The Pack's Mate (bbw, werewolf menage)

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The Pack's Mate (bbw, werewolf menage) Page 1

by Carrie Kelly

  The Pack’s Mate

  Copyright 2013 by Carrie Kelly

  Published by Carrie Kelly

  Cover Art:

  © ingimage

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  All characters in this story are made up by the author. They aren’t based on any real people.

  I shudder as I enter the diner then sigh with relief as the warm air wraps around me like a blanket. Drops of rain water fall from my hair and I run my fingers through the damp curls.

  The smell of food wafts through the room and my stomach grumbles.

  A short and stocky man approaches me with a smile. “Hello! And how are you today?” he asks.

  “Fine,” I stammer.

  “Is it just you?”

  I frown and nod. “Yeah, just me.”

  “This way. Would you prefer a booth or a table?”

  “Booth,” I say and follow.

  I glance around, noticing no other customers save three men at a small table. Each one looks up at me from his plate and I turn my head away.

  Sitting at the booth, I move into the corner.

  The stocky waiter plants a menu in front of me. “What can I get you started with?”

  I lick my lips. “I just want the number seven, the steak well done, fries instead of a baked potato and some water.”

  He scribbles on a pad. “Okay, steak dinner, well done, fries and nothing but water?”

  I nod.

  “I’ll tell the cooks to get that started for you.”

  “Thank you,” I say and take off my jacket.

  Sitting in awkward silence, I glance up. All three men are still staring and I grit my teeth. Out of all the empty booths the waiter had to sit me next to the only other people in here. Dammit! My knuckles turn white as I fist my hands.

  A sinking ache in my stomach hits me and I decide to go to the restroom. Trying not to look at prying eyes, I hurry but stop dead in my tracks as soon as someone’s hand glides against my hip. I turn and look beside me.

  All eyes are still fixed on me, the closest man smiles warmly and asks, “What’s your name?”

  I open my mouth to speak but can’t. A blush creeps across my cheeks as I study his face. His dark brown hair, silky with gold highlights, hangs low on his neck. Green eyes, a slight crook in his nose, and full lips. He’s lean and muscular. Probably tall too. When I look in his eyes I suddenly feel dizzy. My god is he gorgeous.

  A burning need fills the pit of my stomach. Every breath comes out hot and heavy.

  I glance at the other two. Different features but the same wave of desire washes over me. One man, blond with amber eyes curls his lips into a smile. He’s a lot more slender then the other two. And the other man stares with crystal blue eyes. His hair, purely black. Thinner lips but still just as kissable. Something about this one sends chills down my spine. Yet I crave what it’d be like to have him inside me. Controlling me.

  Running his fingers through his long hair, the blond winks.

  I blink my eyes and frown.

  “Well, what is your name?” the black haired man asks.

  I lick my lips and take a deep breath. “It’s…” Everyone looks at me expectantly. “It’s none of your damn business,” I finally stammer and hurry away.

  Inside the bathroom the lights are dim. Graffiti lines the walls and I turn on the faucet and splash my face. The knot still twisting in my stomach. Why did they want to know my name?

  I look up and frown at the face with the full cheeks and dull gray eyes staring back from the mirror. Then at my chubby body. Men that gorgeous don’t fall for women like me. They’re practically flawless, so what do they want?

  I splash more cool water in my face. How am I so feverish when only moments ago I was chilled from the rain? I squeeze my legs together and close my eyes. Fighting the urge to touch myself, I take deep breaths. No one’s ever made me lose control like that. Made me feel. Horny? What the hell is up with me today? Calm down. Good. Another deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.

  Several minutes pass and I finally step out of the bathroom. I keep my head down, focusing on the floor as I walk back to my booth. Then I sit down and take a few gulps of my water.

  I glance at my watch just as the stocky waiter walks out from the kitchen with a plate. I plant a fake smile as he approaches.

  “There you are my dear. Enjoy,” he says and puts the plate down in front of me. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Nodding he turns and walks towards the three men and takes their ticket. Good they’ll be leaving soon.

  I grab the steak sauce and drench the slab of meat. The smell, so enticing my stomach growls. I cut several pieces and eat quickly.

  Stuffing my mouth with broccoli, I abruptly huddle closer to the corner as the man with the black hair slides in the booth next to me. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and my body trembles as the other two sit across on the other side.

  I swallow and wipe my mouth on a napkin. “What do you guys think you’re doing?”

  The man with the green eyes gives the same warm smile as he did earlier. “We want to talk to you,” he says and steels a fry from my plate. “Steak and fries?” he asks.

  “I don’t like baked potatoes and please don’t touch my plate,” I say and tighten my jaw.

  “Sorry,” he says and crosses his arms.

  The blond chuckles and leans back, calm and collected. “We all still want to know your name kitten.”

  “And I said it was none of your business!” I spit.

  “Relax, we’re not going to hurt you. I’m Jacob,” says green eyes. Then he motions to the blond. “This is Keelan and the guy next to you is Adrian.

  “I…” Wiping the rest of my face with a napkin, I frown. “I don’t care. You need to leave the booth. I didn’t invite you,” I say with venom.

  “Who says we needed an invitation?” The black haired man says as he leans closer, his face only inches from my own. The he sniffs the air around my neck.

  Blanching, I swallow a lump in my throat. I’d lean away further but I’m already as far into the corner as I can be. Like a damn cornered mouse. “What the hell are you doing?” I whisper.

  “That scent of yours is divine. I just want to eat you all up,” he growls. A small sliver of light casts an odd reflection from his blue eyes.

  Reminded of winter, I shiver. “You want to eat me up? Are you assholes some kind of cannibal serial killers or something?” Shit I hope that’s not it!

  “Of course not!” the blond spurts, his eyes wide.

  “Odd judgment girly but no. I was thinking of something completely different. Something sensual. You can use your imagination right?” he says as his hand trails up my thigh.

  Fire ignites under his touch and that same dizzy spell trails over every need in my body. Why are they affecting me like this?” “What are you…?”

  Adrian smiles, his skin pale with a slight bush of red in his cheeks. “You feel it too don’t you? The desire? It’s so intense you feel like you’ll lose control any minute.”

  Fighting the urge to give in, I slap his hand away. “No, I don’t even know you.”

  Rage builds behind his eyes and he grabs my collar and pulls me into his muscular form, his face inches from my
own. “Well then. Let us all get to know each other.”

  My cheeks burn and I grip his wrist.

  Jacob leans over the table and tugs at the man’s black coat. “Adrian, I think you’re scaring her,” he says.

  The dark haired man snorts and looks back at me. “Are you frightened darling?”

  I give a slight nod although for some reason I feel anything but scared. I probably should be. Maybe acting so will make him back away.

  Adrian frowns. He finally moves his hand away from my collar. Then he leans back with a sigh. “Go ahead and finish your food. It’d be a waste to leave it.”

  I glance at my plate and then up at the other two. As they stare at me a different expression takes over their faces. Eyes fill with hunger. A glimmer runs across two points that protrude from their upper lips. Are those pointed teeth? What the hell? I pick up my fork and stab at a piece of meat. I chew it and swallow awkwardly. These bastards startle me and now they expect to me to be able to eat when they stare at me like that? “I lost my appetite,” I say and put the fork down.

  “She’s ripe,” Jacob says and licks his lips.

  I try to ignore the heat rising between my legs.

  “I’m sorry. I’m what?” I ask.

  “Not only that you guys feel the tug? This girls our mate,” the blond man says. Taking a deep breath a small tremble courses down his body.

  Adrian leans back and raises his brows. “Really? That sunk in just now?”

  Keelan smashes his fist on the table, his knuckles blanching. “I felt it I just didn’t want to say anything until I was sure,” he growls.

  They sound crazier by the minute. I clear my throat and all three heads turn my way. “What the fuck are you all talking about?”

  “You’re our mate,” green eyes says again. He reaches over and touches my hand lightly, sending tingling shocks down my arm.

  Mate? I need to get away from these freaks. Moving to the side, I nudge Adrian. “Move,” I demand.

  “And where are you going?” he asks. His eyes study me.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I say.

  All men tense as I look from one to the other. Finally the man moves and I stand up. My legs ache from sitting so long.

  The waiter walks towards me. The concern in his face evident. “Is everything all right here?” he asks. Just as he’s close enough I dart beside him.

  Adrian flies up from the table and I shove the waiter into him. “I’m so sorry!” I say to the man’s astonished face.

  Adrian catches him as I make my escape to the exit.

  Jacob and Keelan grab my coat and I let my arms fall back so it glides off me with ease. I hurry and pull the door shut, and as the two hit it a crack meanders through the thick glass.

  Wide eyes and heart pounding, I run into the crowd, glancing behind me every now and then. My pursuers still hot on my heels.

  Adrian, towering over most of the people, shove them away like dolls.

  I turn the corner and then down into the subway. Jumping the turn style, I hurry just at the train’s doors are about to shut. After I get in, I turn and blanch.

  Adrian slams his fists into the window. The other two trailing behind. How did they reach me so fast?

  As the train slowly rolls away he and the others follow. The look in his eyes desperate and full of rage. Then they disappear as the train rolls through the tunnel. I take a deep breath and stand still. That was too damn close. Too many thoughts cloud my head at once and I chew my bottom lip. Calling the cops seems pointless. It’s not like they can do much in that situation. They didn’t get a chance to assault me or… I frown. Whatever it is they wanted me for.

  Mate? Talk about psychotic. One things for sure. I’m lying low from downtown for a while.

  The train halts on the north side and I get out of the subway. The crackling of thunder erupts in the sky and rain falls even faster than before, drenching my blouse. I hug my arms and frown. That coral jacket was my favorite.

  I take a short cut through the park and shield my face as the wind kicks up. Then I stop dead in my tracks. About twenty feet in front of me, Adrian stands with a smile on his face. His eyes cast an eerie glow from a nearby street lamp. I take a couple of steps back. “How did you find me?” I ask. Body trembling.

  “We followed your scent,” he says and starts walking towards me.

  I turn to run but stumble right into Keelan.

  “Hey kitten,” he says and grabs my shoulders. Gently he turns me back around to face Adrian. Then he presses his strong chest into my back. Feeling the warmth from his body sends electricity down my spine. A strong wave of desire clouds my mind and I take a shaky breath.

  Jacob steps next to the blond with a deep crease on his brow. “Why did you run away?” he asks.

  I raise an eyebrow. “You have to ask?”

  “It’s because she’s scared,” Adrian says as he approaches me. Then he touches my face with the back of his palm. “But you’re not scared of us are you? You’re scared because you want us just as bad as we want you and you don’t understand why.”

  “No!” I say. Eyes wide, I try pulling away from Keelan’s grasp. Heat floods my cheeks and I look down. The bastard’s right. The ache in my chest proves it. I could never hold onto any man in the past because of…tears threaten to fall. Because none of my past exes were ever that attracted with me to begin with. So yes, I do wonder why these three flawless men claim they want me. They’re going through so much trouble to catch me.

  Adrian unbuttons my blouse and exposes my chest. His fingers brush my skin, igniting my needy body.

  Moaning, my muscles tense as Keelan presses his soft lips onto the side of my neck. Jacob pushes beside me and caresses my breasts. The slightest touch on my nipple sends jolts to my pussy making the juices flow inside me. Leaning back, I close my eyes. The familiar scent of earth and musk tickle my nose.

  I melt as three sets of hands. Three mouths. Continue to explore every inch of me.

  Adrian tugs at the clasp in the front of my bra and frowns.

  I open my eyes and stare. He bites his lip. His brows knit and crow’s feet crinkle in the corner of his eyes. Rain drips down from the tips of his black hair.

  “Well, this is kind of annoying,” he says and rips my bra. My breast bounce free with my nipples standing at attention.

  Despite the cold my body’s feverish between their warm bodies.

  Keelan reaches around and cups one of my breast as he licks the side of my neck. His finger rolling the nub in slow circles.

  “Ah!” I gasp.

  Leaning down, Jacob takes my other nipple in his mouth and suckles.

  Eyes wide, I run my fingers over his head.

  Adrian smiles and leans into me. “You’re so beautiful. Especially like this,” he says and runs a slender finger over my cheek. Then he presses his lips into mine and parts my mouth with his tongue.

  I grip his arm and dig my nails into his jacket. My body twitches. An ache forms deep inside my cunt. A hungry ache begging to be touched.

  As if reading my mind, Adrian unzips my jeans and puts his hand inside my panties.

  “Ah. Ah!” I whimper as his finger gently parts my swollen lips and rubs against my clit.

  “Tell me you want us!” he says as he presses harder on that one delightful spot.

  “I want you!” I pant.

  “All of us?” Keelan whispers in my ear.

  “All of you,” I say and squirm under his grasp.

  Jacob leans back from my breast and licks his bottom lip. My nipple red from his assault. His muscular chest heaves and his eyes reflect like an animals. There’s something off about them but I’m too lost in the moment to care.

  Adrian pulls his hand back and in a quick move he pulls me away from the others and lays me on the ground. Then he crawls over me and straddles my legs. Pulling at my jeans with crazed eyes.

  I grip his hands. “Stop!” I say. Memories flood my thoughts. A voice echoes in my he
ad from the past. “You’re thighs are the worst part of you. Cellulite. Stretch marks. It’s disgusting. You really make me sick sometimes.”

  Tears well up in my eyes.

  “Why?” Adrian asks. His expression straddling the line between curiosity and concern.

  “Please. Don’t look at my legs,” I say and wipe my eyes.

  Keelan and Jacob kneel on each side of me. “What is it kitten?” Keelan asks and takes my hand in his own. Then he kisses it gently.

  The rain finally calms to a slow drizzle. All three men gaze at me. Water drips from their faces as their chests heave.

  “Isn’t that adorable boys?” Adrian asks. Then he runs his hand down my stomach. “How shy she is?”

  Jacob leans down and kisses the side of my cheek. “We want you…” he says and leans back quickly. Then he frowns. “You never told us your name!”

  Adrian chuckles. “So she hasn’t.”

  Keelan smiles. His long hair spills over his shoulders. “So tell us now kitten.”

  I lick my lips. “Gracie,” I say.

  “Beautiful name. Suits you,” Jacob says. His breath hot on my neck as he licks the sensitive skin.

  Adrian pulls my pants down to my hips.

  Tensing, I stare as Jacob and Keelan pepper my shoulders and my cheeks with soft kisses.

  “What if someone sees?” I ask. The park is dark and we’re surrounded by bushes and trees but that didn’t mean someone else could happen to walk by.

  “Doesn’t it excite you just a little?” Adrian asks. Then he leans up. He sniffs the air and Keelan and Jacob turn their heads.

  “Someone is here,” Jacob growls.

  My eyes widen as I see four points poking out from the green eyed man’s lips. What’s going on?

  “Yes, I can smell the stench,” Adrian says. His eyes are no longer the crystal blue shade I melted into but yellow. What the hell?

  As he stands up, I back away quickly. Then I peek behind Adrian to see five other men. Their faces twisted with rage.

  Adrian takes his coat off and throws it on my lap. “Cover up dear. I wouldn’t want you to catch cold.”

  I take the soaked material and wrap it around my naked chest. It’s surprisingly dry on the inside.


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