Learning Her Lesson

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Learning Her Lesson Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  Merrilee clambered off Pete’s knee. She scooped up her discarded skirt, trying desperately to replace it, but in her panic she tried to put it on upside down; then she almost lost her balance when her knickers that were still round her ankles got in a twist and became tangled with her skirt.

  ‘Shit!’ she muttered. She rudely pushed past Bob and Sue and dived behind the couch in the lounge.

  ‘Hey, Merrilee,’ Sue said. ‘Wouldn’t you be able to walk better if your knickers weren’t round your ankles?’

  Merrilee laughed, ‘Whoops, seems like you’ve caught me with my pants down.’ She kicked off the offending pants and came out from behind the couch, completely naked from the waist down.

  To hide her embarrassment she sat down hurriedly. ‘Ouch!’ she squealed as her sore bottom made contact with the soft couch cushion.

  ‘Bet you didn’t know how cruel Pete is to me?’ she went on.

  ‘And there was me thinking I was the only ill-treated wife round here,’ said Sue.

  ‘Sue,’ said Bob warningly. ‘I’ll deal with you later.’

  Merrilee and Pete looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  Sue and Bob also started laughing.

  ‘To think we’ve known each other all this time and didn’t realise,’ said Pete.

  ‘Do you need some TLC, Merrilee?’ asked Bob, sitting down next to her.

  ‘I sure could do with some,’ agreed Merrilee, lifting her bottom and rubbing it. ‘Why, are you offering Bob?’ she asked with a cheeky grin.

  ‘You bet, if Pete and Sue don’t mind.’

  But Pete and Sue were already eyeing each other up.

  ‘How about you, Sue, do you need some TLC too?’ Pete asked her.

  ‘Oh, I’ve been a good girl, so not been spanked for a week. Would you like to see my lily white bottom, Pete?’

  ‘Yes please,’ he said eagerly.

  Leaning forward, she flipped up her skirt at the back to reveal a pair of red backless briefs.

  ‘Wow! I’d love to make your bottom as red as your knickers,’ he said.

  ‘Well, what’s stopping you?’ she asked.

  Taking hold of her wrist, he led her across the room – pulling out a straight-backed dining chair and sitting on it, he pulled Sue over his knee.

  Meanwhile, Bob and Merrilee were also getting to know each other better.

  ‘Stand up, Merrilee,’ Bob ordered. ‘Let’s see your bottom.’

  ‘Take a good look,’ she said, standing up.

  Bob examined her hot red quivering bottom, rubbing his hands over the shiny red globes. Then he gave his opinion.

  ‘I don’t believe that Pete has spanked you. I think I should give you a sore bottom before you need TLC.’

  ‘It takes a man not a mouse,’ said Merrilee giggling.

  ‘I’m not a mouse,’ said Bob, ‘although Sue has called me a rat a few times.’

  ‘Rob the Rat, Rob the Rat,’ chanted Merrilee.

  ‘You, young lady, deserve a sound spanking,’ said Bob, pulling her over his knee. ‘Wow! What a spankable bum you have.’ He ran his hands over the firm hot and flushed bottom lying there over his knee.

  Merrilee shivered in anticipation.

  Raising his right arm he brought his hand down on her right bottom cheek; it wobbled erotically; that was swiftly followed by a slap to her left cheek.

  ‘That hurts, you lousy rotten sod,’ said Merrilee, wriggling her even more reddening bottom.

  ‘And with a mouth like that you deserve it,’ Bob said.

  As Merrilee bucked over Bob’s knee, she knew she was getting very aroused. Her nipples were so hard they were straining to get out of her bra, while between her legs her clit was throbbing, and knowing that her juices were soaking his trousers turned her on even more.

  ‘What’s that sticking into my side?’ she asked innocently.

  ‘You’ll find out very soon,’ said Bob, hoarsely. His breathing was becoming ragged. ‘Maybe it’s time now for that TLC I promised you.’

  He stopped spanking her, letting the hands that only a moment ago had been causing her to wriggle about over his knee as she tried to escape the stinging blows now stroke her burning cheeks, making her squirm about as she became even more aroused.

  Bob was squeezing her cheeks, tracing his finger around the shape of her bottom. He parted her cheeks. Slipping his finger into her very wet pulsing slit, he gently flicked her engorged clit. Removing his digit from her steaming pussy, he trailed his wet finger along the crack between her bottom cheeks, stroking her puckered hole with a gentle circular movement.

  Merrilee was moaning, longing for him to slip his finger into her hole. But retracing the path his fingers had taken, he again let his wandering finger enter her sopping wet pussy. He gently opened up her vaginal lips with his thumb and forefinger of his left hand – the forefinger of his right hand entered her love passage and started to finger fuck her. Using the muscles in her vaginal walls she gripped onto his finger, while she squirmed about over his knee. His fingers moved in and out of her, while the gyrations of her bottom soon brought her to a shuddering climax.

  Bob pulled her up into a sitting position. Taking her hand he placed it over the bulge in his trousers. ‘Look what you’ve done.’

  Merrilee sucked in her breath. ‘You’re so hard.’ She deftly pulled down his zip and took his cock out from its confines. It stood to attention – thick and purple-topped and visibly throbbing. It was now her turn to get down on her knees between his legs.

  Putting her thumb and forefinger around the base of his stiff prick, she slowly moved up the shaft until she reached his purple helmet. Placing her mouth over his cock she began to lick him. Her tongue was darting in and out of her mouth. She licked around his cock – back, front and sides, up and down the shaft. Then, lifting his balls, she licked under them, while at the same time she gently squeezed his balls between her finger and thumb.

  Bob was groaning as her hot little mouth travelled up from base to tip of his ever more swelling cock. Finally, reaching his purple helmet, she placed her mouth over it sucking it – elongating it – bringing the blood to the surface.

  His breath was coming in short gasps. She knew he was about to come. Withdrawing her mouth from around his cock, kneeling down resting her elbows on the couch, she suggested, ‘Why don’t you come over my sore bottom?’

  Bob didn’t need telling twice; he too dropped to his knees, wanking himself. Within seconds he was spurting his white cum over her waiting bottom, cooling her sore cheeks. It trickled down her crack onto her still throbbing clit. She too came.

  Merrilee and Bob sat on the couch, both spent – arms around each other.

  Over at the other end of the lounge, Pete and Sue were also satiated.

  Yawning loudly, Merrilee said, ‘Who’s for a cup of cocoa?’ Three hands shot up.

  ‘I’ll help you,’ offered Pete. He and Merrilee went to the kitchen, leaving their two friends alone.

  Two hours later, they emerged from the kitchen, looking dishevelled but very contented. The lounge was empty. A piece of paper on the table with a note written in lipstick said, ‘Thanks for a fantastic evening, hope we can do it again soon. Love Bob and Sue.’

  Merrilee sighed contentedly. ‘Wasn’t that a wonderful coincidence, darling?’

  ‘It sure was,’ he agreed. ‘I’m shattered; let’s go to bed.’

  ‘That reminds me of what I was going to tell you when you got home,’ she said, turning to Pete, but his gentle snores greeted her words.

  She smiled to herself, thinking of the wonderful times they were going to have once she did tell him about the ‘Spanking Swingers’ site.


  by Beverly Langland

  Suzie had the most sensuous voice. The quality drew you in, made you feel as if she were seducing you personally. It was the reason her erotic recordings were so popular. Suzie was also beautiful to behold. Gina never tired of watching her alluring lips as the girl reci
ted with an apparent air of complete innocence. Though at the moment Gina’s eyes were firmly fixed on the inviting stretch of Suzie’s thighs as the young woman drove them to their illicit assignation. Occasionally, Gina shook her head in disbelief, uncertain exactly how events had led to this point. She was trembling at the memory of what she had done, yet was now more anxious at what she intended to do next.

  The cold Saturday morning had started slowly. Gina had drawn the short straw for the weekend shift so she came in especially early to switch on the heaters in the freezing studio. She was busy checking equipment when Suzie arrived – late – and headed straight for the recording booth. Gina noticed the shoes first, then the seemingly endless expanse of legs. They hovered on the periphery of her vision demanding to be noticed. Suzie had a stunning body as well as her voice . Gina often marvelled why the young woman hadn’t exploited both on the stage or film.

  Suzie, full of apologies, got straight on with the sound check – a limerick to make a sailor blush. Gina looked up from the console and smiled through the glass partition just as her artiste removed her coat. She was a little taken aback – Suzie was dressed in a tight, short dress, the neckline of which plunged to reveal deep cleavage. The dress may be fine for a Friday night on the town, but was inappropriate for work, insane for the inclement weather. The poor thing must be freezing. Gina decided the outfit was far too dressy for work, far too sexy. Besides, she felt distinctly frumpy.

  Suzie noticed Gina’s frown. “Too dressy?” she asked.

  “No.” What could Gina say? It seemed impolite to ask why Suzie wore a dress instead of her usual denim and T-shirt.

  Suzie seemed to read her thoughts. “Darren made me wear it.”

  Darren is Suzie’s gorgeous husband. Gina had met him once. She remembered clearly his dark, brooding eyes, his seductive mouth, the physique ... Suddenly, she registered what Suzie had said. Made? She considered the clothing again. The outfit looked like something Darren would like, what any hot-blooded male would like. Didn’t mankind realise how bloody cold it was? Suzie lifted a toned leg to show Gina the ridiculous open-toed stilettos. “Like?”

  The question seemed intentionally vague. Did Suzie mean the shoes, her skimpy outfit or something else ...? Gina felt a lump rise in her throat. She was not averse to ogling the young and beautiful herself. She decided Suzie meant the shoes. “I’m surprised you can walk. It’s icy out there.”

  “Darren has trained me well.”

  Trained? Gina shook her head. Something felt wrong. Suzie had never struck her as the submissive type. At least, Suzie always came across as a confident young woman. Yet, the shoes, the dress ... All on Darren’s say-so. “You let Darren decide what you wear?”

  “Sometimes. Yesterday was Darren’s birthday.” Suzie fondled the front of her dress. “In a way we’re still celebrating. I told him that for his birthday I’d do anything he wanted for the whole weekend.”

  “Anything?” Gina asked, captivated. Suzie had Gina so intrigued the sound engineer had completely forgotten the recording schedule. She watched with bated breath as Suzie climbed onto the high stool, her unsuitable dress sliding higher up her trim thighs. She looked so damn sexy perched with her legs dangling haphazardly. They were still communicating via microphone and speaker through the partition. Suzie looked directly into Gina’s eyes and moved her mouth close to the microphone. “Anything ,” she repeated.

  Her reply seemed almost a challenge, as if Suzie wanted Gina to react. Of course, Gina’s curiosity remained aroused. What would Richard do given an opportunity like that? What did Darren do? What happened? Perhaps innocent-seeming Suzie wasn’t so naive after all. “How did that work out?” Gina tried to keep her voice casual, but realised whatever she said would appear nosy.

  Suzie didn’t seem to mind. “Darren took me out. In this dress, too.”

  Gina’s eyes were once again drawn to the high hemline of Suzie’s flimsy dress, to the plunged neckline. “Somewhere quiet I imagine.”

  “The Carlton.”

  Gina was genuinely surprised. The Carlton was an expensive hotel. The restaurant in particular had an excellent reputation and consequently it was often difficult to obtain a reservation. Obviously Darren wasn’t the jealous type. He probably enjoyed showing off his trophy wife. No doubt, having Suzie on his arm bolstered his manhood. Gina despised men like Darren. All would be fine until Suzie got older, put on a little weight. Gina took an immediate dislike to him. “Darren likes to show you off?”

  Suzie smiled. “Actually, it’s me who likes to flaunt.”

  Gina abruptly was drawn to the way the young woman swung her legs tantalisingly on the high stool directly across from her, each arc wider than the last. So Suzie liked to exhibit? Was she showing herself off now? Gina had to admit Suzie had a body fit for display. Gina wasn’t a lesbian, but she was definitely attracted to women. She supposed she must be bisexual, though she had never actually pursued a female relationship, preferring to watch from a distance. Gina reluctantly tore her eyes from the dark promise between Suzie’s thighs, aware that her cheeks were a little flushed. For a moment she thought she was in danger of revealing her best-kept secret. Feeling exposed, she hurriedly searched her console for the script.

  “Last night I was in my element.” Suzie’s voice filled the studio.

  “Really?” Where was that bloody script?

  “Do you know the Carlton? I used the open expanse between the restaurant and the cloakroom as a makeshift catwalk. You know …”

  Gina wasn’t paying much attention. She was scrambling under the console for the raft of papers infuriatingly just out of reach. Eventually, she emerged, script in hand. “Sounds as if you were enjoying yourself?”

  “Oh yes! It was supposed to be an evening for Darren but he treated me as if it were my birthday – until I went too far, that is.”

  “Went too far?”

  “Well, too far in Darren’s eyes. After another visit to the Ladies I strut back to our table, making certain I had the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Of course, I was careful to ensure the click of my heels on the tiled floor was loud enough to draw all eyes my way. By the time I reached my seat Darren was tutting and shaking his head. I could see he was angry but I did not offer an apology for my unashamed display. Instead, I lift the hem of the dress slightly and twirl. ‘You don’t like?’ I ask. Darren raises an eyebrow. His instructions were that I should not wear any underwear. He was adamant on that point and because of my promise I obliged. Emboldened by the champagne I raise a foot onto his chair. His eyes grow wide. It is a shameless display, designed to turn him on, to turn me on.”

  Obviously, Suzie liked to live dangerously. Gina was getting turned on just listening to her story. “Darren didn’t like that?” she asked.

  “Well, yes and no ...”

  “What did he say?”

  “Am I to spank you again?”

  Flabbergasted, Gina fell back into her chair.

  “That’s exactly how everyone reacted. It seemed the whole restaurant fell silent. The elderly couple at the next table stared wide-eyed; a strangled cough issued from the table behind. I ignored them. ‘As you please,’ I challenged. ‘You’re arrogant enough to feel I am yours to do with as you wish.’ I know I have pushed Darren too far. My heart races as he keeps an iron grip on my hand, all but forcefully dragging me from the restaurant. I stumble behind, struggling to remain graceful in the stiletto heels.”

  “Goodness!” Something inside Gina wanted to keep Suzie talking. “Go on.”

  Suzie peered over her shoulder even though the studio door was closed; then once again leaned closer to the microphone. She talked in a lower voice. Somehow the two had become fellow conspirators. Surreptitiously Gina pressed the record button. Whatever Suzie had to say she wanted to keep for posterity. “He took me to our room and had me lean against the bed, well, sort of half lie on it ...” She looked at Gina. “You know ...”

  “Not really,” Gina lied.
  “Like this.” Suzie stepped off the stool and bent over the end of the script desk so her body was supported by her arms, her bottom right at the edge. “And?” Gina asked.

  “He had me lift my dress.” Suzie took the edge of her dress with one hand and lifted the hem a couple of inches – then stopped. Gina felt an unexplained sense of disappointment. “Only that far?” The voyeur in her expected more.

  Suzie giggled. “Until my bottom was bare.”

  “Well, what happened next?”

  “You seem awfully nosy!”

  Gina was too turned on to allow Suzie to stop. Snooping or not, she had to know what happened. “I’m curious, that’s all.”

  “Well, Darren had me reach back and feel myself.”

  Gina felt she was in heaven when Suzie actually reached back and put her hand on her backside. She recalled that Suzie wore only what Darren had requested. She just knew Suzie was naked beneath the dress! She had to be! “My dress was up, of course,” Suzie added in case Gina didn’t get the full picture. Gina could imagine. She envisioned the young woman bent over the edge of the bed, touching herself. Images of the porn she occasionally watched with Richard sprang to mind. She pictured Suzie in a starring role. “Darren watched until he decided it was time to spank me.”

  Gina had forgotten about the threatened spanking.

  “Darren moved me to the middle of the room and had me bend over and grasp my ankles. He insisted I keep my legs straight. Would you like me to show you?”

  Gina’s mind was a whirl of emotion. Why was Suzie doing this? Why was she responding? Normally the erotica Gina recorded didn’t reach her. Stories were often recorded in disjointed segments and by the time she had the complete item the words had lost any impact. This felt different. Suzie’s tale was much more personal. Gina felt absolutely wicked. She shouldn’t be listening to this at all. She certainly shouldn’t be recording it. “If you like.” It was difficult now to conceal her arousal.

  Suzie moved to the centre of the booth and bent forward so far that not only her bottom was exposed. Gina was delighted. She had a clear view of the girl’s sex. Even from her sitting position on the other side of the glass partition she could make out Suzie’s arousal. The bloated labia. The slight parting of lips. The glistening wetness. Obviously Suzie enjoyed the retelling of her exploits as much as Gina loved listening. The whole situation seemed far-fetched. Gina felt as if she were back in an Amsterdam sex bar she had once visited out of curiosity. The girl on the other side of the glass performed for her benefit, yet she seemed wholly disconnected, disinterested even. Still, Gina had taken voyeuristic pleasure in the girl’s brazen display, safe and anonymous behind the barrier of glass. Now, as then, Gina pressed her hand between her thighs. Why not? Suzie couldn’t possibly see what she was doing beneath the console. The thrill she felt was delightful. “Then what?” she encouraged.


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