by Alice Sweet
Ivan stood instantly, as did Drake both looking Angry. Henry demanded angrily, “What is this?”
The first guard answered, “He helped her to escape.”
Ivan exploded, “What?”
“The female escaped and he aided her. All of the others are being disposed of as we speak.”
Henry demanded, “What others?”
The guard answered, “He led the group that helped her to escape.”
Ivan made his way down to the prisoner and ripped the hood from his head. The two guards holding him dropped him as soon as Ivan grabbed the front of his shirt, stepping out of harm’s way. Helen stood then trying to get a better look at the prisoner that Ivan now held inches above the ground. “Where did she go?” Ivan was infuriated, his face distended in a rage that disfigured his beautiful face.
Travis answered defiantly, “I don’t know.” Ivan raised him higher into the air and the others circled them. Travis seeing his predicament repeated his answer, “I don’t know where she went, I only took her to the boat.”
Drake snapped this time his hands beginning to smoke, “What boat?” Travis’s eyes began to bug out from his eye sockets as he saw Drake’s hands burst into flames.
“The life boat,” Galen called out as he left the room, “I will check the last coordinates and begin circling out from there.”
Henry nodded asking Travis, “Who are you working for?”
Travis seemed confused, “I work for the council.”
Henry twisted his mouth and said, “No we are the council, who hired you to get her off the ship.”
Travis hesitated, blinking, as he tried to process how these creatures were the ones whom he had pledged his life to, “You are the council?” Ivan lost his temper instantly throwing Travis across the room.
Helen reached Travis first, and said over her shoulder, “How about I give it a try? Before you kill him?” Flora nodded in agreement, and Helen flooded the air as Travis smiled up at her.
Helen smiled and asked “So why did you help her to escape?”
Travis answered honestly, “Because she asked me to.”
Helen smiled and pumped up her pheromones, asking again, “Why did you help her?”
Travis blushed, “Because I love her.”
Flanagan was standing behind them all of a sudden, snickering, “I think that the lass might be another Helen.”
Ivan snapped at him, “Quiet.” Flora shot Henry a look and Henry shot Helen a look in return.
Helen asked softly, “Where did Autumn go?”
Then Travis answered truthfully beginning to ramble as the pheromones turned his brain to mush, “I don’t know exactly, but I did leave her a map with the shipping routes highlighted. I also gave her a large supply of water, a compass, four life vests and three flares. I don’t think that she will need any of those things though.”
Helen urged him then, “Why do you think that?”
Travis smiled sleepily, “She is like you, but stronger.”
Helen hissed, “Anything else you need to tell me?”
Travis’s eyes grew wide quickly as he remember through the fog, “She told me to give a letter to someone name Ivan.”
Helen asked surprised, “Where is the letter?”
Travis answered from his stupor, “It’s in my pocket.” Ivan held out his hand and Helen fished it out, handing it to him swiftly.
Flora was at his heels then asking, “What does it say?”
Ivan began reading aloud...
I am sorry. I am not the eye. After I drank from Travis, (The man who should be delivering this note. Please take good care of him, he is a good man.) I moved on to the next stage. I do not belong with you. I am sorry that I could not tell you this in person, but being tested is my choice according to Drake, and I am happily declining.
Please tell Grayton that I am sorry that Sophia was not his mate. I made too many assumptions, and my visions were not as strong as they are now. Also tell him to get out of France, its just depressing him even more. Watching all of those happy couples will drive him insane.
The most important piece of information that I have right now for the council, is that I will be sending new vessels to the coffee shop. (The one that we met in front of that first time I touched you.) I will send them all there as I come across them so please have someone there to pick them up.
Lastly Ivan, I want you to know that I will be forever grateful for the gift that you have unlocked in me. Thank you especially for trying to protect me while I slept. It means more to me than I can express. I hope I have not caused too much trouble for you or the council, and if I have I am truly sorry.
As I write this, I do not see any real dangers in the immediate future for any of you. Serena should be able to take over from there. Oh, please thank Serena for the journal and please keep my favorite red book safe. Also send Drake a special thanks for charring that snake in my bed.
Love always, Autumn
Ivan shot Drake a look and demanded, “What snake? And what did you tell her?”
Drake shot back, “I said nothing about a choice, though she is correct.”
Ivan snapped testily then, “And the snake?”
Drake replied, “Gregory was trying to hurt her, so I set him on fire.”
Flora said incredulously, “Gregory?”
Drake nodded, and Henry asked, seething, “What did he do?”
Drake replied carefully, “His sent was all over her. Though I believe she said when she called me that it was because she was in fear for her life. So perhaps he had intended on trying to kill her afterwards.”
Ivan asked shaking now, “She called you?”
Drake said, “Yes, I was in another room and she appeared in the doorway and called out, help me. When I arrived he attempted to hide that she was awake.”
Flora asked, “She called out to you before she even moved to phase two?”
Drake nodded, “She could barely move though and I do not think that Gregory had fed her yet, her eyes changed though...after I set him on fire.”
“Did you kill him?” Ivan asked perceptively.
Drake replied, “No but I am sure you would rather do it yourself.” Ivan nodded and then he reached forward and pulled Travis’s collar down hissing when he found the bite mark on his right shoulder. Asking, “Did she drink from any of the others?”
He shook his head, “No just me,” pulling back instinctively. Ivan dropped his hand angrily ripping the collar. Then he turned toward the guards, “See to it that he and his men receive medical attention.” The guard nodded and walked from the room, talking quickly on a phone that he pulled from his pocket. The second man lifted Travis up and cut the ties from his wrists. Then he slowly pulled him from the room as he steadily stared at Helen pleading, “When you find her can I see her?” Everyone in the room ignored him, his brain still addled from Helen, as a cut on the bridge of his nose began to heal.
Henry held his hand out and Ivan handed him the letter. Then Ivan pushed his hand through his hair and sat on the windows ledge, “I am going to help Galen look for her.”
Henry nodded and said, “Flanagan see to it that Grayton and Serena are informed, and tell Serena that I need to see her.” Flanagan nodded once and left the room.
Ivan still sat on the ledge of the window that Galen had jumped from minutes earlier staring at the sill for a moment. Then he asked his face distended in pain, “Do you think Autumn was telling the truth...” Flora stepped in now, sliding her hand on to his back gently, “She did not say that she was not your mate, simply that she did not belong with you.”
Helen agreed with her now, “Perhaps she belongs to another clan.”
Henry said thoughtfully, “Yes that is a possibility, especially since she is declining the invitation to be tested.”
Ivan growled, “You were not going to give her the choice. That is why she decided to escape in a life boat, into the middle of the ocean.”
Flora replied, “We were simply attempting to secure her future with us as soon as possible.” Ivan puffed in response and then Flora continued, “And you were not against the test if I remember correctly.”
Ivan snapped then, “She has run because we did not make her feel safe. You lost her trust. Else she would be here now instead of sending that.” He gestured at the letter, “She does not forget or forgive those who cause her pain. Those were her words!”
Henry replied from a place of strength, “And that was why we waited to test her.”
Ivan snapped his anger building as he made a realization, “If you had not made me stay away then I could have made sure that she stayed on that ship.”
Drake snapped now, “No, she awoke because she was in danger.”
Ivan shot back, “Well now we will never know will we?”
Helen spoke then hopefully, “If you find her, you could explain.”
Flora agreed nodding and pleading, “Yes she trusts you, tell her that she does not have to be tested.” Helen frowned offering, “Unless her mate is in another clan and she is following his calling.”
Drake spoke then, “If her mate was calling why did she not just say so?”
Flora interjected, “She is new perhaps she does not understand the pull yet.”
Ivan frowned, “No Serena explained it, and she used the term Mate and Match and Autumn did not use either in her letter.”
Flora interjected skeptically, “She might be attempting to lessen the blow, or perhaps she is intended for someone in Mirth’s clan.”
Helen seeing Ivan’s face gray snapped at Flora finally, “Why are you so intent on matching her off elsewhere?”
Flora shrugged not looking at either of them, “Ninety percent of vessels females feel the pull, and the chances are not in his favor if she has not come to him.”
Helen snapped back, “She could be fighting the pull, or she might be a part of the small percent that do not feel it at all.”
Flora added, “In which case Ivan is still not her mate, her mate has simply not been born yet.”
Helen puffed in disbelief, as Flora continued.
“Serena did say that she thought the girl was to be the next eye, in which case, she will be the one to pull her mate in.” She looked at Ivan with wide eyes and he looked up at her disbelieving as she continued, “Many eye’s mates have died protecting them from insurmountable odds.”
Flora looked at Ivan incredulously, “You killed a lot of soldiers protecting her sleeping body...,” Flora let her words fade off then.
Then Drake finished her thought, “And more importantly, he tried to kill us to protect her.”
Ivan huffed, his face looking grave and slightly confused, “I did not try to kill you all.” Henry spoke now, “Only because Grayton and Serena showed up and stopped you.”
Flora added quietly, “You were quite mad Ivan.”
Drake nodded in solemn agreement, “You were gone, you did not even stop when Flora sang and Helen worked her magic. It was as if you were not in touch with this world at all.”
Helen nodded gravely, “Do you feel her calling you Ivan?”
His head sank and he replied, “No. Just pain,” then he pounded his chest with his open hand.”
Flora smiled then encouragingly, “Like a throbbing heart beat without a heart?” Ivan nodded still unable to meet their eyes. Henry looked at Flora now, his eyes wide, “A heart beat even when you are in vessel form?”
Ivan nodded now and looked up at them seeming concerned, “Yes is something wrong?”
Flora walked over to Ivan with her hand raised and said, “Your eyes are changed right now, you are in full vessel form now are you not?”
Ivan nodded and Flora placed her hand on his chest and smiled brightly, nearly giddy with delight, “Henry.”
Henry crossed the room and placed his hand on Ivan’s chest and he felt it as well, “I’ll be dammed. You are her mate.”
Ivan slid his hand to his chest and looked at them both wide eyed then asked cautiously, “Are you certain?”
Henry and Flora nodded, and they both smiled then, Henry admitted, “She must be very strong indeed; I could not be separated for nearly a century without feeling a tremendous amount of discomfort from Flora.”
Flora smiled, “The beginning was the most difficult for me as well, I would get terrible head aches. The thumping eventually traveled to my head, especially if I was separated for too long.” Then she paused as her words began sinking in for Ivan, “If we are right then, she might be near delirium with pain right now.” Flora’s smile disappeared then she said seriously as her words sunk into her own head, “Ivan you must find her as soon as possible.” Ivan nodded and his face morphed into Galen’s as he let out a low growled.
Then he turned and jumped from the window saying in Galen’s voice, “I hope you are right this time Flora.”
Flora nodded, doubting that she was wrong about this, as she eyed Henry, knowing that he was thinking the same thought. “At least we know that she will listen to him when he asks her to come back.”
Helen jumped at his logic, “It does not mean that she will come back, she may simply convince Ivan to leave the council.”
Henry replied seeming more relieved, “At least no one else will have their power at their disposal.”
Drake spoke then, “Let us not forget, if you both are right, then she is very strong, perhaps even the one.” They all nodded in agreement.
Flora added dead serious, “I told him we would not test her if she did not want to, and I will not change my decision Henry.”
Henry nodded in agreement with his mate, “Nor will I.”
Drake shrugged, “Her skills will show themselves overtime. As long as we do not press the issue, she may learn to trust us again.”
Helen added hollowly, “Let us hope he finds her soon, before she goes mad with the loss.” They all nodded in agreement.
Henry added, “Send all available scouts out to search for her and alert all of the adversaries in the EU, and the states. She will likely go someplace that she is comfortable to hunt.”
Autumn pushed her hands through her hair, looking out at the ocean that she was sailing across. The boat that she stowed away aboard seemed to buy her story of being shoved in a container, which she had managed to escape from. According to the good doctor on board, they left port five days earlier at least that is what she figured since he only spoke broken English. Luckily, they were supposed to reach port in two days. They were headed to South America to deliver a large shipment worth a great deal of money, which she suspected was illegal. Autumn planned to jump ship as soon as she saw land, especially when she saw the crew’s interest in her.
She cleared that up by coming up with an elaborate lie aimed at the one use that they could have for a woman with no money. Autumn smiled at that thought, it worked like a charm, the men on board seemed to loose interest as soon as she told them that she had that disease. Even the educated doctor on board, would not touch her once he learned that bit of information. The only problem that she had now was staying clear of the council.
They would surely be looking for her and so would Ivan she guessed. She knew that the letter was not going to deter them from coming after her but she could always hope. She knew better than they did though, she was only going to cause pain and death if she went to that island again.
According to what she saw in Drake’s head when she had fed though, there were several covens that she could join. Although she knew that she had no desire to do that, the only thing that mattered now, was getting away from Ivan. He was the true hurdle right now, the image of him protecting her sleeping body flashed into her mind. Even Drake had been scared of him that night when the council had come to collect her. Thank goodness Grayton and Serena had come along and stopped him from killing them all.
The sheer strength of Ivan at that moment sent waves of pleasure through her. He was such a go
od man, strong and honorable, and freaking gorgeous. She shook her head no, Ivan was not the one for her, Helen loved him and they were sleeping together. Ivan was fulfilling a promise, one that he had made to a scared girl, who had saved his life once. One that he had indeed fulfilled, just as he said he would, and now he was free of it. When she saw him again it would be different, he would be different. She frowned at that thought, he would be different. She knew that she did not want to see that, that other Ivan, who was in love with another woman.
The thought sent a cringe through her as she tried to pull from the images that she had stored away of Ivan. What would he be like when they met again, nothing seemed to fit though, except the one that had stuck in Drake’s mind. Ivan’s crazed gaze as he lost control. That would keep her from doubting herself, for a very long time.
If he caught up to her, it would be torture, just attempting to defend herself from him. She shuddered at that thought, and not for the same reason as before. Yes, that alone, was enough to deter her from ever wanting to see him again. The thought of someone that she loved trying to hurt her, made her heart hurt even more, than it already did.
She had to do everything in moderation now, her body was still changing and she had to constantly focus on staying calm. Otherwise, her eyes would change back and she was pretty sure that she would have to kill all of the men on the boat. That would also mean that the council and its guards were going to know which route she took and where to start their search. She just wanted to disappear, let Ivan and the others go on living the way that they were meant to, without her.