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Quit Page 4

by Viola Grace

  “So, there have been threats on my life.”

  “Yes, Madam. We would rather have you in a secure space.”

  She chuckled. “Then, lead on. I will follow where you go. You are my ride.”

  They smiled, and their trio walked toward the large SUV waiting for them. A small motorcade had been arranged, and in a few minutes of coordination, they were off.

  The drive through the city was strange. In her Norz bodies, she could do all kinds of things—taste, smell and see via her psychic senses. Being in her own body was definitely different.

  “I wonder if I could get my license back. I am checked out for a riot runner, but we don’t have them here.”

  She sat in the centre of the vehicle and watched the lights ahead flash as they cruised through the city. When they pulled up to the hotel rotunda, she sighed and rubbed her hands together, wondering if she could steal the soap without anyone noticing.

  When she was assisted from the vehicle, she was amused that the human security seemed obsessed with keeping her out.

  “Listen, lady. You are obviously human. I don’t know what kind of cosplay fantasies you have, but you are not getting in here. Better-looking women have already tried.”

  She twitched her lips and spoke to Yikm. “So, where do you think we should go? I think I saw a Starbucks around the corner.”


  “Caf. Plain or with sweeteners and creams. Fun stuff.”

  Lio grinned and raised his com to his lips, announcing their arrival to the other guards upstairs.

  A strange surge of power sounded behind her. She heard gasps and shouts. She smiled. Imbolt had taken a shortcut.

  In English, she turned to the guard. “Allow me to fully introduce myself. I am Minerva Twill Kei Zanicon Mak Imbolt. Ex-Recruiter of Terra and wife of the Emissary.”

  Imbolt came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his mouth to her neck in a weirdly formal greeting. He lifted his head and looked at the guard. “I see you have met my wife. Pardon my rudeness, but I am eager to spend time with her.”

  His grip tightened, and he flew casually into the sky.

  She held her breath and looked up to the open window panel on the penthouse floor. He stepped into the living room, and the glass reformed behind him.

  She smacked his arm. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

  “The window? Just a little matter manipulation.”

  “No. Fly.”

  “I am the Avatar of a black hole. Gravity is at my disposal.”

  He released her, and she turned to him, pulling his head down to hers for a kiss.

  A sweetly familiar voice said behind them, “You know, out of all the times I imagined seeing you, I never managed this image in my head.”

  She paused with her lips an inch from Imbolt’s. “Are they really here?”

  “Ten feet behind you to the right.” He was smiling.

  She whirled and squealed, running for her siblings. Makeup or not, there was no doubting that they were all part of the same family. The sound they made took on a weird, vibrating pitch that made the glasses hum.

  The Twills were together after ten years. Everything was going to be all right.

  Chapter Six

  Imbolt sat at the desk in the corner and pored over maps while Minny sat in the living areas with her sisters.

  They pelted her with questions about space travel and aliens and how much fun did she have.

  “Well, Selene, if you want to talk about aliens, there is one in the corner of the room scowling at a map, or four in the other room watching for crazy humans trying to come in here and molest the ambassador.”

  Iris giggled and glanced at Imbolt. “That is really your husband?”

  Minny remembered the tangle of limbs that had formalized their contract. “Oh, yeah.”

  Imbolt looked up, and the smile he gave her was definitely spurred by the same memories.

  Athena blinked and blushed. “If Andre looked at me like that, I wouldn’t leave home.”

  Minny’s two older sisters were married, and Selene had a soft smile that said her husband looked at her like that frequently. Iris was looking at Imbolt as if he was magnetic.

  Iris had always been able to see beneath the skin, but she had been too young for the project a decade ago, and she hadn’t wanted to deprive her family of another sister. So, she had stayed and become a vet.

  Selene was a councillor, and Athena had taken on banking. Each of them had dropped their lives to rush to this hotel the moment that Imbolt had invited them.

  Iris blinked and tore her gaze from Imbolt. “Minny, did you know that he is made of stars?”

  Minerva smiled. “I did. Thank you, Iris.”

  The other two looked at Minny for explanation.

  Minerva grinned and explained what an Avatar was and that there actually were worlds that had minds and had chosen someone to speak for them or that they could speak through.

  Athena stared and laughed lightly. “You are joking.”

  Minny shook her head. “I am not. I met several of them when I was working for the Citadel. Imbolt has another mind in his body, but his star doesn’t require his physical presence. It is a long-distance thing.”

  The ladies laughed, and it was forgotten for the moment.

  Minny asked, “Do you know what is going on with the Earth? We were watching the display from Lunar Base. It is like there are beams or tentacles of light reaching for something.”

  Imbolt looked up for a moment from the maps he was poring over. “Or someone.”

  “What do you mean?” Selene asked him with a tilt to her head.

  “It has been rumoured that Terra will be rising soon. The mind inside your world is looking for a body to walk around in.” He smiled and kept digging through his maps. Finally, he sighed, slid a small disk out his pocket and stared at the slowly turning hologram of the globe.

  Minny watched the glowing expressions of her siblings, and tears pricked her eyes. “Did you want to meet your niece?”

  That got their attention. Minny pulled out her small tablet and showed them the display of Alyla floating in her tank, with Minny reading beside her.

  Iris smiled. “Did you record it before you left?”

  The Minny who was reading looked up and grinned. “No, Iris. This is a live feed.”

  Her sister jumped and looked between Minny and the image on the screen. “You are kidding.”

  Minny in the box smiled. “I think I should tell you about why I was accepted as a Volunteer ten years ago. But first, this is your niece, Alyla.”

  The image focused on the tank and Alyla’s grey-brown skin and perfect little fingers and toes.

  Minny was amused by her sisters’ “Awww.”

  Athena asked, “How big will she be when she is born?”

  Imbolt answered. “Between fourteen and eighteen pounds.”

  Iris whistled. “No wonder you aren’t still pregnant. It is possible, but it would have been really awkward.”

  Minerva looked at her little darling and smiled. “I carried her for nine months and then, she demanded transfer to a larger container.”

  Imbolt was still idly looking at the globe. “Your sister nearly died.”

  Three pairs of eyes focused on her. Minerva frowned at him. “You read my file?”

  He gave her a wry look and didn’t respond.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Fine. It was not an easy time, and she kicked like a soccer player.”

  Her sisters frowned. Selene asked, “If anything would have happened, would they have told us?”

  Minny shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know. The door was locked pretty tight behind the first two thousand.”

  Iris leaned forward and squeezed her hand. “And yet, here you are with a beautiful daughter on the way. Will she be tall?”

  Imbolt murmured, “Six and a half feet or so.”

  Minny looked at him and exhaled in exasperation. “What are you doing

  “I am looking for a place to put the embassy. The three options that are on the table are all within the lands of a variety of countries. I wish to find a place that has not been claimed.”

  Minerva snorted. “What about that island?”

  He looked at her in surprise. “What island?”

  She set down the monitor tablet and walked over to the hologram, pointing at the small speck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. “There. It is outside the two hundred-mile limit and in international waters. It doesn’t appear to be inhabited.”

  She enlarged the speck several times and smiled. “It looks to be several miles across; there is a flat plateau, a beach and plenty of trees. It would be perfect.”

  He gave her a narrow-eyed look. “It sounds perfect. Why can’t I see it?”

  She leaned back. “What do you mean? It is right here.”

  He walked behind her, wrapped his arms around her and tried to look where she was looking. “I still don’t see it.”

  Minny leaned back against him for a moment, enjoying the feel of him before she leaned forward and grabbed a map. She snagged a marker and made a dot. “There. That is where the island is.”

  He smiled. “Good. I will try to make arrangements to take us out there tomorrow.”

  She sighed and turned in his arms. “Excellent. And we will find out why you can’t see what is so obviously there.”

  He kissed her softly, and she smiled against his lips. A cleared throat from across the room brought her attention around again. “Oops.”

  He grinned. “Shall I join your conversation? I might be able to fill in a few parts of your history with the Alliance.”

  Minny smirked, and then, a dawning understanding hit her. “Hey, I can make popcorn!”

  Iris smiled. “You bet. You are home now.”

  Tears and smiles were all over her face as she sprinted to the bar area and dug around until she found a pack of microwave popcorn. Two minutes later, her popcorn was ready; she had placed coffee, a soda and had some red licorice on a tray.

  It wasn’t a complete set of favourites, but it was an amazing start.

  She was busy sharing popcorn with Imbolt when Athena barked a laugh. “Scatter Brain?”

  Minny smirked. “Yeah. I wasn’t distracted at home; I had a talent for splitting my consciousness. I just didn’t have anything to steer around like I did with the Alliance. So, I probably would have lived my life just being a bit weird if it wasn’t for the Volunteer Project.”

  “Oh, honey, you are still weird.” Selene winked.

  They had slumped onto the floor, and Minny was sharing her snacks with her husband.

  “She was instrumental in evacuating three dozen lost miners in an acid atmosphere, has assisted in negotiations and has been assassinated seventeen times. Each time she was able to walk away because it wasn’t her body on site.” Imbolt was munching on popcorn. They were on their fourth bag.

  She blushed. “It was my job. I was supposed to be doing it.”

  “I know, but your sisters need to know that not only have you been working tirelessly for the Terran cause, but you also have friends and those who think highly of you across the stars.”

  She blinked and looked at her sisters taking in his words. It might have been that they were exhausted, but they looked impressed.

  The late hour suddenly struck her. “Imbolt, how many guestrooms does this place have?”

  He chuckled. “They are down one floor with their own room. The guards will see them to their doors.”

  Iris smirked. “I can take the couch if you don’t mind. That way we can all get a good start in the morning.”

  Imbolt sighed. “Tomorrow morning Minerva and I will be flying out in search of that island. I do not feel we will be good company.”

  Iris looked mutinous, but Athena grabbed her by the hand. “Up you go. We will be able to quiz them about what they find when they get back tomorrow. Don’t worry.”

  Selene winked and gave Minny one more hug. “I am glad you are home, even if you are heavy on the eye liner.”

  Minny laughed and squeezed her. “Have a good night’s sleep.”

  Athena and Iris needed their hugs, and when her sisters were in the custody of the guards, Minny turned back to Imbolt and walked into his arms. She laughed, cried and generally thanked him for bringing her home again.

  “I would bring you the stars themselves if it would make you smile like you are right now.” He caressed her cheek and smiled. “But, we have a long day tomorrow. Let’s get some rest, and you can think about how much you want to thank me for bringing you back to your world.”

  His grin was suggestive.

  She snorted lightly and looked around. “Which way to bed?”

  “Top floor and to the right. It looks out over the entire city. I have a few more arrangements to make.”

  She nodded and headed for the staircase to the upper floor. She had to get her makeup off, and that was going to be an exhausting task on its own.

  After scrubbing, cursing and stumbling, she got her clothing off and crawled into the bed. Imbolt would be along soon, and if he wasn’t, it wasn’t like he actually needed to sleep.

  She pulled the sheets up and snuggled down into the bedding. It was familiar. All the textures and scents were familiar, and she was happy beyond measure to be home again. The only thing that would make it better would be to add Alyla to the mix.

  It would have to wait a few more months, but her daughter would take her first steps on Earth. Minerva went to sleep with a hopeful smile on her lips.

  Chapter Seven

  “When you said we were flying, I thought you were going to get a helicopter in the mix or something.” She held onto him as he flew over the ocean in search of the elusive island.

  He chuckled. “I would never pass up the opportunity to have you in my arms, little star.”

  The crowds had been more than a little shocked when they flew out of the penthouse and headed for the coastline.

  He had arranged for her to be settled on the west coast, and she was guessing that his flight from the U.N. had been accomplished in this particular method.

  She didn’t know how fast they were going, but it was only his heat that was keeping her warm. Her own body heat had surrendered to the winds after their first hundred miles.

  With a careful move, she turned her head and pointed. “There on the left. It’s on the horizon.”

  He altered his trajectory and sped up. “Let me know when we are close.”

  She nodded and scowled. “Why can’t you see it?”

  “Why can you?” he challenged back and continued his flight.

  She sighed. “I really don’t know.”

  When they got close, she whispered, “Slow down.”

  He obliged, and when they were gliding toward the plateau, she talked him into landing.

  When his feet were on the ground, he looked around. “Well, this is amazing.”

  She nodded absently. “Put me down.”

  He gave her a serious look and asked, “Why?”

  “There is something that needs to talk to me. I can’t be with you when it does.”


  “It isn’t a someone, so that was as close as I can get.”

  “I will come with you.”

  She smiled. “That will be fine.” The being would stop him when it wanted privacy.

  When she was on her feet, she walked slowly across the plateau and down a set of stairs. It almost felt like sleepwalking, but she knew it was real. She never wore formalwear in her dreams.

  The steps led to a path, the path to a brook and the brook led to a pool of amazing stillness considering the waterfall and resulting brook.

  This was where she was supposed to be. Minny walked to the edge of the pool and looked down. “Hello.”

  Her reflection with brilliant green eyes smiled at her.

  A voice echoed inside her mind. Welcome home, daughter.
r />   Minny took the formal language and continued it. Thank you, Mother. Why have you summoned me?

  A ripple of anticipation mixed with the sense of power. I have need of you. I wish to walk with my people and guide them with whispers through the upcoming changes. For that, I need you.

  Slightly nervous shivers started to ripple through her. What can I do for you, Mother?

  I wish to walk with my people, and I wish it to be within your form. Your mate is the body by which Zanicon moves, and I wish you to provide me with the same service.

  She could see where this was going, and yet, she had to make her case. But, I am about to be a mother, Mother. How can I be yours and hers at the same time?

  I have watched over all my children. I will be there for yours. Do not worry. You are already a good mother. I will not interfere with that. Your daughter will be at your side.

  The mind of the world under her feet would not be changed. This was going to happen whether she wanted it or not. When do you wish to do this thing?

  Delight spilled into the tone in her thoughts. You agree?

  I do. Now, when—

  The rush of power rippled through her, and she was pulled into the water. Energy surged around her, working inside her. The sudden waves of consciousness that beat at her and took her mind over, saturating her before the power soaked into her mind and made itself at home.

  She gasped and surfaced, pulling herself out of the water.

  Imbolt was standing at the edge of the pond with a worried frown. “She took you already.”

  Minerva looked at him in surprise. “You knew this was going to happen?”

  “I thought she would wait until after Alyla was born. Zanicon knew.”

  She scowled and took a step forward, looking down and realising that she was walking on the water. “I am walking on water.”

  All of my elements are at your command. If you wish to increase the size of this island, it is easily done.

  She blinked at the thoughts in her head that weren’t her own. “This is weird.”

  “You will get used to it. What is her name?”

  Your kind have called me Gaia. I like the sound of it.


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