Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 22

by Susan Reid

  “Edanai, I may be a few more minutes, do me a favor and make sure that Starling doesn’t head into the dining room until I get back. I want to be there for the surprise part.”

  Edanai sighed, “Fine, just hurry back because I think we’re all pretty much starving right now.”


  I invited Atiro and Berith after making a quick check of the city where Starling lived. I could see that it was a week before the Thanksgiving holiday and it was really cold. There were a few other things I wanted to check on and acquire quickly before returning too. I assumed that Starling was making the decision on whether or not to return back to the college she attended, and so I decided to stop by and pay her friend China a visit to announce the news.

  She wasn’t home. A girl outside of the complex mentioned that she had gone home for the holidays, and that she wouldn’t be back until around December the eighteenth. That fact may work in Starlings’ favor. The current, U.S human realm date was November the 25th, a Saturday.

  I ghosted into the apartment anyway, just to check things out and make sure that all was well and untainted for her return.

  There were definitely dark entities that have been playing around here and as to who and why, I had no idea. I placed new feathers strategically throughout the apartment, studying everything in both of their rooms, especially Starlings. Nothing of darkness had been hovering in there, which was a relief. It was apparent that they all knew she had already died.

  Beyond the thin curtain and blinds, shadows of several, large and unnatural black crows flapped wildly in an overt showy display meant just for me, outside of the window in her room. It was like an arrogant warning and I already knew who it was. Though I wanted to confront Xyn and battle it out once and for all, I figured that may not be a good idea today. I wanted to be there for Starlings surprise birthday dinner, unscathed and alive.

  The table, food, decorations, gifts, cake, and music were already set by the time I returned with Starling’s additional present wrapped and in hand. I set it down slightly apart from the others and made my way into the kitchen just to be nosy—because everything did indeed smell delicious.

  The seraphim girl and a warrior were both decorating the two tier cake in dark pink, white, and yellow flowers, and making a frosting edging around the base of each tier.

  I was thankful that Edanai had managed to stall Starling from entering the kitchen and dining room, being that she was currently still in my bed chamber.

  “Is everything ready?” I asked Rahab as I headed back to my room after a quick inspection for cleanliness.

  “Yes, we were all waiting on you. We’re all here. Atiro and Berith showed up just a little while ago. I think Edanai managed to stall Starling. She’s still in your room.”

  “Spencer decided to go on and room with me at my place in the human realm.” Durien stopped to inform me before I made it to my room.

  “You guys do realize that you’re no longer protected since you’re no longer affiliated with the hall?”

  Durien shrugged, “I know. Anyway, he’s relying on his own magic if he needs it. I think Jamie and Devlin are gonna be staying with us too but only after we’re done training, so we won’t be alone if anything happens.”

  “It could still be dangerous for all of you, and he’s an idiot.”

  Durien laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, I know he can be at times but he’s a pretty damned good fighter and friend. He does want to train with you guys though.”

  I was pensive. That punk had his nerve.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. And who the hell does he think is going to be taxiing him back and forth between realms for that?”

  “I don’t know but your friend, Jerilah volunteered pretty quickly though.” Durien snickered.

  I raised a brow. “Oh, so we’re good enough to rely on as methods of transport and training, but he’s disgusted and doesn’t trust our company?” Another reason why I wanted to serve him up with a righteous ass kicking.

  Durien shook his head.

  “Man, I appreciate you taking us in at all, let alone even bothering to prepare us like this. If anyone is thankful and grateful for everything…it’s definitely me.” He then commented.

  I nodded. “I just hope that it doesn’t back fire in the end.” I replied, continuing on to my room to change.

  Starling was lying in my bed on her side and facing away from me. She said that she was hungry earlier, so I doubted that she was sleeping and the scent of…oh hell.

  She didn’t even move to greet me when I entered.

  I sighed, crawling onto the bed behind her, and slinking an arm around her waist carefully and lovingly.

  She was playing one of the games on it, and she was definitely angry —with me.

  “What’s wrong? What did I do during the time I wasn’t here?” I asked.

  She simply shook her head with her lips pressed tightly. It couldn’t have been more evident that something was bothering her, and I was grateful that she had learned to separate her fire from her emotions.

  “I thought you were hungry.” I mentioned, leaning in to kiss her but she shifted away from me and sat up.

  “I am.” She said flatly, placing her phone on the small table next to my bed, and then proceeded to scoot off the bed and stand, not even looking at me. I reached out and grabbed her hand to stop her. Pregnancy hormones this early? I hoped not. She still had a ways to go.

  “Well, you can go when you tell me what’s bothering you. Did someone do or say something to you?” I asked.

  It seemed like she didn’t even want to look at me.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to talk or think about it, Cam.” She brushed off and tried to tug out of my grip.

  I wasn’t going to let her go. She looked at me, scowling this time.

  “Would you please tell me what I did?” I was really confused now.

  She exhaled slowly.

  “I told you, I’m not really mad. Just thinking.” She said, forcing a fake half smile.

  I watched her carefully. “About?”

  She sighed, turning away from me. “A lot of stuff.” She vaguely hinted.

  I gauged her carefully, not believing that at all but I let her go.

  “Do you love me?” I called out, just as she reached for the door.

  That stopped her and she turned to face me.

  “Yes, I do. Do you love me?” She raised a brow.

  I slid off of my bed and moved over to her. I looked down at her, gazing deeply into the dark, blue depths of her sparkling and trusting, yet searching eyes. “More than my own desire to ever remove myself of my punishment and become an angel again.”

  If that were even an option for me at all. Either way, it was the honest, sincere truth and I could think of nothing else that would make her believe it enough, apparently.

  She seemed surprised, and her face softened into a smile.

  “Now, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” I still wanted to know.

  “I told you, Cam. I don’t want to bring it up again.” She said, and with that she opened the door and left.

  I was still unsettled about the whole incident. I wanted to know what made her regard me so coldly when I returned. My mind began to work. There was only one thing I could think of that would make any female turn that quickly. Damn.

  I didn’t bother to change my clothes at all…at least not the normal way.

  As I walked, my clothes quickly morphed into a comfortable silk, blood red-colored, button down shirt, and a pair of black, loose slacks. I followed behind her, though in complete confusion, so that I would be there for the big moment.

  As soon as she rounded the living room and headed towards the dining room, everyone jumped up and shouted, ‘Surprise!’ and ‘Happy Birthday!’

  She was most definitely surprised.

  “A party? What is all of this for?” She was alight with a curious and confused smile on her beautiful face as she
gazed over the table, the decorations, her cake, and then all of her presents.

  “Well, according to the date on your driver’s license, Cam informed us that today is your mortal birthday…based on human realm time.” Rahab told her.

  Each of her friends took their turns with hugs and brief conversation, and then several of mine moved in to engage her in conversation shortly thereafter—while I looked on from outside of the circle. I was trying to make the connection of just who or what could have led to the source of her sudden change in attitude towards me.

  “Birthday? I can’t believe you guys did all of this. I…don’t even know what to say.”

  “I can’t believe that you’re actually twenty.” Anthony grinned.

  “Me either.” Ry commented.

  “Yeah, I know.” Durien added.

  “This is weird, especially since we’re immortal now.” Starling replied.

  “Consider is a party for your rebirth too, then.” Lorelei smiled.

  “Damn, if that’s the case, I’ve got to be in my late forties then.” Durien then said.

  “Wanna know how hold I am?” Jerilah smirked.

  “Doesn’t matter, you don’t look a day over twenty in my opinion.” Gabe grinned at her.

  “Thank, you.” Jerilah flirted back.

  “The only thing that gains wisdom and age as you all are now, is your sense of knowledge and experiences.” Atiro said.

  “I agree, and that calls for a toast.” Ry urged at the raising of his glass.

  Everyone proceeded to raise whatever it was that they were drinking.

  “Happy Rebirth, Starling!” he cheered and everyone followed suit, exchanging glass clinks and taking long swigs of their cocktails.

  Edanai emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of steaming soup and placed it on the table. “Everything is set. We’re all starving and ready to eat. Rahab and the rest of us have been slaving over this meal, so we certainly hope that you like it. You get to sit here, birthday girl.” and pointed at the head of the table.

  Starling didn’t even look at me once…let alone Edanai, at least not in the eye. That was something I picked up on instantly as everyone began to gather around the table and find a seat. I narrowed my gaze at Edanai.

  “Did you say something to Starling?” I asked her.

  Her amethyst eyes met mine, innocently.

  “Something like what?”

  “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking.” I was growing irritated and angry already.

  “We were talking. You wanted me to stall her and I did.”

  “Talking about what?” I felt anger rising in me at Edanai’s possible words. Words that may have been intentional.

  “Random stuff. She had a lot of questions and I answered them. No biggie, she wanted to know and I wasn’t going to lie to her.”

  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so angry or the urge to either curse Edanai out, or hurt her outright in my entire existence.

  It felt as if she had deliberately done this to hurt me or to cause some sort of a fall-out between me and Starling. Why would she do that? Edanai of all people, I’ve always trusted. Has she really been that jealous and hurt by all of this since finding out that Starling was pregnant with my child?

  “What did you say to her, Edanai?!” I was practically yelling at her in my head, and though my face displayed neutral temperament, my eyes were storming red.

  “Nothing bad or negative. She asked who I was to you and I told her. Now can we not ruin the mood and this birthday dinner for her?”

  I already knew that was not all that Edanai told her. It couldn’t have been, not for Starling to be that cold and stand-offish towards me after what happened right before I popped into the human realm very briefly.

  “You already have. Thanks a lot.” I hissed at her sharply as I turned to head back towards the hallway leading towards the front door, and then ghosted outside.

  XXVIII. Starling

  Edanai’s words tumbled around in my head like a wild and poisonous bee. I didn’t remember her at first, and other than her being absolutely gorgeous, like the other fallen women here, I had no reason to not like her.

  She was a really, really close friend of Cam’s. She has been for a while and she occasionally stays here…with him.

  I didn’t think anything bad about it at first, until the whole question of ‘what kind of things had Cam done as an incubus before me?’ began to rear its ugly head. I hated that I even asked or contemplated wanting to know, especially since I already told myself that it was better that I didn’t know.

  He was with me now and he loved me just like I loved him. We were about to become parents to two, unique children, soon. It should have been all that I needed to care about and focus on.

  But no. I had to ask and she certainly held nothing back whatsoever.

  A small part of me did wonder if maybe she was adding in as much detail as she could on purpose, which had me suspicious. Not only did she confirm that she and Cam had been together for a very long time, but that it was a really close and really intimate relationship for a very long time too. Meaning, that they’ve engaged in all sorts of sexual acts and activities together more times than the earth was old, probably. That knowledge, coupled with the fact that she’s been living here with him now, didn’t sit very well with the stretches of my imagination.

  Then, to add more venom for me to swirl around in my brain, she proceeded to remind me that Cam was an incubus, and the number of women he’s been with in his existence as a fallen, could probably span the number of stars in the galaxies. The wild, poisonous bee she had let loose in my brain began to sting and make me crazy with jealousy and anger.

  I was beyond angry at both her and him.

  Why would she care to say things that would bother me, if she weren’t trying to cause issues between me and Cam? And if she was trying to cause issues, maybe she still had feelings for him and she was jealous of me. That part would have been hard to believe, looking at her and looking at me. She was this tall, Amazonian-like, voluptuous yet lean, olive-skinned, ebony-haired goddess; and I was a short, nearly flat-chested human girl with no magic or wings.

  I tried not to let those thoughts get in the way of the here and now but it couldn’t be helped. The longer I sat with the knowledge, the more resentful and bitter I became. Thoughts and questions began to culminate in my head like, what have I gotten myself into? What future could we both possibly have together, immortal or not, and children or not? How were we going to raise them? What would they become like? Would I have to worry about him getting the urge to go on a screwing spree again? That was the most agonizing of all. How could I possibly be enough for him? But even worse…what if something happened to Cam? He’d be gone forever. I swallowed the emotional lump in my throat and quickly wiped away a tear that had formed and began to fall.

  I was making myself ill with both worry, anger, and jealousy until the very thought of even looking at him made me upset. I had brought all that onto myself by asking for the very thing that I should have just left a mystery.

  I felt horrible after having reacted to him the way I did, given the fact that he had no clue as to why I was upset when he came back. He’s been doing nothing but romancing, protecting, and going above and beyond his own comfort zone to make me happy in various ways and acts; and here I was being angry over things that he did before me, not during…maybe. Then, to make me feel even lower, he had gone through all of this trouble to acknowledge a day that no longer held significance for me now that I was immortal. He had obviously planned a huge party for all of us to enjoy in his home, complete with gifts for me.

  I was so confused. I didn’t know what I wanted or what to think. Did any of that matter? I didn’t want the issue to ruin this party, especially since everything looked so festive, everyone was here and in a good mood despite everything that went down and my second ‘almost’ abduction, once again.

  Though he was gorgeous as hell in the dark red, silk
shirt that he magically switched into, which accentuated his flawless tanned skin and dark hair, Cam looked so bewildered and sad just standing there while he watched all of us carrying on.

  I saw him glance at Edanai after she pointed out my seat to me, and then I noted a flash of anger flicker in his eyes before he turned to leave.

  I instantly hopped up to follow him but when he ghosted out, I stopped.

  I don’t think I could open the huge, stone doorway by myself, and I think there was some magic spell carved into that served as a lock anyway.

  “Where are you going?” I called out to him.

  It took him a moment to reply. He was probably shocked that I even asked.

  “Giving you some space. I’ll be back later, enjoy the party with your friends.”

  “I want to enjoy it with you. Come back.”

  “I’ll be here when you wake up at daybreak.”

  “Daybreak? Are you serious?” I was getting angry again but for a different reason this time.

  “I’ve got something I need to do.”

  Like what? More women? I winced and groaned internally; scolding myself for even making that snarky, and tortuous mental comment to myself.


  “It shouldn’t take me long. Besides, after the festivities, I want you to rest up. We’re going to be training and training hard starting early tomorrow morning, and I’m going to have to figure out how to get around your condition.”

  “I’m not made of glass. I’ll be alright.”

  “Still. I love you, Starling.”

  I sighed. “I love you too, Cam. Be safe. I want you here when I wake up first thing.”

  “Don’t worry, I will be.”


  The food was amazing and the company even more so. Who would have ever thought that partying with fallen would be this fun and interesting? We all had a blast, dancing, playing, talking, being amazed and charmed by the male fallen and their cool magic.


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