CHAPTER SIX The Brigand Musicians
CHAPTER SEVEN A Conflict of Illusions
CHAPTER EIGHT The Children of the Pit
CHAPTER NINE Nurse's Sense of Duty
CHAPTER TEN On the Bromley Road Again
CHAPTER ELEVEN A Conversation on Time Machines and Other Topics
CHAPTER TWELVE The Awful Dilemma of Mrs. Amelia Underwood
CHAPTER THIRTEEN Strange Events in Bromley One Night in the Summer of 1896
CHAPTER FOURTEEN A Scarcity of Time Machines
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Entrained for the Metropolis
CHAPTER SIXTEEN The Mysterious Mr. Jackson
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN A Particularly Memorable Night at the Café Royale
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN To the Time Machine, At Last!
CHAPTER NINETEEN In Which Jherek Carnelian and Mrs. Amelia Underwood Debate Certain Moral Problems
Book 3 The End of all Songs
CHAPTER ONE In Which Jherek Carnelian and Mrs. Amelia Underwood Commune, to some Degree, with Nature
CHAPTER TWO In Which Inspector Springer Tastes the Delights of the Simple Life
CHAPTER THREE A Lower Devonian Tea
CHAPTER FOUR A Fresh Quest — On the Trail of the Hamper
CHAPTER FIVE At the Time Centre
CHAPTER SIX Discussions and Decisions
CHAPTER SEVEN En Route for the End of Time
CHAPTER EIGHT All Travellers Returned: A Celebration
CHAPTER NINE The Past is Honoured: The Future Reaffirmed
CHAPTER TEN In Which The Iron Orchid is not Quite Herself
CHAPTER ELEVEN A Few Quiet Moments in the Menagerie
CHAPTER TWELVE In Which Lord Mongrove Reminds Us of Inevitable Doom
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Honour of an Underwood
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Various Alarums, a Good Deal of Confusion, a Hasty Excursion
CHAPTER FIFTEEN In Which Jherek Carnelian and Mrs. Underwood find Sanctuary of Sorts, and Mr. Underwood Makes a New Friend
CHAPTER SIXTEEN The Skull Beneath the Paint
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Some Confusion Concerning the Exact Nature of the Catastrophe
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN In Which Truths are Revealed and Certain Relationships are Defined
CHAPTER NINETEEN In Which Differences of Opinion are Expressed and Relationships Further Defined
CHAPTER TWENTY In Which Lord Jagged of Canaria Exhibits a Frankness not Previously Displayed
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE A Question of Attitudes
CHAPTER TWENTY TWO Inventions and Resurrections
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE Amelia Underwood Transformed
CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR The Vision in the City
CHAPTER TWENTY SIX Wedding Bells at the End of Time
CHAPTER TWENTY SIX Conversations and Conclusions
About the Author
Other Works by Michael Moorcock
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