Snow Outbreak

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Snow Outbreak Page 8

by Boris Licina

  "Stuffed crabs? Never had that, never prepared them. Smelled them once, on another table. When I celebrated my birthday in a Caribbean restaurant. It looked delicious."

  "It is. I could eat them every day! I'm from Maine and often had crabs", Ava said, "I know them well. But these stuffed ones surprised me. I simply did not expect such a taste set."

  "Then I'll have to prepare that for you", Cody spread his arms slightly and leaned over the table.

  "Thank you! The guests might like the Caribbean night", she said merrily.

  "I was thinking a special just for you", he leaned back in his chair and blushed, "at my place. Well … for dinner?"

  "Oh", Ava said surprised, drank her coffee and said, "Well … I'd like that."

  She liked that Cody was a bit bashful.

  "Great", Cody nodded happily.

  "Just say when", Ava said standing up. "Some hotel obligations are waiting for me and I believe you have the same 'problem'."

  They both laughed. For a short while, life seemed a happy and healthy place.


  Ava looked through all those people and into the distance. More than a month passed since disembarking from the Falcon. Josh's scenarios began happening one by one. Ava was standing in front of the hotel guests and most of the restaurant staff. They were all sitting and patiently waiting for her to start talking. In the meantime, they sipped their warm beverages and juices, nibbling on small bits that Cody had prepared especially for this occasion. With good food they would accept bad news much better, both he and Ava concluded. Morris and Ava, on the other hand, decided on the departure to Earth and how to implement the plan they all agreed upon. Three teams would land, each with four to five people. One team goes for the food, the other two would get the solar sails. Jessica would land twice. The decision to go on with the plan was made by Ava and Morris, the two key people on Rene 9. They discussed it at length. Food was necessary, but the sails seemed to be an unnecessary risk. The option to actually use them was distant and not very likely. Still, they both somehow felt better with the idea of the sails being at hand.

  She was speaking for almost an hour. Detailed the future life on Rene 9. All of them would become denizens, with new obligations, tasks and rights. The guests and the staff to become one. They would work in shifts, assist or work depending on their knowledge and skills. Josh could, she used him as an example although they had not discussed that, manage programming workshops. Cody could teach cooking, she smiled at him, he returned the smile. There would be no idling, everything would be organized into a small, but efficient space community. All usual laws would still be in place.

  What was important, she emphasized, was that anybody was free to take the first Falcon flight back home. After that, nobody knows what was in store for them. She asked the passengers for that flight to apply by morning. Those who were staying would be approached by somebody from the hotel's inner staff to see how to fit them best. After a month they would know more. She sounded self-assured and decisive. As if she had really meant what she was saying. It was true. There was so much work with planning their future on Rene 9, and she did not get much sleep. But, once the plan was done and discussed with Morris, Cody, Jessica and Rose, she was sure in it one hundred percent. Her ever more intensive socializing with Cody certainly helped. Those were nice, happy moments granting her additional confidence.

  The guests, already the future citizens of Rene 9, began murmuring, commenting among themselves. The situation was rather clear and nobody had much choice. Only two options - to leave or stay. That was a hard decision to be made in a very short time! Ava was sure that the majority of them would stay in the hotel. That was the safe solution, offering some hope of returning to Earth at a certain point. On the other hand, if the sails activated, they might never see Earth again.

  There was one more thing to resolve. Ava asked them to quiet down. They would be landing on Earth soon to get supplies required to sustain life, she declared. They needed ten more people besides Jessica, Morris and Cody for this mission. Volunteers should come forth until morning. If there would not be enough people, the rest of the team would be decided by a ruffle.

  People started talking again.

  Ava tried to calm them down by lowering her hands. Everybody would have to participate in the life and the activities on Rene 9, she said, whatever that might be. Younger than eighteen and older than sixty five were excluded. The vacation was over, she concluded her speech and let people think everything over once again. The decision before them was hard.


  Thirty three people had decided to return to Earth, Ava told them the next morning in the meeting room. Those were mainly older guests that wanted to spend the last days of their lives in their own homes. That meant that, just as Rose suggested, that they could bring up another thirty three people to Rene 9. Still, they were aware that a larger number of people also meant a greater danger from the Snow Flu.

  "I'm still not certain all the empty slots should be filled up", Ava said. "What if the flu mutates and we don't recognize the symptoms?"

  "The risk is the same with one and with thirty one people", Rose responded. "I think new people are worth the risk. And if they are not infected by now, they would probably never be. It is important to avoid towns and contact with other people."

  "I concur with Rose", Morris concluded. "If they make it to Kennedy, chances are they are healthy."

  "OK then", Ava nodded, "make a list until the end of the day. When we confirm it, try to find and send them to Kennedy for pick up. They need to catch the first flight back, because the second shuttle will be fully loaded. We'll organize a quarantine. Any ideas how to do that?"

  "I'll organize something at the entrance", Rose said. "I have enough materials on the farm. We'll improvise the beds and toilets. Unfortunately. But, only for three days. I'll fabricate a hazmat suit to protect one or two people to communicate with the quarantined people."

  "Is this a hundred percent safe?", Ava asked.

  "It will be. The materials we use on the farm protect the plants - in space. There's no better quality that that. Just a matter of good insulation. Naturally, I will need some help."

  "What's our volunteer situation?", Morris asked.

  "Not many. Josh volunteered, of course. Beside him, also Lika Hill. The photo journalist, she said she would like to snap some shots of the Earth's last moments. And assist us, too. Martin, one of the Cody's chefs, also decided to help. The others we have yet to select", Ava told them.

  "OK, let's select, then. Now is as good a time as any. How are we going to do it?", Cody added.

  "I have a list of all hotel guests and staff. Give me seven numbers and those will be our volunteers Ava suggested.

  "5, 12, 16, 20, 74, 87, 99", Rose said quickly.

  "Good, the volunteers are: Oliver Hill, Benjamin Baker, John Archer, Kathryn King, Diego Lula, Donna Bib and Eli Jones."

  "Hang on", Morris interrupted her. "Oliver's family name is the same as Lika's, Eli's the same as Josh?"

  "Just a second …", Ava was checking her list, "… yes. Lika is Oliver's mother, Josh is Eli's father."

  "Shit", Morris commented honestly, "What are the chances?"

  "There are many families. This is not unexpected", Ava said. "Do you think we need another draw?"

  "No. Josh and Lika are volunteers anyway. Let's keep it that way. Anything else is bad luck", Jessica joined in, as usual when she thought there was something important to say. Otherwise she would just listen and observe.

  "Good", Ava concluded the meeting, "you all know what to do. I'll inform the selected that they are … well, selected. Jessica and Morris, can you stay with me to explain the details if necessary?"

  "Of course", Jessica said, "there's still time to prepare the Falcon."

  Cody and Rose left, and Ava called the selected volunteers on her cell and they started to arrive to the meeting room. Soon it became crowded. Oliver and Eli came together, surprised by
the call. They had no idea what it was about, but they supposed some new responsibilities would be assigned. They were even more surprised when they saw Oliver's mom and Eli's dad.

  "Welcome", Ava rose from the chair, "I will be direct. You are the team that was selected to go to Earth."

  The volunteers all started to speak at the same time.

  "Please, listen to the whole story", Morris took over, "you have been selected randomly, all except Josh, Martin and Lika. And you two", he looked first at Josh, then Lika, "may quit since your kids are here. To all others I say, this is the world we live in today. Introduce yourself briefly so that we may designate the teams. Then we can talk about whatever you want."

  "I'm Josh, the software engineer", he said and introduced himself.

  "My name is Benjamin Baker, I own the juice factory in Santa Clarita, California. This is my first vacation in seven years." Benjamin was fifty something and well-tanned. He was dressed for the golf course.

  "I'm Kathryn King, the pastry chef", the young blue-eyed brunette disclosed. She nodded towards Benjamin. "Also from California."

  "Oliver Hill, finishing school."

  "Eli Jones, also finishing school.", Both of them were brief and clear, somewhat unsure of what was going on.

  "Diego Lula, a private detective. New York.", Diego looked like a detective, but from the movies. In real world, not many P.I.'s looked that way. They were usually smaller and bold, wearing cheap brown suits. Diego was like an athlete from Miami, living on the beach and playing sand volleyball.

  "Lika Hill", she nodded discreetly and looked at the man sitting next to her.

  "John Archer", the tall, grey-haired, somewhat scraggy man said. "Professor."

  "Martin Carlo, chef", another volunteer said and smiled faintly.", Perhaps you've seen me in the kitchen."

  "Donna Bib, the mayor of a small town in Alaska."

  The circle was closed then. Nobody was very eager to speak at length.

  "Excellent", Morris said, "as you heard in the restaurant, our mission is to land on Earth to pick up food and solar sails. With these supplies we'll have enough for two or three years. We'll also bring up a group of people from Earth that we've invited to join us and help make Rene 9 the best place to live in space. Those people will be key when and if we ever return to Earth. The other part of the mission is to go to Sandusky, Ohio, to pick up solar sails. This is our Plan B. In case we ever need them, although we doubt it, we'll use the sails and set off into the … unknown."

  "So we have three teams", Jessica jumped in. "The first team to get food, lead by chef Cody. Martin and Kathryn go with him. Cody will brief you in more detail, but the storage is an hour away from the Kennedy Space Center, in a place called Kissimmee, near the Tohopekaliga lake. You'll get the trucks in the Kennedy's logistical center. Trucks are automated, just enter the address. But, maybe you'd have to drive, so prepare for this contingency. There is a truck driving simulation in the gaming center, so train. Team Sails 1 will be lead by Morris and include Oliver Hill, John Archer and Josh Jones. Donna will stay with Jessica to help with the transport, the quarantine and loading."

  Eli held Oliver's hand hard.

  "Team Sails 2 will include Lika Hill, Diego Lula, Benjamin Baker and Eli Jones", Jessica continued. "Both teams will travel in a convoy. There's no traffic, most of the people are dead! You will find vehicles to travel to Sandusky at Kennedy, and the trucks to transport the sails are in Sandusky. It's a twenty-hour trip. Take turns driving and try to do it in one go. The sooner you arrive, the sooner you'll return. Questions?"

  "May I be in the same team as Eli?", Josh asked.

  "No", Jessica responded. She was now using everything she had learned in the Navy. Attitude first. "In critical missions families are never in the same team. Look … we don't expect trouble. This is not a zombie apocalypse."

  Everybody laughed.

  "We believe", Jessica continued, "that everything will be fine. Still, be careful. Cody and Morris will fill in the details for you. And that will be …", she looked at Ava.

  "Tomorrow 9:00 AM, team's Sails 1 and Sails 2, here, team Food in the restaurant at the same time. See you then!"


  Josh, Lika, Eli and Oliver were sitting at the bar near the TV room. Neither Oliver, nor Eli liked the idea that their parents should meet, but the extraordinary situation like that simply demanded it. They were all sitting as team members, mom and dad, son and daughter, the worried parents and somewhat rebellious kids. There was no time for small talk. Both Lika and Josh were advising their kids on potentially dangerous situations. Josh was better prepared in theory. He was pulling scenarios out of various catastrophe films, his advice always began with "As seen in the movie … ", followed by titles like "The Poseidon Adventure", "Earthquake", "The Towering Inferno", "Airport" and many others. Stick with the team, never separate, be aware of the surroundings, these were just some of his tips.

  Lika was more focused on the real world problems, not films. As a photo journalist, she traveled through several critical areas, also natural catastrophes. One large earthquake, several flood seasons, one of the largest fires in America. But, most importantly, two war zones. "Don't trust anyone", that was the gist of her experience. "In such situations, people tend to show their true faces. We'll avoid any contact. And if we do happen to see anyone, we'll just run by. No contacts!"

  Eva, Oliver's mother, was against Josh going, but when she heard Oliver was selected as well, she was glad he was going with their son. Eli's dad, on the other hand, supported Lika going. It was a magnificent opportunity for her to take some last pictures and the whole trip! It would have been such a shame to pass up that opportunity. Besides, he did not think there was much danger. The roads were probably empty. The rest of the survivors must have gone to some distant mountains or wherever they thought would be safe. Nobody to get the flu from!

  The next set of advice was about the driving. The traffic would not be heavy, but any tips were welcome. They needed to mind the weather conditions. The first part of the trip would probably be sunny and nice, but further towards the north the temperature would drop. The last weather report they had seen, called for snow in Sandusky. They were to select their vehicles carefully at Kennedy, perhaps some pick-ups or a SUV. They would take back two trucks from Sandusky. The question was still open whether they would have some car support or just travel in trucks.

  As the time and advice were passed on, Oliver and Eli grew even more excited. It all sounded like a field trip, not much was to go wrong. And the idea of flying in the Falcon for two more times, was promising. More so to Oliver, he was a greater space geek. Eli did not like the idea of them staying on Rene 9. Her natural environment were woods, rivers and the wilderness. Nevertheless, she understood why they had to stay. Her parents, Josh and Ema, also agreed. Earth was simply too risky, and Rene 9 offered security. And the option to return to Earth. At some point in time.

  Almost right away the Olivers knew they would stay. Although the Snow Outbreak was dreadful news, they liked the idea of living on Rene 9. They had lost family and friends, just like all other hotel inhabitants, the grief seemed lesser in space. Was it the location or simply the unbelievable number of several billion dead, nobody could tell. Such answers would be given by some future generations. At that moment they were to focus on survival. Their new home. The new responsibilities.


  The meeting room was turned into the "situation room", the command post for "Operation Food and Sails!" Nobody used that name except Josh. He had pushed it several times, but the new name never took. Everybody found it funny that he had named the operation, as if they had been in a war movie, but refused the name anyway. For them, it was just - the plan. Everything was more or less ready.

  "Out of fourty people we tried to find, only ten are alive", Rose said. "Correction, we only reached ten. Besides Morris's epidemiologist."

  "I'll talk to her today", Morris said.

  "Do we have
time to find another group?", Ava asked.

  "Hardly", Rose moved her head left and right. "Chaos is down on Earth. The internet is operational, occasionally, phones even less. Depending on the provider. We believe some of the people ran to distant areas where there's no signal or internet. They are impossible to reach now. Perhaps they are safe. Perhaps not dead."

  "And the ten we reached, can they help find the others?", Jessica wanted to know.

  "We thought about that, too", Morris told them, "but it's too risky. The ones we managed to find, should avoid cities, other people and any risk of infection. And the ten actually means sixteen, with their partners or children."

  "OK, let's hear who's coming?", Cody asked.

  "Becca Wilde, the astronaut. She had three missions, I flew with her on one", Morris said, "an astounding woman. She took the longest space walk, eight hours and fifty six minutes. She's coming with her daughter. Kevin Abrams, the surgeon. He had performed the most complex operations in the world. Besides, his innovation is Drobo, the robot surgeon. He designed and programmed it himself. Anna Beca, of course. She invented and improved the AIs for space exploration. Most of the code on Rene 9 is hers. She's coming with her husband. Pat Mila, he lead robot missions to Mars. One of the smartest people in NASA. Coming with his wife and son. Louise Adams, the biologist …

  "… she invented the whole space program to grow food", Rose added. "Everything we have up here is because of her."

  "Then there's Jim and Pam Kras, the parents of the robot revolution. Their company manufactured the first commercial robots for households and other uses. It's incredible they both survived", Morris continued. "We managed to get hold of Amy April Ron. At the last moment, it seems. She was just setting off to somewhere in Canada. She is the world's greatest expert in nanotechnology, but her expertise is much wider. Her daughter is coming with her. Troy Rash studies quantum theory, Marian Conty is a very talented girl with already a dozen incredible innovations that saved hundreds of lives. She conceded them for free. And then there is Jesse Snow and son. Jesse is … simply put … a mechanic. But, what a mechanic! He would take one look at the Falcon and know what's wrong! I'll talk to Rachel today, who is an epidemiologist and see what she thinks."


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