Annie, Get Your Guy & Messing Around with Max

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Annie, Get Your Guy & Messing Around with Max Page 11

by Lori Foster

  She tried to stiffen her arms again. “But—”

  “Rule number two.” He crushed her close so she couldn’t wiggle. “You don’t ask the guy you’re with embarrassing questions.”

  “Why should you be embarrassed? I bet you look great when you’re straining and groaning—”

  “Rule number three,” he said, deliberately drowning out her words. “Never argue with a man who’s trying to give you pleasure.”

  She slumped against him. One second she was docile, limp, the next she clung to him so tightly his shoulder and ribs screamed in protest. “I don’t mean to argue with you. I’m sorry.”

  “Shh.” He could feel the tremors in her body and knew she was excited. Just because he had to suffer unrequited lust, didn’t mean she should. Hopefully, what he intended would be enough. She couldn’t go to Perry. She deserved so much more than that slobbering fool could offer her.

  Since he couldn’t think of a single alternate to Perry, he had to sacrifice himself. Sacrifice! Ha!

  “I’m going to kiss you, Annie.” At least that would give her mouth something to do beside bombard him with outrageous comments.


  “Don’t be a smartass,” he warned. “Now just relax, okay?”

  “I have been kissed before, you know.”

  A growl rumbled in his chest. “I don’t want to know.”


  Guy covered her mouth with his own. It was a simple kiss, easy, as teasing as the kisses he’d put on her throat. Annie pressed closer; her lips parted. Lightly, he slipped his tongue in, then back out again.

  She gasped. Their lips were still touching when she said, “Can you do that again?”

  He did. And again and again.

  She tried to follow him, tried to deepen the kiss, but that would have interfered with his plans.

  Her small fist connecting with the center of his chest took him by surprise.

  “Stop teasing me!”

  Guy smothered a laugh while he rubbed away the new ache. “And you accused me of trying to be dominant.”

  Before the words had finished leaving his mouth, Annie had clamped her hands on either side of his head and held him immobile for a killer kiss. What she lacked in finesse she made up for with verve.

  He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted any woman. He struggled to distance himself from the effect of her warm damp mouth on his, her slim body along his side, her hands, gentle and warm and so damn small and female. He knew he’d lose his head entirely if he didn’t break the kiss.

  He did that by the expedient manner of grasping her behind.

  Annie lurched up with a moan. Her eyes, heavy and soft, stared at his face in wonder. “Do I look like you?” she asked on a husky whisper.

  Her thick lashes were at half mast, her blue eyes vivid with heat, her rounded cheeks flushed to a rosy glow. She was beautiful. “Hell no.”

  She touched his jaw. “Your face is flushed,” she murmured low, “and your eyes look…hungry.”

  His abdomen pulled tight; his erection throbbed. “Then yes, in that way you look like me.”

  “Is it always like this?”

  He cuddled her behind a little closer, wanting to distract her, wishing she wouldn’t keep analyzing things. “No. Usually the woman is too involved to be so chatty.”


  “Kiss me again. I like it.”

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to tell me what you liked—”

  Guy took control. He kissed her, stroking his tongue deep, slanting his mouth over hers, amazed by the perfect fit.

  “Give me your tongue, too, sweetheart.”

  She did, shyly at first, then hungrily. Her hands coasted over his chest and stopped at his nipples.

  “Annie.” She gasped as he took her wrists and tried to move her hands away. “Don’t do that.”


  He shifted to the side to face her more fully. His knee smarted and he winced until he’d gotten it properly situated. He kissed her palm and said, “There are better places to touch me.” Like on his back, where it didn’t matter as much.

  “I read that men are as sensitive there as women.”

  “Let’s find out.” He covered her breast through the flannel. Soft and delicate. He wanted her naked, but wasn’t sure he could take the sight of her nudity.

  Her heartbeat slammed against his palm. Her eyes closed, her back arched.

  “Such a reaction,” he whispered, using his thumb to taunt her nipple into a stiff peak.


  “I know. You like this.”

  With her eyes squeezed shut, she bobbed her head.

  He didn’t mean to, but he heard himself ask, “Have you ever lain like this with another man?”


  He watched her face, gauging her reaction to his touch. “Has any other man touched you here?”


  His blood rushed through his veins. “Then no other man has done this either.” He caught her nipple between his finger and thumb and tugged gently.

  Her moan was loud and very satisfying.

  Guy kissed her chin, the bridge of her nose, her closed eyelids while he continued to tug and tease and roll. Her breaths turned loud and harsh.


  “What about this?” Easily lifting her slight weight, he levered her upward until he could reach her breast. He took her flannel covered nipple into his mouth.

  His teeth nipped, causing her to jump. His lips plucked, and she moaned in response. He suckled, and her entire body stiffened, bowed. The shirt, once his but now scented by her body, grew quickly damp.

  Annie’s hands tunneled through his hair and held him tight. Her leg came over his, bumping his knee but barely noticeable other than the fact her body was perfectly aligned with his, the notch of her thighs pressed tight to his groin. He covered her bottom and drew her closer still. His hands were large enough to completely cover her rounded tush.

  Suddenly she pushed him away and before he could ask, she started fumbling with the buttons on the flannel.

  “Annie, wait.” He caught her hands and tried to still them.

  If she stripped, he’d lose his fragile grasp on control. “Let’s go slowly here, honey.”

  “No.” Buttons went flying when she gave the shirt a frustrated jerk. Eyes wide, she looked at him, chagrined.

  “Well.” Guy cocked a brow and tried to ignore the sight of her partially bared breasts, her cleavage, the edge of one firm nipple. He cleared his throat.

  “That’s the first time a woman’s ever ripped her own clothes off for me.”

  Annie’s chin lifted. “You’re hurt. I was trying to give you a hand.” Then she looked uncertain. “Would you rather I rip your pants off?”

  Tenderness overwhelmed him. He’d known this woman since she was a shy little girl. He’d watched her grow up in the shadow of her older brothers, one a serious, somber overachiever, and one so charismatic, everyone loved him, male and female alike.

  Her father had ignored her, her brothers only wanted to protect her. And Guy…he just wanted to love her.

  He did love her.

  Curving his hand around her thigh, he urged her to lift her leg completely over his waist.


  “I want to get a good look at you, Annie. You’re so damn beautiful.” He nudged and shifted until he had her sitting on his abdomen.

  Her face was pink, her gaze wary. “I’m not beautiful,” she said, trying to scoff. But at his scorching look, she asked, “You think I’m beautiful?”

  Slowly, Guy parted the shirt until it slipped down her arms. He had a hard time swallowing past the lump of affection and lust and love choking him.

  “I think,” he rasped, cuddling each small breast in his large hands, “that you’re sexy and sweet and undeniably beautiful.”

  “Oh Guy.”

  “Lean down here.”

  Her thighs tight
ened on his hips. “Lean…?”

  “Down here.” He glanced up and caught her breathless anticipation. “I want to kiss you some more.”

  Her chest rose and fell. “My mouth?”

  “Your nipples.”


  Guy paused. She was aroused, but also wary. And he knew without a doubt that she was a virgin. The last thing he should do was to rush her. “You’re shaking.”

  “It’s…well, we’re…” She frowned at him, gloriously naked from the waist up, her hair steaming down to her behind. “Shouldn’t we be in the bed?”

  Guy wondered if she was changing her mind, if she was stalling. “Why does it matter?”

  “Because I want you naked, too, and it’d be easier to work these bottoms off you in the bed. There’s really not enough room here.”

  Now he was shaking. “Here is fine.”

  Annie gave him a speculative look for a good five seconds, then slipped off his body before he could stop her. A nice bounce in her breasts distracted him as she stood beside him by the couch.

  “I want my first time to be in a bed.” She made it a demanding statement.

  “Honey, it doesn’t matter.” Except in his mind. Getting in bed with her would definitely be a mistake. He just knew it.

  “I want us both naked and ready, not just me.”

  He leaned up to look at his lap. His erection tented the scrub bottoms. “Uh, Annie, I’m as ready as I’m going to get.” Beyond ready. Desperate actually. Not that he needed to be ready for what he planned.

  “But it’s getting late,” she pointed out. “I didn’t sleep much last night.”

  The way her mind worked never failed to amaze him. “Why not?”

  “Because I watched you sleep.” She seemed unaware or unconcerned with his scrutiny of her breasts. “Those damn nurses kept creeping in and trying to look you over. They’re shameless.”

  Guy ignored her comments on the nurses. There was a husky catch to his voice when he asked, “You stayed all night at the hospital with me?”

  “Of course.”

  She was so matter-of-fact, as if any other choice would have been incomprehensible. His heart softened even more.

  “And since I know we’re both tired,” she added, “and already well fed, I figured we’d do…this, now that you’re being more reasonable. Then we’d turn in.”

  He desperately tried to put her off. “You make this sound like baking bread.”

  “Oh, no.” She looked down the length of his body. “I expect this to be loads of fun and very exciting.”

  “Not that you want to put any pressure on me, huh?”

  Annie scowled at his dry tone. “I’m willing to make allowances for your injury.” She glanced at his leg. “Will you be able to do this with your injured knee? We can refer back to the books for some different positions if it’ll help to keep from hurting you.”

  He didn’t want her nose back in those damn books. “You’re not going to cause me any pain,” he assured her. No more than the pain of a terminal hard-on.

  “Still, it’ll be better on the bed where we can maneuver. I realize sex requires some mobility.”

  “For the love of…we’re not going to be doing acrobatics.” At least he didn’t think so. Perhaps she’d read a chapter on that too! And ridiculously, the thought of Annie being “mobile” made his stomach clench and his muscles tighten with sexual expectation.

  Annie shrugged. “I read that men just want to sleep afterward. So we might as well be in the bed so you won’t have to move again.”

  With every breath, she managed to insult him. “Only a total pig falls asleep right afterward!”

  “A pig, huh?”

  She looked so skeptical, he figured the books had convinced her otherwise. Then he added, “Perry would probably fall asleep.”

  “You think so?” With her upper body naked, she sauntered to the fireplace and banked the fire until only mellow glowing embers remained. She closed the glass screen securely.

  Guy watched in appreciation, every small turn and twist of her slender body. The shadows in the room emphasized all the curves and hollows of her perfect body.

  With a smile, she returned to him and picked up his crutch, then began tugging on his arm. “C’mon. I’ll help you to the bed. Then you can just doze off afterward.”

  Gritting his teeth, Guy insisted, “I will not doze off.”

  Determination shone in every line of her face. Giving up, Guy hauled himself painfully to his feet. He didn’t tell her that he knew he wouldn’t fall asleep because for him, there’d be no afterward. Just Annie’s pleasure, her response, her awakening.

  He swallowed hard.

  He’d ease her into things. He was the experienced one, the one in control. He’d overwhelm her sexually and she wouldn’t even realize that he wasn’t completely involved, that he’d held himself back.

  He’d use his hands, his mouth and his tongue, to make certain she enjoyed herself. Once he’d given her a climax—and he fully intended to watch every nuance of her orgasm face—he’d cuddle her close and, given what she’d just told him about being up all night, she’d be the one falling fast asleep.

  In his arms.

  It would have to be enough for him.

  Guy stopped by the side of the bed and propped the crutches against the footboard. The air was chilled, the bed wide and comfortable. The small lamp on the nightstand was on, lending dim illumination to the room.

  He drew a slow, deep breath and tried to gentle his voice, to stop the trembling in his hands. He’d be careful with her. He’d be tender and understanding.

  He’d go very, very slow.

  Before he could turn and face her, Annie reached around him and pulled open the drawstring on his bottoms. They dropped to his knees.


  “Indulge me,” she whispered, unrepentant. “I really do like looking at you.”

  He gasped, but then her arms were around him, both her small warm palms cuddling his painful erection, her soft breasts pressing into his back, and all he could do was feel.

  His moan was a harsh sound in the otherwise silent room.

  Against his shoulder blade, he felt Annie’s open mouth, damp and delicate. “Does this bruise hurt?”

  “No.” His voice was a croak.

  “This one?”

  He shook his head. Her inquisitive hands measured his length, his width.

  “It’s amazing how you feel,” she said with awe.

  “Silky soft over such rigid hardness.”

  “Oh God.”

  “I wanted so badly to touch you this afternoon. I should be sainted for resisting your irresistible body. I hope you appreciate my consideration.” Her hand squeezed with just the right amount of force. “Another woman wouldn’t have shown you such regard, you know. But I respect you.”

  He wondered what the hell that was all about. “No other woman,” he rasped, pointing out an irrefutable fact, “has taken advantage of me in a drugged state.”

  “No other woman has had you when you were drugged. I think, under the circumstances, I’ve shown exemplary behavior.”

  With her small hands stroking, cuddling him, he could barely follow her words, much less offer up an argument. “Annie.” He tried to reach down for the scrubs, intending to cover himself before it was too late.

  “Don’t be shy, Guy. I’ll be careful with you.”

  He growled. Their hands did battle for control of the bottoms, and Annie won. But then, his heart wasn’t in the struggle. Not really.

  “You feel wonderful,” she breathed. “But you have so many bruises. I’m so, so sorry you were hurt.”

  She began kissing him every place that he was marked and it was the most exotic, the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced.

  Thank God she stayed on his back. If she’d moved to the front with her hot little mouth, he’d be a goner.

  Just thinking it nearly did him in.

  Guy clenched
his fists, hoping to regain his sanity, knowing it was futile.

  Her hand squeezed. “I read about this in the books, too. How a man likes to be held tightly, more roughly than a woman.”

  She’d read about it, Guy thought, in anticipation of doing this to Perry.

  That dark thought infuriated him and he jerked around to face her. The abrupt movement caused pain to shoot up his leg, and he didn’t quite manage to hide his wince or his low grunt.

  “Lie down.”

  Annie, breasts flushed and rosy nipples tight, pressed against his shoulders even as her eyes drank him in. The way she looked at him was better than how most women touched. And it made lying down a necessity.

  After shoving a pillow beneath his knee and admonishing him not to move, Annie stretched out beside him. But she didn’t stay there. Her hands were everywhere, stroking, exploring, exciting.

  Guy attempted to slow her down, but she kissed him, his shoulder first then his collarbone, then his ribs.

  Her southerly path had his mind rioting with ideas. “Annie,” he gasped, “stop.”

  “Shh. I want to make you feel better.” She squirreled around until her delectable backside faced him, and she could give all her attention to his groin.

  And she showed no reservations at all.

  He was supposed to be initiating her!

  Guy started to tell her so, but her tongue touched a bruise on his upper thigh and stole his voice. His body lurched.

  “Easy,” she whispered, seducing him, setting him on fire, stealing away all his hesitation. He was beginning to feel like a virgin on prom night.

  “I studied up on this all day while you were sleeping,” Annie told him. “I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing.”

  “You’re not supposed to be doing anything,” he reasoned. “You’re a damn virgin.”

  She peered over her shoulder at him, and gave him a pitying look. “Virginity and stupidity are not synonymous.”

  “Virginity and timidity should be!”

  “Oh good grief.” She climbed off the side of the bed and started shucking off her leggings. Guy could only gape.

  And breathe hard in anticipation.

  And feel his body react.

  Too late to close his eyes now.

  “I know I’m not perfect,” Annie explained, “but Lace assures me it won’t matter.”


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