Zeb Hanks Mystery Box Set 1

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Zeb Hanks Mystery Box Set 1 Page 23

by Mark Reps

  "Oh, what the heck," said Zeb. "Let's give them their money's worth."

  Zeb wrapped Doreen up in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips.

  "Hooeee! I do like that kinda monkey business."

  In the window the four widow women clapped, laughed and pointed toward the kissing couple. Doreen waved to the happy women. Zeb backed the truck into the street and slipped a cassette tape of Doreen's favorite music into the deck. She leaned over, kissed him on the earlobe and mussed his thick hair as strains of Sara Vaughan's Vanity aired sweetly through the sound system.

  "You've never taken me up the mountain for sunset before," said Doreen. "What's the occasion?"

  "I haven't done it myself, since I was a kid anyway. I figured you might like it."

  "So, you were thinkin' of me, weren't you, dumplin'?"

  "As a matter of fact, I was. For some reason you came into my mind right out of the blue today. I was frustrated and tired and feeling overworked..."

  "Well pop my balloon and watch me fizzle. Ain't that a fine bunch of reasons to think of a gal?"

  "Give a guy a chance to finish, will you?"

  "I'm just joshin'. You know that."

  "I know, Doe. Anyway, what I was trying to say was, well I was having a bad day. A rotten day headed further south, but the one thing that eased my mind was thinking about you."

  Doreen rubbed the smooth back of her hand lovingly against the stubby growth of facial hair sprouting on Zeb's cheek. His blue eyes sparkled against the waning sun as he turned to her and smiled sweetly.

  "Then I thought of how peaceful it is up top the Mount and, shucks, I put one and one together and figured this was the perfect time to show you one of my all-time favorite spots."

  Doreen rested her head softly on Zeb's broad shoulder and hummed along with Sara Vaughn. Near the intersection of Route 366 and Highway 191 a descansos replete with fresh flowers, statues of the Blessed Mother, Jesus Christ and Saint Barnabus along with dozens of lighted candles kept tribute to the memory of Father McNamara. Doreen nuzzled a little closer, drawing Zeb's arm to her breast. Her fluttering eyes met his longing gaze.

  "You know something, Zeb?"

  "What, Doe?"

  "I think I might be fallin' deep enough in love with you to take you up on your offer."

  "You mean you'll marry me?"

  "Yes, Zeb, I will marry you. When I..."

  Doreen hesitated. Zeb felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as Sara Vaughan sang in the background...

  I never even glance when offered new romance

  I can’t because I’m yours…and yours alone.

  "When I straighten out something in my head that needs to get straightened out."

  Zeb felt his heart sink. He paused for a second or two and then asked, "Can you tell me what needs to be straightened out?"

  "Not just yet. It's what I was talkin' with Father McNamara about. Let's not talk about it anymore. At least not right now. I don't want to spoil a perfect moment."

  "Okay," replied Zeb. "As long as you won't wait forever to tell me what it is that needs straightening out."

  "I won't," said Doreen. "I will tell you when the time is right. For now, let's just love each other."

  Zeb pulled the truck off the road at Riggs Lake. The pink underbelly of low-hanging clouds on the western horizon paid homage to the waning moments of the day. Shades of early evening sneaked like a thief in the night across the east face of Mount Graham. Years had passed since he had last driven up the winding, ever changing mountain road at dusk. The powerful and ultimate beauty attached to witnessing daylight quietly slip away into night reminded him once more of the sanctity of the mountain.

  "It's precious here," whispered Doreen. "Maybe the most beautiful spot I've ever seen."

  "My favorite place anywhere on earth at this time of day. It's been too long since I've been here."

  "Zeb, honey, I'm so glad you're sharin' it with me."

  Tender tears welled in Doreen's eyes as she slipped her arms around Zeb. Pressing her lips against his cheek, teardrops gently fell from her eyes.

  "What's this?" asked Zeb. "Did I say the wrong thing?"

  "No nothin' like that. I feel good, that's all."

  Zeb shook his head and smiled.

  "If I live to be a hundred years old, I swear I will never understand women."

  "You don't have to, honey bunch. And it's probably best you don't."

  "Come on," said Zeb. "I have something I want to show you."

  "Wait a second," said Doreen. "Can I say somethin' first? I got somethin' weighin' heavy on my chest that needs sayin'."

  "Of course."

  "Promise me what I say won't hurt your feelings."

  "What?" asked Zeb.

  "Go on, promise."

  He knew when Doreen wanted his vow stated aloud. He gave it to her.

  "Okay Doe, what is it?"

  "You're the best damn sheriff in the state, and nothin' gets by the likes of you..."

  "That statement sounds like it has a 'but' attached to it."

  "It does. But, I'm positive in my heart Father McNamara didn't commit suicide. Somethin' else had to have happened. I can't say what exactly, but he wouldn't kill himself. He wasn't like that. I know it for certain as I know I love you."

  "Honey, the state came down and investigated. So did some people from the Catholic Church. Everyone has come to the same conclusion. Doc Yackley is waiting on a couple of post mortem blood tests, but I doubt they'll show anything. I'm sorry. I wish I could make the pain of his death disappear, but I can't. You're just going to have to be patient and let time do the healing. Okay?"

  Doreen pouted with her lower lip and nodded. She shook her head side to side. She looked him directly in the eyes.

  "One day you will know, Zeb Hanks, one day you will know how I am so certain."

  Zeb had the sudden realization that there were deep and dark secrets hidden inside the woman he loved. He loved her. He could wait to find out exactly what they were.


  Zeb stepped out and held the car door open for Doreen. Opening the trunk of his car, Zeb grabbed a flashlight and blanket and headed down a nearly hidden path.

  "Watch your step."

  Doreen gripped Zeb's hand tightly as he led her into a secluded area that allowed a clear view of the mountain lake. He spread the blanket for his lady as golden rays of twilight sneaked through the heavy growth of pines and lit the forest floor. Sparse beams of light flickering over low-lying ferns projected an illusion of fire painted onto the landscape. The dying sun reflected an orange hue on the lake's shimmering surface.

  "It is so beautiful," sighed Doreen.

  "Feel better?" he asked.

  "A little bit," she replied.

  The couple sat quietly on the woolen blanket. In the unfolding night sky, a solitary star caught Doreen's eye.

  "Zeb, do you know the old children's rhyme. Star light, star bright."

  "I wish I may I wish I might," added Zeb, joining with Doreen until they spoke as one voice.

  "Have the wish I wish tonight."

  Zeb inhaled Doreen's womanly fragrance. Overhead the single star gradually became millions of twinkling white specks as night emerged in the heavens.

  "Do you believe in God? I mean completely believe in God?" asked Doreen.

  "Of course. Doesn't everyone?"

  "What I mean is...did you ever have any doubt?"

  "Sure, doesn't everyone?"

  "Do you now?"

  "Do I what?" asked Zeb. "Do I have any doubt now? Right now? Tonight?"

  "Yes. At this very moment."

  "Do you want to hear a little story?"

  "Oh, Zeb, I would love that."

  Snuggled in Zeb's warmth, Doreen felt as secure as she had in childhood when her parents told her a good night story. Listening to Zeb's soft regular breathing pattern, Doreen realized precisely what had been absent in her life, something she had not dared to think about for years. It wa
s that sacred place in the heart where safety takes its rest. Her faith had been tested in ways that no one in Safford, Arizona could even imagine. Not even Zeb had a clue to the suffering she had undergone.

  "About ten years ago I was wrestling with my belief system," said Zeb. "My faith in the world was at a real low point. I had done my time in the border patrol where I saw things no one should have to see. I'd put in my service as a cop over in Tucson. One day I woke up and decided it was time to return home. Looking back, I probably wanted to show everybody I grew up with how much of a man I had become. You might say I was riding a high and mighty horse. That was a time in my life when I was pretty good at shooting my mouth off. I said some pretty stupid things."

  "What kind of stupid things?"

  "You name it. I was a self-styled expert on everything from war to religion. I was so darn smart I could barely stand it myself. Then something happened and I got a lucky break."

  "What happened?"

  "A pair of angels landed on my shoulder."


  "Jake Dablo and Jimmy Song Bird decided to take me under their collective wing."

  "Human angels you mean."

  "Angels come in many forms."

  "So does the devil," interjected Doreen. "So does the devil."

  Zeb stopped and eyed her inquisitively. Her eyes told him to carry on with his story. He did but made a permanent mental note of Doreen's curious statement.

  "I was working for Sheriff Dablo as his deputy. Sometimes we'd have the occasion to stop by Song Bird's place out on the San Carlos. As you know Jake and Song Bird go way back to when I was a kid. I think, for the most part, our trips out there were a way for them to get together to jawbone. Song Bird would put on some sassafras tea..."

  "Mmmm, I love sassafras tea," cooed Doreen

  "One day we were sitting around the kitchen table out at Song Bird's. I started yapping about how there might not be a God. I suppose I was saying it to shock them. I was really surprised when they didn't take me to task. Instead they just let it pass. They acted like they didn't hear my foolish rant. Then, about a week later, Jake asked me if I wanted to go fishing up here at Riggs Lake. I thought, sure, a little trout fishing sounded like a good idea."

  "Look a shooting star!" cried Doreen.

  "Make a wish."

  "I already did," said Doreen, kissing Zeb on the neck.

  "The Apaches believe a shooting star is an omen of an advancing enemy," said Zeb.

  "Well, that is one thing they're wrong about then. Now go ahead, go on with your story. It's startin' to be really interesting."

  "It was around sunset. We fished for an hour or so. I guess we caught a few rainbows, when over the hillside, right over there..." Zeb pointed toward the southern corner of the lake where a small dale and some pine trees nestled near the edge of the water. "Up walks Jimmy Song Bird. Right out of nowhere. He was wearing his Apache Medicine Man clothes. I swear to God, he looked like he was walking right across the lake on top of the water."

  "Did he stop and talk to you and Jake?"

  "You bet he did. Song Bird told us this story about how sacred Mount Graham is to the Apaches. He explained how the Apaches believe the mountain spirits, the Ga'an, live here. The Ga'an provide the Apaches with strength against their enemies, fertility for their women, prosperity for their people, rain for their crops and plants to heal their sick. Song Bird said Mount Graham is the most important sacred mountain in the entire world according to the Apache way of thinking. Then Jake started adding his two cents. It didn't take long to realize my way of thinking was pretty small and narrow."

  "What'd Jake say?"

  "Jake grew up listening to his grandfather tell stories about the stars in the heavens. Just like we believe in God, Jake said the Greeks believed Zeus was the Supreme Being. The Romans believed the same about Jupiter. Zeus lived on Mount Olympus, like the Ga'an live on Mount Graham. Jupiter lived above the mountaintop in the sky. Like the Ga'an, Zeus and Jupiter granted victory in war, protection for the people, good weather for sailors and rain for crops."

  "That is cool stuff."

  "I thought so too. Song Bird and Jake were sitting right about where we're sitting, and they agreed there was hardly a lick of difference between the Greeks, the Romans, the Apaches and the Christians when it came right down to it."

  "When you think about it like that, I guess we're all pretty much the same."

  "I learned everyone has their own view of the world. Ever since that day, I figured if every culture believes in a higher power, who was I to fight it? Besides, having faith feels better than fighting it."

  "I know you're right, Zeb, but sometimes superstition gets the better of me."

  "What do you mean, Doe?"

  "Every time I get to believin' real strong... bang! Just like clockwork somethin' happens to test my faith."

  "Are you talking about Father McNamara's suicide?"

  "There was no suicide," insisted Doreen. "But I am talking about death."

  Once again Doreen seemed like she wanted to tell him something, but she was choosing to keep mum. Before he could pursue it, he heard the hiss of a newly started fire crackling near the edge of the lake. Zeb turned to see the outline of a smallish person leaning over, breaking twigs and placing them on a campfire.

  "Someone's camping. It looks like they're building a fire. I'd better go over and let them know the fire danger level is high today."

  "Ooh, do you have to?"

  "I should warn them. A fire getting out of control up here would be big trouble. They could burn the whole mountain down. It'll just take a minute."

  Zeb stood for a better view. He took a few steps toward their unexpected guest.

  "Wait for me," cried Doreen. "I'm goin' with you."

  Zeb extended his hands helping Doreen rise from the forest floor. His efforts were rewarded with a hug.

  "Hello there," shouted Zeb.

  A squeaky voice returned the greeting. Its high pitch made it impossible to tell if they were approaching a man or a woman.

  "I saw you two sitting over there. I hope I'm not bothering you."

  In the light of the campfire Zeb could see the stranger was a man. The sheriff's eyes were drawn to the man's camouflaged tent, a large cache of food slung over a tree branch and a piece of equipment covered by a bed sheet.

  "My name is Venerable Bede," said the man, extending a hand to Sheriff Hanks.

  The lack of calluses on the camper's hands told Zeb the man did not suffer under the strains of physical labor to earn his daily bread. His thick glasses made him look like a bookworm or a man with severe eye problems.

  "I'm Sheriff Zeb Hanks. This is Doreen Nightingale."

  "Pleased to meet the both of you. What can I do for you?

  "It's about your campfire," said the sheriff. "It's illegal."

  "You're not about to arrest me, are you?"

  "No," laughed Zeb. "But I did want to let you know you should build your fire in one of the fire pits."

  "I'm sorry," said Bede. "I'll take care of it right away."

  "For tonight, put some more rocks around the fire so it won't spread after you're asleep. You can move it in the morning."

  "Thanks, I promise I will. I'm not one to break the law."

  "I didn't quite catch your name. What was it again?"

  "Bede, Doctor Venerable Bede."

  Zeb didn't recognize the name.

  "Are you from around here?"


  "I didn't think so. I'd remember a name like Venerable Bede, if I'd heard it before."

  "It's an unusual name. People always remark on it."

  "What's a medical doctor doing out here?"

  "I'm not an MD. I'm an environmental botanist, an ecologist actually."

  "Now what the criminy sakes is that all about?" asked Doreen.

  Bede chuckled.

  "That is the same question everyone asks. It's a relatively new field of study. My area of expertise is rar
e plants. I find rare plants and study them in their natural surroundings. The idea, of course, is to save the species."

  "What on earth can happen to a plant way out here?" asked Doreen.

  "Some plants are over harvested when animal populations increase too rapidly. Fire destroys other plants. Some are simply overtaken by more dominant plants. It's nature's way. Lately my work is leading me to conclude that the real culprit is the homo sapien."

  "Homo what?" asked Doreen.

  "Man. Man destroys plants by moving into their natural habitat. The strongest plants always survive. Occasionally a weaker plant will survive by adapting and become the strongest. I study those survivors. My area of expertise is plants able to stand up against much stronger forces. I consider them my children, my babies. My job is to protect them against the evil that man can do."

  Zeb glanced at Doreen out of the corner of his eye.

  "So, what brings you up to this neck of the woods?" asked the sheriff.

  "I have a contract job with the Forest Service."

  Satisfied everything was reasonably in order, Zeb stuck out his hand.

  "Good enough. We'll be on our way. You might see me again, Dr. Bede. My work brings me up here occasionally."

  "I'll be working up here for the next two months. I have quite a large amount of information to gather," replied Dr. Bede.

  The three exchanged respective good nights and parted company. As Zeb turned his car around, the headlights flashed toward Dr. Bede who was removing the cloth sheet covering his equipment.

  "Why did you tell that man you come up here often?" asked Doreen. "You told me it's been a long time since you been up here."

  Zeb's lack of a quick response answered her question.

  "You were checking up on that guy, weren't you? You was wonderin' how long he was going to be around?"



  "I'm the sheriff, that's why. Plus, that statement he made about the plants being his children. Don't tell me that didn't strike you as a little odd?"

  "He's different lookin' enough all right with that rounded back of his and those funny glasses. But he ain't what you'd call dangerous unless he sets out to scratch someone."


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