
Home > Romance > Savage > Page 28
Savage Page 28

by Tiana Laveen

  “Did ya now?”

  “Yeah. We’ve been seeing each other for a little while now. I like her. I like ’er a lot.”

  Dad groaned as he rolled over to his other side and grabbed a screw driver. “What’s her name?”

  “Eva. I need to tell you something about this though. Something important.”

  “Yeah? What?”

  “I know that some of your pals, some of my uncles, as I call them, basically wouldn’t approve but you know I don’t live for other people. My decision is made but I am giving you a heads up because you might catch some heat for this.”

  “Heat? What’s wrong with her?”

  “Nothing is wrong with her. She’s Black.”

  Dad stopped working and looked up at him. “Black?”


  Dad sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “Max, what the fuck are you tryna do here?”

  “What do you mean, what the fuck am I tryna do? I met someone I like, and she happens to be darker than me. So fucking what?” He shrugged. “I’m not going to stop seeing her.”

  “I don’t expect you to. You haven’t listened to a damn thing I’ve told you in years.”

  “I expected better from you, you know that? I was only telling you this because I know how the Outlaws feel about this sort of thing, despite the club having Mexican roots and they’re over here at the house a lot. I didn’t want you blindsided or being the last to know.”

  “It’s not me that’s the problem, you little bastard you.” Dad pointed to himself, his brows furrowed. “I don’t give uh flyin’ shit if she was purple with green polka dots. If ya told me her father was a Hell’s Angel, then we’d have a problem! Fuck who you wanna fuck. I’ve had my share of black pussy back in the day; I kept it to myself of course, but so fuckin’ what?! Look how dark your mom is! She’s mistaken for Hispanic all the gotdamn time so it’s got nothin’ to do with complexion, or even race for that matter. I don’t want you in any trouble is all. That’s it. We’re Outlaws, gotta stick by the code, but you’re family. The newer guys are the ones bringing problems like this to the table, turnin’ everything into a gotdamn race war. It’s not us, but it’s been a struggle because we’re passin’ the baton. Regardless, I’m sure your mother would want to meet her, but you can’t bring ’er around here until I explain the situation to the guys, you hear me?”


  “The last thing I want is to have to shoot a motherfucker in the throat for talkin’ shit about my fuckin’ son and his ol’ lady! I gotta ask you though, before I go through the effort, are you really serious about this?”

  “Yeah, it’s serious or I wouldn’t have even brought it up.”

  “All right then. I’ll take care of it. No sweat.” Dad shrugged and went back to the bike. “So, tell me about her. What the fuck does she look like? Does she work and if so, where?”

  “She’s fuckin’ beautiful. About average height… long hair…”

  “Is the hair hers? You know a lot of these Black chicks have fake hair. Hey, as long as the pussy is real, I guess that’s fine, but ya know.”

  “She has naturally long hair but has this shit called weave tracks in it to make it thicker sometimes. I found out a lot of White girls’ do it too, especially the Vegas performers and entertainers.”

  “I can believe that. It looks nice, I guess. Your mother bought a wig last month.” Dad chuckled. “She wanted to try out red hair. It looked good actually. I fucked tha shit outta her after she put it on. Felt like I was having an affair with Jessica Rabbit.”

  Savage snorted. “That’s way too much information.”

  His father snickered. He’d forgotten how obsessed the man was about long hair on women. It was his thing. The longer the better…

  “Eva would be beautiful if she were bald headed. I think you’d like her. Real smart, classy.”

  “I asked about her job, too.”

  “Yeah, she used to work in a clinic with patients. She has a podcast show, wrote some self-help books, strong woman… like Mom, but sweet, too.”

  “How’s the pussy?” He shook his head. The old man was a real piece of work. “Must be primo since you won’t even answer. I remember… Black pussy is good. I used to love how it looked when I’d fuck them, you know, the difference in color.”

  “Oversharing again… I don’t fuckin’ care about your past sex life or what you’re doing to my mother.”

  “Hey! I’m an old man! I like to talk about it. Cut me some slack! Makes me feel like I’m still young. Can you just humor me? Jesus Christ though, Max.” Dad began to turn a bolt. “You’ve always done shit like this!”

  “Done shit like what?”

  “You can’t just do shit the easy way. You’re like me—a total and complete bullheaded fucker.” The man rolled over to sit upright. “Gimme that.” The man waved his dirty hands at the cigarette. Savage handed it over and watched the orange ember sizzle and brighten as the man took a drag. “I thought you stopped smokin’ cigs?”

  “I did. I left my cigars in my car. Saw it sitting there.” Dad took another puff.

  “Thanks for the house, by the way.” Dad brought his knees up and rested his big arms across them.

  “I don’t know why you keep saying that. There’s no reason to keep thanking me. This is what I was supposed to do. Why would I have my parents livin’ in a piece of shit while I was living well? That’s bullshit. You two deserve this… all this land. Mom has a garden; you’ve got a big ass garage and great scenery. Now you both can be at peace.”

  Dad nodded.

  “I am. I still think saying thank you is important. You’re not obligated to do shit. The people that make ya aren’t always the people that love ya. Your mother knows about that all too well.” Dad’s eyes narrowed. “Speaking of which, go in there and say hi to her. She might be off the phone by now. I think she said somethin’ about going to In-N-Out Burger. Ask her to get you some, too. I’m starving. Hopefully we can eat soon.” Dad tossed the cigarette.

  “All right, I’ll be right back.” Savage maneuvered around him and entered the house. He immediately smelled Mom’s nail polish and pungent perfume, and could hear one of the ceiling fans going full blast. His mother was still on the phone, talking in Russian. He approached her open bedroom door and found her sitting half naked on the edge of her bed. Black stockings covered her long legs, and her robe lay open, exposing her black lacy bra. Long ebony hair flowed down past her ass, with a bit of gray on the left side.

  “Привет (Hello),” he stated in Russian. The woman looked over at him, and her amber eyes lit up like stoked flames. Full pink lips framed by naturally tanned flesh curled in a proud smile.

  “Moy syn zdes. (My son is here.)”

  He leaned against the door frame and crossed his ankles as he waited for her to wrap up her conversation. She ended the call, got to her feet, and immediately covered up with another robe, this one a bit thicker. Then, she rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. It took him a bit off guard.

  “You look good,” she said. “Very healthy. Nice glow. How have you been, Maximus?”

  “Fine. Why haven’t you called me back, Mom? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a while now.” He wiggled out of her grasp and leaned against his parents’ ivory bedroom dresser. She lit a cigarette and went to sit back on her bed, crossing her legs. She seemed a bit nervous, perhaps perplexed.

  “I just needed some time. I was upset… didn’t want to worry you.”

  “What’s going on?” He crossed his arms, though he had a damn good idea now.

  “My family keeps asking for money.” Big surprise. “I give them some, just like I had told you, but they ask for more… on and on it goes.” Her slight accent still held tight to some of the words as she spoke.

  “We’ve discussed this.”

  “Just a little more, Maximus.”

  “This is the same family that abandoned you, basica
lly threw you to the wolves but popped back up when they found out that you were living well here in the States, right? Are we talking about the same fuckers? I just wanna be clear.” She lowered her gaze. “Did you tell them you get the money from your son? That you’re retired?” She swallowed and nodded, fidgeting.

  “I did. They don’t care, you know that. That was my sister, Milena, on the phone. You’ve spoken to her before. She adores you.”

  “She doesn’t adore me. She doesn’t even know me. I’m just a bank to her. Yeah, she’s a fuckin’ loser and user. I was on the phone with her thirty seconds a few months ago when you made me talk to her, and she started asking me about visas, green cards, gambling, if I can fly her and her family down and take care of them. They didn’t give a shit about you when you were out here sellin’ your ass to make ends meet!”

  “Max, please…” She closed her eyes.

  “Max, please, nothin’! Mom, you’ve got to stop this. They only call you to ask for this fuckin’ money and I told you to change your number. To stop taking their calls.”

  “I can’t. They need me. It’s very dangerous and they have nothing.”

  “Where you were at was dangerous, too… and you also had nothing. They don’t love you, Mom. Can’t you see that? Now it all makes sense why you’ve been avoiding me. You know this is wrong. You wanted to ask for more money but didn’t want to argue with me because I’d tell you the truth!”

  “They’re not bad people, Max. It was a bad time in our lives!”

  “You and Dad struggled. There were many bad times in our lives as well.” She bit her bottom lip, then brought her cigarette to her lips. “No one cared when you were in that horrible orphanage as a child but now that they can use you—BOOM! You may as well recite those song lyrics: ‘I heard you bitches was lookin’ for me, bitch! Here I go!’ Ahhh, we’re family now, all of a sudden! ‘We love you, Karina!’ That’s what they say. It’s all fuckin’ bullshit! When Dad was in prison that one time and you got beaten up by that asshole, that guy who was trying to turn you out, pimp you, where the hell were they?!”

  The woman rested back on her elbows and looked away.

  “I’ll remind you. You were in the hospital for five fuckin’ weeks, that’s where. Dad got outta prison and settled the score, killed that motherfucker, but you called your family to come and help, send money, anything… reminded them you had a little boy. And they didn’t do shit! They knew you were alone with a child to raise and they had amnesia when it came to remembering the fact that when you and Dad had little, you still gave. When they had abundance, they did nothing. With the little bit we had, you and Dad still sent them money and gifts every now and again but when you were in your time of need, they were nowhere to be found. Does that sound like love to you?”

  “Love is expressed in many different ways, Maximus.”

  “Love is an action word, Mom. The Outlaws took care of the situation with action. That’s real love. They said, ‘Hey, Mad Dog is in the pen doing a one-year bid. Let’s help his boy, send his daughter and her mom some money and watch over his old lady.’ Dad’s buddies, their women came and surrounded you, cooked for you, took care of me, took care of us, nursed you back to health, made sure I got a ride to school and my homework done. Your real family, Mom, is right here!”

  “You see how you become? Hot and crazy! This is why I did not tell you! Maximus, you do not understand!”

  “I understand just fine. We know what the next thing is you say is going to be. ‘Max, please give me a couple thousand dollars to send them.’ I am not sending them shit!”

  Mom hissed, a look of disdain on her face.

  “Do you know how much money I have doled out, and hated it, but I did it for you because you convinced me it was just a one time, two time, three time thing to help them out of a jam? But it was never enough. I have given over fifty-eight thousand dollars in the last six months to these motherfuckers I don’t even like, Mom! Blood is thicker than water, my ass! That’s fuckin’ outrageous! These people wouldn’t spit on me if I were on fire. They’re calculating, manipulative, lying users. You’ve got like fifteen of these fuckers asking you for shit at any given time, and the number keeps growing. They keep churning out babies like roaches, and expect you to foot the bill. Why don’t they put ’em in a nasty ass orphanage that smells like rotten piss and shit, just like they did to you? What’s wrong, huh? That place not good enough for their children but it was all right for my mother?!”

  “Max… you’re out of line.”

  “I’m out of line, am I? But it happened! You were raped at the age of seven because of them! Your parents didn’t get rid of you so you could have a better life. You need to face the truth. They sold you! They sold their seven-year-old daughter to a grown man who ran that orphanage to rape their child whenever he got good and ready. And they did it for the equivalent of a measly thousand US dollars. I looked into it, remember? I found the paper trail!”

  Mom started to shake, looking so pitiful.

  “Fuck these people! Your entire family. Even the members that didn’t do it knew about it and did nothing. They hate Dad because he’s not rich and he told them to basically go kill themselves, because he hates ’em too. And they only tolerated me because I’m yours and I am where the gold is. No more money for these fuckers, ya hear me?! We’re done with this!” He waved his hands in the air. “And to ensure that you don’t, I will be making out the checks myself for your bills for a while instead of handing over cash. I can’t trust you to stop the bleeding.” Mom’s eyes grew dark as she glared at him. Her chin held high, she played with the fabric of her robe. “Did you hear me? They’re cut off.”

  “Fine, Maximus,” she stated coldly.

  “Now Dad said you were gettin’ some food, is that right?”


  “Get some clothes on. I’ll take you.”

  Mom nodded, clearly shaken but unwilling to speak further. He stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door, making his way to the garage. Dad was standing against the wall, his vest off and a beer in hand. He lifted the bottle and took a swig.

  “These walls aren’t soundproof,” he said. “You just told her everything I told her more than once. Goes in one gotdamn ear and out the other, Max.” He took a deep breath. “I fuckin’ hate those people. I wish they’d all just die and leave us the hell alone.”

  “If you tell her that, she’ll never forgive you.”

  “I don’t give a flyin’ fuck. They’ve got your mother wrapped around their finger, like she’s under some spell. We’re fighting an uphill battle, son. They are promising to give her what she always wanted.”

  “A family? But she has us! She has the Outlaws, too.”

  Dad shook his head.

  “No, son. Your mother has always wanted her family’s love…”


  Savage Truths

  “You’re not going to do what you’re supposed to so there’s really no point in us even having this discussion. Get out, and I mean it.” Zaire shook her head as she pulled out her studio chair, sat down, then took a sip of her wine. “I should’ve locked the door, treated you like an animal that needed to be caged away.”

  “I’ll be quiet! I promise!” Maximus was all smiles, standing there in a pair of black silky boxers as if he were about to go into a wrestling ring and knock someone the hell out.

  “Yeah, right! You can’t help yourself. Last night, at dinner, you promised to not make a big deal about your steak. Instead, you went the hell off.”

  “I didn’t ask for beef fuckin’ jerky and that’s what it tasted like. I gave that fucker several chances to get it right.”

  “Did that include you going back into the kitchen, pulling out a skillet, and barking at the chef about how a prime rib is supposed to be prepared? You then had the absolute audacity to cook it right there on the spot!”

  “He should’ve thanked me. That was a free lesson, on the house! I’m not even a good
cook, but I know how to not overcook a fuckin’ steak! It was a fuckin’ romantic dinner, tryna take my baby out for a good fuckin’ time, and even your steak was tough and rubbery, so I had to defend your honor.”

  The gall of the man.

  “Maximus, I’m serious. I’m not trying to play with you tonight.” He slid his dick out from the slit of his boxers and shook it at her. She hated how her body betrayed her, her pussy instantly getting wet from the sight of the semi-hard cock with its thick veins and bulbous head. She still hadn’t quite gotten over how huge the man’s manhood was. She salivated, as if she were standing before an amazing buffet, and she was starving, needing nourishment in the worst way. “Put that damn thing away. I have work to do.”

  “Can’t you suck it during commercial breaks?”

  “Get out.” She swallowed a giggle, not trying to encourage the son of a bitch. Before she could utter another warning, the bastard was all over her, leaning her back in her seat. “Savage, no!”

  “You don’t mean that!” He lifted her nightshirt, exposing her breasts, feverishly licking her nipples and sucking them hard and fast. Big hands explored her flesh as he covered her body with kisses from the waist up, his cock now pushing hard into her stomach.

  “The show starts in five minutes! Stop it!” Her chair nearly toppled over when he dropped to his knees, yanked her panties out of the way, and licked her pussy, pushing the lips open with his vigorous maneuvers. Gripping his head, she gyrated into his kiss, losing her damn mind. Her orgasm stole her breath away, curling her toes, drawing wild curses and promises of retribution. She hadn’t even noticed until it was far too late that he was off his knees and practically sitting on her lap with his big, throbbing dick in his grip.

  “I’ve got the real steak, some grade A beef right here! It’ll be a speedy delivery, and trust and believe, mine is prepared to perfection.” She screamed when he lunged deep inside her, knocking her walls down in a single thrust. The monster grabbed a fistful of her hair, and made her take his powerful plunges one by one, staring at her lustfully, possessively. A look full of love and desire. He slammed into her with the quickness of a cheetah, making her shudder.


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