Book Read Free

Her Grizzly Outlaw

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2014 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-161-5

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This is to the readers that wanted more from The Grizzly MC!

  Author’s Note

  This novella is a look into the lives of the next generation of The Grizzly MC. Although it can be read as a standalone, it is highly suggested that you read the previous Grizzly MC books to better know and understand the characters, their lives, and the world they live in.

  There are some scenes from Lucas and Tarren’s point of view that take place during An Outlaw Wedding (The Grizzly MC, 7). This is to give the reader a look into what Tarren and Lucas were thinking during those times that were not described.


  The Grizzly MC

  · Tallin “Jagger” Landon (President)

  o Sonya White

  § Nico (Twin) (m)

  · Alexis Stein

  § Lucas (Twin) (m)

  · Tarren Stoker

  o Lola Landon (f)

  § Cain (m)

  · Cane “Diesel” Marsh (Vice President)

  o Maggie Drake

  § Jakob (m)

  § Bodhi(m)

  · Dillon “Brick” Stein (Sergeant at Arms)

  o Darra Strand

  § Alexis (f)

  · Nico Landon

  § Odin (m)

  · Court Devlin

  o Lilly Winters

  § Mason (m)

  · Dallas Stoker

  o Hope Richards

  § Tarren (f)

  · Lucas Landon

  o Lola Landon (f)

  § Tawny (f)

  · Dakota Mason

  · Jackson “Stinger” Frost

  o Molly Clark

  § Dakota (Malice and Molly) (m)

  · Tawny Stoker

  § Lina (f)

  § Ben (m)

  · Drevin South

  The Brothers of Menace MC

  · Lucien Silver (President)

  o Callie Roberts

  § Gabriel (m)

  § Maverick (m)

  § Ava (f)

  · Logan “Kink” Roberts (Vice President)

  o Bailey “Cookie” Smith

  § Marcus (m)

  § Lincoln “Link” (m)

  § Livvy (f)

  · Trevor “Malice” Mason (Sergeant at Arms)

  o Adrianna Carmine

  § Dakota (Malice and Molly) (m)

  § Drea (twin) (f)

  § Darius (twin) (m)

  · Dakota (Malice and Molly) (m)

  · Tawny Stoker

  · Cain Trainer

  · Fallina (Cain and Beth Wern (d)) (m)

  · Boston “Tuck” Oakley

  · “Shane “Pierce” Booker

  · Thayer “Rock” Ollin

  · Sebastian “Ruin” Hollander


  The Grizzly MC, 8

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Tarren, sixteen years old

  “I’m ready to go for a swim,” Tarren said and put her beer on the deck. “And done talking about whether our dads will catch us drinking these piss weak beers.” She took off her tank and shorts. Now in nothing but a bikini, she stretched her arms high above her head and grinned over at Lucas. God, she had wanted him for as long as she could remember, but he was off limits, or should she say she was off limits. Her dad, Dallas, was not a man that liked his daughter to be seen with the opposite sex. It was ridiculous, even if she was only sixteen. But there was something about Lucas, something that had these butterflies moving around in her belly, had her palms sweating, and had her heart racing. But Tarren could mask all that, could just pretend that she was immune to the charm of Lucas Landon. It was hard, but she pretty much had that shit down.

  “Damn, Tarren, when did you get so curvy?” Lucas said. He was staring at her in a totally lewd manner, and brought his beer can to his mouth to take a long drink.

  She felt her cheeks start to heart from his clear observation, but she quickly pushed away her embarrassment. Putting on a mask of indifference, she scoffed at what he said. “I’m not a little kid anymore, Lucas. I mean, look at you and the other guys.”

  Lucas glanced down at himself.

  Yeah, he knew he looked good, especially with the bulging muscles, and the animal magnetism that had any and all females dropping their panties in hopes the twins would catch their eyes. She glanced at Nico, Lucas’s twin brother. They were identical, right down to their short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. When had she realized she wanted Lucas Landon? God, she didn’t even know. But they were pals, buddies, had grown up together, and she knew that nothing could ever come between them. If they did get together it would be hell because her father wanted her to stay away from guys like the Landon brothers. Despite the fact her father and their father were in the same MC, The Grizzlies, and that they probably had run wild in the town of Steel Corner before they had finally settled down, that didn’t mean her dad was any less protective. Yeah, Dallas was one fierce grizzly shifting papa bear. Maybe it was because her father had lost a son years ago, and she had been his first little girl since he had gone through that tragedy? Or maybe it was just because he knew Lucas was a player, a male that liked pussy, and didn’t care who he got it from?

  She stared at Lucas, turned her attention to Nico and Alexis, and saw that her best friend was eyeing the other Landon twin fiercely. Alexis was the daughter of Brick, a scarred and hardcore male that was also the Sergeant at Arms for the club. Alexis tried to act like she didn’t want Nico, but it was clear she did. But Tarren didn’t say anything, never revealed to Alexis that she knew how much the bear shifting sixteen year old male meant to her, because admitting that would mean she’d have to come clean with her own feelings. She’d have to end up admitting she had been hiding her feelings for a certain Landon twin herself.

  Tarren looked at the guys again, at how muscular they were from playing high school sports, but it wasn’t just about them all being athletic, but because of their genetics, too.

  “Yeah, but I think you got that way overnight,” Lucas said through a grin.

  They were all Grizzly MC children, offspring of members of a motorcycle club that had a reputation for being trouble and that people should stay away from them. And that trickled down to Tarren and the rest of the kids, too. Buts despite the fact they were somewhat looked down upon and feared, no one screwed with a Grizzly kid, and not just because they had bikers for dads. Lucas and Nico had reputations for not putting up with shit, either, and because of that, and who their father was they didn’t have a lot of hassle from anyone. But Tarren also didn’t give a shit what anyone thought, and was fine with putting them in their place when the time called for it, no matter who they were.

  Tarren watched Lucas speak to Nico, and then she looked at Alexis. The other girl watched her. Did Alexis know she had a thing for Lucas? If she did she didn’t act like it or show it on her face. Clearing her throat, Tarren looked away, knowing that she didn’t want to be obvious, and didn’t want Alexis asking any questions
. All that would serve to do was make things really awkward between them.

  “Come on, I’m ready to get in.”

  She watched as Alexis’s little brother, Odin, took off his shirt and tossed it aside. He went to the edge of the deck, right between Alexis and Nico, and dove right in. Her focus was on the lake when Lucas came up to her, picked her up easily, and tossed her in the water. She squealed out right before crashing into the lake. She broke free of the surface of the water, sputtered out, and pushed her hair out of the way. She glanced up at Lucas just in time to see him do a cannonball. He crashed into the water right beside her, spraying her with droplets.

  “You ass.” She gasped out, wiped the water from her face again, and then started chucking. The water was cold despite the heat outside, and then everyone started laughing. Lucas dipped low beneath the surface, and she cried out when he started tickling her. She tried to push him away, but she couldn’t see him very well, and her movements were slow because of being in the lake. He broke through the water, spit out a spray of the fluid at her face, and then started chuckling.

  Odin and Lucas started wrestling, and Tarren glanced at Alexis and Nico. They faced each other, their expression intimate, and she swore she could feel their connection as if she were standing right in front of them. And then Nico lifted his hand and started touching Alexis all soft and tenderly, and she wished that she could have that kind of electricity, that kind of connection with someone.

  She looked at Lucas, saw that he was oblivious to what was happening, and then she faced her best friend again. She and Nico were smiling at each other, and then Nico grabbed her hand and they jumped into the water. Tarren started laughing, trying to make it seem like she wasn’t affected, when in fact she was, deeply. Tarren didn’t know if she was comfortable with that emotion.


  Tarren, eighteen years old

  The party was crazy, rowdy, and the alcohol flowed like water. Tarren tossed back another shot, saw Alex and Nico all but making out in the secluded woods that surrounded the lake they were currently party around, and she rolled her eyes and turned away. The couple was inseparable, but although it was nauseating at times because they loved each other so much, it also was depressing because Tarren didn’t have anything like that. Yes, she was young, but so were they, and she knew what she wanted out of life. Alexis and Nico had loved each other for as long as any of the Grizzly kids could remember. It was one of those soul mate deals, and although Alexis had never come out and said that, or used that term, Tarren could see that deep down emotion reflected on her face.

  She heard a giggle off to the side and looked over at where Lucas stood. He had a blonde girl pushed up against a tree and had his mouth by her hear. The way the girl was sighing and giggling told Tarren that Lucas was probably working his charm, and that the blonde would have her panties around her ankles before the night ended.

  Of course Tarren knew she had no claim on him, but she hated seeing him with other girls. She loved him. It was the sad, painful truth, but she knew nothing would ever happen between them. The girl had her shirt pushed almost all the way down, and her tits were popping right over the edge of her tube top. She was a definite slut. Lucas pulled back and braced a hand on the trunk beside the blonde’s head. He had a bottle of whiskey in the other hand and brought it to his mouth, taking a long swallow. Maybe he felt Tarren staring him, because he glanced over at her. With the shadows covering his face she saw the way he looked right at her, as if he could stare into her soul and knew exactly how much she wanted him.

  “Hey, Tarren.”

  She turned and faced Brandon, one of the human guys that she had graduated with. He was gorgeous in that jock, football-playing way. He grinned at her, flashed his straight white teeth, and lifted a beer to her.

  “Thought you could use something to chase those shots you’ve been throwing back.”

  She took the beer and popped the top before he could help her out with that. “Thanks.” Tarren tipped the bottle back and drank some of the lukewarm alcohol, but still felt the way Lucas stared at her. It was a tingling in the back of her neck and a realization that he was so very close.

  “So, plans for college?” Brandon asked, and brought his beer to his mouth.” He stared at her, and then reached out and brushed a piece of her hair off of her shoulder. Brandon was not her type, and definitely not what she really wanted, so his touch felt a bit awkward to her.

  She shook her head and took a step back. “No. I am thinking of taking a year off, but I haven’t decided yet.” And then she felt this heat on her back, felt this presence right behind her, and knew it was Lucas.

  Brandon looked over her shoulder, his eyes widening for a split second before he retreated a step.

  “Don’t you have a football to throw or some shit?” Lucas said from behind her, his voice deep, yet surprisingly clear. Tarren would have assumed he was pretty close to being trashed, yet he didn’t have a slur in his voice at all.

  Brandon didn’t even respond, just tipped his chin toward Lucas and turned to leave. Tarren turned around and faced Lucas, her eyes narrowing little at the cocky grin he wore.

  “Hey,” he said in that smooth, deep voice of his.

  “Why did you cock block?” she asked, teasing him, but a little annoyed at this sudden territorial gleam that entered his eyes. It was like he was her big brother or something, thinking he was looking out for her.

  “Are you serious?” he asked, not sounding shocked by her question, but amused.

  She lifted a brow at him. “What?”

  He eyed her up and down, and she felt a little zing of electricity slam into her. “Unless you’re hiding a dick between your curvy as fuck legs, I’d say I wasn’t cock blocking anyone but that douche that was totally trying to hit on you.”

  “He wasn’t hitting on me,” Tarren said, although she knew he had been.

  He didn’t respond, but grinned, looked behind him at the blonde that was still staring at them, and then turned and faced Tarren again. “Let’s go for a walk and talk.”

  She cocked an eyebrow again. “Talk and walk?” She had to chuckle at her words. “Am I going to regret gong in the woods with you, Lucas Landon?” Tarren smiled, but gave him a curious look. “You’re not going to get all weird drunk on me and start talking about guy stuff that will either bore me, make me gag, or have me wincing?”

  Lucas started chuckling and shook his head. “You’re safe with me.” He grabbed her hand before she could even protest, and they walked into the thick woods that surrounded the Steel Corner Lake. They passed several couples in several different states of making out or getting it on, but then Lucas topped right in front of his truck that was parked by the lake.

  “How’d you get your truck here? Why not park by the others ones close to the party?”

  He looked over at her like she was insane. “And let one of those assholes puke on it or accidently slam into it because they’re too drunk?” He shook his head and grinned. “Nah, so much better out here, besides, I was out here for about an hour before I headed up to where the party was.” He looked over at the lake.

  The party could be seen on the other side of the body of water, and moving all the way down to about a quarter of a mile from where they stood. Despite the fact they could hear the music, it was still isolated, and she felt alone right here with Lucas. He moved over to his truck, pulled the tailgate open, and then hopped up on it. He had a blanket laid out on the spot next to him and patted it.

  “Come on, Tar, come sit next to me and talk.”

  She moved toward him, hauled her too big ass up on the tailgate, and for several minutes they sat there in silence and stared at the water. He handed her another beer from the small cooler on the bed of the truck.

  “Thanks.” They sat in silence for several more long moments, but it was comfortable, familiar, and felt good. Tarren tipped the bottle back, and the alcohol slid down her throat smoothly. It wasn’t the cheap ass beer Brandon had given
her, but expensive, rich and dark.

  “You think about what you want to do now?” Lucas asked.

  “No, not really. I’m being lazy.”

  He chuckled. “Me, too.”

  She watched as the moon made the water glow and sparkle, but felt his gaze on her. When she turned to look at him it was to see Lucas staring at her.

  The way he looked at her was not the way a guy looked at his friend, or the way he had ever looked at her while growing up.

  He looked at her as if he wanted her in that moment, and her arousal for him went to the point of breaking her. But he looked at the lake again without making a move, and she swallowed past the roughness in her throat. She looked down at his crotch, saw that he was most definitely hard, and breathed out softly. Tarren shouldn’t have reached out to grip his bicep right then, but she did. She wasn’t drunk, knew that this was what she wanted, had wanted. She was going to just take it and hope Lucas didn’t think she was crazy.

  He looked at her, and Tarren felt his bear rise up. She didn’t stop herself from leaning forward, slanting her lips on his, and breathing the same air as he did. She tasted the alcohol on his tongue, and her heart jumped behind her ribs. They kissed for several seconds before she pulled back just long enough to look at his face. There hadn’t been any tongue in involved in the semi-soft kiss, but it was passionate and had her blood pressure rising. And then the sound of Lucas tossing his bottle to the ground filled her ears.


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