Canyon Shadows

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Canyon Shadows Page 11

by Vonna Harper

  “So do I, but I know better.”

  “Do you?”

  “Say it, Maco.”

  Eyes sober, he leaned forward and placed his hands on her knees. Shards of energy shot up her thighs and softened her core. She hadn’t thought about her erotic dream since waking up in the middle of the night, but it rushed at her now. He’d been her mystery lover.

  “The dogs aren’t the only living things that are in danger. So are you.”

  “You don’t believe Ona’s shooting was an accident, do you?”

  “No. Same with what happened last night. That was no deer or stray dog. Look, I’m damn sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was place you in jeopardy because of our business relationship.”

  “You have no way of knowing if what I’ve been experiencing is tied into your operation.”

  “What other explanation is there?” His hands remained on her knees, keeping her hungry for things she barely grasped.

  “Is that what the Homeland Security guy said?”

  “I didn’t need him to come to that conclusion. Nothing like what’s happened over the past few days has ever taken place before I came on the scene, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “What do you mean, you guess?”

  Don’t bring up the past. It has no place in today’s conversation. “I’m not sure. I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around what’s been happening.”

  “Understandable. Shari, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want your dogs after all.”

  “You can’t be serious. You need them.”

  He squeezed her knees with hands that effortlessly handled horses, maybe even wild ones. Then, seeming to realize what he’d done, he let go and backed away. “I can’t deny that.”

  Fighting the need to rub where his hands had been, she placed her hand over her throat. The last few days aside, she hadn’t felt this vulnerable since she was a child, but whether the sensation came from what they were talking about or his presence, she wasn’t sure. As unnerving as it made her feel, she wanted it to be his presence.

  “Maco, yesterday when Roe and the other ranchers were there, I took note of their rifles. Maybe they’d been hunting out of season earlier and had wandered on to my property.”

  “You’re trying to tell me it might have been coincidence?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  “How can you be sure? There are a lot of deer around here, lots of open land.”

  Sighing, he shook his head. “According to Paul, Roe and some of his friends are connected to Greenspeakers.”


  “Yeah, shit. Let me talk. See if it makes as much sense to you as it does to me. You’re the only person in the county who supplies guard dogs. I asked around about you, probably said more than I should have. Roe had been out to the dam site earlier. He noticed that I didn’t have any dogs and put one and one together. Ona’s shooting was a warning, to me.”

  “You can’t be sure,” she said even as the possibility numbed her.

  “What if I’m right?” He indicated the sleeping Dobermans. “I want them with you.”

  “What about your business?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe I’ll hire that security firm we talked about.”

  “We don’t know if there is one.”

  “I’ll bet there is. Once Greenspeakers realizes you’re keeping your dogs and they’re on duty twenty-four seven, they’ll leave you alone.”

  “You think so?”

  “Who knows what those bastards are thinking? Like Paul told me, they get off on intimidation, but I’m not going to let them get away with it.” His eyes bored into her.

  He cared about her in ways that confused, excited, and frightened her. In truth, everything about this conversation and what had already happened between them confused her. If he kept it up, she’d be hard-pressed to remember what had brought them together. “I’m no hothouse flower.”

  Something blazed in his eyes. What had she said to set him off? “I didn’t say you were. But nothing like this has ever happened to you, right?”

  If she kept her mouth shut, she’d be able to protect the past. He’d never have to know about the terrified girl who’d run out of the house instead of trying to save her father. He wouldn’t know she hadn’t retaken her birth name in part because she hated what it stood for. But if she remained silent, her past would always stand between them. For the first time in her life, she didn’t want that to happen.

  “I lost my father to a killer,” she whispered. “Does that count?”

  “You what?”

  “It was a long time ago.” Stunned by what she’d just said, she hurried the words. “The man responsible was caught and convicted. Justice done.”

  “Shit. Look, I hardly know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Where were you?”

  Not going there! “That’s not what this reveal of mine is about.”

  “The hell it isn’t. I want to know.”

  Her feet were under her before she realized what she’d done. Holding tight to her emotions, she retreated until her backside rested against the railing and she had nowhere to go. Why the hell had she said what she had?

  “Someday, maybe,” she came up with. Not if I can help it. “But not here. And not now. I don’t know what made me decide to bring that up. We’re talking about your need for guard dogs, remember.”

  He stood. How far away was he, no more than six feet and taking over the space between them. Taking charge of her body and mind. Yeah, that’s why she’d let the floodgates to the past open. It was time to close them again.

  “We’ll get back to the dogs, but not until I’ve dealt with what you just laid on me,” he said. “My parents are alive and well. They’re hardworking people who have never had any contact with law enforcement.”

  “Good,” she said. As long as he stayed where he was, hopefully she could keep up her end of the conversation.

  “They’ve turned much of the ranch’s operation over to three of my brothers, but they’re still involved in every decision. We’re hoping they’ll finally take a vacation, come out to see what Jason and I are doing. See more of the world than the land that’s been in the family hands for four generations. Eventually I’ll lose them, but I don’t see it happening for a long time.”

  Four generations? What does stability like that feel like? “I hope it doesn’t.”

  “I’m trying to wrap my mind around what it’s been like for you losing your father the way you did. What about your mother? She’s all right?”

  Get it over with. “She’s dead, too.”

  “Oh God, I’m so—”

  “She didn’t die when Dad did, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  His frown let her know he was aware she hadn’t given him time to express sympathy. “So at least you had her while you were growing up.”

  “Not really.”

  “What happened?”

  “A bunch of things I’m not going to talk about.”

  Why not? every line of his body demanded, but to her relief, he remained silent. No one knew the whole story, and despite her earlier impulse, she wasn’t about to explain it to this man she barely knew.

  This cowboy she wanted with a hunger that terrified her.

  And brought her to life.

  “What about siblings? Can I at least ask that?” His arms were at his sides and he looked, what, confused? She couldn’t blame him.

  “None. I’m serious, Maco. I’m not going to say anything more.”

  “You need to.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t.”

  “I don’t believe you.” With that, long, strong legs brought him to her. The few inches still between them were nothing, a wisp of space they could breach with a single move. She wanted, damn, how she wanted! Being around Maco was like spinning in a whirlpool that ke
pt sucking her deeper and deeper, not into a dark, drowning death but toward ever-growing need. Maybe it would never end.

  “Have you noticed,” he said softly, “that every conversation we’ve had has been intense.”

  “I guess.”

  “Why do you think that is?”

  He was asking her? How would she know—except that just seeing him made her feel new.

  “You tell me,” she finally came up with.

  The corners of his mouth lifted. “No can do. What I will tell you is I have no regrets about meeting you. About exposing you to danger, yes, in spades, but I want to get to know you better. What about you?”

  Oh hell, the conversation was becoming sexual, wasn’t it? Not that she didn’t want the words and emotion and maybe the deed behind them so she’d stop thinking about sex all the time. “I thought about you last night—does that count? In fact, I had a dream about you.”

  Every hint of humor, if that’s what it had been, faded from him. “What was I doing?”

  On the brink of sidestepping what had the potential to suck her even deeper into the whirlpool, she changed her mind. She couldn’t go on throwing up barriers between them. “I think you know.”

  “You too?”

  Just like that she was in his arms with hers wrapped around his waist with his holster pressing into her middle and her breasts flat against his ribs. Dizzy, she looked up. His mouth covered hers. Meeting him strength for strength, she parted her lips. Heat bled into heat, bringing with it a heady mix of power and weakness. Her sex juices flooded, and her legs caught fire. Her breasts ached and tingled at the same time. What felt like flames flowed over the back of her neck and along her shoulders. Holy shit, she nearly blurted.

  Fighting the flow, she struggled to tap into Maco. Obviously he was turned on, but did it go beyond that? Perhaps he wanted more from her than sex?

  She’d ask, maybe, later.

  Something weak and nearly silent tried to warn her that she risked losing her soul to this man, but with her body screaming for him, she barely heard it. She’d deal with reality and consequences later. Now the animal in her ruled. Demanded satisfaction.

  A whimper broke free followed by an earthy sigh she felt throughout her. Listening to it, she acknowledged that it was too late to keep her arousal from him. His body remained wrapped around hers, covering it and keeping it safe.


  Sinking into the depths of the damnable whirlpool was more like it. Wanting to fuck and be fucked.

  Locking her knees in place, she tried to concentrate on what was happening. They’d stormed past tentative exploration without taking so much as a breath. Things were already in overdrive or nearly so. She could do the mature thing and push him back, declare she wasn’t that kind of woman, but she was and he knew.

  Consequences later. Impulse now.

  Her decision made, she turned herself over to her body. Her head throbbed. The vibrations spread lower, flowed wider, seeped into her arms and belly, pooled in her groin. There was enough left over to infuse her legs. Even her feet seemed to tremble.

  Parting her lips, she sighed.

  She was still exhaling when his tongue slipped between her lips. Sighing again, she let him in. His tongue ran over her teeth and then entered the damp cavity. Wild to match him invasion for invasion, she somehow managed to wait until he withdrew a little and then did the same. There. Show him she understood how the sexual dance was done. His resultant groan was rougher and lasted longer than hers had.

  Maco Durant. Construction company owner. Flyer of massive helicopters with rearing mustangs painted on the side. A man who got what this woman needed.

  Thank you.

  Despite the strain in the back of her neck, she slid her hands down his backside and lightly cupped his ass cheeks. He pushed back, prompting her to increase her hold. Yes indeed, no starting in first gear for them. Straight on to the danger zone.

  Under his skin and a minimal amount of fat lay muscles built by a physical life. At first she detected no movement, only heat. Then his buttocks tightened. Faint tremors seeped into her fingers and set her heart to racing even more. Wondering at her boldness, she reared back so she could unbuckle his holster. That done, she carefully dropped it to the floor and again claimed his ass cheeks so she could pull him toward her. Full of promise, his erection ground into her. She imagined it inside her, completing her.

  “Oh God, God,” she moaned.

  “You’re killing me.” Not giving her time to respond, he covered her buttocks with his take-charge hands and drew her even closer. Despite their clothes, their bodies sealed. Her heart threatened to break from her chest, and her cheeks were so hot she had trouble breathing. The growing, swirling heat rushed through her to make her stupid. She was certain of only one thing. They’d have sex. Soon. No questions asked or explanation given.

  Only skin against skin.

  Her throbbing breasts demanded to be freed from the confining bra, but instead of trying to pull back as the first step in accomplishing the task, she turned to the side a little and pressed her left breast more firmly against him. Her rock-like nipple ground into him. A moment later, she rocked to the other side. Her left nipple probed at him.

  Another deep groan erupted from Maco. “I didn’t, shit, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “Didn’t you?” She couldn’t remember what had brought him here.

  “Maybe.” Bending his knees, he sank down until his cock found her mons. As she’d done earlier, he rocked this way and that. The delicious, erratic pressure had her throwing back her head and shaking it from side to side. Her breasts strained to break free of what now felt like a prison.

  No maybe to it. Going by how forcefully he’d reached for her, he had to have had fucking her in mind from the moment he decided to see her today.

  She’d felt the same the instant she’d spotted him.

  Even before.

  Her heated fingers ached from the pressure she was subjecting them to. Again giving into the impulse that had taken her into his space, she dug her nails into his ass cheeks. He made an animal sound, then did the same to her buttocks.

  She kissed him open-mouth again, holding back a little because if she didn’t she’d go insane. Not smashing her mouth against him took her to the edge of self-control and yet she loved the promise of what would happen once—not if—nothing was held back.

  Lips on lips, hot breaths heating each other. And all the while his erection warning and promising. Demanding.

  She was ready. Hell, she could barely wait for him to make good on the unspoken message.

  Letting go of her ass, he cupped the sides of her head and held her gently. Kisses like feathers brushed her cheeks, nose, and chin to tamp down a little on the fire. God how she loved this! On a sigh that came from her gut, she slid her hands lower so her fingers trailed over the backs of his thighs. They arched toward each other again, both of them rolling from side to side, fucking through their clothes. What did they need with intricate disrobing? Maybe they’d both come while standing here, no delicious press of cock against sex channel needed.

  A sound, first faint and then sharp, stopped her. For an awful instant she was taken back to a rifle’s deadly cry. Then she realized Ona was having a dream that had her slapping her tail against the wooden porch.

  Maco laughed. “You know what they say about letting sleeping dogs lie.”

  “We could go inside.”

  “You mean it?”


  “What about what’s going to happen in there?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. If that’s a problem for you, we need to stop right now.”

  “Easy,” he whispered. Letting go of her, he picked up his holster. The weapon dangled from his fingers. “I didn’t mean to push—all right, no thinking. Just acting.”

  Hating the separation, no matter how brief, she pulled away from him and opened the front door. As she stepped inside on legs she didn�
��t trust, she wondered what he thought of the place she called home. Then she sensed him behind her and that no longer mattered. Gathering herself, she stood with her back to him and her body lonely for his touch.

  This was insanity. Fucking simply for the sake of fucking. Maybe.

  Sometimes insanity made everything possible.

  “Not sure?” he asked. She couldn’t tell how close he was. “You’ve changed your mind?”

  No. Hell no! Much as she wanted to study his reaction, she didn’t turn around as she undid the buttons on her blouse by way of answer. Her hands shook and fumbled at the complex chore.

  Taking charge, he placed his revolver on the coffee table and drew the blouse off her shoulders. His fingertips skimmed her collarbone. By the time she spun around so she could look into his eyes, he’d tossed it on to a chair.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “Incredible.”

  She wasn’t. Her body, although toned from her active lifestyle, was far from spectacular. She’d always thought of herself as ordinary and average, which was just fine, but if Maco saw her as beautiful today, she’d believe him.

  “Your turn.”

  Despite her command, he took too damn much time pulling open his shirt. One at a time, the snaps made faint metallic sounds. Watching his progress might have been easier than staring at the low-slung jeans and what they revealed, but she couldn’t take her gaze off his nearly concave belly and the matt of dark hair disappearing into territory she ached to explore. When, finally, he was done and his shirt had joined hers, she dragged her attention upward. The hairs on his broad and solid chest were the same deep chestnut as what she was certain sheltered his groin. How different the thick curling strands were from the male models gracing books, magazines, and calendars. Why in all that was healthy would a man shave what nature had given him? Maco was real. A man in a man’s world. The one who’d walked into her house.

  Her breathing raged as she reached up and lightly ran her fingers over his shoulders. A faint splattering of freckles dressed his right shoulder while a thin, pale scar rode the ridge of his left collarbone. After sticking her forefinger in her mouth to dampen it, she touched the scar.


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