Book Read Free


Page 29

by Tiana Laveen


  “You said you needed it fast, right? Any regrets?” He smirked, the Devil in his eyes. “I’m fucking the hell out of you! Fucking you so hard and fast, you look like a bobble head doll during a tornado.”

  “I hate you!” She laughed, her body desperately addicted to him. “Why… why would you do this right… right now?!” She could barely get the words out as she trembled, another climax sucking out her very soul.

  “Because I was horny. And you’re going to give me this pussy whenever the fuck I want it!” He groaned and thrust again, his voice low and guttural. The little red light began to flash.

  “One minute until the show!” she screamed, her thighs burning from being spread so far apart. Her pussy squeezed and pulled at his dick as multiple orgasms took her asunder. He grunted loud and deep, pulled out, grabbed a nearby tissue and released into it, his body jerking, filling the Kleenex up in hard, quick spurts. Her head spinning, she pushed his thigh aside, or tried to—It was hard as rock, and the damn thing barely budged. He finally stepped away from her as she made quick work to pull her nightshirt down and hide their dirty deeds. Her wet pussy pulsed and throbbed from his intrusion. It was fucking delightful.

  “I think that deserves a chance to stay. I finished just in time.” He grinned as he tossed the cum filled tissue into the trashcan.

  “Fine, you crazy lunatic. But let me tell you something, Savage,” She pointed her finger in his direction and cued another button to play an advertisement. “If you say one word during this broadcast, there will be repercussions. I’m a one woman show tonight. I told my engineer and producer to stay home so you and I could spend more time together but you are not following the rules. You were supposed to stay upstairs.”

  “It’s more fun underground.”

  She worked the controls to begin the theme music as he headed into the small lavatory and washed his hands.

  “Do you have any more of those potato chips?” he whispered as he walked back in, drying his hands with a paper towel.

  “Shhh!” she snapped, sick of him already.

  The man began to walk about and explore. He checked out various files and books, being generally nosy, and grating her last nerve down to the nub. Once the theme music grew louder, he began to shimmy, doing silly dances with his dick bobbing about inside his boxers, free and loose. He made it bounce from right to left to the beat of the music, then helicoptered it.

  Oh my God, I can’t stand him! He’s a big kid!

  It took everything in her power to keep from bursting into a fit of laughter at his antics but she fought it with all that was in her. She sure didn’t wish for him to have the satisfaction. But she almost lost her shit when he waltzed over and downed the rest of her merlot.

  He did NOT just drink my wine!

  Leaning down, he gave her a kiss, then disappeared back up the steps with the glass.

  Oh, thank God, he’s gone… Don’t come back, either!

  “Hello, Los Angeles and beyond! This is Dr. Zaire Ellington with, ‘Confessions of a Better You’…” The callers began to pile up in the queue, and she started out the show with a young man by the name of Bruce whose boyfriend had taken a new job out of state and was now seemingly avoiding his calls. Zaire got comfy in her chair, swiveling back and forth in her long, oversized navy blue silk nightshirt that was now slightly wrinkled due to a delicious attack from her lover. She ran her fingers through her loose waves that framed her face. The rest of her hair was piled high atop her head in a lazy bun.

  She listened intently to her caller, taking a few notes along the way. Things were going smoothly. In fact, too well. She surely should’ve been suspicious. Savage was at times like a child. If he was quiet, you knew he’d gotten into the cookie jar…

  She jumped nearly out of her seat when she heard the damn basement door slam and loud footsteps approached. She closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head, trying to keep her cool and not go off into an early commercial from one of the ad revenue sponsors so she could bop him upside of the head in peace.

  This man! As she turned, ready to put herself on mute and tell him off, he set a fresh glass of wine before her and a small plate of red and green grapes, the fruit glistening from being freshly rinsed. Next to those were thin square slices of cheese, a few sesame crackers, and a couple pieces of rectangular pieces of chocolate they’d taken from the restaurant they’d eaten at the previous night. She offered a smile of appreciation when he lifted her chin with two fingers and stole a kiss. Moments later, she was back in the throes of her conversation, doling out advice, while the man of her dreams—and dare she admit it, nightmares—sat across from her, his feet propped up on the table, ankles crossed and wiggling his freakishly long toes every now and again. He flipped nonchalantly through a magazine, but kept fairly quiet. She hoped it would be like this for the duration of the show.

  “I agree, Octavia, and that’s why I stated should you return to school per your original plan. There’s no reason why your husband can’t watch the children if he is home during those hours. That’s unfair. You’re trying to better not just yourself, but your family.” The woman went on about the selfishness of her spouse, and how she’d tried to better their financial situation but he seemed content with doing the bare minimum and at times even making things harder for her. “Yes, I see. The other thing is that… No… No! Stop it! Oh my God! You are horrible! STOP!”

  “I’m… I’m horrible?”

  “Uh… no! Not you, Octavia, we’re having… a… problem here!” The tug of war between her and Savage over the microphone was a thing her worst nightmares were made of. He wrestled it from her grip, snatching the microphone away, forcing her to place the caller on mute before further damage could be rendered.

  “Take it off mute,” he barked.

  “No!” she yelled, barely able to catch her breath from the altercation. “Stop playing. This isn’t funny!”

  “I’m not playing. Let me talk to her.”

  “You’re not qualified to talk to these people! Maximus, I am going to kill you!” She lunged towards the microphone as he pressed the mute button twice, releasing it.

  “Sorry about that interruption, Octavia. You don’t know me, I’m a guest speaker you could say, but I just wanted to weigh in on your situation, from a man’s perspective. Is that all right?”

  “Uh… yeah, I guess so,” the woman stated, sounding confused.

  “Dr. Zaire feels as though your husband doesn’t want to pull his weight and watch the kids while you go back to school but from what I heard, the man is working thirteen hours a day and is tired when he gets home. All he wants to do is eat, relax, maybe get a little ass and go the hell to sleep.”

  Zaire slowly closed her eyes and started to hyperventilate.

  “This is the end…” she murmured. “Sponsors are going to pull out. I’ll be a laughing stock come tomorrow morning…”

  “So, what you two should do is come up with a schedule, ya know? Put that shit on the refrigerator with chores you do, school, work hours, all of that stuff. Sometimes the man isn’t always the bad guy and let me tell you somethin’, I don’t have any kids, okay? So I can’t speak on shit I don’t know about, but I can talk about the mind of a man and how we think, so if you show you want to compromise and it’s not an all or nothing situation, he might listen. If you keep makin’ it seem like he doesn’t want to spend time with his kids and is trying to hold you back from going back to school, you’ll put him on the defensive. That’s not right. You said he was a good father, but when you tell him that, it shows you feel differently. You both are tryna do the right thing, busting your asses, but you gotta think of the kids and also try to be fair with each other. I’m not a relationship expert, either; far from it, so you can take my advice and toss it out the window if you want. I really have no room to give any advice, and that’s just me being honest, but I felt like you could use some help and insight into how us men think and how you can get what
you want from us—well, him, in this case.”

  “Okay, I get that. I have tried to be fair though, and I’ve spoken to him countless times. We’ve had arguments about this. I yell until I’m blue in the face.”

  “Has yelling at him about this worked? Have ultimatums worked?”


  “Exactly, so why the hell are you still doing it? You come to him yelling and going off, and that’s what you’re going to get right back. Do you understand?”

  “Uh, yeah. Actually I do.” The caller seemed to perk up, as if that was a novel idea. Perhaps Savage had worded it in a way that made sense to her.

  “Unless he’s a wimp, he’s not going to allow you to tell him he’s a bad father all because he doesn’t want to come home, clean, and watch the kids all night after working long hours in a hot ass warehouse. So, to help get you both out of this financial situation, look into alternatives. Like, can ya find a way to take some of your courses online and set a schedule with him, just like I said? Also, to help him feel appreciated, fix him something to eat. Don’t keep dinner from him out of revenge, as you admitted to doing. If he sees you being nice, he is going to try to be nice back. I’m serious. The only way he won’t is if he is an asshole and doesn’t want you to progress and better yourself. You said he had been great up until this issue, right?”

  “Yes. This honestly has been the biggest problem we’ve had and I didn’t mean to imply that he wasn’t a good father. It’s just that lately… I don’t know. I’m not sure what to say, but you know what I mean. I need his help and he’s not giving it, but I understand what you’re saying.”

  “Yeah, look… We men are simple to please, okay? Don’t complicate this. All we want is some sustenance,” he said, counting off his fingers, “some sex and some space. The three S’s, and that’s it. Well, there are other things too, but those are the three main things. We want our egos stroked, too, sometimes. We want to be able to talk to you even if we don’t feel like talking—just nice to know you’re there. We want to come home to peace and if something is wrong, yeah you definitely should be able to talk to us, but just let us get in the door first. That’s what my father used to say and my parents have been together for over forty years. Look, I don’t have a degree,” he said. “I’m no expert on this shit like Dr. Zaire.

  “All I have are my own observations, my own family growin’ up. Zaire is the expert, and I can’t take that away from her. Now, I know I contradicted some of what she said. I’m not sayin’ she’s completely wrong about this. I am just saying she might be right, but she might not be. I’m glad she let me weigh in on this and asked for my opinion. That shows she’s not intimidated by another perspective because at the end of the day, it’s not about her ego. It’s about helping her callers.”

  He tossed her a wink. She gave him the middle finger.

  “Thank you so much, and you too, Dr. Zaire. I appreciate your perspective! I have a lot to think about. What’s your name?”

  Zaire sat there seething, but when he glanced at her again, her defenses came tumbling down. He looked so… innocent. So wanting to please her… to help… She toyed with a grape on her plate and whispered, “It’s fine. Tell her.”

  “My name is Maximus, but that’s not important. Everyone listening in tonight, you’re lucky to have someone like Dr. Zaire to call and talk to. This isn’t some gimmick for her. She brings a wealth of information to the table, and I hope one day she shares more of that with you from her own personal perspective. We should never be ashamed of anything that’s happened to us, especially if it was out of our control. All of the bad shit that has happened to each and every one of you out there has in some way helped make you who you are today… made you stronger. It takes true strength to even admit that.

  “Nobody has to pretend to be anything they’re not. It never works out anyway, because the true you will always come out eventually. The real us refuses to be ignored; it’s going to have its way sooner or later. Whether it’s telling your husband you wanna go back to school but you can be patient and make it so that it works for both of you, or it’s trusting someone who honestly scares the shit out of you—someone you met practically on a dare and then… your whole life was turned upside down, although you know they can give you the love you deserve. You know you finally have a man who would turn the whole fuckin’ world inside out for you, baby…” He stared at her, and her heart felt as if it were going to burst out of her chest. “Someone who will love you, cherish you, and have your back like no other. We have to take risks in life. We have to compromise or nothing will work out. That’s just the savage truth.”

  She took a deep breath, and looked into his eyes.

  “I’m going to give Dr. Zaire the microphone, but before I go, I want everyone in the listening audience to know that this lady’s heart is pure gold, people. She’s the real deal. She cares. When she was made, they broke the mold. That’s why I love ’er… I know I could trust my life with this woman. It took a shrink to make my own ego shrink and see that if I second guessed this special connection we have, I was going to lose out on the love of my life… and I don’t lose bets, I don’t lose games, and I damn sure wasn’t going to lose her. I will keep her with me, keep her happy, by any means necessary.”

  He dropped the microphone onto the desk, stole a grape from her plate, kissed the top of her head, and made his way back up the steps, softly closing the door behind him…

  Zaire held the handle of her favorite burnt orange leather purse with both hands while standing on the porch of her parents’ gorgeous home. It was always in pristine condition, even the blinds and curtains often cleaned from top to bottom. The light wind flung the heavenly scent of pending rain about, teasing her with the promise of a good storm.

  That’s good making love weather…

  She smiled to herself, envisioning her man ravishing her.

  It hadn’t rained in so long, the thought of it doing so gave her comfort, slightly easing her knotting stomach.

  I never know what to expect when I come over here. I hate feeling like this.

  Moments later, she found herself staring into her father’s Ring Doorbell camera. She smiled and waved, just in case he was looking at her. The front door swung open and the sound of the television and the smell of fresh ginger immediately poured from the place. The front screen door squeaked as she stepped inside and he wrapped his big, warm arms around her. Nudging her chin into the crevice of his shoulder and neck, she closed her eyes and turned into a little girl, releasing her demons.

  “Hey, Dad.” She closed the door behind her and locked it.

  “Hey, baby. Come on in.” She walked into the living room and paused. There mama sat, her eyes lifeless yet glued to the television. She was dressed in a white blouse, a pair of loose jeans and white socks. Her gorgeous honey brown curly hair that Dad would dye on her behalf was pulled back in a thick ponytail.

  “She’s just watching some movie on Lifetime or one of those dramatic women stations.” Dad chuckled as he made his way towards the kitchen. “Go and make yourself comfortable.”

  After a while, the older woman looked up at her, then scowled. Before Zaire could say anything, that scowl turned into a smile, and Mom’s eyes lit up.

  “Eva. Hi, baby.”

  “Hi, Mama.” She made her way over to the woman and sat next to her on the couch, immediately reaching her hand out and clasping her mother’s.

  “You look so pretty, honey.”

  “Thank you, Mama. So do you.”

  “I really like your lipstick. What color is that?” Mama gently ran the pad of her thumb along the edge of her lower lip.

  “It’s called ‘Bad Reputation.’ It’s by NARS.”

  “It really pops against your skin. Us Black women look so good with bright red lipsticks. I wish more of us wore these shades. You having such a lovely red undertone that really brings it out… I always loved your rich, brown skin, baby. Do you think it would look nice on me, too? I
have yellow undertones. It might clash.”

  “We can see. How about I buy you one of your own?” Mama grinned wide.

  “Oh, I’d like that, baby. I’ll give you the money back. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap. You’ve always liked nice things. Your cosmetics I’m sure are no exception.”

  “Mama, you don’t have to pay me back. It’s just lipstick.” She kissed the woman’s cheek settled on the couch.

  “How’s your show?”

  Eva cocked her head to the side, surprised her mother was so lucid, flowing with the conversation so well. Oftentimes, Mama barely spoke to her when she came by. She was either zonked out on her medication, asleep, or in a sullen mood.

  “It’s going well, Mama. The ratings are high. I got me two new sponsors, too.”

  “That’s good, baby. You’ve earned it. I listened to it yesterday.” What? She listened to my show? I’ve never heard her say that. She must’ve heard Savage then, too… “Your father has been ’round here cleaning. He did about three loads of laundry, too. I helped fold and put them away. He’s been so helpful.” Her cheeks flushed. “He made some ginger tea, and he picked up some sushi. Do you have sushi left, Mitchell?” Mama called out to Dad.

  “Yes, Iris!” Dad responded from the kitchen. “Do you want some more?”

  “No, just offering some to Eva.”

  “I’m fine, Dad. I’m not hungry, but I’ll take some tea if you have any left.”

  “You bet. Do you want sugar in it?” he called out.

  “No, but if you have some stevia, one pack will suffice.” She soon heard the clatter of drawers and closing of cabinet doors.

  “You look so happy, Zaire… just glowing.” Mama tapped her hand.

  “I… I am, Mama.” A few stilted seconds passed, neither saying much.

  “I’m so proud of you and your sister. I should tell you that more often.” Zaire’s heart beat faster within her. Not once in her life had her mother ever told her such a thing. “Star has started a jewelry company. It’s doing well, too.”


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