Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1

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Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1 Page 11

by K. L. Kreig

  Professor Bailey stood there. He looked nervous, his eyes darting around like he expected someone to jump him at any minute. “I’ve already answered all of the questions I can from the local police department. I’m afraid you’ve made a trip for nothing, gentlemen. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a very busy day.”

  “I’m sorry, Professor, but this isn’t a request. We need a few minutes of your time, so we can either do that here or I’ll be happy to escort you to the local PD and ask my questions there. Your choice.”

  A flash of anger crossed the professor’s face. “My office is fine,” he clipped. The professor headed toward his office. “Mary, hold my calls until we’re through here. And call Frank. Tell him I’ll be late for our one o’clock appointment.”

  “Yes, Professor. Right away.”

  Bailey took a seat, but Mike and Jake remained standing. A little intimidation tactic wouldn’t hurt. The bastard was hiding something. He felt it in his gut.

  He took out his notepad and pen. “So, Professor, tell us about your relationship with Sarah Hill.”

  Professor Bailey genuinely looked taken aback. So that wasn’t his angle, then. “I don’t have a relationship with Sarah Hill, Detective. She was my student, plain and simple. Quite frankly I’m offended you’d suggest otherwise.”

  “I meant no offense, Professor. We’re simply trying to find a missing young girl and you were the last person to see her. As you can imagine, we’re trying to put all of the pieces together so we can locate her as quickly as possible.”

  Professor Bailey gave a clipped nod.

  “So, on the sixth of February, the night of her disappearance, what did you and Sarah discuss?”

  If it was possible, Professor Bailey paled even more. He cleared his throat. “Nothing important. We discussed a project that she was having trouble with. She needed some guidance. It was a short conversation, that’s all.”

  Jake piped up. “What was the project? Specifically?”

  “I don’t really recall. I’d have to go back and look at my notes and the projects due in class at that time.”

  Mike raised his eyebrows. “That was two weeks ago, Professor. You can’t remember what project was due two weeks ago?” He let his voice drip with sarcasm.

  A look of indignation crossed the Bailey’s face. “Detectives, I have several research projects underway and I have many students helping me with various aspects of them. In addition, I am responsible for the entire Psychology Department curriculum. You can’t possibly think that I’d remember what each and every student was doing. I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning.”

  Mike wryly smirked, one corner of his mouth turning up. “Personally, if I was the last person to see a girl that went missing shortly afterward—call me crazy—but I’m pretty sure I’d remember what the conversation was about.”

  Jake spoke up. “We’ll wait.”

  Professor Bailey flicked his eyes to Jake’s. “Wait for what?”

  “For you to look at your notes, Professor.” When Bailey looked confused, he prodded, “To determine what the project was about? We’ll wait.”

  “W-Well, that could take a while, Detective. Why don’t you come back later this afternoon and I’ll have that pulled for you.”

  Mike smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. So you can run, dickhead? Think again.

  “We’ll wait.”

  “Of course, Detectives. My apologies. I do want to help. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and even the little things have been slipping my mind. If you’ll wait just outside with Mary, I’ll check my notes and be out shortly.” He pressed the intercom button. “Mary, would you be so kind as to get these detectives each a cup of coffee? They’ll be waiting in the reception area for just a bit.”

  There was only one way in and out of the office, so there wasn’t a chance the professor could escape, but he wouldn’t put anything past the slimy bastard.

  “That’s a kind offer, professor, but we’ll wait in here. We’ve got nothing but time on our hands today.”

  The professor paled even further, but went to work tapping on his computer. Mike sat back patiently waiting for whatever bullshit he was going to spew at them. And now that he’d seen his reaction, bullshit was exactly what it would be.

  Chapter 24


  Kate and Olivia had been working all day, with the exception of a short break for lunch. She was getting tired. She’d fought Olivia for the first couple of hours, insisting Olivia didn’t understand the sickening nature of her dreams, but Olivia had then shared a few dreams of her own. Kate had been confused as to why she dreamed specifically of Sarah, and she saw others being held as well, but her dreams seemed centrally focused on Sarah. Olivia had explained the dreams were random in that way. Even she hadn’t figured out how to dream of something specific when she wanted. She didn’t think it could be done.

  Olivia really seemed to understand what Kate was going through. Wise beyond her years was the best way she could describe her. She felt like a kindred spirit. When Kate questioned her on how she developed her own techniques, she would only say that someone with the same abilities helped her many years ago. It gave Kate enough hope to really try her techniques.

  Kate had spent the last several hours meditating and visualizing. Olivia encouraged her to step back from her surroundings and take in the entire picture. Kind of like an out-of-body experience. Remove emotion. View her dreams from a clinical perspective. That way she could see other things—clues—that she would otherwise miss. Even the smallest detail may be a clue, Olivia told her. And when Kate had these disturbing dreams, even the smallest clue could lead to a solution. In this case, it could lead to finding Sarah and the other kidnapped girls.

  Olivia had even put her under hypnosis, which before today she didn’t believe in. While Dev and Ren had apparently filled Olivia in on Kate’s dreams, Kate repeated them in detail, sans the fangs, getting frustrated when she couldn’t remember the details Olivia was pushing her to remember.

  Was there anyone else there? Describe the equipment? Was there anything that could be considered unique in the room? Emblems? Windows? Were there any weapons? How many entry points were there to the room? Did you hear any noises? People talking?


  She didn’t know of any of those things! She didn’t hear anything. She didn’t see anything else. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Sarah tied down to a table.

  However, during the hypnosis session, she’d apparently told Olivia some things she wasn’t able to consciously remember. Like, where she was being held appeared to be set up like a lab. There were beakers, empty vials and those filled with blood, medical and surgical type of equipment. Disturbingly, there was a row of infant incubators in the corner of the room. Empty. She also remembered there was a man in the corner of the room. He was short, heavy and balding with black-rimmed glasses. She couldn’t see him completely as his profile was to her, but when she awoke, Dev had called for a sketch artist to draw what she could remember. Unfortunately, she didn’t remember anything that would help them find where Sarah or the others were being held.

  Olivia told her to use the techniques they practiced today next time she dreamed of Sarah. Reluctantly, while she wanted to help further, truth be told, she didn’t want to dream of this anymore. She just wanted the damn dreams to stop. And then she felt incredibly guilty for thinking that.

  Dev came back into the office. “Okay, we’re done for the day, Olivia. Kate’s tired and she’s been put through enough for one day. Thank you for coming on such short notice and for your help. Tell Monti I said hello.”

  “Anytime, Dev.” Turning to Kate, she said, “It was a pleasure to meet you Kate. Keep practicing the techniques. Meditation really does help with this process so try to carve out at least an hour a day to do that. It helps you center your thoughts and emotions.” Olivia surprised Kate by pulling her into a quick hug.

  As Olivia picked up her purse and
coat, she turned back to Kate. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around, Kate.”

  “I doubt that. I’ll be leaving soon.” That thought actually made her sad. “But it was a pleasure to meet you, Olivia, and thanks so much for your help.”

  Olivia’s gaze quickly flicked to Dev and back to Kate. She simply winked, giving her an oh-I’ll-be-seeing-you-again smile, and walked out the door.

  Dev turned his attention to her, softening his voice as he spoke. “You did a really great job today, Kate. I’m proud of you.”

  “Pfft. I didn’t really do anything, Dev. I feel like I could have—should have—done more. I don’t feel like we’re any closer to finding Sarah than we were days ago.”

  He walked over to her, stopping so close that if either took a breath, their chests would be touching. Her breaths quickened. Damn you, dampened panties! Dev suddenly sported a big knowing grin, almost like he knew. Impossible.

  As quickly as his smile came, it faded and desire immediately filled its place. His eyes became heavy and hooded and he readied his lips. She wasn’t sure which look she liked most…the glow of his smile, or the heat of his desire. Both. She liked both. Equally.

  He gently held her chin in place, while he ever so slowly lowered his mouth to hers. Eyes locked on one other. He gently nipped at her lower lip, dragging it through his teeth. Oh God. He leaned back in, doing the same to her upper. Finally, he kissed her entire mouth, sweeping inside, dueling his tongue with hers. It was a slow, sensual, panty-dropping kiss. A kiss that promised much more pleasure was coming—pun intended.

  Holy moly…the man knew what he was doing. That should have sent warning bells off, and in truth, it did. But for some stupid reason she pushed them to the back of her mind.

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against his hard, sinewy body. The man was sex incarnate. Their mouths worked feverishly against each other’s. She thought her entire body would burst into flames. He walked her backwards until he had her pinned against the wall.

  “God help me I can’t wait any longer, Kate. I need to be inside you,” he whispered against her lips. She shut off her mind and surrendered to the moment. Surrendered to what she’d wanted for days. For months. Consequences be damned, she was going to have him. She would simply need to reinforce the guard around her heart. This was just sex, Kate. Just sex.

  Kate wound her hands into his hair, pulling him to her mouth again, meeting his tongue stroke for stroke. His breath was a heady mix of mint, bourbon and man. He tasted like light…and darkness. She never wanted to let him go. His left hand palmed the back of her head, angling her where he wanted. He dominated the kiss, taking, but giving in equal measure. She could feel his arousal, hard and pulsing against her stomach. She was absolutely drenched.

  Dev broke the kiss, his breathing as ragged as hers. “Not here, love.”

  Before she could comprehend what happened, Dev swept her up into his bulky arms and carried her quickly to her bedroom. She’d never seen anyone move that fast. He must be pretty damn motivated. He kicked the door shut, gently set her on her feet, and pushed her against the wall, his body following. While pulling her hips flush against his arousal, Dev ravaged her mouth like a man lost in the desert for a month without water. Like he couldn’t get enough of her. She knew the feeling.

  Then Dev was laving love bites and open-mouthed kisses along her jaw, behind the sensitive skin underneath her ear, and down her neck. Her head fell back against the wall. She was mindless. Completely lost to him.



  Dev could hardly wrap his mind around how fantastic Kate tasted. How in tune to him she was. He’d heard the link between a vampire and his Moira was intensely strong, even before they became permanently bonded. Once the bonding occurred, that link was even more potent. He’d already started hearing some of her thoughts, though she wouldn’t hear his until they’d completed the bonding. Soaked panties, huh? He couldn’t wait to verify that one.

  When her head fell against the door baring her long, sleek neck to him, his fangs dropped and the desire to take her blood, making her irrevocably his was like a freight train on a collision course…almost too much to stop. Making love to her without taking her blood would take every single ounce of iron will he’d gained over the last several hundred years. He willed his fangs to recede.

  He grabbed one of her legs, drawing it around his hip. He thickly commanded, “Wrap your legs around my waist.” She obeyed immediately.

  He kissed his way back up to her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip and tongue before fully taking her mouth in another searing kiss. He wanted to learn every nuance that was Kate. Her hands constantly roamed his arms, shoulders, hair and chest. He loved every second of it. He wanted to do this with her every day and night for the rest of their lives.

  He began to grind his pelvis against her moist center and she kept time with him. Fucking hell, he needed to be inside her. Now. The scent of her desire had his mouth watering. He could not wait to taste her, to drink from her. But not this time. There were so many things he wanted to do with this woman, he was warring with himself on where to start.

  Without breaking contact with her mouth or body, he carried her over to the large king sized bed in the middle of her room and gently laid her down on the duvet. He was almost shaking now with the physical and emotional need to claim her.

  Laying his larger frame over her smaller one, he forced himself to let go of her mouth and, bracing himself on his forearms, gazed down into her beautiful, unfocused, lust-glazed eyes. He wanted this woman beyond any reason. He wanted her to see his sincerity, his honesty, his overwhelming need for her.

  She whispered, “Please don’t stop. God, I want you, Dev.”

  He grinned ear to ear. “How could I say no when you asked so sweetly, love.”

  He gave her one hard, ravenous kiss and sat up to gaze down upon her gorgeous body. He needed to slow down so he could drink in every creamy inch of her perfection and brand it into his memory. He lifted the hem of her sweater over the slight swell of her stomach and over the generous expanse of her breasts, which were encased in a sexy black lacy bra. They both quickly rid her of the offending garment. Jesus, he could hardly breathe. Words could not describe how perfectly exquisite she was. She was made completely and only for him.

  “Fuck, Kate. You are perfection.” She gave him a bright, relieved smile and if he wasn’t a goner before, he surely was now. She didn’t know it yet, but she owned him, heart, body, and soul. He ran his hands up the expanse of her waist, past her ribcage until they cupped her breasts. His thumbs found her taut nipples, pinching them gently. Kate moaned, closing her eyes.

  He fastened his mouth on one pert nipple, laving and sucking, flattening it out against the roof of his mouth, all the while stroking the other. Her body arched off the bed closer to him and she held his head to her breast, begging, “Please, Dev. I need you now.”

  Soon, my love. Soon.

  He gave the other breast equal treatment. As one hand strummed her nipple, his other moved down her body to the snap of her jeans. He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped them, pushing the stiff fabric down her legs. He reluctantly released her breast to divest her of them completely. Her took her tiny matching black panties along with them. He’d enjoy her sexy lingerie next time.

  Dev ran his hands up both lean legs as he crawled slowly back up her body. When he reached her core, he spread her open, so she was completely splayed to him. Her bare pussy was weeping for his touch. She was so unbelievably sexy he damn near swallowed his tongue. Mine.

  “Jesus, Kate, you are so sexy and dripping for me. I can’t wait to taste you.” He took a deep breath. “You smell like heaven.”

  He felt his eyes start to glow and shut them for a few moments, willing them back to normal. He lowered his head to her treasure and took his first taste of her, taking one long lick from back to front, ending on her clit, where he flicked his tongue back and forth.

God!” Kate gasped and her hips shot off the bed. He used one arm to hold them in place, while he used the other to keep her pussy fully open to him. His tongue found her secret opening and he plunged in, drinking down her essence. He nibbled and licked his way back up to her clit, thrusting one long finger into her silken, hot sheath, followed quickly by another, pumping in and out. He leisurely savored her like an ice cream cone, ending with a light flick to her most sensitive button. She writhed underneath him, but he held her immobile. He knew he would never get enough of this woman. His woman. His cock was painfully hard, like a divining rod that had found its golden treasure. He was going out of his mind with the need to be inside her. But he wanted to savor her taste a bit longer.

  She was so responsive. Her throaty moans and pleas were becoming incoherent. Her frantic pulse and tightening pussy indicated she was close to orgasm, even with the lightest of flicks to her clit. Dev couldn’t wait to see her come undone, so before picking up the pace, he whispered, “I want you to come for me, love. Come for me hard, so I can fuck you even harder.”



  Kate had never been wound this tight before. Dev’s dirty talk was unbelievably sexy, pushing her over the edge. His plea to be inside her was her undoing.

  “God, Dev!” She flung her head back, squeezing her eyes shut as she shattered into a million pieces. The bolt of pleasure that ripped through her body was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It was white hot and mind-melting. Goose bumps broke out all over body. She never wanted to come down from this euphoric high.

  She wasn’t sure how long it took for her to come back into herself. Seconds, minutes…who the hell was counting? Her limbs were literally shaking. Dev was reverently kissing her mound, before laving his way back up her body. When he reached her mouth, he gave her another soul-shattering kiss and she could taste her essence on his lips, his tongue.


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