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Butch Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “We’ve been attacked before. Why will this be any different?” Murphy asked.

  “Gash is getting out in a few weeks. He’s going to be looking for a fight,” Nash said. “We’ll be a lot weaker then, trying to keep him in line. He’s going to want revenge and hurt everyone in his way.”

  Tiny had thought about everything. Glaring at Alex, he waited for the anger to subside, but it never did. “You fucked a woman without waiting to see if she was pregnant? What was that shit out there?”

  “You want Butch back, and now we’ve got the means of keeping him here.” Alex shrugged.

  “Do you really not care what the fuck has happened?” Whizz asked. “A bitch carried your son and struggled to make ends meet.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. It was a screw. I don’t want anything more from her.”

  “Then what was that shit with Butch?” Zero asked.

  “Leverage. He’s left The Skulls, but none of us want him to fucking leave. We all want him back. There’s nothing we can do to lure him back. We need him. This is the means of getting him to stay,” Alex said.

  “You’re talking about blackmailing him?” Zero sounded disgusted.

  “I’m not going to do shit like that. If Butch wants no part in the club then he stays out of it.” Tiny couldn’t stop the small twinge of regret. All he needed was for Alex to offer that ultimatum and he’d have Butch back.

  No, you can’t fucking do it.

  “You’re not going to get him back, Tiny. The bastard is happy.”

  “Then leave him happy,” Whizz said. “We’ve all lost shitloads through this fucking club. I say we leave him the fuck alone and deal with this shit without him.”

  “I’m with Whizz. Butch walked away from us. We’ve done everything to try and bring him back. I don’t think we should keep trying,” Nash said.

  Zero stayed silent while Murphy shook his head. “Butch is still part of the team even if he is acting like an ass.”

  “We can’t do it,” Killer said. “He’s part of the team, but if he doesn’t want to come back I don’t see why we’re always fighting with him.”

  Tiny nodded. “We’re not blackmailing him. I won’t let that happen. Any news on Gonzalez?”

  “Nothing that we didn’t already know. He’s investing in a lot of underground shit. Money, drugs, guns, women, it all fits with what Devil says. The Chaos Bleeds crew will not last long with the runs they’re talking about. It will only be a matter of time before they’re caught,” Whizz said. “This man is fucking dangerous, and he doesn’t give a shit who he drags down providing his name is not the on the warrant.”

  Tiny leaned back. He could do two things in his mind. One, he could sit back and take for granted that he wouldn’t be approached, or, option two, he fought before he got taken over. Could it be so hard to believe that Gonzalez may not even want him or the club? Tiny didn’t trust him, and he knew it was only going to be a matter of time before trouble came knocking at his door again.

  “What about the prospects?” Tiny asked, looking toward Whizz.

  “All three are clean. One of them is a mean-ass tattoo artist, another a baker, and another a fucking fighter.” Whizz handed him the folders on the three new prospects he needed to interview for the club.

  “Fresh blood is coming,” Murphy said. “Lash will be pleased.”

  Chuckling, Tiny opened up the file and turned the conversation to a different tack. The last thing he needed to do was get his men worked up when nothing would happen straight away.

  Chapter Six

  Tears falling down her cheeks, Cheryl slammed the front door. She wiped the tears away trying to hide them from her son. Her life had been turned upside down, and she didn’t know what the hell to do. Alex was back. Why was he back? No, she couldn’t think about him or the fact he was part of The Skulls. How could he be part of The Skulls? Did he deceive her three years ago? Fuck, she didn’t know what to do. What did it all mean? Could she still be with Butch? The thought of never being with him filled her with pain.


  “It’s okay, baby. We’re going to stay home a little while.” She smiled at her son, knowing in her heart she would do anything to make him happy. “Will you sit and play with your toys in front of the television while I cook?”

  He nodded. Seating him in front of the device, she turned the cartoons on and started to work in the kitchen on making them some supper. Her hands were shaking, and it took several minutes of deep breathing before she gained control over her functions again. The fair had been a nightmare, and she didn’t want to continue it again. Opening up one drawer then another, the pain started to return. He knew where she was this whole time. Alex had used her for some quick slice of pleasure, taking her virginity and putting a baby inside her. The door was banged on pulling her out of her thoughts.

  Dropping what she was doing, she headed out to the front door. Her mother stood there looking sad.

  “Hey, honey, what’s going on? I heard something went down at the fair. People love to talk, and Mrs. Perry just had to let me know about you.” Her mother’s arms were around her within seconds. Cheryl held onto her. The tears didn’t fall. In fact, since seeing her mother, she’d gotten angry. For the past three years she’d been dealing with Matthew on her own, thinking Alex had simply left. Not only had he not left town, he’d not even cared enough to check on her.

  The bastard had used her, given her a child, then left.

  “I’m fine, Mom. Alex is back. I don’t know what it all means.”

  “He’s not going to take Matthew away, is he?”

  Cheryl shrugged. She would fight tooth and nail for her son. No one, not even his father, was taking him away from her. “He’s part of The Skulls, Mom. He can do whatever the hell he likes.”

  “He’s been in Fort Wills all this time?”

  She nodded. It didn’t take a genius to work out that he’d not even cared if she’d been around. The only feeling she had toward Alex was that of anger. She hated him for using her then walking away. Did he know the condom had broken? Did he even care? Did she mean that little to him?

  “I don’t understand?” Her mother frowned. “How can he have been here the whole time, but no one’s seen him?”

  “You didn’t know what he looked like. I knew, and it’s easy to stay away from town. Only groupies go to their place. I wouldn’t be at the compound for anything other than getting my car fixed, and seeing as I don’t own a car, there’s no point in me going.” She pulled out of her mother’s arms. There was no comfort to be had by her parent. “I’ve got to make food. Today didn’t go how I thought it would.” She took deep breaths as the tears threatened to fall.

  She left her mother standing in the hall way as she entered the kitchen, her domain. Once she started cooking everything would be all right.

  “What are you going to do, honey?” her mother asked, following her.

  “What I’ve always done. I’m going to cook a meal for us all, and then I’m going to play with Matthew. I’m not at work tomorrow, so I’ll wait until Monday and go back to work. Everything will return to normal. The only person I need to consider right now is Matthew. He’s all that counts.”

  “It’s okay to cry.”

  Slamming the pan to the counter she glared at her mother. “Why? What good would crying do me? I’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I slept with a man within hours of meeting him, and he got me pregnant. Just because he didn’t stay around doesn’t mean I’m anything special. Crap like this happens, Mom. I’m not surprised by it. Crying will not change anything. I’m not going to suddenly have a new change of perspective with a few tears. Everything will be the same.” Cheryl refused to cry anymore.

  She was hurt. Her first time with a man had been nothing but a bunch of lies. The time she spent with Butch had been more magical. Alex had used whatever means possible to get her into bed. She’d been seduced and had fallen for it just as easily. Looking back, she couldn’t help b
ut think she was gullible.

  “I’m going to go and sit with Matthew.”

  Cheryl didn’t comment. The last thing she wanted was to talk to her mother.

  Closing her eyes, she counted to ten before getting to work. Opening up some tomato sauce, she set to making meatballs for all of them. Halfway through the meatballs simmering the door went again.

  “I’ll get it.”

  Wiping her hands on a towel, she opened the door to find Butch on her doorstep. Staring into his eyes, she saw the pain within his depths. That pain responded inside her. She didn’t deserve this man. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be sorry, Cheryl. This is not your fault.” He stepped through the door. She knew in her heart she should stop him, but she couldn’t. For a few seconds she wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her body, holding her close, loving her. His chin rested on her head as he held her tighter than ever before. “I’m not letting you go.”

  His words did little to soothe the pain. She took what he offered, pleased to have him with her. Cheryl didn’t expect him to come back to her after the revelations of today.

  “I didn’t know who he was.”

  “Alex is a first class asshole. I’m not worried, and neither should you.” He cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. “Do not let him come between us. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  She bit her lip trying to keep the tears inside.

  “How can you even want to be with me after everything that has happened? He’s your friend while I’m nothing to you.” She stared at his chest, wishing there was something more to be said.

  “You mean more to me than nothing, Cheryl. I’m not going anywhere, not even back to the club. You’ve got me for life.” He wiped away the tears that had fallen, forcing her to tilt her head back to look at him.

  Her mother cleared her throat from the doorway.

  “Mom, this is not the time.”

  “I think you need someone to clear your head, honey. I love you, and I’ll stick by you no matter what. This man is not the father, and now that the father is in the picture, I’m not going to let you make a decision you’re going to regret.”

  “This is not about you.” Cheryl pulled out of Butch’s arms, turning her anger on her mother. “Alex was gone for the last three years. He didn’t give a damn about me or about his son. When are you going to see that?” she asked.

  “He’s back, and you can’t shove him out of your life just because you want to.”

  Shaking her head, she sank against Butch’s arms. She knew she should tell him to leave. Her life was no longer stress-free or uncomplicated. Alex had made sure of that.

  “Three years he’s been gone. Three years of not knowing what went wrong. I never loved him, Mom. Please, leave,” she said, no longer wanting her there. Her mother didn’t understand what was going on. She’d not seen Alex or been in his company. Cheryl knew him as did Butch.

  “You can’t throw me out.”

  “This is my home. I can do whatever the hell I want, and right now, I want you to be gone.” She opened the door, waiting. “What you’ve got to say, I don’t want to hear.”

  The last thing she needed was for her mother to talk about how important it was for Alex to have a part in her son’s life. Was it selfish of her not to let Matthew know his father?

  Butch didn’t interrupt. He stayed still behind her, silent. He was her silent strength.

  Once the door was closed, she sagged against his body.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’m not here to cause waves. I’m here because I want to be here, baby.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I want you here. I really do. I had no idea he was part of The Skulls. No idea at all.”

  “Baby, stop panicking. I can smell dinner. Go, fix us some food, and I’ll deal with Matthew. We can talk later once he’s in bed. I’m sorry about today. I was hoping for so much more.”

  She smiled at him. “This is not your fault.” From the moment Alex entered her life he’d caused her nothing but trouble. Seeing him today had brought back the pain his departure had caused. She wasn’t in love with him. In the past three years she’d gotten over any kind of feeling Alex had once caused. Seeing him again only awakened the anger she felt toward him.

  “I know, baby. Go and finish dinner and I’ll be done.”

  Cheryl watched him go into the sitting room. Within seconds Matthew was giggling. Licking her lips, she entered the kitchen to finish off dinner. She loved her mother, but the other woman had a way of doing things that were not like her. Stirring the meatball sauce, she drained the pasta then set to serving up.

  At the dinner table, Butch kept Matthew in conversation while she watched them together. Her thoughts returned to the moment Alex entered her life. Seeing him at the fair had shocked her. Should she let him see their son?

  You can’t push him away.

  He didn’t want to know.

  Once dinner was finished, she cleaned away the dishes then joined Matthew and Butch for a movie. The whole time she was aware of their need to talk. Rubbing a hand down her face, she stared down at Matthew’s hand within her own. Whatever happened, she was going to be there for her son.

  Tucking him in bed hours later, she sat in his room, stroking his hair. No one was going to take him away from her. Even as she thought about keeping Matthew, she knew Alex had time and money behind him. She had nothing other than motherly love for her son. There was no way the courts would grant her permission to keep her son.


  Butch stayed out of the way as Cheryl put her son to bed. Matthew was a good kid. He didn’t have the first clue as to what happened today. From the short time he’d known Matthew, Butch loved the kid as if he was his own. It was a strange, protective feeling that overcame him every time he was around Matthew. Cheryl inspired so many other feelings within him.

  Running fingers through his hair, he finished making them both a coffee. He sat on the sofa, making changes to the furnishings while he waited. In his mind he ticked off for a new sofa along with a wooden coffee table in pristine condition. This was going to be his place as much as hers.

  He tensed as he heard Cheryl making her way downstairs. She entered the sitting room with her arms wrapped around her waist. “He’s asleep.”

  “I made you a drink.”

  The conversation was stilted, and it was only making him angry. She sat as far away from him as the sofa allowed. Alex was already coming between them, and it was pissing him off.

  “I didn’t know Alex was part of The Skulls.”

  “I know.” He gritted his teeth at the anger building inside him. “Alex shouldn’t have done what he did.”

  “You quit the club, right?”

  “Yeah, I quit, and I’m not going back. You’ve got me for a long time, baby.” He smiled at her. “I’m thinking to the death.” He tried to make a joke of it, but he saw it had fallen on death ears.

  She didn’t respond. The tears started to fall down her face. “I’ve messed up.”

  Putting his cup down, he closed the distance between them, tugging her into his arms. “You’ve not messed up.” She collapsed against him. The tears started to fall harder. His gut tightened at the emotion pouring from her.

  There was nothing he could do to stop her from feeling like this.

  “I shouldn’t have gotten involved with you.”

  They were involved, and he didn’t give a shit what Alex said. He wasn’t losing her. This was not Cheryl’s fault, and he wasn’t going to hold her needs against her. She deserved a chance to let loose and have some fun.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He stroked her hair while she cried. His thoughts returned to what was said in the club. There was no way he’d let Alex get to her. If Alex even tried to lay claim to her, he’d kill the bastard. Butch wouldn’t be against torturing the fucker first.

  “I can’t do this,” she said. “He’s your friend.”

nbsp; “Alex is Tiny’s friend, not mine. I’m not letting anything come between us, Cheryl. I left the club because it’s dangerous. I don’t want us to be in danger anymore.”

  She sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “This is messed up.”

  “Yeah, it’s messed up. I’ve fallen for a woman who is the mother of a club member’s kid. It’s not going to be easy. Shit is going to happen in our lives.”

  “I want to leave Fort Wills,” she said. Her cheeks were a rosy, red hue.

  He shook his head. “We can’t leave.”

  “I want nothing to do with Alex or for Matthew to get involved with the crew. I’ve heard all the gossip. I can’t have that for my son.”

  “I’m not asking you to. I’m not going back to the club, but we can’t leave Fort Wills. Alex and all of them will come hunting for us. We’re best staying here, fighting our pitch. I’m not going anywhere, and you shouldn’t be running away either.” He kissed the top of her head. His cock responded to the instant hit of lust.

  Clearing his throat, he looked past her shoulder in order to gain some control over his rioting emotions. He wanted to take her away, but he knew the club wouldn’t allow that to happen. Matthew was part of The Skulls, whether Cheryl liked it or not.

  “We’re going to have to talk to him at some time.”


  “Alex. The bastard is his father. We can’t keep them apart.” He spoke the words out of gritted teeth. He hated giving Alex anything, least of all the boy.

  Cheryl pulled away. “No, I’m not going to do that. I can’t let Matthew get his hopes up. Alex doesn’t stay in the same place, does he? I can’t let Matthew get too attached if he’s not going to stick around. Matthew deserves a father.”

  “No, Alex doesn’t stay in one place. I’ll deal with him, and I’ll make sure we’ve got some kind of guarantee from him or something. I’ll fix this.”

  Her son called out putting an end to the conversation.

  “I’ll be back in a second.” She left him.


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