Untouchable (Unexpected Love Book 1)

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Untouchable (Unexpected Love Book 1) Page 11

by Isabel Love

  Rosetti nearly gags at the thought. “I am not stopping to smell someone’s piss, Max.”

  “We need to wash this OFF!” Monica is really about to spray her face now.

  “Wait!” I can’t control my laughter anymore. I pull out the half-empty bottle of apple juice. “Gotcha.”

  “What?” Monica’s eyes flicker from my face to the bottle in my hand.

  “What the fuck is that?” Rosetti barks.

  I’m laughing hard now, so hard I can barely talk. “You should see your faces.” I wheeze. “Just calm down. It’s apple juice.” I howl. “Smell your shirt.”

  Kevin is behind me, cracking up. He starts a slow clap. “Nice job, Max.”

  Monica still looks unsure if she should wash up or believe me. Rosetti pulls his shirt up and sniffs.

  “It’s…” He sniffs again. “It is apple juice.” He lets out a peal of laughter. “Well, I’ll be damned. You got us, Max.” He claps me on the shoulder. “I can’t believe I fell for that one.” He chuckles as he makes his way down the hall to the staff room to get cleaned up and change into a fresh set of scrubs.

  Both Kevin and I turn to Monica, who has not started laughing yet. Shit. Is she upset? With a serious expression, she walks over to where the empty specimen cup lies and picks it up.

  “You used an actual patient label on this?” My laughter dies a sudden death at the look on her face. Shit, shit, shit. She is upset.

  “Mon—” I stop myself from calling her by her first name at work. “Dr. Morgan, it was just a joke.”

  “A joke using personally identifying patient information.”

  Is she serious right now? Their prank involved porn playing from a cell phone in a patient exam room. Surely this can’t be more inappropriate than that.

  “Technically…” I look at Kevin; all humor left the building at Monica’s reaction. I blow out a breath. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to violate patient privacy. This container is going straight to the appropriate trash bin. I’ll clean up the mess and get you a fresh set of scrubs.”

  She crosses her arms, radiating authority. “And you brought a drink into the room where we process patient specimens.” Silence stretches uncomfortably as she stares me down.

  Wow. She can be intense. It’s kind of turning me on right now—at least it would be if I weren’t scared she might actually write me up. She’s not going to write me up…is she?

  My heart starts to beat faster while I wait for her response.

  “What do you want me to do?” I ask, honestly wanting to do whatever I can to make things right. “Do you want me to tell the patient I used her label for a practical joke?”

  “Kevin, what does the rule book say about using patient labels inappropriately?”

  Kevin looks at me regretfully. “Well, I’m not sure about this particular case, as it isn’t technically a privacy violation,” he hedges.

  “And what about having drinks in the same space as patient specimens?”

  Kevin blows out a breath. “Couldn’t we just give him a warning?” he asks.

  “Corrective action,” she states grimly.

  Shit. She is going to write me up. My stomach sinks.

  I sigh, resigned. “Ok, write me up. I’m sorry, I only meant this to be a joke.” I meet her eyes and try to convey how sorry I am.

  She nods.

  Then, her lips turn up in a grin. “Gotcha.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “What? Are you joking right now?”

  She busts up laughing. “You should see the look on your face!”

  She turned my prank around on me. I don’t know whether to be mad, relieved or impressed—in reality, I’m a bit of all three.

  Kevin starts to slow clap again, only this time for Monica. “Nice job, Dr. Morgan. You totally owned that one.”

  Taking a little bow, Monica continues to hoot with laughter as she walks toward the staff room to change.

  Kevin meets my eyes. “Wow. Who would have guessed? I thought you were in deep shit.”

  “Me, too.” My heart is still pounding as I place a hand over my chest and blow out a breath of relief.

  “She’s pretty cool,” Kevin remarks.

  Yes, she is.

  You’ve got it bad.


  Friday night means happy hour with Max’s friends. I don’t know why I’m so nervous about this; Max has reassured me that Logan and Charlie are awesome. Even so, it’s always so awkward meeting new people, and my social anxiety turns me into an absolute klutz. These are the first people that are going to judge us as a couple, and I’m afraid they’re going to find me lacking.

  Max and I are the first ones to get to O’Malley’s, and it’s fairly busy. From the way the staff knows everyone’s name, it seems like they have a loyal following of regulars. My knee bounces with anxiety and Max steadies it with his hand, which is large and warm but doing nothing to settle my nerves. I fidget with my long silver necklace then adjust the neckline of my dress. Shit, I hope this outfit is okay. August weather is terribly hot, so I chose a black maxi dress; it’s light and cool, flirty but casual. Am I too dressed up?

  “You look gorgeous,” Max interrupts my spiraling thoughts.

  “Thank you.” Blue eyes roam over my face, settling on my lips. He smiles a small, sexy smile and leans forward to kiss me. His lips touch mine and I sigh into him. One chaste kiss, then two. The third brush of his lips becomes more, his tongue licking into my mouth. I close my eyes and kiss him back, enjoying the distraction from my nervousness.

  “You don’t have to be nervous,” Max says as he pulls away from me.

  “Easy for you to say—they’re your friends,” I huff.

  “They’re going to love you.” He links his fingers with mine and leans back against the booth.

  “Tell me again who will be here.”

  “Logan, Logan’s girlfriend Tate, Charlie, and possibly Charlie’s date.”

  “Logan is a computer programmer?” I ask, making sure I have my facts straight.

  “Yes, Logan is a computer whiz. He and Tate have been together for a long while—three years? Four? I can’t remember.”

  “And what does Charlie do?”

  “He’s a photographer.”

  “Like a wedding photographer?” I ask; it’s the first thing I think of when I think of a photographer.

  “No, he takes pictures for a marketing and graphic design company.”


  “He’s very talented, but don’t tell him I told you that. His ego is big enough.” Max chuckles.

  “Charlie doesn’t have a girlfriend?”

  “No. Charlie very well may be a bachelor for life. He has to travel a lot for work, so that makes it tough to be serious with anyone, but even if he didn’t travel, Charlie isn’t a commitment kind of guy. He just likes to have fun.”

  I try to picture what they will look like, but I don’t have to try for long because a group of people makes their way to our table a moment later.

  “Hey, guys!” Max stands up and greets each man with the guy handshake/hug/shoulder slap greeting guys tend to do. He kisses a small, petite blonde woman on the cheek then turns to clasp my hand and pull me next to him. The feel of his warm body calms me as my anxiety spikes.

  “Monica, this is Logan.” He gestures to the closest man. Logan has brown hair, kind brown eyes, and a wide smile. He reaches forward to shake my hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Monica,” he says to me.

  “Hi, Logan.” I smile back.

  “This is my girlfriend, Tate,” Logan introduces me to the blonde woman next to him. She has a short pixie haircut, pretty green eyes, and a gorgeous smile.

  “Hi, Monica,” she chirps, shaking my hand.

  “Hi there.”

  The other man steps forward, bumping Logan and Tate out of the way.

  “You must be Charlie,” I say to him as he eagerly pulls me forward for a hug. Whoa. I was not expecting that.

��Yes, I am.” He winks. With his blond hair, blue eyes, and a devilish grin complete with dimples, it’s easy to see how ladies must flock to him.

  “Hey, asshole! What do you think you’re doing?” Max chuckles and separates me from Charlie’s grasp.

  “Oh, relax,” Charlie huffs. “I’m just saying hi.” He reaches behind him to clasp hands with the tall blonde standing behind him. “This is Candi everyone,” he introduces his date. Candi is maybe 20 years old and looks just like what you would imagine someone named Candi would look like. She has platinum blonde hair, heavy eye makeup, cherry red lipstick, complete with bubble gum and a high-pitched giggle. Her dress—if you can call it that—is struggling to contain the largest breasts I have ever seen.

  This should be interesting.

  We sit down after introductions, and the waitress brings over a pitcher of beer and a pail of peanuts then takes our order for other drinks and food. Max promises this place has the best burgers in town, so I order one.

  “So you finally banged the doctor,” Charlie says to Max. “Congratulations, man!” I choke on my sip of water.

  “Charlie!” Max punches him in the shoulder. “What the fuck?” He gives me a mortified look and shakes head. “I did not tell him anything. Don’t listen to him.”

  “What?” Charlie shrugs innocently. “I think it’s safe to say we’re all banging our dates. Logan, aren’t you banging Tate?”

  “That I am.” Logan chuckles, his arm wrapped protectively around Tate’s shoulders. They look so cute together.

  “See.” Charlie raises his eyebrows at Max.

  “And you’re banging me,” Candi points out helpfully.

  “I am indeed.” Charlie wiggles his eyebrows and gives her a wicked smile. She giggles.

  “Awesome. Now that we got that part out of the way, can you not act like we’re 14 years old for once?” Max asks Charlie.

  “Aww, where’s the fun in that?” Charlie says as he looks at me and smiles. “Besides, I know Max likes to pretend he’s way more of an adult than I am, but he is famous for his practical jokes,” he tells me.

  Max and I look at each other and smile, thinking of our practical jokes at the hospital.

  “Oh no, has he pulled one at work?” Logan asks.

  “Max, you didn’t!” Tate admonishes.

  “I wasn’t the one that started it,” he tells them. He explains the joke Tony and I played on him, then the joke he played on us. Charlie, Logan, and Tate all crack up, but Candi looks confused.

  “I don’t get it. Mike Oxlong?” Wide blue eyes turn to Charlie. “What’s so funny about that name?”

  “Babe, when you say it all together, it sounds like my cock’s long,” he explains.

  “Oooooh,” she says when she catches on. “Mike Oxlong! Good one.” More high-pitched giggles.

  Max squeezes my thigh under the table and chuckles quietly.

  “So Monica, how’s our boy doing with his new job?” Tate asks me.

  “He’s awesome,” I tell her truthfully.

  “You’re just saying that because he’s banging you.” This is of course from Charlie.

  “No, really. All banging aside”—I can’t believe I just said that—”Max is one of the best nurses in the ER.” I look at Max and smile with pride. I hope he can see the sincerity in my eyes.

  “Thank you, baby,” he whispers and leans down to kiss my lips.

  “Tate got a new job,” Logan announces.

  “Really?” Max asks her.

  Tate blushes prettily. “Yes, I just got the call yesterday. I start working at a women’s shelter in two weeks.” She smiles.

  “A women’s shelter?” My ears perk up. “Do you mean Safe Zone?”

  “Yes, do you know it?”

  “Yes! I just got approved for a new project to work with them.”

  “Really?” Max and Tate say at the same time.

  I excitedly launch into my pitch, telling them how I had to work so hard to get Dr. Finley to approve my idea to collaborate with Safe Zone and provide medical care to the women and children living there.

  “That’s amazing,” Tate tells me.

  “Can I help with this?” Max asks me.

  “Of course! It’s on the agenda for the next department meeting. I’ll have a signup sheet for whoever is interested in helping.”

  “Count me in,” he says.

  “Great.” I don’t know why I’m surprised he wants to help—Max is always taking care of everyone around him. I turn to Tate. “What will you do at Safe Zone?”

  “I’m a social worker,” she tells me. We chat some more about the shelter and her new job while the boys start talking about something else and Candi occasionally giggles at things they say.

  Tate is so easy to talk to, and we seamlessly move from one topic to the next. I sit back and I realize I’m actually having fun. Max, Logan, and Charlie are hilarious together, and Tate is friendly and smart. The only person I haven’t connected with is Candi, but I have a hunch she may not be at the next get-together. I would never have thought I’d fit in with Max’s friends, but I really like them.


  Tonight is going spectacularly well. I could tell Monica was nervous when we got here, but you wouldn’t know it looking at her now. She laughs loudly at Charlie’s last joke; I missed what he said, but I’m sure it was something completely immature. He’s such a goofball.

  Everyone is jiving well except for Candi. The girls don’t seem to have much in common with her, which is not surprising since Charlie usually picks them for their looks and not much else. In my opinion, the size of her boobs can’t make up for the annoying giggle that comes out of her mouth every few seconds. Charlie just likes to have fun with women.

  Monica catches my eye and grins at me. I grin back, so happy my friends got to meet her and she got to meet them. She’s so beautiful—face flushed with laughter, eyes sparkling in the dim light. She leans toward Tate in conversation and I study the curve of her neck. I know it’s soft because I’ve touched and licked every part of her body. Her long black dress hugs her curves then sways around her legs, accentuating her full breasts and slim waist. The silver necklace she wears tonight dangles between her boobs, and I wonder how it would look on her with nothing else.

  Fuck, I’m getting hard just looking at her. I look away and try to figure out how I can end this night early to have her all to myself.

  Logan meets my eye and smirks. “You’ve got it bad,” he says quietly.

  I sigh and nod. “True story.”

  “I think she has it just as bad,” he comments.

  “Hope so,” I tell him. I really hope so, because I’m falling for this woman, and it scares the shit out of me.

  Candi giggles and grabs on to Charlie’s arm. He looks at me and cringes—he can’t stand her giggle either.

  “You ready to go?” he asks her.

  I clasp Monica’s hand and look at her questioningly, hoping she’s ready to go, too. She smiles and nods. Logan, Charlie, and I dig out some money and leave it on the table for Shirley. We make our way outside and stop just beyond the doors.

  “Max, are we still shopping tomorrow?” Logan asks me.

  “That’s the plan,” I confirm.

  “What are you shopping for?” Candi asks.

  “Max is finally going to get his own car,” Charlie tells her. I couldn’t hide the fact that I didn’t have a car from Monica for long, but she didn’t bat an eye when I said it was just easier for me to get around with my bike.

  Monica looks up at me. “You’re going to buy a car?”

  “Yes, finally. This way you won’t always have to lug me around.”

  “You owe me six million rides,” Logan complains.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll drive you around for the next five years, okay?” I tell him.

  “That sounds good.”

  We walk to the parking lot and I know the second Charlie spots Monica’s car. “Too bad you can’t get a car like this one.” Cha
rlie whistles at the sight of the black Porsche, and Monica stiffens beside me.

  “That’s a beauty,” Logan agrees.

  “Monica definitely has good taste,” I tell them as I drape my arm across her shoulders.

  Surprised eyes meet mine as Logan and Charlie gawk at me, speechless.

  “Is this your car?” Candi asks her.

  Monica nods in response and I can tell this is making her nervous. She has never once bragged about her car or her wealth. She’s the most laid back, least ostentatious wealthy person I know. The fact that she even has this car doesn’t really fit with her personality, and I don’t want this to be a thing that wedges between us, a source of stress for her. She shouldn’t be ashamed that she makes good money; she works really hard.

  “Nice choice,” Logan recovers.

  “You fucker, you never told us Monica has a Porsche!” Charlie exclaims. He happens to have an obsession with cars. Everyone gathers around Monica’s car in the parking lot while Charlie caresses the roof lovingly.

  “What does it matter?” I ask him. “You never mentioned what kind of car Candi has either.”

  “I have a Mini Cooper,” Candi informs me with a giggle. Thank you, Candi. I really didn’t want an answer, but whatever.

  Charlie rolls his eyes at me. “Dude, your girlfriend’s car is giving me a boner. I can’t believe you get to drive in this thing!” He pushes me out of the way and grabs Monica’s hand. “Monica,” he says seriously, “I think you should bang me instead. Did you know Max is a male nurse? That’s so not sexy. I’m way sexier than him. I’m a photographer.”

  “Charlie! What the fuck, man!” I step between them and pull Monica to my side. She laughs at Charlie’s antics and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me close.

  “I didn’t even pick this car out, actually,” she tells us. “It was a gift from my dad. To be honest, I’ve been thinking about selling it.” It makes sense to me now; her dad seems like the type to buy a car that makes a statement.

  “What?” Charlie grabs his chest like he may have a heart attack. “Why would you get rid of this car?”

  “It’s not really my style, and my dad and I don’t really get along. Every time I get in it, it makes me think of him. So, I was going to go shopping for a new car, too.”


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