Private Engagement

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Private Engagement Page 8

by Adrienne Perry

  “If you two are done messing around, then maybe we can start talking about the real issue,” Emily started.

  Ethan grinned at her. “And here I thought we hadn’t even started messing around. Seems like you might need a lesson or two. I’d be happy to oblige.”

  Emily blushed again, stumbling in her mind trying to think of what to say next that wouldn’t be taken as a double entendre.

  Charlotte came to her rescue instead. “Simmer down, Ethan, I think Emily deserves the explanation. You can mess with her….or whatever with her…later. Let’s take care of business first.”

  At once, Ethan’s grin dropped and his face took on a serious look. It was like he was, very suddenly, a different person. All joking was gone, and he looked focused and tense.

  “All right,” he started. “Let’s do this.” He motioned for everyone to sit, and they obliged. In an effort to maintain her concentration, Emily sat in a dainty upholstered armchair, chosen for its ability to accommodate only one person. Ethan chose a matching chair that was completely dwarfed by him, and Charlotte alit gracefully on the brocade sofa. Ethan put his hands on his knees and flexed his fingers a few times, as if steeling himself for the discussion that was about to happen. Emily couldn’t help feeling jealous of his knees, wishing his fingers were on her. She shook herself to clear her head so she could focus too. She was finally going to get the answers she’d been desperate for since that moment in the Rivera offices that morning.

  After pausing for another moment before speaking, Ethan suddenly stood to pace the room. He was entirely too big for the space. The room was large by the historic district’s standards, though Charlotte’s dainty accessories and overly feminine décor made Ethan’s manliness more apparent than ever. He looked like a sleek lion prowling through the savannah, large and muscular, but graceful and beautiful as well.

  Finally, he spoke. “I’ll start with the short version, and then we can get to the details. The short of it is that, as we told you earlier, the FBI is investigating Ronald Gaines, who is currently engaged to Charlotte’s mother Vivienne. While Charlotte was the initial point of entry to his life via Jonas, an FBI operative, we terminated that mission early when Ron became suspicious. Despite what actually turned out to happen, Gaines didn’t believe Charlotte and Jonas were a likely couple.”

  “Why not?” Emily interrupted.

  At that moment, a loud bang sounded from the back of the house. A few seconds later a beast of a man entered the room. If Emily had thought Ethan was too big for the space, this man absolutely dominated it. He had dark skin, with a shiny bald head and a wide, gleaming smile. Everything about him was oversized, and he looked even larger as he scooped Charlotte up easily in his arms and planted a loud kiss on her mouth. Charlotte, for her part, practically melted into him, and the temperature in the room felt like it rose by several degrees just from their seconds of contact. Emily stole a glance at Ethan, and noticed him staring at her with an intensity that took her breath.

  The man released Charlotte with a gentleness that seemed impossible, but he took care to stay close to her, as if he couldn’t bear there to be any space between them. Emily thought she understood that feeling.

  The man smiled at her. “And this must be the lovely Emily. A pleasure to meet you.” He had a distinct accent, one that Emily thought might be Jamaican. Later, she would learn that he had lived in many places, and the accent most closely matched the time he’d spent growing up in Zimbabwe. He held out his hand to her, and Emily took it. “My name is Jonas, and I hear you are about to learn all of our secrets.” Though the sentence was ominous, he softened it with another smile, and settled onto the couch with Charlotte, one arm draped loosely around her shoulders, his hand gently stroking Charlotte’s upper arm. “So, how much have you heard already?” he asked Emily.

  “Not nearly enough,” she replied. “We’d just gotten to the point that Reverend Gaines was suspicious of your relationship with Charlotte. I was wondering why that was, but I suppose it’s because you’re not as tall as her usual dates?”

  Jonas boomed out a laugh. “I don’t want to distract from the storytelling. Please continue.” Then, to Charlotte, he explained, “I just had a few minutes when I could break away. I had to come see you. I hope it’s okay.”

  Charlotte beamed in reply. “Of course it’s okay! It’s always okay. I just wish it could happen more often.”

  “I too wish for that. Soon, though,” Jonas soothed her. The two seemed oblivious to the world around them as they gazed at each other.

  Ethan gave out an annoyed grunt, and continued with the explanation. “Anyway, when Gaines became suspicious, it became too risky to continue with the original plan. But the FBI didn’t want to give up the lead, because this was the closest they had gotten to him so far.”

  “Okay,” Emily murmured. She was still struggling to put all the information together in her mind.

  Ethan went on, “You may or may not know that he has a long history of stealing from women.”

  “But how can he do that? He’s on TV doing his church stuff. Wouldn’t someone recognize him?” Emily asked.

  Ethan nodded. “He’s done it with different names, and even changes his look to remain anonymous. We’re almost certain he’s had plastic surgery to alter his face enough that he’s unrecognizable. But the FBI caught a lucky break a few months ago. A woman he had stolen from when he was using the alias Simon Chooch had become so distraught by his deception that she turned to god, or more accurately, to Reverend Ronald Gaines to save her from her depression.”

  Jonas took a break from swimming in Charlotte’s eyes to add, “She was initially attracted to him because he looked so similar to Chooch, though she didn’t suspect they were the same person until she noticed a scar on his hand that was an exact duplicate to one she’d seen on her fiancé’s just a few months prior.”

  Now that Jonas’s attention wasn’t focused solely on her, Charlotte also chimed in. “It’s hilarious, really, how it played out. The TV was one of the newest high-def systems, the ones where you can see every pimple and imperfection. My mama says it’s foisting young actresses out of the business even earlier now because they can’t hide their lines and wrinkles as easily anymore. But, it helped in this case.”

  “Yes,” Ethan continued. “She’d bought that TV when she and Gaines were together, just before he stole all her money. She had just that one thing of value left. He even got her to sign the house over to him and sold it without her knowing. But she kept that TV, and it’s what led us to him. We used his current photo with the one picture Sharon had taken of him…he normally didn’t allow photos, but she took one of him while he was sleeping one time so that she would have a keepsake of him.”

  “And that’s not at all creepy,” Emily commented. Ethan smiled at her observation.

  “Yes, well, creepy or not, that photo was the piece that helped us put it all together. She snapped her disturbing photo of him, thinking she’d show it to him years later, when they were growing old together. Turns out it will be the key for the FBI to track him down.”

  Ethan ran a hand through his hair, and Emily was distracted from the story by his long fingers weaving through his thick hair. He caught her looking and gazed back at her with an intensity that set her pulse on fire. The story they were telling her was so beyond anything she’d ever thought would happen to her, she felt untethered and adrift. She didn’t know how this situation was part of her reality. Ethan seemed to understand her unspoken thoughts, and walked up to her and gave her a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, instantly grounding her. The touch was comforting and solid, and let her know that she wasn’t alone in this craziness. The relief she felt was immediate, and she relaxed into his touch. A second later, a frisson of alarm shot through her. She couldn’t let him be her comfort, that wasn’t what she wanted or what she needed. She shrugged out of his grasp, feeling both relief and despair when he took her cue and backed off. The whole moment had passed in just se
conds, yet Emily felt even more upside down than she had just a minute earlier. Before she’d just been dealing with FBI, con men, and a fake engagement. Now, something had shifted in her soul, because for the first time since, well, ever, a man had given her a security she couldn’t manage to find on her own. Though she definitely didn’t accept that, she still craved his body and his quick, sly smile, his hands on her body, his lips on hers. She wanted him with a desperation that she’d thought impossible, and was torn between needing to flee or indulge.

  Emily pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind. She’d deal with them later, after she had time to process everything. She refocused on the conversation happening around her. Ethan had stopped talking when she’d stiffened at his touch, and had walked back towards the fireplace. Ten feet of distance that could have been a mile as remote as he was holding himself now.

  Jonas finished the explanation himself. “They’ve found three other women who were able to identify him as the likely person who stole from them, but without definitive proof, and his altered looks, the FBI can’t move in on him yet. Now that he’s becoming a celebrity of sorts, and his face is everywhere with his church, we think this will be our last chance to catch him. Vivienne’s fortune is the largest he’s ever had access to, and we think once he’s secured it, he’ll disappear overseas somewhere, and we won’t find him again.”

  Jonas and Charlotte were still sitting together, inching closer and closer to each other. In a few more minutes, Charlotte would be in his lap. They couldn’t stop touching each other, yet it wasn’t just with desire, though that was certainly evident. But they also touched each other as though the other was the most precious, cherished thing to them. Emily could see they were dying to be alone. Emily had never desired something like that for herself, but she suddenly envied them.

  Ethan spoke again. “Anyway, the FBI didn’t want to give up on Gaines, so they asked me to step in to fill Jonas’s role. He would step out of the way as a dumped boyfriend, and I, the long-time acquaintance of the family, would step in as a much more suitable match. It’s working so far. The only hitches are that Charlotte and Jonas actually do suit, as you can see for yourself based on the way they’re currently fondling each other in front of us.”

  Charlotte giggled. “You’re so right, Ethan…we’re behavin’ terribly. It’s just that we hardly get to see each other anymore, and it always has to be in secret, so we need to take advantage of every opportunity. I hope y’all don’t mind if we go chat in private for a while? I trust you will entertain yourselves.” With that, Charlotte tugged Jonas off the couch and the two disappeared up the stairs.

  Emily couldn’t stop her cheeks from pinking up in the knowledge that the couple was probably having sex in the other room as they spoke.

  Feeling suddenly shy at being alone with Ethan, Emily crossed her arms and examined a pattern on an embroidered pillow at her side. It was quite lovely, actually, an image of a cardinal on a snow-covered branch, the snow shimmery with some sort of glitter infused thread. The air in the room felt thick, tense. Her deeper concerns were fading as arousal built inside her. She tried to fight it by focusing on the pillow. I really should learn to embroider…I also wish I could just jump Ethan right now and have there be no repercussions. Actually, I wish he would jump me. That would be so much better. Emily imagined him pressing her back onto the couch, sliding one hard thigh between her legs, spreading them. Then pushing his leg up between her legs…

  A burst of fire in her core had Emily crossing her legs to the other side. Glancing up quickly at Ethan, she found he was watching her again, and the smirk was back. Geez, is the man a mind reader or something?

  “I hope I’m not boring you,” he drawled, a glint in his eye.

  “Far from it. Please, go on,” Emily replied, and waved a hand at him to continue. Damn him, she thought, and wished he were feeling something the way she was.

  “So I stepped in, and though I’ve had a few chances to search his computer, I can’t locate the bank accounts that we believe hold the money. The next stage of the plan is to freeze Vivienne’s bank accounts so that she can’t access her money and pay for the costs associated with Charlotte’s wedding. Of course, I’ll offer to pay, but Vivienne will insist that she pay the bill. It’s her daughter, and she takes it as her responsibility.”

  As he talked, Ethan began to move. Stalked, really. He appeared to be pacing aimlessly, but each step brought him just a little closer to her. He was like a sleek panther, closing in on its prey. Slowly, so slowly, the poor antelope wouldn’t even know what was coming until its teeth were deliciously deep in its flesh.

  “But without access to her money, our hope is that either she’ll ask, or Gaines will offer, to pay in the interim. He knows that Charlotte is pregnant, and he won’t want to delay the wedding. He also won’t want to do anything to risk his own engagement to Vivienne. As part of the plan, I’ll have to place spyware in his computer and mobile devices that will let us locate the money when he taps into the accounts. So we need three things to make this work…one, his agreement that Charlotte’s wedding not be delayed, two, his agreement to pay for the necessary costs until Vivienne’s money is free, and three, my ability to gain access to all his tech devices.

  “Actually, there’s a fourth thing…your cooperation now that you know the assignment. Can we count on you?” As Ethan spoke these last words, his voice dropped to a sexy timber that sent shivers of arousal down Emily’s spine. He also took a step closer, eyes gleaming with intent and amended his last words. “Can I count on you?”

  Emily nodded mutely.

  “Good,” he murmured. “Now that that business is settled, we can move on to the next.” With that, he closed the gap between them and bent down to Emily. “I’ve wanted another taste of you all day.” He crushed his lips against hers.

  Chapter Twelve

  The moment Ethan’s lips touched hers, heat burst in every cell of her body. She stopped caring about the FBI, the case, the fact that she was now involved in this crazy scheme. It was clear now that Ethan was not going to marry Charlotte. He was, at least right now, available to her. She surrendered to her need for him as if she was drowning and he was her oxygen. She pulled him to her with desperation, and guided him down to her.

  Ethan didn’t resist, and soon he had maneuvered Emily so she was lying on her back on the couch and under him. He tangled his tongue with hers while she wound her fingers through his thick hair. She couldn’t get close enough to him, and even though he rested on top of her, it still felt like he was too far away. Emily arched her back and pressed her hips into his groin, rocking against his hardening cock. He groaned and slid one hand under her ass and pulled her into him, pressing his thigh into the space between her legs.

  Emily gasped in pleasure at the contact, even while she felt slightly disappointed that there was so much material between them. She wanted skin on skin. Ethan must have felt the same way, because he moved his hand from her butt and slid it under her sweater. He seared her skin with his caress, his fingers like flames singeing her side, her stomach, and finally, her breast. He cupped her briefly through her bra, and her nipple was already a tight bud in anticipation of his touch. He muttered a low curse before pulling down the lacy fabric, freeing her breast for his hand. When he stroked her again, she almost cried out at the sensation of his thumb brushing over her pert nipple. When he squeezed it, gently at first, and then again, just the other side of gentle, she did cry out.

  Ethan repositioned himself so that he was above her body. One are supported his weight while he used the other to push her sweater up higher and expose her breast. Then he pulled his lips away from hers and moved his mouth to her breast. He circled the taut nub with his tongue once, twice, before he sucked it hard into his mouth. Emily’s hips bucked up, grinding into his pelvis. She grasped his waist, and fumbled for the zipper of his pants. Ethan eased off her, giving her hands access, though he kept his mouth on her. He lapped at her nipple, and when
she finally got his pants open and slipped her hand in to stroke him through his underwear, his jaw clenched and he bit down on her.

  Emily cried out, with equal parts pain and pleasure.

  Ethan pulled back. “God, Emily, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It just…I just…”

  Emily kept her hand in place, gripping his cock in her fist. She whispered out a breathy “Don’t be sorry. I liked it. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.” She used her free hand to pull his face back to her breast while her other hand continued to work him.

  Ethan smiled a slow, sexy, dangerous smile. “I’m so fucking glad you like it hard and dirty,” he growled. Given the okay, Ethan assaulted her breast before freeing the other one and giving that side equal attention. He licked and nipped, giving Emily just the right amount of pain to add to her pleasure.

  Later, Emily would reflect that he somehow instinctively knew how far to go, something other men she’d been with had taken weeks to get, if they ever did learn her limits. They were almost always too soft or too rough. Getting it just right had been, somehow, beyond their abilities. Ethan got it.

  Now, though, Emily wasn’t thinking of other men. She was exploring the elastic of his shorts and slipping her fingers underneath it.

  Ethan had unclasped her bra and pushed it further up, exposing both her breasts. Emily felt the wetness between her legs and her clit thrummed with sensation. She thought she might cry if he didn’t touch her soon. Thankfully, she felt his fingers brush their way down her belly, then move around to cup her ass. When his hand slid under the skirt to find her pantyless pussy, she thought she might come right then.

  “God, Emily,” he murmured into her hair. “Do you know what this is doing to me? If I’d known you were bare under that skirt, I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from touching you long before now.” She wiggled against his hand, urging his fingers on. When he pressed his palm between her legs, her body begin to vibrate in anticipation of her approaching orgasm.


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