Purveyors and Acquirers (The Phosfire Journeys Book 1)

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Purveyors and Acquirers (The Phosfire Journeys Book 1) Page 19

by Unknown

  “You say that as if it is forbidden. You and I both know that there have been Matriarchs who have had life mates or consorts.”

  “Leave it. If somehow I change my mind, not that it will happen, you can be the first to say I told you so. As for now, I want to make sure the children are well, and then I need a hot soaking, once my kit is cleaned and put away.”

  “I guess we better hurry home then. Good thing we have an abundance of hot water and a large bath house, or, commander or not, you might have a mutiny on your hands to see who got to use the pools first.”


  Izlan and Charion entered through the kitchen, their arrival observed only by Cook.

  Izlan spoke softly to her. “Thank you for staying behind to help guard the Temple.”

  Cook waved her spoon of office. “Any blade I throw will still find its target. You all go change before someone spots you. Martell is still armored and acting as a guardian in the common area. Landis and Patrice snuck through here upon their return and removed their kit before seeing to Liddea and the other girls.”

  Izlan gave Cook a hug before she and Charion hurried to her chamber. They helped each other out of their armor, pulled on work clothes, and proceeded to the common room to join the apprentices at their table.

  “Liddea, it is nice to have you safely home. It seems that the rest of you have also had an eventful evening. It is late. We’ll talk further when everyone is rested.”

  Satisfied that her charges were accounted for and sound, she sent them to bed and called a meeting of the former Raiders in the orchard, to prevent unwanted ears from listening. Kaid was extended an invitation, as well.

  Chairs were brought out, and several bottles of Spyder’s finest vintage were opened. Izlan listened, along with the rest of her lieutenants, while Patrice gave her report on the status of the rescued girls.

  “My examinations have shown that all the girls are untouched and will not bear physical scars from their experience. Mentally, they need to be monitored and counseled. I suggest the Temple offer help to them once they have been reunited with their families. The whole family should have intervention, not just the abductees. Liddea, however, appears to be just fine. The event has made her stronger, and I’m not worried about her. But we should still keep an eye on her, just in case.”

  “What about the parents?” Izlan inquired.

  “I can answer that.” Kaid took a sip of Spyder’s brew. “The families have been notified that their daughters have been found. Do you have a room that can be used to allow them to reunite in private?”

  Izlan poured herself another drink. “Yes, that can be arranged.”

  “The Watch will take statements to document each girl’s experience, to fill in what we already know. Then each family will be escorted home.”

  “How does the girl Inara fit in with the other abductions?”

  Kaid suddenly looked very pleased. “I have been made aware by good authority that Inara’s would-be kidnapper is currently under question even as we speak. There may or may not be an association, but, if there is, the information will soon be acquired. We need to know how widespread this activity has been.”

  Izlan thought there was an evil quality to Kaid’s grin, which was so out of character for the man. “I understand that you witnessed the children free Inara?”

  “They were unaware of my presence. We can all take pride in how well they handled the situation.”

  Izlan leaned forward. “Give us an accounting.”

  She listened, along with her Raiders, as Kaid reported on the apprentices’ exploits that evening. “They do sound capable.”

  Landis laughed. “They would have made fine Raiders.”

  Kaid nodded agreement. “What surprised me most was how well equipped they were. I don’t recall them being issued the weapons they carried and did not expect to discover an extraordinary component of their kit. Did the Temple provide their equipment?”

  Martell reached for a bottle and grimaced when he found it almost empty. “We never saw them. Did they have on their night-wear?”

  “You are correct, that is what they wore. However, when I spoke earlier to Mehrle, I leaned in close to whisper instructions to her and noticed her undergarment sticking up above the collar of her shirt. Fronc was similarly attired.”

  “Okay, now that you have our attention, what was so special about what they wore?” Landis asked.

  “Well, if I am not mistaken, they were wearing Anrotean Spider Silk.”

  Martell choked on his drink. Charion pounded him on his back until he recovered. “Anrotean Spider Silk! Where would they find something that rare and costly?”

  Izlan stared up into the sky, which was beginning to lighten with the approaching dawn. “I suspect I know how they acquired the weapons and other unusual additions to their kit, but I won’t say any more till I’ve had a chance to look into the matter.” She then stood. “I for one am going to finish cleaning and putting away my kit and then prepare for a long day without having had any sleep. I take my leave of you.”

  She then drained her glass and strolled toward the Temple, concern for the children foremost in her thoughts. You were just as unruly at their age, she reminded herself yet knew she would feel better if she had tighter control of them. Not that Slag did, either.


  SLOAN, DISTURBED BY the sight of Wills when he’d opened the bedroom door, sat quietly in the chair next to the sleeping man, deciding on his next course of action. Wills slept undisturbed by his presence.

  When he’d let himself into the room engaged by the watch commander the prior evening, he had not expected to see Wills laid out naked with his arms tied to the head board and feet to the posts. Sloan knew measures had been taken to ensure the watch commander remained at the Blue Crystal House of Pleasure but had not expected to find Wills in a drunken stupor, bound to the sleeper. He also didn’t want to contemplate how Wills had arranged to put himself in his current position. It did, however, make it easy to locate him and take him to the Watch House. The warrant he carried allowed him to use force, if needed, but, after seeing Wills, Sloan didn’t think force would be necessary.

  Sloan stood, took hold of the satin binding that attached Wills’s right foot to the post. He rapidly jerked the sash, shook the foot and leg, and loudly exclaimed, “Excuse me, Watch Commander. You are needed at the House.”

  It took three jolts before Wills awakened with a moan and looked around. “What? What is it?” He squinted into the chamber’s dim light. “Who is it? Just go away.”

  Sloan decided another good shake was justified. “There is an emergency at the Watch House. I suspected you might be here, since you weren’t at your residence. Should I untie you, sir?”

  “Untie me, what? Why am I tied up? What is the meaning of this? It’s Sloan, isn’t it? Of course untie me. Where are my clothes?”

  Sloan suppressed a smile. He had been sitting on Wills’s neatly folded clothing. “They are right here.” He, not so gently, removed the Watch Commander’s bonds. “Do you need help getting dressed, sir?”

  “Get away. I am fine. I am not a babe.”

  “Of course you’re not. I didn’t mean to imply such.” Sloan had to assist Wills with putting on his clothes. He barely stopped Wills from falling forward when he reached for one of his boots. “I have a carriage waiting, sir, unless you would like to walk to the Watch House.”

  “The carriage will be fine. Get me a drink of water from that pitcher over there.”

  “Yes, sir.” Sloan poured water in a mug and handed it to Wills.

  Wills took a tentative swallow before fumbling and dropping the mug, which shattered into pieces when it struck the plank floor. “Let’s go then. This had better be important. If any word gets out regarding my condition discovered on your arrival, I’ll have your head, Sloan. Do you understand my meaning?”

  “Sir, I didn’t observe anything. What condition?”

  “Good. Now get
out of my way.”

  Sloan stayed a few steps behind Wills. If Wills’s unsteady gait turned into a fall, he wondered if he would be noble enough to give Wills a hand. The watch commander stopped to cover his eyes from the bright sunlight of the morning as he stepped out of the front door. “Carriage is over here, sir.”

  The watch officer, who was sitting next to the driver, jumped down and opened the door to the carriage as Sloan and Wills approached. “Good morning, Watch Commander.”

  Wills made no reply to the man’s greeting as he stepped past him into the carriage.

  As the carriage surged forward, Wills grabbed his head, face etched with pain. “What is so important that you had to interrupt my sleep, Sloan?”

  “I am just the messenger, sir. The Magistrate came to the station and asked to see you. I thought you might want to attend to the business of the Magistrate and offered to get you for him. When you weren’t at home, I took a chance that you might still be at the Blue Crystal.”

  “I appreciate the initiative, Sloan. Glad there were no hard feelings regarding that pass of yours. I am just going to rest my eyes till we arrive at the station.”

  Wills was snoring loudly when Sloan awakened him upon arrival. The watch commander was a little steadier on his feet when he exited the carriage. Wills made an effort to gather himself before stepping through the station’s front door. Wills took a deep breath, stood straight, and, after breaking wind, lurched forward. Sloan stepped back and followed several steps behind Wills as he made his way through the station.

  The door to Wills’s workroom was open, and the Magistrate was sitting at Wills’s desk with a custodian of the law on either side and files open before him.

  “Magistrate, how can I be of assistance?” Wills asked.

  Sloan subtly gave the signal to two other watch officers, Sandorn and Aramis, who had both participated in the assault on the Wave Dancer, to accompany him into the chamber.

  The Magistrate stood. Flanked by the custodians, he positioned himself in front of Wills.

  “It is my duty to inform you that you are under arrest for the crimes of aiding and abetting in the kidnapping, imprisonment, and sale of minors. You are also accused of dereliction of duty, acts unbecoming an Officer of the Watch, and treason to the City of Arlanda. You are hereby relieved of office, stripped of all rank, and shall be held in custody until trial and disposition have occurred. Watch Commander Sloan, will you please see to the care of the prisoner?”

  “Yes, Magistrate. I will gladly see to your order. Officers Aramis, Sandorn, please take the prisoner below.”

  Wills stood in a shocked, mute, hung-over stupor. Aramis and Sandorn had already applied restraints to him and were directing him from the workroom before he reacted to the Magistrate’s pronouncement.

  “You can’t do this! There has been a mistake. Unhand me. I will see all of you imprisoned for this!” Aramis and Sandorn were joined by two other officers as, Wills, still protesting, was guided away.

  “Thank you, Watch Commander, for your service to Arlanda this morning and the past evening. Now, I have other duties to attend.”

  “Thank you, Magistrate. It has been my sincere pleasure to minister to the needs of Arlanda and her citizens.” He escorted the magistrate and his custodians to their waiting carriage.

  He was met by Aramis when he reentered the House. “That went rather well, Watch Commander.”

  “Wills all tucked in?”

  “Yes, he is. I think the drinks are on you.”

  Sloan slapped Aramis on the back. “Agreed. I never expected to receive this promotion. But you’ll have to earn your drink by helping me make sense of the contents of my new workroom. Our work is not done. We need to discover what other dark secrets Wills was mixed up in and who may have helped him. Hopefully, we can get Wills to provide us further intelligence.”

  Aramis nodded. “Our former Watch Commander does not seem like the kind of fellow who would take to the idea of being publicly beheaded for his crimes, if found guilty. I think he’ll agree to an exchange to prevent that punishment, if offered a choice.”


  Liddea joined the former abductees for breakfast at a table that had been placed in a corner of the common room to allow them a bit of privacy as they ate. She yawned. “I really need to take a nap later. How are you all holding up?”

  Tilly passed Liddea a platter containing Cook’s morning rolls. “About as well as you are.”

  Marum shyly looked up from her food. “You have nice friends. Even the boys. I didn’t know what to do, at first, when they began to sneak into our room.”

  Liddea bit into a roll and chewed hungrily. “I told Mehrle and Tulip that I couldn’t leave the four of you alone without having someone you know and trusted with you. They offered to help make you feel welcome and came along. The boys somehow figured out where we were and joined us.”

  Betra laughed. “I’ve slept over with girls but never boys. When they arrived with pillows and blankets and then stayed, I was so scared, I almost wet myself. I can tell you all truly care for each other.”

  “Over the seasons we have often gathered together to sleep in one or another’s chamber.”

  Kamri poured Liddea a cup of beryl tea. “It was nice they all wanted to get to know us, not just talk about the kidnapping. I don’t know when I finally fell asleep. You were all gone when Lady Charion awakened us so we could refresh ourselves before breaking the morning fast.”

  Liddea took a sip then swirled the liquid in her mouth, enjoying the flavor. She was about to make a comment when they were overwhelmed by the noisy arrival of her fellow apprentices, who quickly drew another table close and pulled up chairs. More food was delivered by Cook.

  Liddea smiled. It was good to be home. As she realized that the former captives were soon to be reunited with their own families, she was surprised by her strong feelings at the thought of their separation. “We will see each other again, won’t we?”

  Sobs burst forth and tears flowed down her face in response to those shed by her rescued companions. She was given reassurance from them as she gave each a hug.

  Tilly embraced her the longest. “You are my sister now. I will never forget you and never you me.”

  Zeal took Liddea’s hand in his and leaned against her as the girls were escorted away to be reunited with their families. “You still have us.”

  Liddea looked into his eyes. “I know.”

  Reunions were conducted in private, with the Matriarch and Lady Charion in attendance. It wasn’t until after the midday meal had been served and consumed that the normal pattern of life in the Temple was reestablished.


  ZEAL SAT WITH the other apprentices on chairs someone had placed in the orchard. “So, Liddea, that’s what we did last eve during your rescue.”

  Liddea sat in thought for several heartbeats. “What happened to the girl, Inara? I don’t recall meeting her or seeing an unfamiliar person this morning.”

  Mehrle leaned toward her. “I know the answer to your question. I sought Kaid out last night, before joining you and the girls from the ship, and asked him about her. He told me she had been escorted home by the Watch and reunited with her family.”

  Zeal sighed. “It would have been nice to have had a chance to say goodbye.”

  Mehrle shook her head. “You know very well we couldn’t bid her farewell. Inara might have figured out we were the ones who freed her.”

  Liddea asked, “What about the man who tried to abduct her?”

  Mehrle scuffed her shoes on the ground. “Kaid did mention that the fellow wouldn’t be causing any more trouble.”

  Fronc stopped picking his teeth with a twig. “That’s strange. How would he know?”

  Nester chuckled. “You ask Kaid and get back to us after he tells you.”

  Fronc replied in a huff. “You do it, if you want to know so badly.”

  Tulip rolled her eyes. “Would you two stop acting like wee on

  Zeal decided to distract the two hotheads. “I have an idea.” He waited until Fronc and Nester had stopped glaring at each other before continuing. “Liddea, there is someone waiting to meet you.”

  Tulip perked up. “That’s right, and we should put our kits away when we go to visit.”

  Liddea looked to Mehrle. “What are they talking about?”

  Mehrle just grinned broadly. “Oh, you’ll see. Everyone, gather your kits then meet outside the mausoleum. Make sure you aren’t followed.”

  Nester held Zeal and Fronc back, allowing the girls to leave ahead of them. “Shall we race and see which of us gets to the mausoleum first?”

  Fronc nodded. “You are on. Last one there has to give up his dessert!”

  Zeal purposefully stumbled, sprawling onto his hands and knees as Nester and Fronc sprinted to the Temple. He shouted in mock frustration when he heard their taunts.

  “You’re not going to have any dessert tonight, Zeal,” Nester called back.

  Zeal hid his smile as he stood, brushed himself off, and then headed directly to the mausoleum. Last evening, before he’d joined the sleep-in, he’d paid Iris a visit and informed her of Inara’s rescue and Liddea’s return. He didn’t need to go to the Temple. Chuckling as he ran, he knew it wouldn’t be he who went without dessert tonight. Once at the mausoleum, he sat in front of the closed gate to wait for the arrival of the others. A short time later, accompanied by Liddea, Mehrle and Tulip arrived with their kits.

  Tulip pointed to Zeal. “I win. Told you the Mouse would be here.”

  Liddea turned to look back down the path they had taken. “Yes, but you also said Fronc would be the last to arrive.”

  Zeal looked down the trail and saw Fronc running just ahead of Nester. Fronc tripped on a tree root and fell. Nester jumped over Fronc’s prone body and continued to run, touching the gate just as Fronc was regaining his feet.

  Liddea turned to Tulip. “Okay, you were completely right this time, but you are going to get fat, always eating someone else’s dessert.”


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