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Trotsky Page 44

by Bertrand M. Patenaude

  Left Opposition (Trotsky-led, in Soviet Union), 82–84, 89, 96–97, 99, 104, 106, 123, 150, 178, 201, 203, 216, 218, 233

  Léger, Fernand, 246

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 61, 77, 81, 82, 133, 166, 208, 213, 192, 298, 304

  art and literature and, 149

  death of, and succession struggle, 8, 46, 191–94, 196–98, 216, 230–31, 233

  health obsession of, 188

  political repression and, 51, 87

  Rivera murals depicting, 84–85

  Russian Revolution and reconciliation with Trotsky, 8, 21, 44, 215–16, 218, 230–33

  secret testament of, on Stalin, 96–97, 218, 233–34

  Stalin and, 186–88, 196

  Trotsky splits with, 45, 89, 214–15, 227–28

  Trotsky meets, in London, 66, 231

  Trotsky and, 26–27, 189

  Trotsky as successor to, 157

  Trotsky’s veneration of, 230–33

  Trotsky’s writings depicting, 2, 30, 180–81, 192

  What Is to Be Done? pamphlet of, 219

  WW I and, 22

  Leninism, 153, 156. See also Bolshevik-Leninists; Marxism-Leninism

  “Lenin is no more” (Trotsky), 192

  “Leon Sedov—Son, Friend, Fighter” (Trotsky), 117

  Leon Trotsky Museum (Coyoacán), 297

  liberals, 16, 18, 35, 37–38, 49–50, 53, 152–54, 157

  Liberator, The (magazine), 218

  Lieber, Max, 181

  Life, 197–98, 299

  Life Is with People (Zborowski), 299

  Lipset, Seymour Martin, 154

  Literature and Revolution (Trotsky), 149–50, 155, 164–65

  Lithuania, 2, 222

  Liushkov, Genrikh, 143–45

  Lockhart, Bruce, 76–77

  Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 257, 253, 274

  Los Angeles Plaza Arts Center, Siqueiros mural whitewashed at, 247

  Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 213–14, 216, 231

  Macdonald, Dwight, 155–57, 282–83

  Machete, El (newspaper), 81, 246

  MacLean, Donald, 144

  Magnitogorsk steel plant, 150

  Malraux, André, 160

  Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 301

  Manifesto of Surrealism (Breton), 158

  Mannerheim Line, 223

  Mao Zedong, 294

  Marin, Frederico, 65

  Martin, Kingsley, 34

  Martov, Julius, 214, 217

  Marx, Karl, 41, 77, 81, 84–85, 129, 160, 166, 203–4, 298

  Orozco murals depicting, 164

  Marx and Lenin (Eastman), 219–20

  Marxism, 19, 154, 218–19

  anti-Stalinist, 153–56

  dialectical materialism and, 217–23, 225–27, 234, 270, 272, 283

  liberal and radical disillusionment with, 271–72, 293–94, 300–303

  “end justifies the means” and, 54

  fascism and capitalism in, 282–83

  historical materialism and, 54, 219

  literature and, 148, 152–53

  “permanent revolution” and Bolshevik Revolution, 45–46

  Rivera and, 81

  “socialism in one country” and, 46

  Trotsky’s belief in, 43–44, 305–6

  Trotsky’s writings and, 180

  Marxism-Leninism, 10

  Marxists, lifestyle of, 129

  Masses (socialist magazine), 218

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 155, 250, 301

  McCarthy, Mary, 154

  Mead, Margaret, 299

  “Means and Ends” (Dewey), 54

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 203

  Menorah Journal, 153

  Mensheviks, 180, 214–17, 227–28, 273, 280, 301

  Mercader, Caridad (“Mother”), 205–6, 244, 287–88, 295

  Mercader, Luis, 295

  Mercader, Pablo, 206

  Mercader, Ramón (“Jacques Mornard” “Raymond,” “Frank Jacson”) assassinates Trotsky, 282, 284–92, 295

  meets Trotskyists and penetrates household, 205–7, 229, 244–46, 266–71, 273, 279–81

  recruited, 146

  release of, and award from Brezhnev, 294–95

  Mexican Communist Party, 3, 7, 19–20, 30, 43, 64, 71–72, 81–83, 120, 124, 160, 173, 246–47, 251, 253, 259, 275, 296

  Mexican Electricians’ Union, Siqueiros mural, 248–49

  Mexican League (Trotskyists), 167–68, 170–71

  Mexican Ministry of Education, Rivera frescoes, 79–80, 84

  Mexican muralist movement, 79–80, 86, 246

  Mexican National Palace, Rivera mural, 83

  Mexican police, 138, 255, 265

  Mexican Revolution, 17–18, 78–79, 163, 246

  Mexican secret police, 7–8, 254–61, 279

  Mexican trade unions, 124

  Mexico. See also specific cities and sites asylum granted to Trotsky, 9, 13–20, 28–29, 29, 48, 111, 120–21

  NKVD and, post—Spanish civil war, 10

  presidential election of 1940, 262–63

  Rivera frescoes and, 79–80

  Spanish civil war and, 123–24

  Mexico City airport O’Gorman murals, 169–70

  Palace of Fine Arts Rivera mural, 85–86

  Militant (Trotskyist paper), 220

  Milton, Harry (Wolf Kupinsky), 125–26, 134, 137

  Mink, George “the Butcher,” 124–25, 137

  Minneapolis truckers’ strike of 1934, 135, 264, 277–78

  Modernism, 149, 152, 160–62

  Modern Monthly, 153

  Molinier, Jeanne Martin (lover and widow of Lyova), 98, 102, 108–9, 112, 118, 186

  Molinier, Raymond, 102

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 194

  Morris, George L. K., 153

  Morrow, Felix, 298

  Moscow Red Army Club, Rivera fresco, 82

  Moscow show trials, 153, 160, 176–77, 294

  (1936, first), 8–9, 14–17, 31–38, 61, 109, 120–22, 140

  (1937, second), 32–49, 111, 113, 208, 275

  (1938, third) “Trial of the 21,” 133–34, 211

  Dewey Commission verdict on, 53–54

  families of defendants threatened, 51

  French commission of inquiry into, 148

  poisoning accusations and, 197

  Trotsky attempts to write book on, 181–82

  Moustakis, Chris, 138

  Múgica, Francisco, 93, 169–70, 172

  Munich Agreement, 202

  Murmansk, British and French occupation of, 22

  Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) Rivera show, 83

  Siqueiros and “Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art” show, 265

  Mussolini, Benito, 123

  O’Gorman caricatures of, 169–70

  My Life (Trotsky), 179–80, 182–84, 191–92

  “Myth of the Dialectic, The” (Wilson), 221–22

  Nadja (Breton), 158

  Nation, The, 37, 157

  National Review, 301

  Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact (1939), 2–3, 197, 201–3, 211–12, 248, 251, 305

  NEP (New Economic Policy), 46

  New Deal, 16, 152, 204, 212, 301

  New International (journal), 210, 222

  New Masses, 152, 153, 157, 247, 248

  New Republic, The, 37, 157

  New Statesman, The, 34

  New Workers’ School, Rivera murals, 85

  New York intellectuals, 152–55. See also Partisan Review

  New York National Guard, 134

  New York Times, The, 36, 47–50, 96, 172, 193

  Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 215

  1984 (Orwell), 301

  Nin, Andrés, 123, 137, 144–45, 249, 299

  NKVD (Soviet secret police, formerly GPU), 7, 37, 39, 53, 62–63, 70, 82, 93–94, 98–100. See also specific individuals and operations

  arrests of agents by Stalin, 178

  art and culture and, 161

  death of Lyova and, 139–43

  defectors murdered abroad by,
124, 140–43

  FBI and, 298

  French Trotskyists and, 141, 204–5

  “Horse” network of, and Siqueiros May 1940 attempt on Trotsky, 246–55

  infiltrates Trotsky Mexican residence as security, 244

  “Mother” network of, and August 1940 assassination of Trotsky, 206–7, 244–46, 266–71, 273, 290, 292

  murder of Nin and POUM and, 249

  Orlov’s defection from, 144–46

  Orlov’s revelations about, 299

  Orlov warns Trotsky of assassination attempt by, 198–200

  poisonings by, 197

  purges of, 133

  Rivera and, 172

  Spanish civil war and, 10, 122–24, 172, 206–7, 251, 257

  Trotsky assassination planned by, on order from Stalin, 137, 174–78, 200, 229, 244–61, 274

  Trotsky inner circle penetrated by, 111–15, 117–18, 120

  Noguchi, Isamu, 64

  Norway, 8–9, 13–14, 43, 58, 86, 91, 109–10, 120, 181, 195

  Novack, George, 15–17, 20, 29–30, 220

  Obregón, Alvaro, 79, 246

  O’Brien, Fanny, 202

  O’Brien, Irish, 202

  October (Eisenstein film), 82

  October Revolution. See Russian Revolution of October 1917

  O’Gorman, Juan, 168–70, 172

  Mexico City airport murals, 169–70

  oil nationalization, 169, 251

  On Lenin (Trotsky), 148

  Orlov, Alexander (“Stein”), 143–46, 198–200, 249–50, 299–300

  Orozco, José Clemente, 79, 162–64, 246, 297

  Creative Man mural, 163

  Rebellion of Man mural, 163–64

  Spanish Conquest of Mexico mural, 163

  Orr, Charles, 272–73

  Orr, Mrs. Charles, 272–73

  Orwell, George, 125, 301

  Our Political Tasks (Trotsky), 215

  pacifism, 282

  Pan-American committee, 172–73

  Paris. See also France

  Lyova flees to exile in, 108

  Rivera in, 78–79

  Trotskyist movement in, 8

  Partisan Review, 152–57, 166, 221–22, 282–83, 300–301

  Party of Workers and Peasants (Mexican), 171

  perestroika, 303

  permanent revolution, theory of, 45–46

  Petersburg (Bely), 150

  Petrograd Soviet, 180, 215

  Petrograd (St. Petersburg, Russia)

  Russian civil war and, 23, 27–28, 232

  Russian Revolution and, 8, 75–77, 179–80, 215–16, 218

  “petty bourgeois,” 223, 225–27, 272

  “Petty-Bourgeois Opposition in the Socialist Workers Party, A” (Trotsky) 223

  Philby, Kim, 144

  Phillips, William, 152–55

  Picasso, Pablo, 78

  “Pit and the Pendulum, The” (Poe), 35

  Planet without a Visa (French Surrealist political tract), 148

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 35

  pogroms, 25

  Poland, 133

  Nazi invasion of, 2, 197, 202, 211–12

  Soviet invasion and occupation of, 211–13, 222

  Politburo, 9, 187–88 (Communist Party of the Soviet Union). See also Central Committee

  succession struggle after death of Lenin and, 191–92, 197

  Trotsky’s expulsion from, 9, 96–97

  Pollock, Jackson, 247

  Popocatépetl (El Popo), 91, 161, 269

  Popular, El (Mexican daily), 257, 274, 283

  Popular Front, 16, 19, 37, 122–23, 152–53, 158, 206

  POUM (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification, Catalonia), 123, 125, 144, 249, 272

  “Pour un Art Révolutionnaire Indépen-dant” (Breton and Rivera), 165

  pragmatism, 220–21

  Pravda, 31–32, 133, 192

  pre-Columbian sculpture, 161

  press, 14, 30, 34, 41, 47–48, 50, 53, 240–41, 250–51, 257, 274–76

  proletarian culture, 149–50, 152

  Proletcult (literary group), 149

  Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 25–26

  Proust, Marcel, 152

  psychoanalysis, 158–60

  Public Interest, The, 154

  Pujol, Antonio, 248, 252

  Pushkin, Alexander, 149

  Pyatakov, Yuri, 32, 43, 97

  Radek, Karl, 33, 89

  radicals, 152–56, 218. See also left

  Rahv, Philip, 152–55, 157

  Rainbolt, Ray (“Rainman”), 277–78, 280, 298

  Rakovsky, Christian, 31

  Ray, Man, portrait of Breton, 166

  Reagan, Ronald, 301

  Red Army, 100

  civil war and, 8, 22–28, 52, 151, 213, 232

  Kronstadt rebellion and, 52–53

  purges of, 51, 177

  WW II and, 2, 213, 222–24

  Red Book on the Moscow Trial, The (Sedov), 110

  Red Guards, 23, 216

  Red Terror, 51

  Reed, John, 75, 216, 218

  Reiss, Ignace, 113–15, 124, 140–43, 145

  retablos (votive offerings), 161–62, 167

  “retreat of the intellectuals,” 156, 173, 222

  revisionism, 129, 211, 220–22, 294

  Revolution Betrayed, The (Trotsky), 139, 181–82, 211, 221

  “revolution from above,” 46

  Révolution surréaliste, La (journal), 148

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 201

  “Right Danger” campaign, 83

  “Right-Trotskyist Bloc,” 133

  Rivera, Diego, 9, 14, 57, 169, 246

  affair with Cristina Kahlo, 61

  arranges asylum for Trotsky, 17–20, 29–30, 71, 73–74, 84, 86

  assassination attempt vs., 20, 92

  becomes Trotskyist, 83

  Breton visit to Trotsky and, 159, 161–65

  death of Trotsky’s son Lyova and, 94–95

  Detroit Industry mural, 83

  financial support and aid to Trotsky, 92–95, 121, 126, 132, 181, 185

  first wife of, 65

  Frida Kahlo and, 59

  Frida Kahlo’s affair with Trotsky and, 60–61, 64

  friendship and tensions with Trotsky, 87–89, 91–93

  friendship with Trotsky unravels, 147, 167–73, 195

  History of Mexico, The, mural, 82–83

  life of, after Trotsky’s death, 296–97

  Man at the Crossroads mural, 85–86

  meets Stalin, 82

  MOMA show of 1931, 83

  Orozco and, 163

  Portrait of America mural, 85

  Rockefeller Center murals of, destroyed, 83–86, 157, 169–70

  Siqueiros and, 247

  Trotsky and artwork of, 86, 157

  works and revolutionary themes of, 59, 78–86, 80

  Robespierre, 215

  Robins, Harold, 5, 228–29, 241–43, 253–54, 257, 264, 272, 276, 278, 284, 286, 288, 290, 302–3

  Robins, Mrs., 242–43

  Rochfort, Desmond, 248

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 84

  Rockefeller Center, Rivera murals destroyed, 83–86, 157, 169–70

  Rolland, Romain, 62

  Romanovs, fall of, 45, 75, 179

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 16–17, 20, 152, 204, 240

  Rorty, James, 153

  Rosenthal, Gérard, 141

  Rosmer, Alfred, 49, 201, 204, 242, 245, 254, 266–69, 280

  Rosmer, Marguerite, 201, 242, 245, 254, 266–69, 280

  Ross, Edward Alsworth, 49–50

  Rubio, Pascual Ortiz, 16

  Rudzutak, Yan, 194

  Rühle, Otto, 41, 49

  Russia, czarist, 25–26. See also Russian Revolution of October 1917; Soviet Union

  Revolution of 1905, 215

  Revolution of February 1917 and Provisional Government of, 22, 45, 180, 215–16

  WW I and, 22–23

  “Russian question,” as workers’ state, 210–13

ssian Revolution of October 1917 (Bolshevik Revolution), 8, 26, 44–47, 53, 73–78, 156, 179–80, 204, 210, 213, 216–18, 231–32. See also Bolsheviks; Mensheviks; Soviet Union; and specific organizations and individuals

  civil war following, 21–28, 46, 51, 213, 232, 294

  Lyova and, 99

  Trotsky as hero of, 2, 21–22, 75–77

  Trotsky history of, 1–2, 156, 179–81

  WW I and, 10, 21–22

  Russian Social Democrats 2nd congress of (Brussels, London) and Bolshevik-Menshevik split, 214–15, 227

  Ruth (oil tanker), 13–14

  Sacco and Vanzetti, 38, 41

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 240

  St. Petersburg, Russia. See Petrograd

  Salazar, Leandro Sánchez, 7, 254–55, 257–61, 290–92, 296

  Samara, Battle of, 22

  San Francisco

  Art Institute (formerly California School of Fine Arts), Rivera murals, 83

  Stock Exchange Tower Rivera murals, 83

  maritime strikes, 126

  Schapiro, Meyer, 148


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