Seon's Freedom: Found by the Dragon (Book 2)

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Seon's Freedom: Found by the Dragon (Book 2) Page 10

by Lisa Daniels

  It pulled her body down and sent her mind high, drifting as if lost in the clouds. Her thighs continued to twitch as Artiz prolonged his work on her nub, not stopping yet. The sensations merged into one another and Seon let out a whimpering cry. The orgasm seemed to roll straight into another one, and her toes curled.

  She wanted him to stop; it was too unbearable, and yet she never wanted him to stop. When he finally did, she had lost all control of her limbs. It took too much effort to even tilt her head to the side.

  Wow. I feel like I've been hit by an avalanche.

  Artiz chuckled near her core, giving her one last lick over the glistening wetness there. “If that’s how you react when I lick you, then I plan to be doing a lot more of that.”

  The chuckle sent a weird vibration through Seon. She flinched, hypersensitive, finding the strength to move again. When he moved up her body, even the casual contact of his leg against her core was enough to make her twitch and recoil.

  He nuzzled his nose into her neck, and she felt his eyelashes tickle the bottom of her chin as they closed. They lay together in bed like this for a few moments, with Seon wondering what kind of future awaited them. Hopefully one that would actually work, and pay no heed to the teacher-student distance. When he moved himself from her neck to gaze at her, she smiled and kissed him once more upon the lips.

  “I’m glad you’re not afraid of me,” Seon said, now stroking his cheek.

  “I’m not afraid of you. I am afraid, however,” Artiz replied, “of something happening to you. I don’t think you understand how important you are, do you?”

  “I suppose if I can do something like that to all those wyrms, I'm probably useful.” She gave a nonchalant shrug.

  “Not just to do with that,” Artiz said. “But to me. You're important to me. I don't want you going off and getting yourself killed. Even if you're the one who has the advantage. I just want you safe.”

  Seon's heart soared at this, and she hugged him tighter in an attempt to release the energy. “Really? You really mean that?”


  She kissed him several times in quick succession. “Artiz. I don't plan to stay locked up if I can do something like what you saw me do. But I will try to be a little more careful. Just for you. And... I think I'm starting to understand something else.”

  “Oh? What's that?”

  “I think I'm starting to understand what it feels like to be loved.” Seon buried her face into his shoulder, suddenly embarrassed. That sentence had barely managed to squeeze itself out of her lips. It revealed a part of herself she never intended to let see the light of day.

  “I hope so,” he whispered in her ear. He stroked her hair, taking away the embarrassment. “Otherwise I’d be doing a pretty awful job of caring for you, wouldn’t I? My little soul stealer.”

  She hit him on the arm. “Don’t call me that!”

  “My little soul mate,” he said then, with a teasing tone. The statement quickly became serious, and the phrase hung a little too long in the air around them.

  In a choked voice, Seon said, “I’m okay with being called that.”

  As if embarrassed by his admission, Artiz then said, “Or maybe I should call you my soul love.”

  She blinked. “Did you… did you just pun at me?”


  “You’ve never done a pun before.”

  “I do them. Sometimes.”

  “Please never do one again.”

  “I can’t promise that,” he said with a grin. “If I see the moment, I’m going for it. You could say I enjoy… punishing people.”

  Seon groaned theatrically. “No. Please. Stop.”

  He laughed and did as she asked, focusing once more on the cuddling.

  A long road awaited her. One where she needed to find lost souls, return them home, and wrench corrupted ones from the wyrms. Slowly start changing the world for the better.

  And she could do it. Because her power wasn’t as terrible as she thought it was.

  It was hers, and people loved and hated her for it.

  First things first, she planned to find out the owner of the locket. To help Isera come to better terms with her past. To improve on her powers and send more souls home. All with Artiz by her side.

  Artiz, with his powerful drake form, his desire to care for her, and his freshly unveiled like of puns. This could end up being a rather interesting relationship. If she didn’t kill him first for his stupid humor.

  Just wait until she told Isera, Anya and Kalgrin. They’d likely start throwing puns her way as well. It would be nice to have their laughter, instead of the grave stares of everyone around them, reminding Seon of the deadliness of her powers.

  She fell asleep with a smile upon her face, fierce determination boiling her heart.

  The End

  Annora’s Dragon

  By: Lisa Daniels

  Chapter 1

  Competition and Criminals

  Annora looked around, her blue-green eyes taking in the picturesque landscape. Had she been anyone else, her breath would have been taken away by the way the rising sun reflected against the ocean and the brilliant colors of the sky. Annora noticed none of these things as she scanned the horizon. Her thoughts were focused on one thing only – finding the dragon that had burned down the villages of King Salmon and Marked Tree. The inhabitants of King Salmon had largely escaped with their lives, but the people of the small town of Marked Tree had not been so lucky. She had known many of those who had died. While she hadn’t been exactly friendly with them, the people had always treated her well, despite her profession. Dragon hunters were not popular. They were considered boorish, brutal, and generally cold. The people of Marked Tree had not felt that way; they had always been understanding that you did what you had to do to make a living. It was an easier sentiment for the people of Marked Tree to understand since that was the way most of them lived.

  Initially, she had refused the request of King Salmon to hunt down the dragon, but after it decimated Marked Tree, she took up the contract. What Annora did not tell her employers was that she would go after the dragon with or without their payment. After all, if you could get paid while getting revenge, it provided a little extra incentive. Dragons were among the toughest creatures to kill, and there were times when the fight didn’t seem worth it. The odds of dying were significantly higher than surviving. It’s probably why dragon hunters were so wild and unpredictable. And they were incredibly expensive. You had to be either a certain type of desperate or a large amount of crazy to join this profession.

  Annora was neither of these. Dragons had destroyed three of her homes by the time she was 12 years old, leaving her an orphan after the second attack. She never questioned what she should become. For her, the job was a vendetta.

  That had been 15 years ago.

  As the woman stood on the cliffside scanning for the familiar outline of a dragon, a few strands of her wavy, chestnut-colored hair passed over her vision. She seemed not to notice, her attention too intent on finding the one thing she was after. Standing there, any passerby would have thought she was a strange statue – a fair woman wearing men’s clothing and carrying a pair of weapons. The sword was angled up so that she could quickly remove it from the scabbard. A dirk was located slightly higher on the right side. Men who saw her often laughed, believing that she didn’t understand that real sword wielders carried the sword on the left side to make it easier to remove with the dominant right hand. Their laughter lasted only as long as it took Annora to level the sword at their throats, her left hand firmly grasping it with a level of expertise that few others had.

  Annora’s eyes sparkled as her cold smile told the men she knew how to use the weapon just as well as they. “Yes, it should be on the opposite side of the dominant hand. Why do you think it’s on my right side?”

  No man who ever tried to challenge her during these encounters was ever able to use a weapon afterward.

  Men were easy whe
n you were accustomed to dealing with dragons.

  The breeze on the cliffside caused her dark-brown braid to sway, the only sign that she wasn’t a statue. The dragon hunter didn’t feel it gently tapping against the small of her back as she took in the horizon.

  Then she saw it. The creature was smaller than most she had seen, but that didn’t mean anything when it came to dragons. Females tended to be smaller than males, but they were far more vicious. Of course, the dragon may have been young still and was testing out its strength and power for the first time. Annora watched the graceful arch as the dragon soared over the water in the distance. A wry grin spread across her face as she imagined how much fun the dragon was having. Probably the same look it had when it decimated Marked Tree.

  She was about to move when a movement at the bottom of the cliff caught her attention. For a second, she thought she had seen wings. If there were two dragons, she would have to reconsider the agreement. Either she would require more money or turn it down.

  Shaking her head, Annora knew that she couldn’t do anything without confirming a second dragon. The fact that the dragon on the horizon was playing indicated that it did not realize that another dragon was nearby, and dragons did not tend to be stealthy. With that kind of power and size, stealth was hardly a necessary (or practical) skill to have. Considering how territorial they were, there were only a few reasons why two would appear in the same area together. This kind of distance between them made no sense. It was likely that the wing belonged to something else, perhaps a griffin or siren.

  Taking a step forward, Annora looked over the cliff. To her surprise, a human was walking along the beach, his eyes also on the dragon in the distance. Her eyes flicked up to watch the movement of the dragon on the horizon, then back to the man. He was tall with curly black hair that moved with the breeze sweeping along the beach. For a moment she stared at his figure as he moved along the edge of the waves in the same direction as the dragon. It was obvious that the man was a fighter. The way his muscles pressed against his clothing was easy to see even from the cliff top. Even if she hadn’t been able to see the tensed muscles in his arms as he stood and folded them to watch the dragon’s progress, the broadsword on his back left no question that he was a warrior.

  She completely forgot about what had caused her to look over the edge in the first place.


  It was the only thought that mattered amidst the jumble of other words floating through her head as she gazed at him.

  Her eyes swept over his figure one more time, taking in the details. Best to know the competition, she thought, unable to admit even to herself that he was rather pleasing to watch from such a distance. He quickly unfolded his arms and turned toward the cliff face. Annora was startled for a moment and backed away where she would not be seen. Giving her head a shake, the dragon slayer turned and quickly moved back into the woods following the same direction in which the dragon had gone. She was going to have to work fast with someone else also after it. There was no way she was going to let anyone else take this kill because it wasn’t just about the money. Annora was going to make it suffer for what it had done to the people of Marked Tree.

  Annora walked into Defiance, a bustling town and port. She had only been there once before, nearly five years ago, and it had grown considerably since then. The change was a bit unsettling. Had the woman known that it had changed so drastically, she would have gone to Kildeer. However, that was another three miles out of the way, and she didn’t want to go so far out of her way just because of a bit of discomfort. Not at this hour. Not when someone else appeared to be after her kill.

  She didn’t notice any of the merchants or customers going about their lives as she headed toward what had once been a small and inviting inn. To her disappointment, that inn had burned down three years ago. In its place was a merchants’ guild. Glaring at the building, Annora saw someone approaching her from the corner of her eye. It was getting dark, and she wasn’t accustomed to so much light, but it did make the shadows and movement much easier to detect.

  “Hello…” Annora slowly turned to look at the man addressing her. He was about to say something, but stopped when he got close. “Oh. Hello, ma’am. What do you think?”

  Annora watched as the man folded his arms over his chest. He was clearly a merchant and he was looking up at the building with a sense of pride.

  Usually she would just turn and walk away, but she did need some information as she had no idea where to go for the night. She attempted a small smile when he looked at her. “It certainly looks nice.” The woman’s mind was scoffing at him as the man returned her smile with a huge grin.

  “Nice!” He laughed. “There is no building in this magnificent town as costly or luxurious.”

  Annora simply blinked at him. “Well, that is something, then.” She fought to keep her tone from being too sarcastic.

  The man didn’t seem to notice. “It’s mine, you know.”

  Suddenly Annora didn’t feel like asking this man for assistance. “Good for you.” Her tone was nearly monotone as she gave him a condescending look. “If you will-”

  Ignoring her words, the man pressed on. “And I dare say you are quite a pretty thing, aren’t you?” He winked at her. Annora merely stared back at him, her cold eyes warning him not to continue. The man seemed oblivious to the warning. “I’ll tell you what. If you will give me the pleasure of your company for, oh, let’s say three days, I will-”

  Annora spun on her heel, her braid hitting the man’s arm with an audible smack. Ignoring whatever he had to say, she walked purposefully back the way she had come.

  Unsure of where to find lodgings, the dragon hunter headed toward the water. The town was located at the mouth of the Allia, the longest river in Senones, a country that, until recently, had been backward. After the Cremera War, though, Senones had been growing rapidly, having benefited from aiding the victorious country of Volsci. Annora didn’t know the politics behind it, nor did she care. The only thing that mattered to her was that the small town she once understood was now yet another place she planned to avoid in the future.

  As she reached the port, a hand fell on her shoulder. The woman’s instinct was to draw her blade, but she could hear someone gasping for breath and saying her name.

  “Annora! My gods, but I never expected to run into you here!” There was a very melodic laugh and the tension eased from Annora’s shoulders.

  Turning to face the woman, Annora tried to keep her face straight. “Hello, Bree.” She could not help the way one of her eyebrows raised and the corner of her mouth likewise went up.

  There was another laugh as the curly-haired, redheaded woman placed a hand on her hip and stood up straight. Dramatically, she expelled a long breath, “Wooooo, but you are a hard woman to catch.” She beamed from ear to ear. “Don’t know what brought you here, but damn, it is good to see you. It’s been, what? Three? Four years?”

  Annora couldn’t hide a small smile. “It’s been a year and a half.”

  Bree looked shocked. “That’s it? Are you sure? No! It has to have been longer! Your hair is almost twice as long now.”

  Annora shook her head, the braid swaying back and forth. “Just a couple of inches. It was just after the war ended. That was about two years ago.” Bree’s eyebrows were furrowed. “Remember? We were in Illyrian when the army came through and you-”

  Bree began laughing. “Oh yeah! That was amazingly fun. You should have joined me.”

  Annora just shook her head.

  Bree looked her friend in the eyes. “So, where are you staying and for how long?”

  Annora looked out over the water. “Just staying for the night, but I don’t have a where yet. The Boar’s Snout Inn burned down and I really don’t know anywhere else.”

  Bree threaded her arm through Annora’s. “Now that’s what I want to hear. You’re coming with me.” Annora knew better than to try to fight at this point – Bree had never been one to li
sten once she heard what she wanted to hear. A rare smile spread across the dragon hunter’s face as her friend gently steered them toward one of the more luxurious inns in Defiance.

  Annora stepped out of The Palace Paradise and shook her head. Bree had finagled a room for her, despite how packed the place was, and had managed to get it for free. Laughingly, Bree had told her that the room wasn’t free, it just wasn’t a bill that either of them would be paying. The woman was a couple of years younger than Annora with a personality that was the complete antithesis of Annora’s, despite the pair having grown up on the streets together in the modest city of Achaean. Bree’s given name had been Brianna, but she had always said it was too formal. Where Annora was cold and serious to a fault, Bree was charismatic and gregarious almost to the point of obnoxiousness.

  Still, Annora loved her like a sister and was sad when Bree had taken her to a small but nicely-furnished room, then announced that she had to tend to a few things that night. Annora thought she knew what Bree was up to, so it was best not to ask, just as Bree never asked her about dragon hunting. Their outlooks on life were very different, and both felt the other had taken on a job that was too dangerous. The best way to avoid arguments was to simply avoid talking about work.

  Bree had given her a big hug and headed toward the door. The young woman placed a hand on the door frame and paused. With an uncharacteristically serious look, she turned to face Annora. The dragon hunter felt a sense of dread. Bree was almost never serious unless it was bad news.

  Bree bit her lower lip, looked to the window, then up at the ceiling, before fixing her sparkling green eyes on Annora, “Naya says she forgives you.”

  Annora felt her stomach lurch. Whatever she had expected, that was not it. She looked toward the window.

  Bree gave a humorless smile. “I know you aren’t ready to forgive yourself yet, but I think you owe it to her to at least pay a visit and talk. She’s not a child anymore.”

  Annora heard Bree’s footsteps as the woman moved down the hall. Annora closed her eyes and for a few moments she felt lost. With a quick shake of her head, the dragon slayer decided she needed to head outside before her thoughts went where she wasn’t ready to go.


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