Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 7

by Susan Reid

  Yes, I did know that but after my last experience, I wasn’t really motivated.

  “Does he realize what he’s asking and how difficult that will be if it is possible at all?” I asked, incredulous.

  “Obviously he does.” Aliks smirked.

  I was already having doubts. Why? Why did Elohim want me to even try to associate with those scavenging lowlifes, let alone create an alliance? It was pure and extreme madness.

  “For what purpose?” I asked anyway.

  “That will come to pass. Will you do it?” Aliks then asked.

  I wanted to say no, absolutely not, that it was a complete waste of time and energy but I couldn’t. Not to Elohim.

  “He refuses to speak to or hear me anymore. I want some proof that this has come directly from Elohim before I even consider it.” I finally replied.

  Aliks’ expression turned to surprise and then he paused. “It has been done.” He simply said. “Will you do it?” He repeated again.

  “What has been done?” I asked suspiciously, scanning the sky and the vicinity around us, searching for something telling or a uniquely visual sign from Elohim.

  “Will you or won’t you accept this request?” Aliks patiently repeated yet again.

  I bit my lip, hesitation furrowing my brows at his nerve.

  What proof did he give?

  I finally gave in. “I’ll try.”

  “No trying. You must do it!” Aliks snapped.

  “I said I’ll try! There are no guarantees with them!”

  “Where there is a will, there is always a way. It is imperatively important. Go about it however you need to.” Aliks added and he began to ghost away before I could even ask or protest anything else.

  Was he serious? What was Elohim thinking? I didn’t have time for this. I already had everything I ever wanted and needed. I had Starling…thanks to Elohim.

  I sighed heavily, gazing above into the vast heavens.

  “I get it. I don’t understand it but I get it.” I whispered out loud.

  With one last glance in the direction of the distant Darklands, I finally ghosted back inside.

  I had no idea how I would go about approaching any kind of an alliance with those asinine rejects who cared more about riches, bullying, and stealing than they did about any kind of life. Does Elohim really think I can trust them to work with me in establishing and maintaining an alliance? They were more prone to worship and serve Morning Star before me, being that they associated and dealt with him often.

  I returned to the texts that I had been trying to decode, only to be halted by the revelation in front of me once I picked up the pencil. I had been reverently humbled once again.

  The texts…had been deciphered completely. All of the words were translated for me by Elohim himself—along with something else that hadn’t been there before.

  The location of the rest of the book.

  IX. Starling

  I was thankful to Lira for loaning me a map of the Spirit realm. Otherwise, I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to find my way to the Eternal waters by myself. I knew Cam wouldn’t leave me to find my way on my own but I didn’t want him to come anywhere close to the hall, just in case. Even though it’s only been since early this morning that I was last with Cam, I couldn’t wait to see and be with him again.

  It was hard to ignore and avoid the elementals that were still watching and following me around. I had no choice but to make direct beelines from each destination and then to my room, and to pretend that I didn’t see or notice them. For the time being, I’d rather everyone thought I was weird and loopy than being suspected of something that was forbidden on so many levels.

  Once behind the closed door of my room, I took some time to study the map. My journal still lay blank and untouched. There’d be no way I could write about anything that’s happened in the last day and a half. Since I couldn’t reveal the complete truth, it would be better if I simply didn’t write anything at all.

  I thought back to the photos and all the people that were in my photo album. My family…my parents, and my grandmother. What were they like? How had they died? When had they died? Were their souls really protected from the dark ones and Morning Star? Cam said they were and I don’t think he’d lie to me about that, fallen or not.

  Then, I thought about my friends. A large part of me wanted to see them again but how would that go? I had no clue how spirit realm time corresponded to human realm time. How long have I been gone and how much time has passed there anyway? Would they sense something different or wrong with me? I guess that’s why Durien said that it wasn’t a good idea to venture back to our past lives and associations. I sighed.

  Exhaustion finally won out and I was ready for a nap.


  When I awoke, I had no idea what time it was but it was dark and really dim in my room, save for a soft beam of bright moonlight spilling in from the window. I hadn’t been disturbed, thank goodness but I had the indistinguishable feeling that I was being watched. I sat up in my bed and turned to look up at the small square window above the desk.

  A large, all white owl sat in the sill on the outside of the glass, calmly and peacefully cocking its head at me. Its large, round, turquoise blue eyes remained unblinking as it studied me with curiosity. I didn’t feel threatened but I certainly felt unnerved. Was it spying on me?

  “Hello.” I spoke, feeling a tad silly until it responded with a soft warbling hoot in reply. That was a pleasant surprise.

  Diana said that they don’t speak…most of the time and that they could understand human speech. They were messengers and protectors of the hall.

  It flapped its great white wings, making a slight hooting noise again, and then suddenly took off in flight.

  That was random.

  I went to freshen up and change, hoping that there was no curfew and that no one would question why I felt the need to go for a walk at night alone in the neutral areas. Those areas were still prone to the infiltration of darkness from what I’ve heard. Maybe after all of the recent events regarding my return and all of the strange events surrounding me, people would steer clear of even wondering let alone approaching me to ask.

  With my cloak secured around me and dressed in my field gear, I ventured casually towards the North end of the hall and made my way outside.

  I stood out in the front field and paused to look up into the dark sky, searching the stars.

  It didn’t take long for Cam to take notice of me. He must have been watching already. The stars to the east, where the lake was located, suddenly began to slowly shift. The end result were two interlinking hearts.

  I pulled the hood of my cloak up and over my head with a smile. Taking one last glimpse behind me, I made off to the East, in the direction of the hearts.

  The woods were super dark at night, even with the dappling of moonlight spilling between the canopy of the limbs and leaves on all the massive trees. The hood of my cloak was pulled down over my head and part way down my face. Despite the concealment, my aura made me a literal walking flashlight.

  I suppose it was to my advantage in some ways, especially when I began hearing strange noises and things moving among the dead leaves and the bushes in the darkness beyond. It was almost as if the woods were alive with another energy force. I could sense it but it wasn’t a negative energy. It must be the guardians of the forest. I remember Cam telling me about them.

  Shadows moved. The darkness beyond my range of light was a bit unsettling but I was ready to wield my blades or even flash some fire if I needed it. I suddenly felt as if I were being watched by both the trees and…someone else.

  The crunch of leaves sounded behind me and I froze. Immediately, I thought of Cam.

  “Cam, I’m on my way. Please tell me that’s you behind me?” I called out to him just to be sure.

  “I’m not far but it’s not me. You’ve been followed. It’s two of your own.”

  Crap! Two? Who could they be?

bsp; “Stay out of sight.” I told him.

  “Not if I think you’re in trouble.” He warned.

  I drew my blades.

  “Hey, you shouldn’t be walking out here in the dark, especially by yourself.”

  I deftly spun around, ready to both attack and defend. I can’t stand when people sneak up on me. I don’t care who it is.

  Crouching low, my arm automatically lashed outward, slashing at…Spencer?

  “Whoa! It’s me, Spencer!” He dodged away from me skillfully with his hand splayed protectively over his groin.

  What the hell? Was he following me around now? What was his deal? So, who was the other one that Cam mentioned?

  “Yeah, I know and you were about to become an earthbound seraphim eunuch. I don’t like being followed.” I replied flatly.

  He looked at me in surprise and then frowned. “Ouch, really? You’d better be glad it was me. That was a nice brutal attack move by the way. Going straight for the main source of happiness and joy first is guaranteed to bring down or weaken any male enemy instantly. Where’d you learn that so fast?”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, straightening from my low crouch.

  “I thought this area was neutral. I wanted to go to the water.” I motioned in the direction of the Eternal waters while pulling in my blades.

  He stepped closer, into better view and then looked down at me speculatively.

  “This late? There’s a safer route through the back field behind the hall so you’ll never have to leave sanctified land. Why would you come this way?” he asked me.

  In the darkness, the shadows on his face along with the light of my aura, made him look ghastly and intimidating. The extra eerie effect of his nearly glowing, sparkling and swirling eyes didn’t help much either.

  “I have no problem finishing what you attempted. The eunuch reference was hilarious. I’ve been waiting for him.” Cam’s suddenly spoke. There was definite malice in his tone.

  “Please don’t, Cam. He’s arrogant and by the book but he’s no threat to me.” I replied.

  Other than being a possible snitch, I then thought to myself.

  “He certainly won’t be when I’m done with him.”

  I tensed, hoping that Cam was simply talking.

  “Because I told her to meet me out here. We were going for a walk. She wanted to see the lake and I told her that I’d show her where it was.” Came another familiar voice from out of the darkness.

  When she pulled back the hood of her cloak, the yellow gold aura around Jamie highlighted her face.

  This took me by complete and total surprise.

  Spencer appeared confused when he glanced at her and then back at me in question.

  “Now? This route? Do you two have any idea how late and dangerous that could be?” he then said.

  “Relax, she’s with me. I wanted to talk to her. Nothing of darkness will survive when she gets angry anyway. We’ll be fine so you can go now.” Jamie said calmly.

  How did Jamie know about my fire? I was just as speechless as Spencer was but given recent events and the fact that I saved her life, I think that explanation was good enough for Spencer to allow it and back off.

  “Do you have any hall portal gems?” he asked Jamie.

  “Take the night off, Spencer. I’ll catch up with you later.” She smirked.

  He pursed his lips and glanced at me once again. Then he reluctantly turned to leave but if I knew him, he wouldn’t be completely far away.

  “Come on, the water is this way.” Jamie nodded, walking onward past me.

  I hesitated. This was not good.

  “We may not be able to meet tonight after all. I’m sure Spencer is lingering back there somewhere, and I have no clue what Jamie’s intent is but I don’t want her to see you.” I told Cam.

  “Then let me handle it.” He replied matter-of-factly.

  “No! Don’t do anything that will even remotely give them the idea that you’re out here.” I warned him.

  I kept a few steps behind Jamie. She seemed to know exactly where she was going and the smell of crisp, fresh water soon began to ride in with the gentle breeze.

  Fragrant blossoms permeated the night air and tiny, high-pitched chittering sounded all around us.

  They were the impling creatures that I remember seeing when Cam showed me around this area.

  A few fluttered by, resembling huge moths with glowing, human-like bodies. They left sparkling trails of geometric designs in blue, red, and yellow dust in their wakes.

  “Did you really want to talk to me?” I suddenly asked her. I strained to listen, attempting to catch Spencer following us again.

  “I can create a distraction.” Cam suddenly said.

  “No, that won’t work. I’ll handle this. Don’t do anything.” I replied.

  Cam was silent but knowing that he was somewhere nearby watching over us made me feel safer.

  “Were you really trying to take a walk in the dark to the lake by yourself?” Jamie asked over her shoulder.

  I swallowed, feeling an icy lump form in the back of my throat, nearly restricting my breath. She knows. Somehow she knows and she wasn’t going to buy my story.

  The only thing left to do at this point was turn around and head back. But how would that look?

  When we reached the shore of the Eternal waters, it was a breath-taking, artistically designed scene

  The illuminated, ice-blue water rolled, rippled, and lapped calmly against the glittering white sand of the shore. It looked so much more different at night, at least this side of it anyway. I had no idea which part me and Cam were skinny dipping in earlier.

  Small streaks of light darted playfully just beneath the surface. The living waterlings of the Eternal waters were apparently wide awake and playful tonight.

  “It’s always this beautiful especially at night when the moon is high.” Jamie commented as she gazed out onto the vast sparkling surface of the immense lake.

  “Yeah, it is.” I agreed.

  Silence fell for a few moments.

  I felt awkward, wondering if Spencer were out there still creeping around.

  “You never answered me.” She suddenly said.

  “Answered you about what?”

  She smirked. Even in the darkness I could see it.

  Her voice was low and hoarse, a bare whisper when she spoke again, “About why you really came out here tonight.”

  I eyed her. She was waiting for me to respond. I didn’t.

  She sat down in the soft, warm sand, bringing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them.

  I wasn’t sure what to make of her intentions.

  “Why is she getting comfortable?” Cam was irritated.

  “I don’t know. She’s weird. But I think she knows…about you—about us.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Something she said earlier.”

  “Can she be trusted?”

  “We didn’t exactly hit it off.”

  “I see. You saved her life though. She’s been humbled.”

  “Maybe but I doubt it.”

  “Great, then I’ll have to knock her out.”

  “Stop.” I gently scolded Cam.

  I slowly knelt down onto the sand across from her, leaving about three foot gap in between us.

  She softly chuckled, “You’re gonna have to learn to be a lot more discreet and less obvious than this.”

  I didn’t want to say anything. If she already knew, I didn’t want to confirm or deny it.

  “How do I know, you ask?” She simpered at me.

  I remained quiet. She didn’t continue right away.

  I heard her sigh softly and then she chewed her lip.

  “I saw him at the club. He definitely commands attention by virtue of his looks alone. I studied the way he was watching you. It wasn’t lust or something sinister, it was…adoration and longing. He loves you.” She looked at me with a hint of envy and sadness in her pause, “Devlin would still be here�
��if he had been around.” She then whispered.

  My eyes widened when I looked at Jamie. He who? Cam? The silhouette of her face was as still as a statue in the moonlight. She was looking out at the water.

  “If who had been around?”

  She turned to me. “Do you remember those texts in the library? The ones that they have locked and sealed away?”


  I had wondered why they were locked away the first time I was in there, when I met and talked to both Sean and Diana during a brief orientation.

  “They have the ability to summon, bind, and banish them…if they know their true God-given names. If they think you’ve become soul-tied to one…to him, which I can already tell that you are, then that’s what they’ll try to do first. That’s what they did to him. But he wasn’t like the others. He was different. He was good.”

  Her words were hushed, her voice cracked in her attempt to be loud enough for me to hear but low enough not to carry. Okay, she obviously wasn’t talking about Cam. One of the good ones though? A fallen like Cam and his friends?

  She then peered at me curiously, “I know you had no memory of him. So how did he get you to remember him? Was it a spell or were you just beyond captivated by his looks? How come you weren’t afraid of him?” She wondered.

  I truly didn’t have the answer to all of that and I wasn’t going to tell her anything even if I did.

  She harrumphed. “That’s fine, I don’t blame you. If Devlin had kept her mouth shut about him too…they’d both still be here now.” She then whispered softly.

  My heart began to pound and I stared at her in disbelief. Was she telling me what I think she was telling me? Was this the whole reason why Jamie came at me the way she had in the dining hall my first day? She had been referring to Cam then, even though I had no idea what or who she was talking about at the time. It had been hypocritical of her evidently, so why was she being so open and candid about it now? I didn’t know what to say or think.

  “He would have been able to save her too. Just like yours saved you. It’s ironic in a way when you think about it,” She paused again, licking her lips and thinking of her words.


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