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Dangerous Page 15

by RGAlexander

  Ken tensed against him. “Brady, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “I think it is.”

  Rolling away, Ken leaned on his elbows and looked down at him with wary golden eyes. “I don’t have the right to ask after the things I said, but tell me the truth. Do you really think you’re ready, or do you just want to please me?”

  Brady hesitated. “That’s a trick question. Of course I want to please you. And I want to share in the things you love because I…” He swallowed. “If you’d asked me a month ago, I would have said it was never going to happen, but now I can’t stop thinking about it. I have been for a while. I want to know how it feels to have your hands on me, to have you in control. I want so much, with you, from you, but I’m always getting in my own way by thinking too much. The psychiatrist said something about me carrying too much weight. Not physically but—”

  Ken pressed a finger against his mouth. “You went to see someone? About the nightmares?”

  He nodded.

  “And did you tell him you were thinking about being tied up?”

  Brady blushed. “Surprisingly? He was not surprised. And he knew more about it than I did. Even printed out some articles on the subject.”

  Ken lowered his hand to Brady’s chest, tangling his fingers in the hair there. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”

  “I am.”

  “Okay then.” Ken leaned down to kiss his chin. “Hold that thought.”

  Ken got to his feet and walked quickly toward the stairs. Brady watched his ass from beneath his lashes, unable to keep the smile off his lips. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Ken never would have approached this on his own. He had no desire to push Brady into something he didn’t want.

  He was the better man.

  Brady was anxious, but excited. He’d read about the cathartic release of rope for people with PTSD and the feeling of safety, but anytime he thought about Ken tying him up and touching him—well, his thoughts weren’t all that therapeutic.

  He heard Ken’s footsteps echo on the gym floor and looked over to see him carrying a large cloth bag. “Brady? Why don’t you take the heavy bag down and set it against the wall.”

  Brady frowned, his stomach knotting. “Why?”

  Ken’s lips curled in a little smile at he set his bag down. “We haven’t negotiated yet so I’ll answer. When you don’t have all the amenities that are available at the club, you have to improvise. You’re a big man, Brady. I’m improvising, but I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  Brady jumped to his feet and wrapped one arm around the bag and used his free hand to open the catch of the metal D-ring that secured it to the rafter. He grunted as he lifted it and slipped the ring out of the eye-hook above. As he set it where Ken had indicated, he looked back up at the hook. It was thick, heavy-duty steel—strong enough to hold the weight of the bag, and strong enough to bear his weight as well. “Huh.”

  Ken laughed. “Changing your mind already?”


  “Good. We need to set some ground rules. What don’t you want to experience?”

  “Whips,” Brady answered quickly. “No whips.” He would never be curious about that.

  Ken nodded, pulling out several lengths of blue nylon rope.

  Oh God.

  “You’re new at this, so let me tell you what I want. Nothing but you, me and the rope. We’re going to start very simply. Just so you can feel the weight of it and understand that, though ultimately you’re in control, you’re giving that control over to me temporarily.”

  Shit. Focus. “Yes. Just us and rope. Got it.”

  “It might be an emotional experience for you. You hold back—everyone does, and sometimes things come out. I’m telling you now so you know it’s okay with me. You can trust me with that.”

  He’d read about how deeply affecting rope could be. “I trust you completely.”

  Ken nodded, looking pleased. “You can’t argue or question my commands, but you can stop me with a safe word.”

  “Apple pie,” Brady said without thinking. Then he laughed. “Don’t tell Tasha that’s my safe word.”

  Ken’s gold eyes were sparkling, his cheeks slightly flushed. “I promise. Now about sex.”

  “Sex?” Brady swallowed hard.

  “I’ve told you I don’t usually mix the two, but in your case I’m making an exception. While you’re tied up, would you be okay with me touching and sucking your cock?”

  “God, yes.”

  “What about your ass? Can I use my tongue? My fingers? Can I give it a tap or two with my hands?”

  He swallowed. “Okay.”

  “That’s good. Then we can begin. From now on, Brady, I’m in charge. You need to do what I say and answer my questions honestly. Can you do that?”


  “Then step directly under the hook and hold out your arms, wrists together.”

  When Brady obeyed, Ken began to swiftly and expertly bind his wrists together. Brady tried to focus on the knots but his eyes were blurring a little.

  “Breathe, Finn. Breathe for me. I’m here.”

  Realizing he’d been holding his breath, he inhaled deeply and tried to relax. His breath caught again when Ken dragged a chair over and climbed onto the seat so he could tug Brady’s arms over his head. He slipped the rope through the round metal anchor on the rafter above and dropped it behind Brady. Ken looked into his eyes and smiled, stroking his cheek before he hopped down and strung the rope over to a large bolt sticking out of the concrete wall. Brady had to stretch his arms and felt like he was one tug away from his heels leaving the ground as Ken tied the nylon cord off.

  It exposed him. Made him vulnerable. Open to whatever Ken wanted to do to him. He let out shaky breath as he felt adrenaline push his heartrate up a notch.

  “That is sexy as hell, Finn,” Ken murmured hotly as he stepped back in front of Brady and moved the chair out of the way. Caressing Brady’s hip with one hand, he added, “Your body was made to be displayed. Used. Enjoyed.”

  Hardly. “More like made to carry heavy things and knock down doors.”

  “I don’t think I said you could disagree with me.” Ken’s fingers dug into his hip in warning. “You have this image of yourself that’s all wrong. You’re no clumsy ox, Finn. And you’re not just a battering ram. You’re a big strong man who knows how to protect the people he loves. Who knows how to move to make his lover scream his name.”

  Brady’s erection was getting harder to ignore. Ken noticed and wrapped it tight in one fist.

  “Oh God.”

  Ken chuckled. “I’d say that’s a good sign you’re still with me. Are you ready for more?”

  More of what? Did it even matter when Tanaka was touching him? “Yes.”

  Ken went back to his bag and stood behind Brady. He resisted the urge to turn and look behind him, instead focusing on his breathing. He could feel the weight of the nylon sliding over his shoulders, his stomach, between his legs, as Ken wove the rope around his body. Whenever Brady tensed, Ken would gentle him with a hand on his back or hip until he relaxed. Then he would start again.

  There wasn’t much talking so all Brady could do was feel. The weight of the knot in the center of his chest and the matching one on his back. The slide of two lines of nylon slipping between the cheeks of his ass.

  This was starting simply?

  “There.” Ken tugged something and the rope around his waist and between his legs tightened, separating his ass cheeks. Rubbing against his increasingly sensitive skin.

  A strange feeling traveled through his body and something started to shift in his mind, like a light turning on in the dark. With every heartbeat he felt more alive, more aware. The pressure from the ropes, the coolness of the air on his skin, the heat radiating off Ken’s body…his awareness of everything had heightened in a way he’d never experienced. It was revelatory.

  “Now we can play.”

  Brady slammed back into the
present and gasped when Ken pressed up behind him, rising on the balls of his feet to grip the rope that bound Brady’s wrists with one hand. Ken’s cock—wet with lube—slid over Brady’s skin. He rocked against him, his other fingers slipping between the ropes and rubbing the tight ring of his ass.


  “Someday.” Ken whispered the promise against Brady’s shoulder. “I’m greedy, remember? I never want to give up the feeling of your big cock breaking me open, but I’m man enough to admit I’ve thought about returning the favor. Tell me the truth if you want a badge, Boy Scout. Have you ever let anyone bend you over?”


  “Did you like it?”

  “I would with you,” Brady breathed, knowing it was true.

  Ken’s body stopped pressing against his as he took a step back. “Someday,” he repeated. “But now I need to know how you feel. Can you wriggle your fingers? Blood flowing?”

  All his blood was flowing to his cock. He took a deep breath and forced himself to focus. “It feels a little like a dream,” he said honestly. “Like I’m not entirely in my body, and when I am, I don’t know what sensations are real. But everything is more sensitive, if that makes sense.”

  “I know that feeling,” Ken soothed, stroking his skin and circling around to face him. Brady’s body shivered under his delicate touch. “You may not think so, but I think you and these ropes were made for each other.”

  “I know who I was made for.” He hadn’t meant to say it, hadn’t known he was going to, but it was right. It felt right.

  Ken looked up and gave him that Lucifer-before-he-fell smile. “I think someone deserves a reward.”

  Brady cried out when Ken leaned over and sucked in the head of his cock. It was so much more intense. Every lick, every light scrape of his teeth, was heightened. He took Brady all the way in, swallowing when he hit the back of his throat and moaning, sending the vibration to the base of Brady’s spine. “Fuck, Ken. Oh God.”

  He couldn’t move his hips, couldn’t move. He couldn’t lower his hands to Ken’s braid and guide him. All he could do was breathe and groan and take whatever Ken gave him. All he could do was feel.

  Brady couldn’t stop moaning, the deep sounds rumbling endlessly in his chest, forcing their way out as Ken’s lips brushed the base of his shaft. Taking it all. Fuck, baby you’re taking it all. When Ken’s hands slipped around to squeeze and massage the cheeks of his ass, Brady knew he wasn’t going to last.

  “Ken…Ken, I’m close.”

  Tanaka moaned again and sucked hard, and Brady started to shake. “Please. Please, baby. Deeper. Oh yeah, I’m so close…I can’t—Ah, yes. I love it. Love it so much. Love you so much. Fuck!”

  Live wires and lightning and fucking rockets shooting into the sky. It was too much. Everything he was feeling, like he would shatter, like he had never been more whole…all of it happening at once and sending him hurtling into space.

  His first thought, when he could form one, was that if this was what rope was like, he might definitely be kinky.

  A few hours later, after a shower and dinner in bed, Brady rose up onto his elbow and looked down at Ken. “I was thinking…”

  “Again?” Ken laughed, his body curled around Brady’s in a loose embrace.

  “I was wondering if you’d given any more thought to letting me have that job.”

  He didn’t say Do you love me? He didn’t want to push.

  No, that was a lie. He didn’t want to push Ken away. It might take time for someone as independent as Tanaka to embrace the idea.

  Ken lifted his hand and slid his fingers through Brady’s hair. “You want to know all my secrets, Finn?”

  Brady tried to smile. “Just the one would do for now.”

  “That night when I brought you home, the night you can’t remember? You were a perfect gentleman. You just talked. About your family, about not knowing where you fit anymore. You told me that you were waiting for the right thing. To do something that mattered. To have someone love you the way you were now.”

  Brady felt his throat close. “I’m really glad I don’t drink anymore.”

  Ken shook his head. “No, it was beautiful. Everything you said was beautiful. And I knew that night that I might be falling for you. I wanted you since I saw you standing in the doorway guarding Tasha, but in that moment I wondered what it would be like to be loved by someone like you.” He pulled Brady’s head down to kiss him passionately, making his cock stir and his mind go blank before easing him away again.

  “I don’t have to wonder anymore. And neither do you. I love you and I need you. I belong to you. Whatever happens next, I want it to happen with you.”

  Brady groaned as Ken pulled him down for another kiss. “Good answer.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Brady raised his voice so Seamus could hear him over the sounds of happy patrons and music. “Why are we having another Finn Again? And why is it in the bar?”

  Seamus grinned proudly at the wall to wall crowd. “We’re celebrating.”

  Ken joined them, his hand slipping instantly into Brady’s. Where it belonged.

  Seamus smiled at them both, then puffed out his chest until Brady and Ken noticed his shirt.

  “Are you kidding?” Brady laughed. “Did Owen make that on his vacation?”

  Seamus was wearing a Finn Club t-shirt. And of course there was a shamrock on it. Because anything connected to Owen had to be shaped like a shamrock or taste like pizza. “Where is he and how did he convince you to wear that?”

  “He’s on his way. But he didn’t need to convince me. I got one of these for everyone. Even Uncle Necky.” Seamus reached behind him and came back with two identical shirts, handing one to Ken before waving at someone else.

  “Your family is crazy, Brady,” Ken said as they walked back to their small table in the corner.

  Brady smiled. “I know. But I promise, you’ll learn to love it.”

  Ken winked at him and took off his shirt, baring his tattooed back to the packed room. Brady heard a few catcalls from male and female strangers who happened to be looking his way before Ken slipped the ridiculous t-shirt over his head, pulled out his braid and posed for Brady. “How does it look?”

  Brady was blushing. “Who’s the crazy one?”

  “I am.” Ken smiled his siren smile and slipped his fingers into the belt loops of Brady’s jeans. “For you. Want to go check out the new restrooms?”

  “Don’t tempt me like that. Every member of my family is in this bar.”

  “Owen’s not here yet.”

  And old Sol had told James he wasn’t coming. Brady was disappointed, but not surprised. He’d wanted to introduce Ken to his father, but he knew it would happen eventually. Ken wasn’t going anywhere. The rest of this Finn Club wouldn’t allow it.

  “Most of my family,” he amended, looking around the room.

  Ellen and Shawn both looked good after their recent health troubles. They were waltzing near the new stage where the band was playing. Stephen sat close to Seamus with Tasha cradled in his lap, caressing her rounded stomach as if he were holding the most valuable treasure in the world.

  Rory was at the bar with an ER doctor who was separated from his wife, Wyatt and Noah were making Jen laugh…and Trick was leaning against the wall, not far enough away from her for Brady’s peace of mind.

  He couldn’t find Solomon or James but he knew they were around here somewhere. His family. T-shirts. Seamus beaming like he had a secret… “Ken? Did anyone tell you what we’re celebrating?”

  Ken shook his head just as the band stopped playing and the sound of silverware tapping glass started to spread. Old Shawn kissed his wife and joined Seamus in front of the bar. “Welcome to Finn’s!”

  The crowd cheered.

  “I’m old and retired, so I don’t get a chance to join you that often. My son, the new owner, was kind enough to let me steal some of the spotlight.” Seamus patted him on the back and Ellen blew him a kis
s. The familiar sight made Brady smile.

  “Ancient as I am,” Shawn continued, “I’ve learned a little about life. The most wonderful thing about it is that every day we get a chance to make new memories, discover new reasons to come together, find new people to love, and maybe even fix a few mistakes along the way.”

  He paused and looked over at Solomon, who shook his head. Shawn’s shoulders drooped for an instant—not long enough for most people to catch, but Brady noticed. Had he expected Sol to come?

  Someday Brady was going to find out what had happened between them to cause this decades-long rift. But it obviously wasn’t going to happen tonight. The Elder Sol was one stubborn son of a mule.

  “Anyway, it’s a beautiful night and I hear we have a lot to celebrate. So drink, eat and make sure you tip the band.”

  Everyone gave Shawn another round of applause, and then Seamus lifted a mug of beer. “Thank you to my father, the man who started this grand old pub, Shawn Finn. May I someday be that wise and that lucky to have such a beautiful woman on my arm.”

  Shawn crossed his fingers and Seamus laughed. “It’s been one hell of a year,” he told the crowd. “I’ve never been prouder of my family, or more inspired by the wonderful people they’ve found to share their lives. People who, for some unknown reason, love them enough to put up with all of us.”

  He pointed his glass toward Ken, and Brady laughed until Ken leaned over the table to kiss him.

  “If all of you can hang in there just a little while longer, we have something really special in the works. But first, let’s raise a glass to the Senator’s wife, Mrs. Natasha Rivera Finn. I think she has something to say.”

  “Something is definitely going on,” Brady said in Ken’s ear.

  “Clearly,” Ken agreed with a smile. “It’s called fun. Pay attention.”


  Tasha was making the audience laugh with some racy humor about her pregnancy, but once Brady started, he couldn’t stop looking at Ken.

  How had he gotten so lucky? Nothing in his life had prepared him for this kind of happiness. He still wasn’t sure he deserved it. But that didn’t mean he’d let it go without one hell of a fight.


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