what to do.

  The officer touched her shoulder. “You’re free to go.”

  She nodded and acted as if she knew that. She walked through the station feeling completely out of place, like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Curious eyes from different people in different departments stared her down. No doubt they’d seen her face and kept their eye out for her and Bea the past couple of days.

  Would she ever find peace in this town? She was beginning to doubt it. Her name, it seemed, would always be a tattoo on her forehead screaming trouble. She stepped through the main doors and breathed in the heavy humid air.

  She needed a ride home and a bath. She couldn’t call Holly…Bea still had her car. No doubt she would get an earful for that. But she knew Bea would ditch it soon if she hadn’t already. Brynn shoved her hands in her pockets and walked to the road. Tired as she was, she began the walk home, staying off in the grassy shoulder, head low. She recalled that some of her belongings were still in Vander’s car, unless she’d dropped them off, which she doubted, considering her condition. And even though she knew she could get by without them, something drew her to go after them.

  She kept on down the road, then turned, sighed, and walked backward. She stuck out her thumb and eyed each car as it drove by. The good thing was, she knew a hell of a lot of people in this county. And the bad news was she knew a hell of a lot of people in this county. Thanks to Bea and Billy, the churchgoing folks steered clear, and those that didn’t had respect for her grandparents. After about ten cars, an old truck slowed and pulled over. She hustled to the door and pulled it open. Clyde Beaufort gave her a nod and she crawled in, already smelling his dip. As if on cue, he picked up the tin can from between his legs and spit.

  “Whatcha doin’ out here, Brynn Williams?”

  “I was at the station,” she said, searching for an absent seat belt. She rolled down her window and rested her arm on the frame.

  Clyde had been a family friend for ages. He had known her grandparents and had to be in his eighties himself. He eased back on the road and drove slowly, cars passing him by. She studied his worn overalls, dirty white T-shirt, and dirty hands. His small head was covered with a straw fedora.

  “Been in the garden today?” Brynn asked.

  “Yep. Got beans that need stringin’ and snappin’.”

  “I bet you do.”

  “Pickling some beets too. Ya’ll want some?”

  “Yes, sir.” She smiled. His tasted just like her grandfather’s.

  “Am I taking you home?”

  “Well, sir, I need to go down to the lake first. My belongings are down there with a friend.” She didn’t give details, and she knew he wouldn’t ask. He was more like her grandfather, a man of few words.

  He picked up his can and spit again. “I can take you there.”

  “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “I’ll do it for some of your canned pickles.”

  He looked over at her and smiled. She nodded. “Deal.”

  They drove on in silence, and Brynn hoped Vander was home by now and not still in the hospital. If she was still in the hospital, Brynn would check on Gunner. If not, she’d get her belongings, check on Vander, and get a ride back. God, she couldn’t wait for that bath. Sweat and creek water were stuck to her skin, and her hair was plastered to her head. She was sure she looked a sight.

  When they reached the turnoff, Brynn gave Clyde directions. He drove slowly through the neighborhood streets until they reached Vander’s house. She reached over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and crossed to Vander’s front door where she rang the doorbell. Her vehicle was in the driveway, and the sun was just setting on the lake.

  Brynn bobbed on the balls of her feet, nervous and a little surprised at it. She wiped suddenly sweaty palms on her stiff jeans. Shouting came from inside, along with barking.

  The door opened.

  “Damn it, Murph, I’m fine—” Vander’s face peeked out, and she stopped speaking when she saw Brynn.

  “Hi.” Brynn gave a little wave and then felt stupid and hid her hand behind her back. Beyond her, Clyde drove off, waving to them both.

  “Was that Clyde Beaufort?” Vander asked.

  “He, uh, gave me a lift.”

  “Yeah, he’s good like that.” Vander opened her door a little farther and Gunner snuck out to assault Brynn with excited kisses. Brynn knelt and loved him back. She looked up when Vander didn’t speak. They locked eyes, and something unspoken passed between them. Brynn felt it, and by the blush on Vander’s pale cheeks, she knew she felt it too.

  “I just came for my belongings,” Brynn said, breaking the silence.

  Vander backed away and pushed open the door. “Oh, of course.” She laughed and it sounded nervous.

  Brynn stepped inside, noticed the smell of hot apple pie, and glanced around. The house was decorated in antique country. Whitewashed wood floors, weathered white cabinets, and expensive looking furniture. And it smelled wonderful, like a warm night on the beach.

  “Nice house,” she said, continuing to notice things like the bookcases, the fireplace, the throw pillows, and matching curtains. It was very charming, cozy. It was the perfect home for being on the water. Light, airy.

  Vander crossed the kitchen and made her way to the door leading to the driveway. Brynn’s bag was there, waiting.

  “I shoulda had Murph drop it off,” Vander said. “Sorry.”

  “No, it’s fine. Really.”

  Vander didn’t pick it up, and Brynn noticed her tired eyes and limp body. A piece of pie was half eaten on a plate at the table.

  “I’m sorry. I interrupted your pie.” The rest of the pie sat steaming in the center.

  Vander waved her off. “Oh, it’s just Murph’s doing. His wife, Margie, is quite the master in the kitchen. That thing probably has two sticks of butter in it.”

  Brynn laughed. “Anything Southern does. That’s what makes it good.”

  “Is that what it is?”

  Brynn laughed. “Of course.”

  Vander pointed a finger at her. “What about fried? You know how much fried chicken I have in my fridge right now? It’s insane. And the rest of it Murph has. He and Margie tried their best to stuff me while they’ve been here, as you can see.” She eyed the pie, then lifted her plate and deposited it in the sink. Gunner followed, licking his lips.

  “Would you like some?” Vander asked, turning from the sink. “I’ve got potato salad, slaw, green beans, pintos, macaroni and cheese—” She stopped. “God, you name it, I’ve pretty much got it.”

  Brynn smiled. “I really shouldn’t. I
need to get home and clean up.”

  Vander nodded and looked off in the distance. “But you don’t have a ride do you?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I hitched here. I can hitch back.”

  Vander’s eyes widened in what looked like disbelief. “You hitchhike?”

  Brynn shrugged. “Sure.”

  Vander grabbed her forehead. “Don’t you know how dangerous that is?”

  Brynn laughed again. “Here? Never. I know everyone.”

  “No, you don’t. Trust me on that. And a beautiful woman like you…no way you should be doing that.”

  Brynn looked away and felt herself blushing. Vander too, averted her gaze and swallowed. She swayed a little, and Brynn rushed to her side. “What can I do? Where do you need to go?”

  “The bathroom.”

  “’K. Tell me where to go and I’ll help you.” They began to walk, and Brynn felt Vander start to pull away, but she seemed to change her mind and leaned into her. Her strong body was firm and warm. Brynn could feel her muscles move in her lower back and forearm. It stirred her and she realized she was feeling desire, something she hadn’t felt in a long while.

  “You mean you don’t know?”

  “No, should I?”

  “Didn’t you come in my house? When you got Gunner?”

  “No, of course not. That would be really…weird. He came into the basement to me. I took him from there.”

  “Oh, and here I thought you thoroughly snooped.”

  “And swiped a few things while I was at it?”

  Vander didn’t answer. She pointed down the hallway from the living room, and Brynn helped her along. But Vander’s assumptions about her stung, and she felt compelled to correct her, to stand up for herself.

  “I’m not my sister, you know. Or Billy, though I really think he just does what Bea tells him to do.”

  Vander spoke softly. “I’m beginning to see that.”

  “Beginning to? Geez, what else do I have to do?”

  Vander laughed. “Swear in blood on the Bible.”

  “Swear what? That I’m a good girl? I wouldn’t go that far.”


  They stopped at the bathroom door and faced one another. “No. I can get a little wild.” Brynn heated as she confessed, and she knew what the words implied. Vander seemed to sense it as well, because she blushed. And her light blue eyes drifted down to Brynn’s lips and then back up again. It was an obvious look of desire. But she played it off, blinking and looking instead into the bathroom.

  “Soap and towels under the sink. I’ll bring your duffel and leave it by the door.”

  Brynn shook her head. “Wait, what?”

  “Clean up here,” she said, heading back down the hall. “I’m not going to let you hitchhike home. Even if I have to handcuff you to the kitchen table.” She smirked and disappeared down the hall.

  Brynn stared at her in disbelief. She looked back into the bathroom. Tile floor, white porcelain claw foot tub. She thought she was one of the only ones who still had one. She crossed to it and turned on the faucet. Vander’s was newer, larger, nicer. It had a handheld shower head. She sat on the commode and watched the water cascade in, steam rising. Her eyes grew heavy just watching. She waited for Vander to return with her bag, but when she didn’t, she turned off the water and ventured down the hallway and found her holding it, leaning against the wall, eyes closed.

  “Come with me,” she whispered. She took the bag and helped Vander along with her free arm. They walked back down the hall and into the largest bedroom. Brynn noted the white bed, the weathered looking blue furniture. She even liked the artwork on the wall. She sat Vander on the edge of the bed and removed her socks and flannel sleep pants. She’d bathed since she’d last seen her so her T-shirt was fresh and smelled like fabric softener. Brynn tried not to stare at her long legs or satin panties. Instead she tucked her into bed and covered her, all the while Vander mumbling things that made no sense. Brynn sat next to her and switched on the bedside lamp where a medicine bottle sat. She read the instructions, saw that it was an antibiotic, and touched Vander’s cheek to wake her.

  “Have you taken your antibiotic tonight?”

  Vander opened heavy looking eyes. “Wha? No.”

  “’K. Sit up a bit.” She slipped the pill in her mouth and handed her a bottle of warm water. Vander swallowed the pill and settled down into the down pillow. Gunner jumped up at the foot of the bed and settled down next to her. Brynn watched her sleep for a long moment, sighed with relief, and extinguished the light. She returned to the bathroom, stripped, and slid into the tub, groaning at the wonderful feel of the hot water. With Vander’s face in her mind, she eased back and soaped herself, wishing it was Vander doing it instead of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Kat awoke to Gunner’s kisses. He was at the side of the bed, front paws resting on her pillow. His tail swept the air.

  “All right, all right.” She sat up, winced from her damn shoulder, and slung her legs over the bed. The medicine bottle was closed. She grabbed it, held it in her left hand, and twisted the lid with her good hand. It hurt like hell, but she got it open and popped the pill in her mouth, swallowing with tepid water. She stood and Gunner took off like a bat out of hell through her bedroom door and down the hallway.

  “What’s up with you, bud?” She followed him slowly, not bothering to pull on her pants. She scratched her mussed hair and turned into the living room and froze. Gunner stood at the couch, tail wagging. He barked. Brynn Williams opened her eyes and smiled, rolling over to rub Gunner’s head.

  “Hey, silly. It’s early.” She checked her watch and then noticed Kat standing there. “Oh, hi.”

  Kat blinked, not sure she could take in what she was seeing. Brynn was covered haphazardly with a throw blanket showing bare legs, cotton panties, and a threadbare tank top.

  “Morning,” Kat managed.

  “I hope you don’t mind my staying, but you were really exhausted and—”

  “I’m glad you stayed,” Kat said before she could finish. As shocked as she was to see her, it caused a mad fluttering in her chest, and she had the burning urge to smile. So much so that she couldn’t help herself, and she felt it spread across her face. “I was actually going to suggest it, but I guess I sort of passed out before I got the chance.”

  Brynn sat up and covered her legs with the blanket. Kat saw her gaze briefly sweep up and down her half bare body, but she didn’t run for cover. In fact, she liked the attention. It was rare that a beautiful woman noticed and openly admired her, especially in this town. Their eyes met, and then they both averted their gazes and seemed to struggle for words. Finally, Brynn spoke.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Kat glanced at her arm. “I think I’m okay. But I need to change the bandage.”

  Brynn studied her. “Do you need help?”

  “Murph’s coming by soon to do it,” she said. “God knows he’ll be here with bells on.”

  Brynn laughed. “It’s nice to have someone who cares so much.”

  Kat cocked an eyebrow. “I never thought of it like that. I guess it is. Do you have someone like that?”

  Brynn seemed surprised. “I, uh, I get by. Actually, I’m usually the one taking care of everyone else.”

  “I kind of figured,” Kat said softly. “You are very good at it.”

  Brynn returned her smile. “Are you sure you don’t want my services? It would save your friend a trip.”

  “Well, since you put it like that, how can I say no?”

  Brynn shoved the blanket aside and stood. “Glad I can help.” She crossed slowly to Kat, and Kat fought the urge to close her eyes and fantasize about her walking to her wearing lingerie with a look of hunger on her face.

  “I’ll get the stuff and meet you in the bathroom.” She cleared her closing throat and looked away from her toned legs and see-through tank. The sight of her awakening nipples sent a shockwave of throbbing to her clit. She tried t
o force the sight from her mind, but the full package kept coming. Small, taut breasts, firm nipples, dark areolas. Smooth abdomen, long, toned legs. Pale skin, tanned in exposed areas, colliding with her thick wavy mane of auburn hair. It was enough to send her to her knees, and yet somehow she remained standing.

  “You okay?” Brynn was in front of her, inches away. She reached out, touched her upper arm, and Kat felt herself inhale sharply. Embarrassed, she turned and headed for the bedroom.

  “I’ll meet you in the bathroom.”

  Kat hurried down the hallway, rethinking her decision to let Brynn help. Could she handle the close proximity? She shook it off. Of course she could. Brynn was just a nice woman offering help. She was a good person. Nothing more or less. But Kat knew it was more than that, and just because she couldn’t explain it didn’t mean it didn’t exist. She quickly grabbed her bandaging items and hurried back down the hallway to the bathroom. Brynn was waiting inside, sitting on the edge of the tub. She’d slipped into a pair of mesh athletic shorts and pulled a worn T-shirt over her tank. The green in the shirt brought out the color in her hazel eyes, and Kat found herself inhaling again at the sight of her brushing her hair away from her brow.

  “Got it,” Kat said, holding up the gauze and sticky bandage. She dug under the sink, looking for where Murph had put the antibiotic ointment she was to apply. “Where the hell did he put it? You would think he would leave it with the rest of the stuff.” She straightened and checked the medicine cabinet. “Got it.”

  She set her equipment on the counter and sat on the commode. She knew she needed to remove the sling and her shirt, and suddenly she was more than nervous. There was a tightness to the air and she sensed Brynn felt it as well.

  “Tell me what to do,” Brynn said softly. Her voice was low, raspy, sexy.

  Kat cleared her throat. “We need to remove the sling.”

  Brynn moved from the tub to kneel in front of her. Kat could smell the scent of her shampoo in her hair.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “Hmm?” It was becoming difficult for Kat to pay attention to words. All her other senses were on overload.

  Brynn helped her out of the sling and set it aside. Then she spoke again, gently.


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