She pauses. Allows reality to sink in. Tracking Martin’s reactions closely.
“Only you, Martin, could possibly grasp that someone must be working away, behind the scenes... Guiding the elements. Engineering every coincidence. Secretly leading that young man who’d abandoned his family and his home, directly into the path of that young woman who’d never had the opportunity to know her own. So they too, ultimately produce an heir. A girl whose destiny it was, to return to the island. One whose sacrifice will inevitably set in motion its final chapter.”
The old man’s face contorts as the picture comes clear.
Mother Agatha claps her hands together. Delighting in his torment. Witnessing the spark on Martin’s face the moment he begins to comprehend the truth. As he finally understands the depth to which she has manipulated events to her own benefit.
“Dawn was with you, wasn’t she? When you had your little...” She taps a fingernail against his chest. “Incident.”
He grabs feebly for her hand. She easily evades his grasp. Even on the side unaffected by the stroke, he’s too slow and weak to cause her any concern.
“But what was it that made you finally realize, I wonder? Did you recognize the family resemblance? Did you see in her the girl Michael saved? The one that got away?” She chuckles. “You were right, of course... To believe that allowing even a single survivor to escape Adderpool would lead to the island’s eventual ruin.” She smiles. Backs away. “But I should tread carefully. Just because you’ve caught up, I shouldn’t assume that means you’ve guessed at what lies ahead. And I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you. Not with our climax so very close at hand.”
She turns. Walks to the doorway. “But rest assured: I will see justice done. Michael will have the peace he deserves. And you...” She glances back. Smile gone. “You, Martin Lesguettes will be denied any. No peace. No mercy. Only agony and bitter heartbreak await you now. Because you understand: This is all your doing. The ultimate result of your own actions. And in the end? It will be your own blood which brings about the world’s unmaking.”
With that, Mother Agatha departs.
Martin closes his eyes. Waits for his heartbeat to slow.
He’d been a fool to believe the enemy had been defeated. For years, he’d remained on high alert. Refusing to allow himself to consider the possibility. While others had softened - slipped into contented ignorance - he’d insisted all members of the Watch proceed as though gillies had been sighted off the north shore the night before. But as time passed it had become harder to maintain the charade. If the threat persisted, where were they? Wouldn’t they have attacked by now? And why shouldn’t Islanders accept their victory and go on to lead the happy and uneventful lives they deserved?
Eventually - in his heart of hearts - even Martin had come to believe their adversaries had been right and truly vanquished. He’d allowed himself to relax. Eased the pressure on those beneath him. They’d remained on Watch, going through the motions, because... Well, that was their job, wasn’t it? And maybe he knew somehow - down deep - that it wasn’t over.
At no point, however, had he suspected a fifth column of human collaborators. Even following the events of that horrible final day in Adderpool, the very idea of any Islander siding with the enemy? Ridiculous. And a plan of this depth and depravity... Spooling out over multiple generations? Who could conceive of such a thing?
Enough. No more recriminations. No apologies. No feeling sorry for himself.
With his right arm, Martin grips the guardrail. Pulls himself to seated. Shifting the binder onto his lap, he opens it once more. Focusing intently. Studying the images. Page-by-page. Square-by-square. He may no longer have the power of speech or the written word, but he will communicate all he knows. To Sylvie. To Mrs. Rutherford. He must. Mother Agatha’s brazen attitude only underlines how dire the situation has become. She believes she’s already won. There’s not a moment to waste.
He scans the pictures for anything that might help. Any combination that might translate complex concepts into something comprehensible. He stops on a food-related spread. The first three squares: BREAKFAST. LUNCH. DINNER. Each represented by a plate of meal-specific food sitting in front of a window. The exterior denotes the time of day. Stars for dinner by candlelight. Sun high in the sky for lunch. Just rising for breakfast.
This is where he will begin: With one finger, he circles the sunrise. Then, flips back to the stick figure ‘girl’ symbol on the first page. He practices going back and forth. Certain that someone will eventually grasp the significance:
Granddaughter or not, she is the lynchpin. The old nun had gone to inconceivable lengths to ensure her presence on the island. Her entire existence, in point of fact. Without Dawn, Mother Agatha’s plans - whatever they are - will surely collapse.
Communicating this information to the Circle will be Martin’s main focus.
Whoever possesses Dawn, controls the fate of the island. Possibly of all mankind.
“A girl whose destiny it was, to return to the island. One whose sacrifice will inevitably set in motion its final chapter.”
It’s critical the Circle find and contain her as soon as possible. Keep the girl safe. Out of Mother Agatha’s grasp. Thwarting the old nun’s evil intentions.
But if that is not enough?
Whatever Martin’s personal feelings might be, the Lesguettes family has first and foremost lived in dedicated service to the island. If Dawn’s elimination is what is required to guarantee its continued safety...
Martin will simply be left with no other choice.
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Deke Mackey Jr. has spent most of his life
sitting cross-legged in a corner. Rocking in place.
Knocking his head against the wall.
Quietly telling himself stories.
Recently? He’s been getting louder.
Occasionally, he can be found making trouble at: