Her Grizzly Outlaw

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Her Grizzly Outlaw Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  She paused, the counter stopping her from retreating. He stood in front of her, his pulse pounding in his ears and his bear pushing forward. The bastard was insistent when it came to her, and although he had known staying away was the best because he wasn’t worthy of being with her, that didn’t mean his animal was going to forget about what they had done with Tarren. She had been so primed, so fucking wet and ready to take his dick last year. He had gone on the run to the other charters, hoping that he’d be able to patch up the colossal screw-up he’d made by not being able to keep his dick in his pants. It might have been a mistake, one that had tarnished their friendship and put this fucking huge wall between them, but he had always promised himself he’d make things right. And here he was, making things worse again because he couldn’t stop himself from wanting her.

  He set his beer down on the counter, grabbed her now empty one and set it aside as well. Then he placed his hands on the granite on either side of her body, and leaned in. Without thinking about anything else, because right now the scent, sight, and feel of her consumed his senses, Lucas closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. She licked her lips, her breath stalling, and he leaned in further and stroked her tongue with his before she could retreat from him again.

  He spun her around just as she gasped out in surprise. With her ass now pressed to his groin, he placed his hands back on the counter, and ran his tongue along her nape.

  “Lucas, we shouldn’t,” she said, but there was this hitch in her voice, and he knew that she wanted this really fucking badly.

  “Do you really want me to stop, Tarren?” he whispered against her ear, hearing the growl from his bear coming through.

  “No,” she breathed out, and a soft moan slipped from her when he smoothed his hands over her hips, and curled his nails into her flesh.

  “Don’t move.” His voice was hard and demanding. He was staring at her ass, running his hands up and down her bottom, and trying not to tear the thin cotton away from her. Her pants were fucking skin tight, showing off her big, juicy ass and her thick thighs. “Shit, Tarren, what in the hell are you wearing?” Yeah, he had seen her walking out of the college with her thighs looking so damn delicious, but up until now he hadn’t gotten a good look at the way they made her ass look.

  “Pants,” she breathed out, and without thinking he brought his hand back and spanked her ass cheek. The big globe shook slightly, and he groaned out. Grabbing a chunk of her ass cheek and making a low sound at the thickness of it, he pressed his dick forward, right up against her bottom. Although he wore jeans, his cock pressed right into the crease of her bottom.

  “They look fucking painted on, Tarren.”

  She looked over her shoulder, her eyes slightly lowered, her cheeks red, and her breathing fast. “Is that a problem?”

  “Fuck no.” He grabbed the other cheek of her ass, gave both globes a firm shake now, and ground his dick into her even harder. “Although I don’t want to stop, I want to make sure you’re good with this, Tarren.” He smoothed his hand up her back, pushed her long blonde hair over her shoulder, and leaned in to lick and kiss at the nape of her neck again.

  “I shouldn’t want this, should stop it, too,” she breathed out, and he leaned back just enough to see her eyes closing. “But I’m not about to tell you to stop.”

  Yeah, this wasn’t going to help get their friendship back to the way it was, but then again for the last twelve months it had been kind of awkward. Anytime they had seen each other it had been strained hellos and weird little waves. Even a year later that shit hadn’t been smoothed over, and he didn’t think it ever would. But right here and now they could have this moment together, and he hoped she wouldn’t think about what a total fuck-up he was.

  He unbuckled his belt, undid his button, and pulled his zipper down. And then he pushed his jeans to his ankles, palmed his cock through his boxer briefs, and stared at her ass again. God, what an ass it was. “I’ve been thinking about you so damn much, knowing that I am not good enough for you, and that you deserve a male that isn’t on runs for the club, and isn’t trying to make his way in his father’s footsteps.” He wanted her, it wasn’t even a question, but that didn’t erase the fact he wanted her to have a male that wasn’t bad all the way through.

  He growled low and grabbed the long strands of her hair, twisted the locks in his hand, pulled her head back slightly, and inhaled deeply. Her neck was arched, and he placed his mouth on the side of her throat. Lucas sucked and licked at her sweet tasting flesh, ground his cock over and over again against her ass until he thought he’d come from that alone, and finally forced himself to pull back. He placed his hand on the small of her back and pushed her forward slightly. The position caused her ass to pop out even more.

  “You want me to fuck you, Tarren?” he said against her ear, knowing he shouldn’t be speaking so filthy to her, but not able to stop himself. He wasn’t proud that he had been with more females than he even cared to think about, and that compared to him Tarren was so damn innocent. He almost felt like he was corrupting her.

  “You know I do, Lucas.” She moaned out.

  He gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. And before he took her bra off, he reached around her and gripped her big breasts. He massaged them while he continued to lick at her neck, not able to get enough of her flesh. Lucas pulled the cups of her bra down until her tits sprang free, and then he was tweaking her stiff nipples until she made these breathless little moans.

  “I’m going to pull your pants down, slide your panties to the side, and lick your pussy until you come all over my face, Tarren.” He moved his mouth to her ear. “And you will come all over my face.” He licked the shell of her ear until he felt her shiver beneath him. His dick throbbed, his balls drew up tight, and he knew he had to be in her tight body soon or he’d come right in his damn pants. He didn’t wait for her to respond, just pushed her pants down, got down on his haunches, and pulled her panties aside, just like he had promised.

  And then he was staring at her pussy, all pink, slicked wet from her desire for him, and her swollen clit protruding through the folds. It was like that little bundle of nerves was begging to be sucked on, and he wanted to be the one to give her that relief.

  He feasted on her like he was starved for her flesh. Fuck, he was starving for her, absolutely parched for the taste and flavor of her cunt. Their combined haggard breathing filled the room, but it was her moaning that fueled his actions, made him grip her hips and pull her back on his face. He growled against her clit, knowing he was sending vibrations to her whole body by the way her fingers curled onto the smooth granite.

  All he could focus on was the feel of her flesh against his tongue, all smooth, slicked cream running out of her center because she was so aroused for him. Her pussy was hairless, and although he didn’t care one way or another if she had any or not, he couldn’t deny that having no obstructions as he sucked at her was hot as hell. He pulled her pussy lips apart, stared at the way her little hole gaped open, and how her clit was so damn swollen it was double the size. He went back to sucking at her, running his tongue up and down her center, and then dipping the muscle inside of her until she clenched around it.

  He was enjoying going slow, and torturing her until she was begging him to fuck her. Just like she was doing right now.

  “Please, Lucas. God, please just be with me already.”

  He licked her slit once more, squeezed the globes of her ass until he couldn’t control himself any longer, and broke away from her. Panting as he stared at her ass and pussy on display, Lucas grabbed his cock and started stroking himself. He jerked off with one hand from root to tip, and lifted his other hand to spread one of her ass cheeks. Her pussy lips moved apart from the action, and he moved his palm over his dick even faster.

  “Damn, Tarren, your pussy is so wet right now your cream is sliding down your inner leg.” He leaned forward, grabbed her thighs, and ran his tongue along the thin line of clear arousal
on her flesh. He slid his tongue all the way up her leg, and sucked on her pussy with his open mouth.

  “Oh. God. Lucas.”

  He continued to lick at her, didn’t stop stroking his dick, and only when he felt her tremble harder did he finally back off. Oh, he wanted to feel her come for him, but he wanted her doing it around his cock when he was buried balls deep inside of her. He curled his finger around the thin elastic of her panties, tightened them against her body until it dug into her flesh, and hummed loudly. And then he pulled them away from her. The sound of fabric rendering filled the air.

  “Lucas. God, it feels so good.”

  “Yeah, it does.” His mouth was so close to her anus now, but he didn’t lick her there, just breathed heavily, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her.

  He bit one of her ass cheeks gently, letting his bear come out only for a second. And then he dragged his tongue right up her center and latched onto her clit. She was going to get off, he knew it, and he’d hear her scream out his name and beg for more. Lucas wasn’t an easy male that went slow and gentle. He never had been one to make love to a female, not even when Tarren deserved a bed of fucking roses.

  “So good, Tarren. Christ, you taste so good.” He curled his fingers into her flesh, pulled her more firmly onto his face, and devoured her. Finally he pulled back from her, but only enough to spear a finger into her pussy. A gasp left her when he pumped that digit in and out of her in slow, measured strokes. He withdrew, but wasn’t nearly done, not when he took that now soaked finger, pressed it to her anus, and slowly pushed it into her bottom. God, he wanted to replace that digit with his cock, to fuck her in slow, long and fierce strokes.

  He finger-fucked her ass, and used his other hand to cup her between her thighs. At the first touch of his thumb teasing her oversensitive clit she tensed. Lucas forced himself to pull back from her, to stand, and smooth his hands up her outer legs.

  In one easy move he had her lifted on the counter with her ass hanging over the edge, and her legs spread wide. The sight of her cunt open to him had Lucas squeezing his dick even harder. Pre-cum lined the tip of his shaft, and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer to have her. All he could think about was shoving his erection deep inside of her in one swift move.

  “You smell so good,” he whispered in a husky voice, and lowered his gaze to between her legs. “You’re so wet and swollen, and it is all because you want me, Tarren. Isn’t that right?”

  “You know that’s why, so fuck me already.”

  The next sequence of events happened so quickly all he could do was go with the motions. He gripped her hips and jerked her forward until she was close to falling off the counter, but he held her tightly. “You were made for me.” Having sex with her right here sounded nice, but he wanted her in that big ass leather chair, straddling his cock and riding him like she couldn’t stop.

  He had her in his arms and was striding to the chair in the living room. With him on the seat, and her legs on either side of him, her pussy right over his cock, he grabbed a condom before he forgot in the moment of lust. He sheathed himself, grabbed her hips, and stared at her smooth, cunt, almost hairless aside from a small light blonde strip right above her clit. The little nub was visible, swollen, wet and red from his mouth, and his dick jerked at the sight.

  He cupped her breasts, tested the weight of the large mounds in his hands, and breathed out through his arousal. He took his thumbs and forefingers, rolled her elongated nipples between the digits, and looked at her face. Her cheeks became redder, her mouth opened more, and she let out the most cock hardening sound he had ever heard. Here she was, naked for him, all but begging for his dick, and he was trying not to think about how the right thing for him to do was kiss her on the forehead and leave. He didn’t want to make this more than it was, and that was sex, because he knew in his heart that a male like him could never be good enough for a female like her. She was good and pure, doing something big with her life. The club was his life, what he lived and breathed, and it would always be like that. He had never seen himself settling down, never saw an old lady beside him every step of the way. But he wanted to think that Tarren would have been the perfect female for him if he had been the type of male to want that in his life.

  You’re lying to yourself. You want her, you love her, and her being your old lady would be a fucking dream come true.

  That inner voice in his head whispered, demanding that he tell her just that, but he didn’t know how she’d react to it all.

  She looked down, shielded her gaze from him, and he wondered if she had read his thoughts on his expression. Lucas didn’t want her feeling anything less than what she was, and he was good at pissing the female population off. But maybe she was thinking the same thing he was, that this was just about sex, and that she didn’t want anything more with the bad boy that he was? The few guys he had seen her go out with had been more on the straight and narrow, certainly not the son of a motorcycle club bear-shifting president.

  “Hey.” He lifted her head with his finger under her chin. “This is just about you and me right now, Tarren. Nothing else matters except this moment.” He searched her face with his gaze, took in the gentle slope of her nose, the large roundness of her expressive blue eyes, and knew that he was so far gone for this female.

  “Just this one moment. Right here and now,” she said almost to herself, with this strange tone in her voice. If he had been a male that knew what the hell a woman meant in their cryptic sayings, he would have probably realized they needed to slow down. As it was he wanted to kiss her senseless, show her that outside he might be rough and hardened and living a biker life, but inside he could show her that she was desired in more than one way.

  Chapter Six

  Lucas cupped Tarren’s face and kissed her long and hard, and before he knew what was happening she was the one reaching between their bodies and grabbing his cock. He groaned out, loving how she tried to wrap her fingers around his girth but wasn’t successful. His bear genetics made him a big male altogether, and his cock was no exception.

  He balanced her on his lap with one hand on her lower back, and waited for her to make the next move. She stared at him for several seconds, and then aligned the tip of his dick with her pussy hole. She started breathing heavily, didn’t push down on his dick, but did keep her hold on his shaft.

  “Your call, Tarren.” He had to force the words out, because honestly, if she stopped this right now he’d fucking have blue balls until next year. But she moaned out and started pushing down on his girth. He held her hip with his other hand, dug his nails into her spongy flesh, and forced his eyes to stay open. He watched as her big tits bounced slightly as she continued to work herself on him, and when her ass touched his balls they both groaned out.

  “I want to go slow for you, Tarren, but I can’t.” He rested his forehead against hers and breathed out. “Christ, I don’t think I can.” Lucas looked down at where their bodies were connected. Her pussy was spread out before him in this position.

  “I don’t want slow, Lucas. I just want you.”

  He pulled her forward and inhaled deeply. Her nipples were right there for the taking, and his mouth watered for more. He took the tip into his mouth, sucking at her nipple until she was grinding her cunt on his cock and trying to get friction. He rubbed his face over her breasts and pressed both of her tits together. Her cleavage was fucking to die for, and he started alternating between sucking on her nipples and rubbing his stubble covered cheeks over her flesh. He pulled away from her after a second, and stared at the red wetness that covered her skin.

  He loved the little sounds she made, loved that she moaned out every time he touched her. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut when she lifted up slightly and slid back down on him. He lifted his hips, pushing one more inch into her. She started rising higher and shoving down on him harder and faster. The leather was squeaking beneath them, and he fucking loved the sweat that started to cover her skin.
He worked himself up inside of her, and groaned when he saw her wetness coat his length.

  “God, Lucas. It’s like you’re splitting me in two.”

  Yeah, he was going to do a lot more than that. “You love my big ol’ cock up inside of your hot little cunt. You like that I am stretching you to the point you want to dig your nails into my skin and bite your lip because it’s feeling like you’ll break in half.” He kissed her neck, ran his tongue up and down her throat, and then she started bouncing on his cock even faster. When her pelvis met his, they both groaned out in unison. He gripped her hips even harder, knowing he’d leave bruises, and his bear felt this renewed sense of possessiveness toward her. He lifted her up until just the tip of his dick was inside of her now. Lucas started pushing her down on his shaft and then lifting her back up. He did this continuously, her tits bouncing between them, sweat covering her creamy colored flesh, and her nipples harder than diamonds.

  His cock thickened further, and his balls drew up tight with his impending orgasm. Still holding onto her hips he stood with her in his arms, loving that he was still lodged deep inside of her sweet body. When he set her on her feet Lucas turned her around, pushed her forward with a hand to her lower back, and then smoothed his fingers over her ass. She was now leaning over the piece of furniture, her toes barely touching the ground, and her hands curled around the arms of the leather chair.

  Spreading the cheeks of her ass, he stared at her pussy and asshole for a second. He finally let go of one cheek, grabbed his dick, and slammed back into her pussy. She cried out when he bottomed out in her cunt in one, swift move. He pounded into her in long, hard strokes, held onto her waist as he fucked her raw, and grew so damn turned on at the sound of her body sucking at his shaft.

  “That’s it, Tarren,” he grunted out when his balls slapped against her clit. “Take all of me.” He slammed into her especially hard, so much so that she fell forward. Her ass was now up in the air, her face pressed into the cushion and her moans filling his ears.


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