High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3)

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High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3) Page 13

by Hunter, Bijou

“If you don’t know the answer to that, Apples, I don’t think I can explain it to you.”

  Sighing, I stare out of the front windshield. “What hotel do you want to stay at tonight?”

  “Let’s go to the mall first. I’m sick of hotels.”

  “Fine. I wouldn’t mind some crappy mall Chinese food.”

  Dino smiles slightly at my comment, but he’s plotting. I see the look in his eyes and wish I could trust it. He’s set on an idea that might never happen. He wants to protect me from my stubborn nature, and I feel the same way about protecting him from his impossible dreams.


  ~ Dino ~

  Buying My Baby Bling

  Minka remains in the SUV long after parking at the mall. I’m in no hurry either. She’s thinking too much, and I bet her thinking will lead to something reckless. Despite her years in the business, Minka is too emotional on this job.

  “Whenever you’re ready to go shopping, let me know,” I say, leaning back in the seat.

  “What are we shopping for?”

  “I’m going to buy you an engagement ring.”

  Minka gives me a side-eye. “What makes you think I want one?”

  “You’re so fucking in love with me, Apples. You might even need an intervention.”

  “So, you’re doing me a favor.”

  “Oh, I’m in love with you too. I’ve chosen to embrace the love rather than act like a mule about it.”

  Minka says nothing for a long time. Hell, five minutes easily pass while she sits silently in the driver’s seat. She doesn’t even look at me, instead staring at the Macy’s sign.

  “I admit I’m probably in love with you.”

  “That’s big of you.”

  Minka frowns but refuses to look at me. “I’ve never been in love before. How can I even know if I love you?”

  “You know.”

  “I admit I feel more than I ever did for Troy.”

  “There you go.”

  “I can’t be sure it’s love.”

  “You’re so damn stubborn,” I say, poking her in the ribs. “It’s not healthy.”

  “You’re not healthy.”

  “That’s true too.”

  Minka turns to me. “I have this heat in my chest. Is that love, though?”

  “If it were only lust, the heat would be lower.”

  Fighting a smile, Minka continues, “I want you with me all the time even when you get on my nerves.”

  “Which is a lot.”

  “You are annoying.”

  “And you’re a pain in the ass.”

  Minka grips my hand. “I think I love you.”

  Her words might seem silly if I didn’t hear the fear in her voice.

  “You love me because I’m yours to love. Just accept it and move on. Being scared ain’t helping.”

  “I am relieved you say you love me.”

  “I say what I mean. You know I don’t mince words.”

  “No, that’s why you’re so annoying.”

  “Do I have any other qualities?” I ask, stroking her hand.

  “You’re very handsome, so there’s that.”

  “Anything else?”

  “You’re brave. Stupidly so.”

  “True. Is that it?”

  “You handle yourself well. You handle me well too.”

  “All spot on observations.”

  “You’re funny,” she says, and I see her breaking through the fear. “You’re a great dancer.”

  “I can’t deny any of that,” I whisper, kissing her temple.

  “You make me happy even when I’m not happy. I also feel safe when we’re in danger. I guess you make me stupid.”

  “The best kind of love will make you dumber than shit. I guess that bodes well for us, huh?”

  Minka smiles at me. “I can kinda picture loving you for a long time. That’s something, right?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  My lips find hers, and Minka hesitates. We’ve moved way beyond easy sex to uncharted territory. Life and death are simple. Love and romance are scary shit.

  “I’m not Italian,” she blurts out after I try to deepen the kiss.

  “I know that. What are you ethnic-wise?”


  Narrowing my eyes, I study her. “Spanish maybe?”

  “What does it matter?”

  “Why don’t you want to tell me?”

  Minka glances around in a grumpy way. “You’ll judge.”

  “I promise I’ll be a good boy.”

  Closing her eyes, Minka struggles between the urge to tell me and the need to hide her deep dark family secret.

  “Promise?” she asks, opening her eyes. “I will not be happy if you make jokes.”

  Frowning now, I cross my arms. “What the hell could you be? A Neanderthal?”

  While I snicker at the thought, Minka glares at me. “Promise.”

  “I swear on the world’s spaghetti supply.”

  “My family is Romani.”

  Staring into her gorgeous eyes, I really, really don’t want to fucking laugh. I do laugh, though.

  “Asshole,” she mutters.

  “You’re gypsies? And your mom is a con artist?”

  “Yes, and I’m a criminal too, but most Romani are good people. My sister and brother are normal people. Most Romani are normal. Every group has a few bad seeds.”

  “Ah, don’t call yourself a bad seed.”

  “Stop laughing.”

  “I wish I could.”

  Minka elbows me, but I only wrap her in my arms and laugh against her neck.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “You and Mommy sure fit the Romani stereotype.”

  “Yes, a stereotype. We’re not the norm.”

  “I know, Apples,” I say, kissing her throat. “And most Italians aren’t in the mob. That’s why it’s so funny. You and I are the poster children for ethnic stereotypes.”

  Minka grudgingly smiles. “I’m overly sensitive, I guess, but growing up, kids would watch their money when we came over to play.”

  “But you didn’t steal from them, did you?”

  “No, but my mom did when they came over to play.”

  The last thing Minka needs is for me to laugh again. Unfortunately, that’s what she gets.

  “I’m sorry, but your mom sounds like a real schmuck.”

  “She thought people with jobs were schmucks.”

  “Sorry,” I say again, kissing her neck. “Romani or not, you’re a quality broad. I’m gonna make that down payment on your heart now.”

  Minka slides her fingers into my hair and holds me still. “Why does it have to be so fast?”

  “I’ve been waiting since we met months ago. So have you.”

  “Not really.”

  “Why do you lie so bad when you talk to me? I’ll tell you why. I’m the man holding your heart. You look at me and must submit.”

  “Eat shit.”

  Her fingers are still wrapped tightly in my hair when Minka kisses me. Our tongues struggle for dominance. When I win, she bites gently at my flesh.

  “You’re so damn stubborn,” I mutter, pulling my lips away.

  “If you have a problem with me, walk away.”

  My hands cup her ass, and I give those cheeks a hard squeeze. “You need to stop challenging me to do shit you don’t want done.”

  “Probably. I’m scared, though.”

  “I know. I like your fear. It’s sexy.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Oh, yeah, but not today.”

  When Minka smiles at me, the tension in her expression washes away. “No, not today.”

  “So let’s look for something shiny.”

  Leaving the SUV, Minka takes my arm and leans into me. We walk into the mall at eight on a Tuesday evening. With the place nearly empty, we don’t dodge grumpy toddlers or bitchy teenagers.

  The man at the jewelry store looks up from his phone and stares in shock at seeing custom

  “I’m looking for an engagement ring,” I tell him.

  “Price point?”

  “Let’s start at the top and work our way down until we find what she wants.”

  The clerk studies me, unsure if I’m fucking with him. I guess I pass his test because he starts checking different rings to show us.

  “How much are engagement rings?” Minka asks.

  “My cousin spent around fifteen grand, but he got a family deal.”

  Minka steps back. “That’s way too much money for a piece of jewelry.”

  “It’s not just jewelry. It’s a symbol of my love and devotion. It also tells other men that you’re off limits. The bigger the diamond, the more of a statement I’ll make.”

  Unimpressed with my answer, Minka forces me to tug her to the jewelry case to look at rings.

  “This one is twenty-two thousand,” the clerk says.

  “That’s the biggest you have?” I ask, thinking about my cousin’s ring.

  “On site, yes.”

  Minka looks at the ring and then me. “I think spending this much on jewelry is stupid.”

  The clerk glares at Minka, who rolls her eyes. Pissed, I snap at the guy.

  “Don’t give my woman shitty looks. There are two other jewelry stores in this place. You ain’t special, man.”

  Minka smiles brightly, appreciating my efforts. She gestures for me to walk towards the door with her.

  “We’ll go somewhere else,” I say.

  “Do you really want to blow that kind of cash on a ring?”

  “That’s just the engagement ring. Wait until I get you a wedding ring. It'll bling your eyes out.”

  Minka grins. “Or what if you got me something less blindingly bling and instead spent the money on something I want more.”

  Uneasy about where she is going with this request, I only mutter, “Go on.”

  “You know, I never took a job where I felt bad about the outcome,” she says, careful with her wording. “Still, I wonder sometimes if my choices hurt innocent people. Like with Ruby. We walked into her life, and she ended up losing her job and car.”

  “Is this because of the Romani thing? You don’t have to prove yourself to me or anyone else.”

  “No, it’s just… Well, okay, maybe I do feel like I have to redeem the family name. Or maybe I’m just going soft. I don’t know, but I felt guilty seeing Ruby and her kid tonight.”

  “She might have brought the kid along just to make you feel guilty.”

  “Didn’t you feel bad at all?”

  “I always feel bad. I’m a very sensitive guy.”

  A laughing Minka smacks my chest lightly. “I’ll pay for her new car. You can lavish your money on me.”

  “Great, now I really do feel guilty.”


  “I want you to have something nice. You think I’m a goomba ape. This is my way to show you I’m suave and classy.”

  “The dancing and shiny shoes already gave you away.”

  “I want you to be happy.”

  “I don’t need a ring for that,” she says, and I believe her. “You really surprised me, Dino. You’re rather irresistible, especially for a goomba ape.”

  “Said the sexy gypsy.”

  Minka fights a smile. “I’m only half gypsy. My father was a dumpy German guy sporting a comb over.”

  “Stop,” I groan, leaning into her. “You’re making me so hard.”

  Laughing now, she hits me again, but her fingers only brush against my skin.

  “I don’t want to buy a ring from that asshole,” she says. “Let’s just get a hot dog and smoothie from Dairy Queen. The bling can wait.”

  “Are you sure? I really like the idea of marking you in some way.”

  “If my sex limp isn’t enough of a mark, give me a hickey. Once we’re done with this job and back in Houston, we’ll go somewhere very bling and blind each other.”

  “I want so much bling that my cousin will see it from Jersey.”

  Minka takes my hand, and we leave the store without looking back at the jerk.

  “You’re really competitive with your cousin. What’s that about?”

  “He hooked up with my dream girl. I had my eye on her for years, but he swooped in and stole her away.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Yeah, she and I never would have worked out. A few months before I moved to Houston, I saw her at the store. I nearly ripped out my hair from boredom while listening to her stupid story. Even if I was wrong about her, I’m still holding a grudge towards my cousin.”

  “Sounds reasonable.”

  “That girl ain’t got nothing on you. I never knew broads like you existed. If I did, I’d have kept my dick in my pants until White Horse.”

  “Eww, virgin goomba ape,” she teases, pulling me towards the Dairy Queen. “In reality, being your first would have put too much pressure on me. I’d also wonder if you only wanted me because you hadn’t bedded anyone else. Now I know you’ve looked around, seen what’s available, and picked the best of the bunch.”

  “Don’t make it sound so clinical. I’m a man, not a calculator. I didn’t make a decision to want you. I saw you and thought you were hot. You hit me, and I thought you were super hot. I watched you the last few months and thought you were more than hot. I fell in love with you. I didn’t settle for the best model in stock.”

  “I’ve never been the romantic sort. Even now I feel weird about love and all that comes with it. I mean I wanted that stuff when I retired, but I guess I didn’t really think I would find it.” Minka frowns, causing a cute furrow to her thick brows. “In fact, I think I always expected to settle for some loser. I told Troy otherwise, but I was lying to us both.”

  “Well you’re in love now so get used to all the sappy, romantic stuff.”

  Minka stares at me with wide eyes. “Babies scare me. They’re loud and smelly, and I’ve heard they bite.”

  “All true, but they also laugh and clean up real nice, and I’ve seen them dance. That's pretty funny.”

  Minka glances around the empty courtyard. “I bet our kid would have a lot of dark hair.”

  “Oh, yeah, and baby hair is really soft. Like feather soft.”

  Minka’s expression shifts into something I’ve never seen before. I realize she’s putting aside her need to control everything. She’s finally letting herself dream.

  “I’d be willing to have one. No promises on more than that.”

  Grinning, I look up at the ceiling and then back at her. “I just knew I’d talk you into loving me and having a kid. Before moving to Houston, I asked God to give me a submissive woman, and here you are.”

  “I’m really going to kick your ass.”

  “I know, but it’ll be worth it. You should see your face when I say shit like that.”

  Minka wraps her arms around me and gives me a big happy smile.

  “Let’s finish this job and get started on all the bling and babies and other stuff.”

  “First we gotta see your mom. Also, I want you to meet my mom.”

  “What if your mom doesn’t like me?”

  “I’ll talk her into it. I’m pretty good at conning chicks.”

  Minka shakes her head, but she can’t stop smiling. I got her wrapped around my little finger. As good as this feels, I can’t deny she has me wrapped around her finger too.


  ~ Minka ~

  Bluffing a Bluffer

  My cell vibrates on the nearby towel. Submerged in the bubbling hot tub water, I force myself to reach for the phone. Dino watches me in the lazy way he’s been watching me since we arrived at the hotel.

  The caller ID shows Rafael Ramsey, and I’m fairly certain I know why he’s bugging me this late in the evening.

  “What’s up?” I ask casually.

  “Tell me you didn’t call in the Arizona Moving Company.”

  “I refuse to dumb down things for you. Figure out the answer on your own

  Rafael sighs. “I didn’t think you’d gone insane, but Dino might have fucked you stupid, so I needed to ask.”

  I nudge Dino under the water with my foot. He smiles as his fingers slide around my ankle.

  “Dino’s dick is impressive, but my brain remains intact.”

  “Good to know. Vaughn called Cooper who called me. Let’s just say they weren’t happy.”

  “I’m not their therapist, Rafael. Did you tell them that when they were crapping themselves?”

  “No. I consider these people friends.”

  “Oh. Well, keep in mind I don’t know them, so I’ve been running with the hostile angle. Was that a mistake?”

  “Does it matter at this point?”


  “So, do you have this handled?”

  “We’re golden. Black will be dealt with, and you’ll be the hero. The world will applaud your superior managerial skills.”

  “I do enjoy a good standing ovation.”

  “I know you do, and since everyone thinks Dino and I are idiots, you’ll get full credit.”

  “Works for me. Have fun with your Italian Sausage.”

  Frowning, I sigh. “Harlow has a big mouth.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Rafael says, laughing. “Night.”

  Hanging up, I set the phone back on the towel and then reach for Dino.

  “Was that stressful for you?” he teases, wrapping his arms possessively around me. “Italian Sausage, huh?”

  “How did you hear that?”

  “I have excellent hearing. Probably because I didn’t grow up listening to shitty rock music full blast.”

  “I called you that in the most endearing way,” I murmur against his throat. “So fucking endearing.”

  Searching for his erection, I moan once his hard flesh strokes the tender spot between my legs.

  “The shop is back open,” I whisper.

  “I was ready to break in if it wasn’t.”

  Holding his gaze, I roll my hips. “Can we do it here?”

  “No. Someone might see. Only I get to see what’s hiding in here,” he says, sliding his fingers under my bikini bottom and inside my hot center. “Do you understand?”

  “What if I didn’t?”

  “I have a few ideas about how to make sure you did.”

  “Are you threatening me?”


  A smile spreads across my flushed face. “This is why I love you.” Dino’s steely gaze falters, and I can’t help laughing. “You didn’t think I’d be that big of a pushover, now did you?”


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