Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1

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Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1 Page 15

by K. L. Kreig

  “I’d planned on telling you today and I didn’t want you to find out this way, but things are happening to you that we need to figure out…together. Do you remember all of what happened last night?”


  He placed a hand on her knee and she stayed frozen, feeling the ever-present electricity seep into her body. “Tell me what you remember.”

  Her gaze flicked back up to his eyes, which had stopped glowing. She whispered, “When I walked into the room downstairs, everyone looked at me with…with…”

  “With glowing eyes?” She nodded.

  “What else do you remember?”

  When she just continued to watch him, mute, he softly encouraged her, “It’s okay, love.”

  “I—I… One of them tried to attack me and I screamed and ran. Then…then all of a sudden you were in front of me on the stairs and I fell.” Her brows creased. “Wait a minute. Did you push me?”

  He jumped up, glaring down at her. “Hell, no, I didn’t push you! How could you even think that? I told you, Kate, you are my Moira and I would never hurt you. I would die protecting you. I will never give you anything but pleasure, love.”

  Embarrassment heated her face. Even now, when her head was spinning and she felt like she’d entered a Twilight Zone episode, she felt an irresistible pull toward this man—or whatever he was. She was certifiably crazy. She had to get out of here. Now. She needed time to think through what was happening.

  She abruptly stood and went to the closet to her get her overnight bag.

  “Kate, what are you doing? Put that away.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  He was at her side in a second, grabbing the bag out of her hand. Surprise morphed into fury. Emotions were rolling through her faster than an out of control locomotive. It was exhausting.

  “Give. That. Back.”

  “No. You’re not going anywhere. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Is that so? More dangerous than being in a house full of vampires? I think I’ll take my chances, Mr. Fallinsworth.”

  Faster than she could blink, she was pinned up against the wall by two hundred twenty pounds of lean, muscular, aroused man…er vampire. She had to crane her neck to look up at him.

  “What are you doing?” She hated the way she sounded so breathless and needy.

  He leaned down so their noses were almost touching, his strong hands firmly gripping her hips.

  “First of all, I’m not letting you go anywhere, love.” He tilted his hips into her, grinding his arousal against her stomach. Her breath caught as his mouth slid to the shell of her ear.

  “Second of all, I think we’re way past formalities here since my cock has been inside that hot, wet, delicious body of yours.” When he nipped her neck and laved it with his tongue, she whimpered. Actually whimpered. Pathetic.

  He looked at her with so much longing in his eyes, she was sure she would spontaneously combust on the spot.

  “You are mine, Kate, and you are not going anywhere.” One hand cupped her head, as he took her mouth in a searing kiss. He pulled away suddenly, groaning.

  “I’m sorry, I have some business to tend to. I won’t be long.” He gave her another quick peck and he walked to the door. Turning back, he said, “Stay here. Please. We have a lot more to discuss.”

  She nodded, with no intention of following his instructions like some lovesick schoolgirl, but knowing if she disagreed he’d likely handcuff her to the bed. Not a bad idea. Stop it, Kate!

  He closed the door and she whipped into action, throwing clothes into her overnight bag. She ran to the bathroom to grab her toiletries and fished her pj’s off the floor. She grabbed her cell phone and called her one close friend, Erin, to beg for a ride back into town. She knew they had turned onto the lane leading up to the house from the highway, so she explained as best as she remembered how to get here and told her she’d be waiting for her by the side of the road in thirty minutes. It would probably take her at least twenty to make the long walk to the highway. She also had to figure out how she was going to get past the security gate.

  She looked around the room for anything she may have forgotten and slipped out quietly, hoping not to get busted on her way to the front door.

  Thankfully she made it unnoticed and, quiet as a church mouse, exited the house. Once she was outside, she felt an inextricable pull to return to Dev. It was a struggle to turn and walk away. That was all the more reason she had to get away from here. She needed some time to breathe and process everything that happened over the last few days. She felt like a dam after a heavy rain, ready to burst at the seams.

  She turned, walking further and further away from the one person she knew, deep down in the depths of her soul, was The One for her. And it was the hardest, longest walk she’d ever made in her life.

  Chapter 33


  “Why do I not have that dreamwalker in my possession yet? Do I have to do everything my goddamned self?”

  “I’m sorry, my liege, but neither the woman nor the detective have been back to their homes yet. My sources tell me that the detective is not working today and we still don’t know where the woman is. We keep rotating new shifts every three to four hours to keep the men at their freshest. We will find them, I assure you.”

  The rage Xavier kept at a slow simmer at all times instantaneously boiled over and the animal in him took control. He threw his head back and bellowed an inhuman sound that shook the walls of the compound. He immediately ripped out the neck of the vampire standing in front of him, dropping his dead corpse to the ground.

  Several of his other men came running at the sound of the vicious attack, ready to defend their lord and master. The first two arriving had the bad fortune of meeting with an untimely death in a similar gruesome manner before he calmed down enough to stop the killing rampage.

  “If I don’t have that goddamned dreamwalker in my possession by dusk, more motherfucking heads will roll!”

  “Yes, sire.” The remaining vampires scrambled for their lives.

  Chapter 34


  Light spilled through the tattered blinds that wouldn’t quite close. Mike woke with the mother of all hangovers. Holy shitballs…he was gonna be sick. He bolted up from the bed in hopes of making it to the bathroom, which was not a splendid idea, as he tripped over a discarded shoe, staggered and fell face first into the hair-strewn motel carpet. Not something you want to walk around barefoot on, let alone face plant in.

  He didn’t make much as a detective, but he could have afforded a bit better than this Psycho-like motel he’d ended up in. Was that dried blood on the bottom of the mattress? Thing was, Milwaukee was a small city, relatively speaking, and he couldn’t have anyone finding out what he did to himself, especially anyone on the force.


  He failed pushing himself off the floor, landing on the side of his face. At this rate, he’d have a black eye. The second time he was successful but didn’t quite make it to the toilet before last night’s JD forced its way back out of his body. Thank God the sink was close.

  He rinsed his mouth and headed to the toilet to relieve himself of another quarter of the bottle that had managed to make its way through his digestive system. He made it back to the bed without further incident, feeling mildly better. Another few hours of sleep and he’d finish out the day as planned.

  While he felt like a shithead for baggin’ on Jake, making him run down leads for the missing Sarah on his own, he could not let his annual tradition of self-flagellation go.

  He deserved it. She deserved it.

  So, as his gut churned from his over-indulgence, he would see the day through, as he did every year, and tomorrow he’d get back to his duties as a Milwaukee PD Detective to find Sarah’s kidnapper.

  Chapter 35


  “Where did she go? She couldn’t have just walked home.” Dev’s head was still reeling from what Big D had told him and now Kate was gone.
The little minx promised she would stay. He should have known better and tied her to the goddamned bed. Too much had happened in the last couple of days and he knew she was overwhelmed. He could feel it.

  Dev, Ren, and Manny had searched the entire house and the outdoor grounds, all the way to the highway, but there was no sign of her. No cars were missing out front, but her bag and clothes were gone and, clearly, so was she.

  “Damn it!”

  “We’ll find her, Dev,” said Ren.

  “I swear to God when I get my hands on that woman, I am going to turn her over my knee and blister her ass so she can’t sit for a week!” And then make her irrevocably his. He was going to complete the bonding as soon as he found her, so she would never want to leave him again.

  He’d called her cell several times and it went straight to voice mail.

  He was in a near panic. Nothing could happen to the woman that he had come to love. And with what he just found out about her, she was in more danger than ever. He was grappling with how to handle the competing emotions rolling through him. Known for his calm demeanor in the face of battle, he was anything but calm now.

  “We need to check her house to see if she’s gone back there. Manny, you stay here. Ren, you’re with me.”

  Ren furiously shook his head. “Nope. No way, my lord. At minimum, Manny and Thane go with us. Giselle can handle things here until the cavalry arrive. I’ve called everyone else home in case this turns into a goatfuck. This could be a setup and I won’t have the death of one Lord, let alone three, staining my conscience.”

  Dev walked up to Ren, standing at his full height, which still didn’t quite match Ren’s frame. They were chest to chest.

  “I think you’ve forgotten who’s in charge, Ren. I give the orders, I don’t take them.”

  Ren didn’t flinch or break eye contact, even for a second. “With all due respect, my lord, my job is to protect you, and now your Moira. So let me do my fucking job. Sir.”

  Dev shook his head, a smirk curving the corner of his mouth. “Jesus, you are a pain in my ass.”

  Ren let a smirk grace his handsome face. “I live for it, my lord.”

  “And I told you to stop calling me that.”

  He bowed slightly. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Thane, we’re flashing to Kate’s. Get up here now, you’re going with us. Giselle, you’re in charge until we return. If Kate comes back, you are to let me know immediately and keep her here under any circumstances. You are to protect her with your life, like you would mine.”

  “Of course, my lord.”

  Their hands were all lethal weapons in addition to their minds, but each of them had their special armament they preferred to use as implements of torture against the enemy. When they flashed to Kate’s house, they instantly sensed something was very, very wrong.

  That’s when Dev heard Kate scream.



  Since Erin lived on the north side of the city, it didn’t take her too long to get there, although she drove by Kate twice before she saw her, which was odd. Kate was waving her arms and jumping up and down, but she still drove by. Erin finally saw her about a quarter mile from the turnoff to the house.

  Kate made up some story about coming out to a party last night with coworker, who’d ditched her, leaving her stranded. If Erin’s raised eyebrow was any indication, she didn’t believe a word she said, but didn’t press her on it either. Kate at a party? Laughable. Erin had to twist her arm to get her to have a drink, for God’s sake.

  Knowing she was still in danger and couldn’t stay at home, Erin readily agreed to let Kate stay at her place for a few days, buying the lie there was a student who’d been a little too attentive and had been by the house several times. Driving by first to make sure no one was lurking outside, they rounded the block and parked in her driveway.

  “Thanks, Erin. You’re a good friend.”

  “No problem, Katie pie. Any time.”

  Erin waited in the car as she ran inside to grab a few extra clothes.

  When Kate opened the door to her house, she immediately knew something wasn’t right. The whooshing noise was back and it was so loud, it was almost debilitating. Holy balls. Somebody was in her house. Several somebody’s, in fact. Kate turned frantically to leave, but strong arms grabbed her arms from behind, stopping her forward movement.

  “About time you got home, bitch.”

  She screamed and the body behind her froze, his fingers digging into her tender flesh. Suddenly she heard the snapping of bones close to her ear and her attacker’s kung-fu grip was gone. Kate didn’t look back, instead running toward the door, escape the only thing on her mind. She stopped short when Dev unexpectedly appeared, blocking her getaway.

  “What the—?”

  She didn’t have time to finish her sentence or thought before he grabbed her and everything went black. Her body tingled and she felt like she was floating. As sudden as the dizzying feeling came, it was gone and they were back at Dev’s house.

  Dev frantically scoured her face and body. “Are you okay?”

  “I think so, yes.”

  “Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?”

  “No, no he just scared me. Dev, what the hell is happening here? How were you at my house and how are we back here? I don’t understand what’s going on at all!” She knew she sounded hysterical. Each word was shriller than the last. Tears pricked in her eyes. Emotional meltdown, begin.

  Dev sighed, his voice softening. “I told you, Kate. I am vampire. I have many talents and flashing is one of them.”

  “This is not real. This can’t really be happening. I—I need to sit down.” Her legs started buckling and Dev reached out to steady her, but she waved him off.

  “Let’s go up to my bedroom, where you’ll be more comfortable, Kate. Please.”

  He reached for her, but she stopped him. “Erin. What happened to Erin?”

  “Ren’s taking care of her. Don’t worry. She’s safe and she won’t remember a thing. She’ll think she had a strange dream is all.”

  Thank you God. If anything happened to Erin because of her stupid, careless actions, she’d never forgive herself.

  “Good. Good…thanks.”

  He reached for her, but she held out her hand.

  “I want to walk. No flashing.” He regarded her for a minute and nodded, reaching for her hand. She took it. She couldn’t deny that she wanted his touch. Needed it. Was already craving it like a drug addict. She was ready to come fucking unglued and he felt like the only thing that could ground her at this moment. And wasn’t that ironic, since from the moment she met him, her life started going to shit.

  On unsteady legs, she made her way to his bedroom. She’d woken in there earlier, but hadn’t had a chance to look around and take it all in. It was much larger than hers with the massive mahogany sleigh bed in the middle of the room, complete with an off-white comforter and black, white and beige throw pillows. It was different than she expected, but somehow suited his personality perfectly. Massive matching furniture adorned the rest of the room, which was painted soft beige. It was homey. At every turn, he never ceased to amaze her.

  He scooped her up and strode over to the plush bed, setting her down gently. He held her hand as he sat right beside her.

  “Are you sure you’re unharmed?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Why did you leave, Kate? I specifically asked you to stay put.”

  “You really want to scold me for leaving? That’s what you want to do right now? I don’t think so. I will ask the questions, Dev. And you will answer every single one truthfully or so help me god, you will feel my wrath.”

  He dropped her hand and stared at her like she’d grown a pair. A pair of cojones, to be clear. Kate wasn’t a pushover by any means, but this was an aggressive side of her personality he hadn’t seen yet. Well, buckle up buddy, because she was just getting started.
/>   She jumped off the bed, pacing. “I have so many questions I need a goddamn pen and paper to write them all down so I can keep track!” He was silent while she continued her rant.

  “Let’s start with why I’m really in danger? Oh, and how about telling me who the fuck just tried to kidnap me right now? And how you just found me in the nick of time? Oh, oh…and why don’t you start explaining this whole ‘mate’ thing to me again, because I think I missed that during our first conversation about you being a goddamned vampire!”

  He tried to speak, but she talked over him, raving until she was practically yelling, wildly waving her arms. The carpet matted beneath her feet as she paced back and forth. She was out of control, but didn’t give a shit.

  “And next, maybe you would care to explain why I seem to be able to do inhuman things…like, oh…freeze people with just a thought; and hear things in my head, like you talking and whooshing, which I wasn’t able to do just a short two days ago before I came to this house.”

  She stopped and looked at him, her face flush, chest heaving up and down, but at least her voice softened a bit. Unable to hold them back, tears brimmed in her eyes.

  “Finally, maybe you could help me understand why every time I’m around you, I literally can’t think of anything else besides getting you naked and inside my body. And when I’m not with you, why I have this inextricable pull to be with you. I am not that kind of person, Dev. It’s making me batshit crazy!”

  Her legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor, sobbing. Dev was there in an instant, wrapping her in his arms. They sat on the floor for an unknown period of time. He whispered softly, stroking her back until she pulled herself together and the river of tears slowly dried.


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