Micah, The Fierce Takes On Emma, The Brave

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Micah, The Fierce Takes On Emma, The Brave Page 3

by Jessa Eden

  That was weird.

  We were normally so busy that we didn’t take walk-ins. I couldn’t quite see who had walked in, but my instinct went off in a good way and I was curious to see who was here.

  Putting the broom away and brushing my hands on my skirt, I made my way to the lobby.

  When I got to the front, I was surprised to see a large man standing there. He looked well dressed and put together. It had been a cool Baltimore day and he looked sorta dashing in his long grey coat.

  However, he seemed puzzled, like he didn’t know what he was doing there. I ventured a guess.

  “You look lost…Are you lost?” I asked politely.

  “No, I’m not lost,”he said simply, but he didn’t offer any more information.

  “So, th-this is a salon?” he questioned sheepishly.

  “Yep,” I replied as I tried to figure out what he needed.

  I could see his mouth muscles working, trying to form his words.

  I’d had a couple of students who’d struggled with a stutter. My heart went out to him and I said gently, “What can I do for you this evening?”

  “Do you cut m-men’s hair?” he asked after a moment.

  “I sure do,” I said pleasantly and smiled at him.

  He smiled back, looking like a shy little boy. Aah, he was sweet and just a little nervous.

  But, before I could draw more conclusions about Mr. Sweet, he changed instantly. His befuddled façade fell away and he became all man.

  “Well alright, Darlin'…..Can I get a haircut?” Then he winked at me.

  His stutter had disappeared and his sheepish manner gave way to some kind of magnetic energy. That was some kind of magic trick…Whoa, Nelly. The vortex of his sex appeal came alive then and my body began chanting hubba-hubba as my neurons fired on all cylinders.

  His grey eyes held mine, intelligence and strength of will showing in his. There was a hint of danger showing as well, a wild kind of energy emanating from him.

  How intriguing…there were a whole lot of layers to this man.

  We just seemed to stare at each other until my tongue unfroze in my mouth.

  I cleared my throat, managing to say in a reasonable tone, “Uh…Sure, follow me.”

  “I’m Emma, by the way,” I said as I turned toward him. Was he checking out my butt? “Nice to meet you....” I managed as I stuck my hand out.

  “Micah,” he supplied and my hand slipped into his for a warm handshake…what a grip.

  “Welcome, Micah, to Casa Oshun,” I said with a big smile.

  Chapter 3


  Awkward. Was that the best you could do, Turner? What the hell? That had almost been a complete disaster. My stutter, which I hadn’t experienced since I was kid, had totally tried to cock block me. I had somehow willed it to behave when she’d smiled at me.

  She was much prettier close up. She had blond hair, big blue innocent eyes and a ready smile. She filled out her skirt nicely with wide hips and that awesome derriere. She had the most amazing walk and I found myself mesmerized by her hips and bottom as I followed her back.


  I led him to my station and told him to take a seat. I hung up his coat and admired his crisp white buttoned down shirt. The man definitely took pride in his appearance.

  I got my plastic cape and fluffed it out as I wrapped it around his frame. I took a moment and secured the snap, admiring the strong muscles in his neck. I gingerly touched the back of his head and looked at him in the mirror. He had hair the color of chocolate brown and grayish green eyes that were hypnotic.

  “So...what are we doing here? A trim? A different cut?” I stroked his hair, and ran my hands through it as I questioned him.

  He paused, seeming to ponder the choices and I continued to stroke the hair on the back of his neck. The touch seemed to soothe him.

  I was still a bit apprehensive as his wild energy curled around me. It was a bit like approaching an injured animal; I just wasn’t sure if he was going to snap and bite me.

  I smiled at him in the mirror, trying to pacify the beast.

  “Uh…just a trim.”

  I laid my hand on his sideburn and his face turned instinctively, almost nuzzling my palm. I left it there for a moment, letting him absorb my touch.

  “Would you like me to trim these up for you?” I asked gently.


  I wanted give this man all the luxury we offered. He was in need of some serious care.

  “I noticed that you have a little bit of a beard on your face, would you like a shave this evening?”

  He looked at me like I was suggesting some type of torture.

  I smiled persuasively at him. “Oh, come on, we make shaving a delicious experience here. Don’t you enjoy being pampered?” I cajoled lightly.

  He blushed a little, but he seemed to be softening.

  “I promise I’ll treat you right, Micah,” I coaxed gently.

  “Alright...I guess I can try it,” he agreed reluctantly.

  “Excellent. After I get done with you tonight, you’ll be begging to come back.”

  “Is that so?” he asked, with a hint of flirtation in his voice.

  “Absolutely. You’ve never been taken care unless you’ve visited Casa Oshun. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with a pleasurable experience.”

  “Well, how could I resist that offer?” he bantered easily.

  Our eyes met in the mirror and a mini-explosion rippled through me. Heat ran through my system and I saw myself doing unspeakable things with this man.

  I know I blushed deeply as he continued to watch me. That stare of his seemed to pin me down; it didn’t seem to matter that we’d met 5 minutes ago.

  I composed myself as best I could, relying on my professional demeanor.

  “Ready, Micah?” I said a little too brightly. Tone it down girl, I reminded myself…He’s just here for a haircut.

  He gave me a simple nod and I prepared the necessary tools.

  I took out a hot towel infused with sandalwood and lavender and gently wrapped it around his face.

  “Now, I need to get your skin nice and relaxed, so that the stubble comes off cleanly. I want you to just relax as I lay this on your face. Then I am going massage your hands.”

  I sat down on my little stool and placed another scented towel on each of his hands and began to wash them. I took some jojoba oil and began to knead his palm. Then I threaded my fingers through his, reveling in the connection between our fingers. I had always marveled over how any two hands could fit together.

  It felt good to touch him, to feel my hand pressed into his. My palm was small against his, the strength of his body emanating from somewhere deep inside of him. I began concentrating on pulling my fingers through his, over and over. The slippery oil provided a great friction, our hands gliding easily against each other.

  I clasped his fingers with mine and sensually moved it back and forth. I wondered what it would be like to have those hands touch me in an erotic manner, to cup me between my legs. I thought I heard him purr as my hands worked their magic, releasing the tension in his trigger points.


  My eyes shut as a hot towel was placed over my face. It was oddly wonderful. I’d never been shaved by anyone and this towel business was awesome.

  But, nothing prepared me for the hand massage.

  I’d had plenty of massages in my career as an athlete, but this was something different. I felt like I was under a spell as she worked some kind of magic on my fingers.

  I couldn’t remember ever being touched like that…warm, safe, and sensual at the same time. I felt relief go through me as she massaged my hands.

  I thought I’d walked into the land of soft and plenty. I might of even fallin’ asleep as total relaxation came over me. It was something I didn’t think I’d ever felt before…but I liked it.

  Then the swish of a brush hit my face, swirling shaving cream over my skin. Emma leaned o
ver me and I smelled the sweet muskiness of her perfume, the tips of her hair brushing against my arm.

  I sighed heavily, caught in between relaxation and lust. I wondered if she was that talented with her hands in other areas as my mind began to entertain much dirtier versions of her touch. I bet she knew how to handle a man and make him cum hard.

  She stuck her tongue out of her lip as she let the razor scrape gently down my face. I had visions of sucking on that tongue and then feeling it wrapped around my cock. I could feel my dick twitching eagerly at this image. It was time to switch gears and keep this haircut, just a haircut.

  “Tell me about the name of your place, I’ve never heard that name before.”

  “I’m sure you know that Casa means house in Spanish but Oshun is a goddess of sensuality. She loves to adorn herself, bless creativity and live in a juicy manner. When you put it all together, it means a house of sensuality and creativity.”

  “Well I don’t think I have ever been to a house quite like that before.”

  “Well, then, welcome,” she said enticingly.


  Our faces were close as I shaved down his thick neck. He looked like he was visiting from out of town, so I took another guess.

  “So are you in town for business or pleasure?” I inquired pleasantly, trying to keep things light above the massive crush I was quickly developing on this man.

  “Oh, I just moved here.”

  “Oh yeah? I moved here about 7 years ago…you’re gonna love it.”

  He pursed his lips and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “No? You’re not liking it?”

  He sighed, “No, I’m not. I was forced to move here, so I’m not here by choice,” he said bitterly.

  Whoa…what was that all about?

  “How does one get forced to move?”I asked thoughtfully.

  “It’s complicated,” he said after a long moment.

  It was obvious he didn’t want to share anymore and I didn‘t want to make him more uncomfortable.

  “Well have faith, Micah. Life has a way of working out,” I encouraged warmly.


  I squirmed in my chair when she brought up my move. I was surprised that I would share anything at all. But, I was enjoying my time with Emma and I didn’t want to have to explain who I was. I wondered what kind of game she played with men, but I found I didn’t care as she touched me again.


  I massaged Micah’s face lightly as I put on a special shave ointment made by Marla. I ran my pinkies softly in circles across his cheeks and then let them travel down his smooth sideburns.

  I heard him lightly snore as I traced his jaw line. He looked less predatory in his sleep. I briefly wondered what he’d been like as a little boy. I finished the massage and let him sleep for a few moments.

  “Time to get up, Micah.” I shook him gently.

  His eyes popped open and he once again looked lost. I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “Relax, Micah. You just fell asleep.” I smiled at him kindly.

  “You ready to get your hair washed?”

  “You mean we’re not done yet?” he asked sleepily.


  “Good.” He smiled lazily at me, with a hint of that wicked charm.

  I smiled back, “Come with me, please.”

  He got up and I was reminded once again of his mammoth size.

  I led him to the chair in front a shampoo basin. He settled in and I observed the strength of his body. His form screamed hard body and it took some effort to keep my tongue in my mouth. His thighs were large and seemed to want to rip through his jeans, like in angry Incredible Hulk style.

  His forearms were corded, with big meaty hands. He had broad shoulders that went way past the edges of the chair. He had a thick jaw that looked like it could handle a punch or two.

  He smiled at my obvious appraisal of his body.

  I quickly averted my eyes, half-embarrassed, half-turned on.

  I busied myself with putting a towel under his neck. I told him to lie back as I prepared the water. I carefully slid the nozzle across his scalp, warm water cascading through his hair.

  He sighed again as the water ran through his hair. I have always enjoyed making my customers relax after a hard day. Micah needed it more than most.

  I lathered his hair with shampoo, rinsed and then used conditioner. I massaged his scalp, hitting his pressure points.

  “Mmmm…that feels good,” he complimented, his words sounding more like a purr.

  “It’s suppose to feel good, Micah.” Well, that came out suggestively…Was I trying to seduce him? I had never tried to seduce anyone before, but this was fun.


  Pleasure by pleasure, this woman was seducing me. She may not have meant to, but everything in me, dick included, was turned on by her. She wrapped a towel around my head and directed me back to the big chair. I sat down and wondered what was next.

  She combed my hair out as I watched in the mirror. Her boobs jiggled slightly as she moved. They appeared to be a handful each and my dick gave its blessing as I imagined freeing them from her bra.

  She started to cut my hair and the magic of her hands returned to my body. This time, though, I wasn’t lulled to sleep. My dick had awakened and I had to ball my fists to stop from touching her.


  As I finished cutting Micah’s hair, Beyonce’s Love to Love You Baby began to fill the salon with its sultry sounds. Maybe it was the flirty banter from this unexpected appointment, but I felt this rush of sensual energy run through my body. I began to move my hips back and forth, letting the music flow through me. I closed my eyes and found myself humming along with the seductive tones of the melody. I opened my eyes to see Micah staring back at me with those piercing eyes. A boldness swept over me, my hips moving in a suggestive figure eight pattern.

  “I just love music that makes me wanna move, Micah,” I admitted as I turned in a slow circle. I could feel his eyes on me, the wild animal tracking my every move.


  “Those are some kind of moves,” I said quietly, trying not to pant.

  What was this girl doing to me? For once, I was trying to act like a gentleman, and she was practically belly dancing. I watched, as she closed her eyes and moved to the music….Yeah, I silently encouraged, work those hips, baby. I imagined her sliding down on my dick and workin--Jesus, Turner, have some self-control! Get your head on straight and walk away tonight. I closed my eyes and willed her image out of my mind. Yet, as soon as I opened them, there she was, searing more dirty pictures across my brain.

  My palms itched to grab her and my breathing became labored as she moved that glorious backside. She seemed to revel in her body and I dug that about her. I watched her show and prayed that I could contain myself.

  Chapter 4


  I moved around the chair, my hand brushing along the metal arm. I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I had a handsome man drooling over me….I could feel his attraction, even though he was trying to fight it. I swiveled my hips again and scooted around to the back of the chair. I ran my finger along his neck and felt a shiver go through him.

  More boldness swept over me and I leaned close to his ear.

  “Are you satisfied with your experience here at Casa Oschun?” I whispered hotly and then gently bit his earlobe.

  “Darlin, hands down, this is the best haircut I’ve ever had.”


  I continued my slow dance, and enjoyed the freedom that I felt around this man.

  “I took a belly dance class once…I really enjoyed it,” I shared as I twisted my hands and arms upward in a traditional move.

  “Are you enjoying the fruit of my lessons, Micah?” I looked at him through half-closed eyes.

  “Emma,” he said softly. It was the first time he’d said my name and it was a beautiful thing to hear from his lips.

  “Say it again,” I whispered.r />
  “Emma,” His tongue curled around my name for extra effect. I swear that two syllable word was the sexiest thing anyone had ever said to me.

  We looked at each other; both of us realizing that this night was about to go to a whole other level.

  His hand shot out quickly and grabbed my wrist. His hand curled around mine, his warmth sinking into me. I held my breath as he lifted my hand to his face.

  My fingers rested on his forehead, while my palm felt the heat of his breath and he slowly dragged my hand down his face.

  My fingers reached his lips and I pulled at their fullness. He nipped at the tips of my fingers and slowly captured them with his teeth....oooh, this man knew a thing or two about sensuality.

  My breath became a moan as my fingers moved into his mouth. I’m sure he could feel my pulse jump as he held my wrist. My whole body reacted to my fingers sliding in and out of his mouth.

  “Huuhhh…I gotta have more of you...” I pronounced exuberantly.

  I climbed up onto his lap, my passionate blood solely interested in mating with this man. My knees barely fit over his thighs as I pressed my body against his. We held there for a moment. My hand rested against his chest. I could feel his heartbeat speeding up.

  He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it slowly. I watched, wondering if this was for real.

  “You know, Micah, this doesn’t usually come with our services,” I tried to joke, but it came out serious.

  “Yeah, I know.” His bedroom eyes became all thoughtful and acknowledged my concern. He grinned again, reminding me why I was willing to step over this line between stylist and client.

  “The question is whadya want, Darlin'?” he asked playfully.

  “Mmmm…How about we start with a kiss.” I bit my lip for extra effect.

  His face came close to mine then from his relaxed state. He looked like a panther ready to pounce. That wild energy was back, “Oh my....th-” my voice was cut off as his lips claimed mine and his tongue swept into my mouth.


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