Pretend Married (A Billionaire Love Story)

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Pretend Married (A Billionaire Love Story) Page 12

by Nikki Wild

  I felt a twinge of insecurity as I imagined the countless other women Edward must have “entertained” on his floating chick magnet. I watched apprehensively as he tossed all our gear into the sailboat cockpit and climbed aboard. Then he reached for my hand to help hoist me up as the ship’s deck rocked under his feet.

  “This is actually quite a sweet boat just like you said Edward. Very nice…. So did your parents teach you how to sail when you were a kid?”

  “No they didn’t really have the patience for that. They paid for my lessons though. And we did sail together as a family every summer. So they passed on their love of the sea on to me. It always seemed fitting that they died in the ocean and remain there to this day.”

  “I guess that’s a positive way to look at it. It’s such a horrible tragedy though. I hate to think about it.”

  “Me too. So let’s not. Let’s just enjoy our day. Come down below with me and check out the cabin inside. We need to make sure everything is secure down there so nothing goes flying around while we’re sailing.”

  I followed Edward through the hatch and down the two wooden stairs.

  “Aye Aye Captain! It’s amazing down here! I love it! The teakwood is beautiful! This is much roomier than it looks from the outside.”

  “We can spend the night on the boat or we can stay at any one of the fine hotels in Half Moon Bay when we get there.”

  “Are you kidding? Staying on the boat would be far more romantic!”

  “I was hoping you would say that Julia! A woman after my own heart!”

  “Always and forever Edward. So don’t you try to get away!”

  “I’d have to be a fucking fool…..”

  Edward kissed me tenderly and then he finished getting the Ecsta-Sea ready for her voyage out to sea. He checked all the necessary items; life vests, fuel, and of course the beer supply. Then he studied a couple nautical charts and finally determined we were ready to shove off. He untied the lines that secured the boat to the dock and hopped aboard into the cockpit. As Edward drove his pride and joy out of the marina and into the bay, a couple of barking sea lions lounging on the buoys greeted us before slipping back into their watery home.

  “Don’t you just love all the wonderful creatures that live in the bay Edward?”

  “Yeah they’re pretty awesome. They’ve even had some recent whale sightings out here.”

  It was super-windy out there like Edward said it would be, but at least we had a nice sunny day for our sail. He raised the main sail all the way up before releasing the one in front that he called the jib. Then we he turned off the engine and WOOSH - just like that we were under wind power! He looked so rugged and sexy at the helm and he was really turning me on with all his salty sailor lingo.

  The feeling was incredible! As soon as both sails were out I could immediately feel the wind fill them up and push the boat way over onto its side. Edward called it “heeling over” and assured me we would not capsize. It was unbelievably exhilarating! The chilly bay water splashed up into our faces as we cruised past Alcatraz Island, the infamous prison.

  “The bay really is spectacular Edward! I can finally see why you’re so in love with it! God we’re so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!”

  “We sure are! It takes on a whole different perspective when you’re right down here in the water doesn’t it?”

  I got an emotional lump in my throat as we approached the underbelly of the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge. It was awesome seeing the remarkable landmark so up close and personal. It was truly and engineering wonder. Once we sailed underneath the bridge it was plainly evident that were leaving the bay and entering the Pacific Ocean. In an instant the wind kicked up harder and the waves got rougher. My captain adjusted the sails as he turned the boat and headed south along the rugged coastline. It was absolutely glorious!

  Edward was an impressive captain and he was truly in his element out at sea. I marveled at his nautical skills and wondered if there was anything he didn’t excel at. At that moment he decided to bark a ridiculous order at me:

  “Okay first mate, it’s time for you to pose topless on the bow of the boat for me now!”

  “Ha! Fat chance of that happening skipper! I’m wearing three layers of clothes! You specifically told me to dress warm for the weather and I did. Sorry! Just following captain’s orders……”

  “Good girl! I hope you realize that it’s too rough for you to be up there right now anyway. The swells are a little bigger than I was expecting, so the cockpit is the place where you need to be right now. Right beside me.”

  “Good because that’s exactly where I’m staying; Safe, snug and warm next to you in my wool jacket!”

  We pulled into the small marina of Half Moon Bay around noon, just in time to eat our picnic lunch that I had prepared. I felt like I needed to thaw out in the sunshine a little bit first.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, looking out at the water. “So what did you pack in the basket for us to eat?”

  “Oh could you bring the basket up here for us? I left it down inside there somewhere.”

  Edward brought up the picnic basket and pulled out a small cockpit table for us to eat on so we could enjoy our lunch outside. I unpacked everything one by one, announcing each item as I set it on the table:

  “Okay……so we have some chicken salad sandwiches and some roast beef sandwiches……’s some pickles…….and some potato chips..….mmmm love these chips……cole slaw…….and a lovely apple pie that dear sweet Nigel made……I just love Nigel, don’t you? …….and of course we have this fruity little champagne….”

  Edward immediately snatched the wine bottle from my hand.

  “Eddie, you know it’s a bad idea for me to be drinking right now. We’re trying to make a baby!”

  “You’re right,” Edward replied, grinning like a fool. “But this bottle isn’t for drinking. I thought maybe we’d rechristen this boat now that it’s ours…”

  “Why? Can’t be seen onboard the Ecsta-Sea with your sexy wife?” I said, laughing. “What are we going to name it now? The Salty Swallow? Edward’s Super Fun-Time Floating Fuck Palace?”

  Now we were both laughing.

  “Just help me pick a name,” Edward replied, setting the champagne down on the seat. “You know, I’ve always been partial to Quinn… Or maybe Avery.”

  “Who names their boat Quinn?”

  “Well maybe we could name it Michael… Or Gwenneth.”

  “We aren’t talking about boat names, are we?” I asked, poking Edward in the chest.

  “Maybe we are, maybe we’re not,” he winked. “Does this boat look more like a boy or a girl to you?”

  “I think it’s a girl,” I replied, patting the teak railing. “How about we call it Alenna?”

  “Alenna… I like it,” he said, grabbing the bottle back up from the seat and standing up. I watched him walk to the edge of the ship. “I christen you, The Alenna…” he shouted, bringing the bottle down against a metal bracket. Glass and wine poured out over the side, disappearing in the ocean below.

  He popped back up into the cockpit and we had a wonderful lunch sitting right there in the cool breeze of the quiet harbor. I was feeling very blissful and relaxed.

  “Eddie this is so much more fun than eating in a fancy restaurant. I just love this!”

  “I’m glad I’ve been able to convince you how great the simple pleasures of life are Julia.”

  “So am I. You’ve definitely convinced me. Thank you very much. I feel so happy right now.”

  We ate the sandwiches and some of the other stuff but we both decided to forego the pie for the moment. We were already comfortably full and we thought the pie just might push us into the lazy land of loud belches and sleepiness. It was pretty obvious that Edward wasn’t done with me tonight.

  Of course, he didn’t need to have any fears... My inhibitions had melted away and I was raring to go!

  I stood up and took off my coat, then my swea
ter, and then my t-shirt. I leaned into Edward and gave him a steamy kiss while he fondled my breasts through my black lace bra. He undid the hooks in the back and slid his hands inside the cups, caressing me gently. I pulled back from his reach and slid myself out of the bra, dropping it to the cockpit floor. Edward’s face lit up at the sight of my naked tits in front of him. The breeze was just cool enough to harden my nipples. It felt so liberating to stand there topless, not caring if anybody around me was watching. I fondled my tits with delight and gently pulled at my nipples. I was feeling extra naughty.

  I grabbed Edward’s cock through his pants and decided I wanted to fuck him right there and then. I really didn’t care if anybody saw us. My animalistic urge told me to fuck him anyway……so I started to undo the button of Edward’s jeans…….but he stopped me.

  “Oh no you don’t Miss hot pants.”

  “What’s the matter Eddie? Don’t you want to fuck me honey?”

  “Oh yeah I sure as shit do. And I’m definitely going to. But not here in plain view. That’s not happening. And tomorrow you’re going to thank me for not allowing you to plaster yourself on every tabloid in the country.”


  Edward picked me up, pointing to the next boat over where a man was quickly snapping pictures.

  “So you’re not going to fuck your fiancée?”

  I laughed as he threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and hauled me down the steps to the bedroom below. Then he dropped me on the bed.

  “Now I’ll fuck you!”

  He yanked off my sneakers and jeans but left on my little black lace thong. I guess he wanted to drink in the sight of me spread eagle on his bed wearing only a tiny strip of lace between my wanton thighs and nothing at all on my sexually excited tits.

  “How do you feel about handcuffs Julia? Have you ever been cuffed to a headboard?”

  “No I can’t say I have….. but I did have a dream where you tied me up once.”

  “Really? How come you never shared that with me? So what do you think? Are you game?”

  “Sure why not? I’m sure you’ll uncuff me if it’s too much for me and I plead for mercy…..right?”

  Edward attached each set of bracelets to the headboard and snapped each one onto my wrists.

  “Well I wouldn’t count on that…..”

  My slit moistened with the thought of Edward doing whatever he wanted to me while I was restrained. The anticipation was enough to make my pussy tingle and throb.

  He slowly undid his pants while he licked his succulent lips in hot desire for me. I loved that Eddie always went commando. Who needed pesky boxers getting in the way all the time? It was super sexy that his cock was always accessible. It was already glistening with a drop of pre-cum on the head.

  Edward ran his hands up my open legs and leaned in to put his mouth on my pussy. He slithered his tongue under the lace fabric of my thong and sank it into my soft wet folds. Fuck did that feel heavenly! Then he peeled the thong off of me with his teeth. I loved the feel of his rough face stubble tickling down my legs. With my hands restrained behind my back, it felt like a slow torture waiting for his lovely cock to enter me.

  He returned his eager mouth and tongue back to my already soaked slit and worked my clit into an excited frenzy. He had my legs pinned to the bed with his super strong hands but he still had a hard time containing me as I squirmed and twisted and moaned and giggled. Eventually I was able to free my right leg and I accidentally kicked Edward in the side of the head.

  “Fuck Julia! Are you trying to give me a concussion or something?”

  “Oh I’m so sorry sweetie! Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just a momentary setback….”

  Edward kissed me sensuously on the mouth while he steered his thick hard cock between my thighs. He slipped himself into my slick throbbing pussy with ease and drilled me slowly and torturously. I wanted to dig my nails into his shoulders like I usually do but of course my wrists were still cuffed to the bed. No doubt about it, my sexual pleasure was definitely heightened with my hands restrained.

  Edward’s thrusts got harder and deeper but they were still deliciously slow and deliberate.

  “Eddie your cock is so fucking fine honey. Oh yeah keep going baby….”

  My ultra-talented lover varied his strokes and quickened his pace taking me to new orgasmic heights. The boat rocked and swayed in time to the rhythm of his powerful hips and I actually had to beg Edward for mercy:

  “Eddie that’s enough! Please! I can’t take anymore! Please come honey!”

  “Alright Julia! I’m coming now Julia!”

  I could immediately feel Edward’s cock fill up my walls and burst forth into me. His hips jerked and pumped a few more times until he was finally finished. Then he disconnected and rolled off of me onto the mattress, forgetting completely about my wrist rigging.

  “Before you get too comfortable Eddie, would you mind undoing my hands first?”

  “Oh my god! So sorry about that! Of course. So it sounded to me like you really enjoyed that!”

  “Oh yeah I sure did! Anytime you want to tie me up in the future, I’m game!”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that you know….”

  “I sure do hope so Eddie.”

  Edward looked deeply and earnestly into my eyes.

  “I love you Julia Jones.”

  “And I love you Edward Armani.”

  The rest of the weekend was equally fabulous. We dined in the sleepy little downtown area of Half Moon Bay and did a little shopping in the quaint seaside shops. We set sail for San Francisco right after lunch on Sunday and were back at the wharf by dusk.

  I was so glad I had decided to join my man on his sailing adventure. I got to see Eddie in action out on the water and I got to be fucked on a sailboat while handcuffed! I couldn’t wait to go again, but I seriously wanted Edward to teach me how to sail. What a fantastic hobby for us to enjoy together!



  Today was the first day it actually felt like autumn. The bay area had had unseasonably warm weather all the way through September. This morning it was overcast and gray and I was enjoying the view from my high-rise office as I watched a light drizzle of rain pelt the window. Behind me, I heard the sound of the door open and my nose instantly detected the smell of my favorite coffee mixed with the scent of Julia’s heavenly perfume.

  “Here you go boss!” She set the Starbucks on my desk as she had done at least a hundred times before.

  “Thanks Julia! What brings you down here besides my caffeine fix? I thought you were going to be working on that legal matter regarding our Brooklyn office today. All those files are at home aren’t they?”

  “Can’t I come down to my sexy financé’s office and show him how much I appreciate him?”

  “I suppose so……is that really why you’re here? Or were you doing a bit of wedding shopping already this morning?”

  “No. You got me. The coffee was a pretense. I came down to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind. Maybe you should take a seat.”

  “Wow this sounds serious Julia. Is everything alright at home? Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine. Everything’s fine. There’s really nothing to worry about. But I still wish you’d sit down.”

  “What’s this about? Why all the mystery?”

  “Well it’s about your grandfather. There’s something I think you should know about him.”

  “What could you possibly know about him that I don’t? Was he gay? Are you his illegitimate love child? Did he have webbed toes?”

  “Are you going to be serious Edward?”

  I finally sat down as Julia had requested and reached out for her hand across my desk.

  “Julia I’m just trying to add a little humor to this sober conversation. I think you’d be hard-pressed to tell me anything new about Nonno. I’ve been going through all of his files and I’ve been learning quite a bit about that interesting old

  “Yes I know you’ve been doing that. You’ve been sharing all your insights and wonderful stories about him with Nigel and I every evening. That’s why I’m here now……”

  “WHY are you here now?”

  “Because I know you’re reading his private correspondence.”

  “But how does that relate to you Julia? His files are my property now. I have a right to know what’s in them.”

  “Of course you do. I know that. But I also know it’s just a matter of time before you find out…..”

  “Find out what dammit?! My patience is starting to wane Julia!”

  “I thought it would be better if you heard it from me first so I could explain everything before you found it in some file.”

  “Found what? What have you been hiding from me?”

  “Well the thing is, somewhere in one of those drawers or I don’t know, maybe in an old email file are some letters between your grandfather and ……….me.”

  “You? You and my Nonno corresponded with each other? When was this and what was it about?”

  “It was before you and I met actually.”

  “What?! How could you possibly know him BEFORE we met?! That doesn’t even make sense!”

  Her statement caused me to hop back up out of my chair and nervously pace back and forth.

  “Now Edward there’s no reason for you to freak out. Nothing bad happened.”

  “Well exactly what was going on and why didn’t I know about it?”

  “I met your grandfather at an AIDS fundraiser a few years back. It was while I was still working for Friedman & Sons. We hit it off immediately.”

  “Oh my God Julia! Please tell me you and my Nonno didn’t.… know……I can’t even say it!”

  “No! Your grandfather and I didn’t have sex! For God’s sake Edward! He was an old man!”

  I sighed with profound relief. Sex with Julia was one thing that I absolutely did not want to have in common with Nonno! I was grossed out just fuckin’ thinking about it!

  “Anyway as I was saying, we hit it off and ended up talking all evening long.”

  “Talking all evening? About what?”


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