Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 24

by Susan Reid

  Aliks began to rise with his wings out and beating silently, slowly. We both stared down at the ground in amazement and awe.

  My blood began to run swiftly in several different directions, spreading far and wide, creating angles and lines of blackened fissures carved into the ground in its wake.

  Our eyes followed the dark, snaking trails as they branched out, forming a pattern that actually began to resemble shapes. When my skin completely healed over and the last drop of my blood fell, I ascended higher as Aliks flew further towards the north end to inspect the complete phenomenon.

  I had no words, I was completely astonished.

  “Cam`ael, come look at this. Rise up higher so you can see it better.” Aliks called out to me as he began to ascend a few more feet.

  I did and then flew over to join him. What I saw left me both stunned and mute.

  The design that had been carved by my blood created uniform steps of a stairway. It was wide on the outer edges, tapering the closer it got to a solid black circle in the center. It reminded me of the landscape art, communication codes, and greetings that many of the sky arks would playfully leave behind in wide open fields in the human realm.

  Aliks looked at me. “There’s your safe path. You’ve actually created it yourself. I’m guessing you need to start digging in the center of the circle.”

  “You think?” I mumbled sarcastically.

  I slowly descended, keeping my wings out and folded against me, just in case it wasn’t completely safe for me.

  I tensed once I touched the ground.

  Nothing happened.

  How would I have known to do this if Aliks hadn’t told me to?

  I hated having to work with others like this, especially an angel. It wasn’t my style.

  “How is everything going with the warriors?” He was making small talk now.

  “Not as bad as I thought it would be but that doesn’t mean I like a house full of humans—and warriors at that either. Starling is the obvious exception to my rule though.”

  Aliks grinned. “It’s a new and uncomfortable experience for all. It’s only when we put aside our hate, fears, and differences for the greater good that peace and harmony can be achieved.”

  I looked at him wryly. “Who are you talking to? Good luck trying to spread that ideology among beings with free will.”

  Aliks chuckled.

  It was an age old conversation among the angels. One that I remembered having many times very well.

  “I would say that should apply to your side as well but even I don’t associate with the majority of the fallen.” I added.

  “Precisely. However, having accompanied you earlier today when you met with those in your circle, I was left with many things to ponder.”

  I eyed him in surprise but didn’t respond.

  I stepped carefully along the one dimensional stair steps that led to a blackened circle of dirt. Aliks met me on the other side of it, landing softly to observe in fascination.

  I kneeled and held a hand over the center of the roughly three feet in diameter circle.

  If my blood did all of this, then my magic should suffice. The dirt began to swirl, resembling a whirlpool, and then it began to collapse in the center as a sinkhole would. The way it moved and responded to my magic, reminded me of iron filaments reacting to a magnetic force from above.

  Apparently, my blood had blackened the ground beneath the surface from what I could see so far. After about a foot or so down, a gold box began to appear beneath the crumbling dirt. I quickly reached in and picked it up carefully, brushing the rest of the tainted dirt away. It was bound in a different grade of yellow-gold from the one Berith gave me.

  “Interesting.” Aliks breathed.

  I stood up, handling and examining it closely.

  “I’ll probably need to put the rest with it though, so it will make sense to you.” I told him.

  “Let me get a look anyway. I can probably read a few parts of it now to get an idea.” Aliks held his hand out for it.

  I gave it to him and watched as he studied it carefully. Then, he finally opened the cover and eyed the pages in awe.

  He was silent for a long time, which began to get on my nerves. His facial expression never changed but then…his eyes widened.

  “What? What is it?” I impatiently demanded to know.

  After carefully flipping through the pages one after the other, he finally closed the book and a look of utter confusion and bewilderment masked his face.

  I didn’t like that combination at all.

  “What is it, Aliks?” I was shouting at him now.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to consult with a few arch angels about this first before I can validate its meaning and get the permission to disclose it to you, and I’ll definitely need the rest of it.”

  “Disclose it to me? Elohim gave me the instructions on where to find it! Don’t play games with me Aliks! Just tell me what you read! I’m keeping the book with me.” I told him, taking it from him forcefully.

  He didn’t resist.

  “Fine, keep and put it with the rest and continue to keep it secured. I’ll get back with you soon.”

  “Give me a hint at least! I know it has something to do with a weapon. I figured out that much on my own.”

  “It does but it’s not what you think. You have my word, Cam`ael. I’ll get back to you with its full interpretation and when I do…be prepared to accept it. That’s all I will say for now.” He said.

  What? What the hell does that mean? He ghosted away before I could scream and curse him out for leaving me hanging with such an ominous statement like that.

  Damned angels!


  I slaughtered a few chasm trolls, two feral, poison- barbed felines, and even kicked a few pesky imp asses before finally returning back to my home and Starling.

  I had to. It was either that or something sexually deviant to get rid of the darkness about to boil over in me. Paying Grace another visit had been a fleeting thought but a very minor one at that. I was sure that she was probably still anticipating or awaiting my return and I hadn’t decided when that would be.

  I cloaked myself and slipped into my bed chamber silently as not to disturb her. The fireplace was crackling softly, casting warm, amber light against her sleeping form in my bed.

  Everyone except for Edanai and Rahab, were gone.

  Thank goodness.

  I’d inspect the place later but my friends knew me best, so I knew that they made sure to both clean and arrange everything back the way I liked to keep my place.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked Rahab.

  “The others returned them to the home of Durien. We placed feathers around his house for a little protection. They’ll bring them back in the morning for training.”

  “Great. Thank you for all you have done my friend.”


  I didn’t feel like speaking to Edanai right now at all.

  I carefully placed the book with the other portion together in the hiding space behind my bookshelf, and then proceeded to bathe before retiring to rest next to Starling. I noticed the present that I had left for her was still unwrapped on the tableside. I wondered why she hadn’t opened it yet. Was she still upset with me?

  I heard her shift and move just as I finished drying myself off. Naked, I stepped from the alcove of my bathing room, surprised to see her fully awake.

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “No. I was waiting for you. I almost dozed off until I felt your presence.” Her voice was a whisper.

  She was becoming keen to recognizing my signature.

  “Is it safe to assume that I’m no longer as they say, in the dog house?”

  She laughed and then sighed softly. “You never were.”

  I could tell that wasn’t entirely true but I wasn’t going to push it. I was relieved.

  If my eyes served me correctly, she was naked underneath the
covers and that thought automatically aroused me. She smirked when her eyes flicked down the length of my body.

  “So where did you go?” She wanted to know.

  I shook my head slowly walking to the end of the bed.

  “I had to retrieve something that was revealed to me by Elohim.”

  She beamed at me incredulously.

  “Are you serious? From God himself? You talk to God?”

  I shook my head and moved to the bed. “Not directly anymore. It’s part of my condemnation. But every now and then, he places requests or tasks on me and since I still give him my allegiance, I do them.”

  She nodded slowly. “To get back into heaven?”

  “No. That option doesn’t and will never exist.”

  I eased into the softness of my bed with a sigh of relief. I didn’t want to talk about this subject with Starling, simply because it made me look neurotic and pathetic.

  She looked at me curiously but with admiration, finally understanding that I really didn’t want to get too in depth with this conversation.

  “You didn’t open your gift?” I asked to quickly change the subject.

  “I know. I was waiting for you since you missed me opening the others. Thank you, for everything and the presents but you don’t have to buy me expensive things, Cam.”

  I slowly moved in beside her. She shifted to sit up a little more, bringing the blanket up with her to cover her breasts, as if hiding something.

  I playfully eyed her curiously, and then leaned down to plant soft, nibbling kisses along her bare shoulder. Aside from the naturally enticing scent of her skin, something else smelled sweet and sugary, like vanilla.

  “I know. But it means something to me to be able to give you everything that your heart desires.” I whispered close to her ear.

  She looked up at me, her gentle hand went to my cheek.

  “All I desire is you. In fact, I saved you some cake too.” She then smiled slyly.

  Even though cake was the last thing on my mind, I glanced over at all of the tables in my room, seeing no sign of any cake.

  “Where is it?”

  She lifted the covers slightly, her eyes flicking downwards with a sensual and flirtatious twinkle.

  I grinned, seeing that she had strategically placed a bit of frosting on each of her nipples, and several dots in a small trail down her lower belly…leading straight to one of my most favorite spots of all on her body.

  Taking hold of the covers and pulling them away completely, I positioned myself over her.

  “I see. Guess I won’t be needing a fork then.”

  I leaned down with a long, slow flick of my tongue over the sweet, creamy frosting, and applying enough pressure to graze firmly over her hardened nipple.

  Grasping onto my hair, she gasped loudly, moaning as she arched upwards and began to writhe beneath me in response.

  “Oh damn, here we go again. I’m out of here.” Edanai’s voice carried into my room.

  “Wait for me.” Rahab grumbled next.

  I laughed to myself. No need to worry about soundproofing the walls after all.

  XXX: Starling

  Iwas very well rested, pumped, and ready to begin training bright and early this morning. Though it saddened me, it was a relief not hearing the divine hall bells tolling at the break of dawn. Cam managed to completely take care of most of the negative images that had been created in my head by Edanai’s sharing of his past habits.

  Continuing to spoil me, he even served me breakfast in bed. He held out the small present in front of me, just as I finished dressing in the brand new training wear that he had had a female fallen friend of his design and conjure for me. I loved them. They were light, comfortable, easy to move in, and form fitting. All of my tops were reinforced with an extra protective chain mail layer inserted between the material that covered my torso and abdominal areas.

  Cam was going to be a major distraction for me. He was absolutely gorgeous and sexy in his own battle wear. He was practically shirtless, in nothing but a pair of black, soft leather pants, black boots, a black and chrome chest covering that extended into shoulder plates over his muscularly broad shoulders.

  “I guess we got way too distracted last night. Why don’t you open this one now?” There was a glimmer and glow in his eyes when he smiled.

  I couldn’t help but smile and blush, taking the small box from him and tearing at the tiny bow and wrapping. I opened the small lid to the gold colored box inside, already breathless at the black velvet ring box inside.

  I looked up at him, speechless.

  He took the box from me and opened it, revealing a diamond encrusted, white gold, or whatever material he had probably managed to gather from that microwave oven planet, cuff ring.

  It was beyond unique. I studied the design closely, realizing that it sort of mimicked a portion of the pattern of my brandings on one side—and his on the other.

  Tears began to form in my eyes.

  He took my left hand, lifting my ring finger up and gently sliding the cool, gorgeous, breath-taking metal onto my finger where it fit perfectly.

  “I guess as immortals, we’ll have to devise our own method of commitment—that is if you’re willing to accept this as that token.” Cam then said.

  He wiped away the single tear that managed to escape my eye.

  My heart was fluttering.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Humans call it marriage but I guess it’s kind of the same meaning. For me…or for us, it’s more of a bonding of souls and it goes way deeper than flesh. I’m asking for yours and I want for you to accept mine exclusively.”

  More tears fell slowly. I sniffed and he wiped them away for me.

  I didn’t know what to say, not that I was going to tell him no. Was he asking me for my soul? What exactly did that entail? There was no hesitation. I was already carrying his children but I needed some time to think and be sure about this part.

  “That idea scares you, doesn’t it?” he suddenly said, lowering his lids and looking down at me.

  I didn’t deny or admit to that, averting my eyes from his for just a second.

  “I understand.” He then said softly, kissing the top of my head.

  I looked up at him, suddenly realizing what my hesitation must seem like.

  “I’m not saying no. I just want to understand what exactly it means when you say, the willing giving of souls.”

  He smiled slightly. “I’m not Morning Star if that makes you feel better about the significance. I love you very much, Starling. My soul…or what’s left of it is in your hands.”

  I felt guilt for having second thoughts about his intent.

  “You have more soul in one feather than some of the humans that call themselves elders have in their entire bodies. I love you too.” I whispered.

  Cam brushed my chin with his finger, a slight smile playing at his the corner of his mouth.

  It was silent as I admired the gorgeous, skillfully-crafted ring. Cam suddenly lifted me up gently, kissing me slow and deep, which sent fireworks straight into my groin once again. I was actually surprised that I could walk at all this morning let alone instantly feel arousal so soon after.

  When he pulled away, he leaned in close to my ear.

  “My first, true Elohim given name is…Ao`thiel.”

  My eyes went round. The revelation of finally hearing his true-given name echoed inside my ears over and over again, and the sound of it was beautiful.

  Once he set me back down on my feet, I was overcome with amazement and emotion at the meaning behind his finally revealing his true name to me.

  He brushed a stray curl from across my forehead before speaking again, “Elohim gives us several names each, so that no man can ever learn or gain knowledge of our true, first-given names. Knowledge of a true name can give human beings complete power and control over the being attached to it. Universal law prohibits angels as well as the fallen from revealing, writing, or sayin
g the true first name of another out loud in the presence of humans unless given permission to by that being. Some humans have been given the information through Morning Star but only for the fallen who follow him. They want to be used by humans in order to create chaos, dominance, and destruction in the human realm.

  I was a tenth level archangel, which means that I was one of the very first angels created in the heavens. Not only did I hold and have access to a great amount of power, I was also responsible for the thwarting of opposition, which later became known as demons, and the policing of all other powers among all of the lower level angels. I was the eyes and the controller of divine light.” He went on to tell me.

  I felt my legs give out from underneath me but he swiftly caught and supported me, holding me against him. I wondered if that was why he still possessed light and why he has so much more heart and character, which separates him and his friends from all of the other fallen out there.

  I couldn’t understand why I reacted the way I did, other than I no longer saw him as just a fallen that I was in love with anymore. He was so much more than that —he’s always been so much more than that even to all of his friends. The thought of being bound to a being of his caliber, fallen or not and carrying his children on top of that, was absolutely mind-blowing for me to even begin to comprehend.

  “Are you alright?” has asked casually, as if he’d know this was going to be my reaction.

  I nodded, still speechless as I reverently stared into his gorgeous, perfect face; seeing beyond the dark, purple blue, green, and gold rimmed color of his eyes, eyes that tended to give me chills every now and then when they began to glow.

  “So now—you have absolute and complete control over me…not that you don’t already.” He said softly and winked.


  The spot that Cam picked for us to train, was an island with a large open field, just beyond a large body of water that he called, the Infinite lakes. That was because unlike the healing properties of light that the Eternal waters were made up of, it wouldn’t be lethal to his friends.

  It was a gorgeous field, surrounded by lush, fruity smelling trees, like a tropical oasis.


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