Lang, Chloe - Feeling Strong [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Lang, Chloe - Feeling Strong [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 8

by Chloe Lang

  Charly sat up. Was that all she’d been to these brothers? “Thanks for telling me this, Dax. It clears up a lot for me.” She needed him to leave before her tears started to fall. A game was all she was to them.

  Dax pulled her back down into his arms. “Baby, you’re missing the point. You’re not Gabby or any of the others who have fallen victim to our bullshit.”

  “You say that, but how can I be sure? Why am I different?” Anxious shivers rolled through her. She chewed on her lower lip, fighting back her tears.

  “You’re nothing like Gabby, sweetheart. You have—”

  A knock at her hotel room door startled her.

  “Shh.” Dax put his finger to her lips. “Whoever it is will go away.”

  Part of her wanted the interrupter to vacate the hallway quickly so that Dax could finish what he had been about to tell her. Another part prayed they would stay so that she might avoid her heart being flattened by what he would say.

  “Charly?” Jessie’s voice came from the other side of the door.

  Confusion shook her, and she looked at Dax. “They’re back from their honeymoon already?”

  “We’re not done here,” he informed quietly.

  Another knock.

  “We have to be for now, Dax. She may need me.”

  What could’ve happened during Jessie’s trip with her five husbands that could’ve cut it so short? Had her cousin’s dream turned into a nightmare already?

  Charly got out of the bed and put on her robe. When she got to the door, she looked back at the cowboy in her bed. “Jessie, give me a second.”


  She motioned for Dax to gather his clothes up and to go to the bathroom.

  He mouthed the word “why.”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He shrugged but did what she’d asked, heading to the bathroom with his clothes in his arms.

  When he was out of sight, she cracked her hotel room door open.

  Jessie looked somber with her arms folded in front of her chest. Austin and Denver stood behind her like two bodyguards.

  “What in the world are you doing here, Jess, and not on your honeymoon with your guys?”

  “Your dad is coming to Wilde, Charly.”

  She felt her jaw drop. “No way.” How long had it been since she’d seen him? Twelve years. He’d been sent to prison on the very day she’d turned thirteen.

  “Your mom called me. She didn’t want you to be alone when he showed up.”

  “This is…damn it.” Charly’s mind spun with a million thoughts.

  Why was he coming? She’d made it clear on her last visit to the prison five years ago that she didn’t want anything more to do with him. He’d let her and her mother down too many times.

  “He’ll be here tomorrow morning.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dax gazed at Charly, who thankfully had finally drifted off after crying for a good hour. She’d told him all about her deadbeat dad. The early years had been good. Then things changed. It didn’t take much for Dax to put together a pretty clear image of Charly’s father. He was a thug, a bully, and a thief. He wasn’t about to let the guy within ten feet of Charly.

  A quiet knock on the door didn’t wake his sleeping beauty, thankfully. He’d called Drake in case he needed backup.

  He opened the door and was shocked to see Drake wasn’t alone. Heath was standing next to him.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “That’s a long story, bro, but one that I think you need to hear now.”

  “Tonight’s not a good night for that.” Dax had the key to Charly’s room in his pocket. He stepped into the hall, pulling the door gently closed.

  Drake put his hand on Dax’s shoulder. “Tonight is the perfect time.”

  “Just hear us out,” Heath said.

  “All right. I’m listening.”

  Heath pulled out a wad of bills from his jean pocket. “I got the money from Harry. It’s payment for Charly’s car.”

  Dax turned to his twin. “You’ve been working with him on this?”

  “Yes.” Drake turned to Heath. “Tell him.”

  Heath sighed. “I’m in love with Charly, too.”

  Rage rolled through him like thunder. “Bullshit. This is just like the time with Gabby.”

  “No, Dax. It’s not.” Heath seemed to be telling the truth. “I didn’t love her. Gabby was trouble with a capital T. I knew that Seth was too blinded to see her for what she was. You and Drake were too young to know better.”

  “You expect me to believe this line of crap from you?”

  “Answer me this, did you love Gabby?”

  Dax knew he didn’t, even back then. Seth was the one who seemed lost to her charms. When Drake stepped in line and joined in on the marriage train, Dax had agreed to share the woman, hoping that given enough time, he would eventually fall in love her.

  “No, Heath. I didn’t love Gabby, but Seth did.”

  Heath nodded. “He might have loved her, but I think Seth was more entranced by her than anything else. She would’ve ripped our family apart. Last I heard she was on her fourth marriage, living the high life in Chicago, having taken her first three husbands to the cleaners.”

  “You might’ve meant well by what you did, Heath, but how you went about it did actually rip our family apart.” Dax recalled how he and his five brothers were with each other before Heath took Gabby to his bed. He longed for those better days.

  Heath closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes. I’m to blame.” He opened his eyes, and Dax could almost see the guilt he carried “I know that.”

  “Why couldn’t you have left it alone?”

  “Dax, I wish there’d been another way, but for the life of me, I don’t think you three would’ve given her up unless I had done what I did.”

  “That’s ancient history, guys.” Drake pointed to the closed door. “In there is Charly, our future.”

  “Our future?” Dax was confused.

  “Heath has a plan that will shake things up in Wilde. Even our parents are going to be floored by it. But, Dax, if we don’t try, we’re going to lose not just Charly, but our brothers, too.”

  * * * *

  Charly looked at the clock again. It was seven thirty at night. She’d tried to call Harry several times, but he’d never answered. He wasn’t coming with her money.

  She’d talked to her mother and to Jessie a couple of times during the day. No sign of her father anywhere in Wilde or in New York.

  She’d felt like a prisoner in her own hotel room. Well, not quite like a prisoner. More like a princess in a tower surrounded by three bodyguards. Her old, faded pj’s didn’t lend themselves to that fantasy, but she was at least comfortable.

  She’d thought about getting dressed, but didn’t, not seeing the point of it if she wasn’t ever going to leave her hotel room.

  Drake was dozing off in the chair. Heath was pacing by the window. And Dax was with her on the bed, watching whatever was on KINK Channel Three.

  “Fellows, my dad is clearly not coming today. I think you can all go home.”

  Dax pulled her close. “What makes you think we aren’t home, kitten?”

  Drake sat up, clearly awake now. “Listen to him, sweetheart. I’m the twin with the looks. He’s the one with the brains.”

  Charly shook her head. “I don’t understand any of this. You three can’t share a woman. Everyone knows that. Even your mom.”

  “We love our mother, baby.” Heath moved next to her on the bed. “But she’s dead wrong on this.”

  “But what about what happened with that Gabby woman? How can you guys ever overcome that?”

  Dax kissed her, making her dizzy. “With you, kitten. We can overcome anything with you.”

  Her heart began to leap for joy in her chest. “You mean you three might be willing to share a woman?”

  Drake sat down on the end of the bed. “Not just any woman, sweetheart. Only you.”

p; Charly couldn’t believe her ears. Were they serious? She turned to Dax. “What about Seth?”

  “You let us worry about him, kitten. Nate and Tobias, too.”

  She tried to make sense out of what they were telling her, but her mind was muddled. The day had drained her of mental resources. Her three protectors kept her in her room the entire day, with one of them bringing food for each meal. “What now?”

  “Since we’re in the clear, I’ve got an idea I think you will like, kitten.” Dax’s deep, lusty tone warmed her up.

  “I like where you’re headed, bro.” Drake grabbed her ankles.

  “He is the smartest of the two of you.” Heath ran his hand up and down her arm.

  Charly felt her pulse race. “Let’s just talk for a whi—”

  Using his lips to silence her, Dax pressed against hers. She felt Heath’s mouth on her neck and Drake’s fingers on her legs.

  When Dax released her lips, he looked over at Heath. “You should taste her lips, brother.”

  “My pleasure.” Heath cupped her chin, pulling ever so gently until she faced him.

  “I guess there’s no stopping you three.” Charly’s body buzzed in anticipation for the ride the brothers were taking her on tonight. “I should just let you have your ways with me.”

  “Smart woman.” Heath nodded. He devoured her mouth with his, sweeping his tongue past her lips. Tingles spread over her skin like wildfire.

  “Let’s get Charly out of her pajamas.”

  The three brothers had her completely naked in the middle of the bed. Once again, Dax pressed his hot, searing lips to her mouth. She shivered from head to toe.

  Drake bathed her legs with his tongue, sending delightful jolts up and down her spine.

  Heath swallowed one of her nipples, sucking hard on the throbbing tip. He pinched her other nipple, adding to her ever-increasing ache.

  When Drake licked his way up to her pussy, she was crazy with desire. The moment his tongue grazed her clit, her pussy got so very wet.

  Heath continued suckling on her left nipple, releasing his hold on her right one. His hand wandered down her body, providing a delicious tickling torture.

  Dax shifted down and swallowed the nipple that Heath had pinched into a throbbing mass.

  With three cowboys sucking and licking her breasts and pussy, Charly became delirious with want. The more their tongues bathed her, the more her body burned.

  She was about to come when all three guys stopped torturing her with their mouths.

  Heath spoke first. “Time to stretch out your tight, pretty ass, baby. And get it ready for my dick.”

  “First, let’s glove up,” Dax said.

  “Right you are,” Drake agreed.

  With the speed of fictional superheroes, the three brothers each undressed and donned a condom on their own thick cock.

  He touched her cheek. “Now, about getting your ass ready to take my dick.”

  Charly gasped as the cowboys flipped her, landing her facedown on the bed.

  Heath applied a generous amount of lube to his hands, and a few more drops to her backside entrance. Then he fingered her ass, pushing past the tight ring, stretching her out until she was thrashing against the bed.

  Dax whispered in her ear, “Kitten, I want you to come with my dick inside your pussy.”

  “I want to feel those lush lips around my dick tonight.” Drake squeezed her thighs.

  Her passion turned to mania. She had to have them, all of them, inside her. “Please, take me now.”

  “Kitten, we’ve let you suffer enough.” Dax hoisted her off the bed.

  Heath moved to the center of the mattress, placing several pillows under his head until he was in almost a sitting position. With Drake’s help, Dax lowered her ass down onto Heath’s cock. When she felt it hit her tight spot back there, she sucked in a roomful of air.

  “Breath, baby,” Heath instructed.

  The head of his dick split her ass wide, moving past the ring. As the twins lowered her more, Heath’s big, thick cock stretched her out, filling her to the very max. Her whole body rested on his muscled frame, her back to his chest.

  In no time, the pain vanished, leaving her unhinged and wanting more.

  Dax got on top of her, his nine-inch beast filling up her weeping sex.

  He pumped into her pussy a few strokes, and heat and hunger took her completely over.

  Drake moved to her side. “Turn your head this way, sweetheart.”

  She obeyed.

  He placed the fat head of his dick on her lips. “Bathe my cock with your mouth, love. I want you to swallow every drop.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She parted her lips, and he slid his shaft down her throat. She could taste the salty slickness of the precursor of the bigger flood to come.

  “Shit, she’s working that pretty mouth on my dick.” Drake’s hands pressed at the back of her head. “Good girl”

  With what seemed like shameless fury, Dax drilled her pussy with his dick. Heath, too, seemed to be lost to his lust, shoving his cock up into her ass.

  The brothers invaded every inch of her pussy, her ass, and her mouth, filling her to the impossible. She sucked hard on Drake’s cock, clenched her pussy around Dax’s dick, and tightened her insides to squeeze on Heath’s shaft in her ass.

  Being consumed, pleasured, and possessed by the three men who had captured all of her heart sent her into a spinning state of a million sensations ripping through her entire body. While continuing to thrust his cock into her pussy, Dax worked his hand between their bodies until one of his fingers found her clit. Her ache became intolerable.

  Dax shoved his dick to the hilt inside. His body got so rigid, and she felt his cock pulse in her pussy as he came. “Fuck!”

  Heath plowed into her ass, shooting his seed with a final unintelligible “Uhh!”

  Drake rumbled, “Coming…” His seed shot down her throat.

  Charly couldn’t hold back. Fiery balls of heat exploded inside her, each leaving a wake of uncontrollable shivers. Her womb began to convulse, and her body burned.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you awake, kitten?” Dax asked.

  “I am,” Charly whispered, hoping not to disturb the other two cowboys in the bed with them. Drake and Heath were still out cold. Though the bed was a king, it could barely contain the four of them. She wondered how Jessie and her men were going to compensate. Would they have a bed made, or would they just shove two kings together? My mind sure can fixate on the strangest things.

  She’d actually been awake for more than an hour. The sun wouldn’t be up for another two.

  The room was completely dark, save the light from the digital clock radio.

  She felt Dax’s hands on her sides. Even in the dark, the cowboy seemed to have a sixth sense. “Charly, I know you’ve got a lot on your mind, but you’re not alone. I’m here. I’ll always be here. If and when your dad shows up, I’ll handle him. Trust me.”

  “I really do trust you, Dax. So much. You’ve opened me up in ways I didn’t think possible. I’m crazy about Drake and Heath. And now I’m crazy for you. But I’m not sure that’s enough.”

  “Shh, kitten. You’ll see. I never knew love was even possible for me. I’m too cold and too controlling. But you, sweetheart, have shown me that it’s not only possible, but it has really happened for me. I’m in love. Head over heels, like a teenage boy. I’m in love with the most amazing woman in the world. She doesn’t believe in herself. Not yet, anyway. But she will. And when she does, she’s also going to believe in love, too.”

  “I want to believe, Dax. I want to with all my heart. But I keep thinking about Seth. Isn’t it hard to cast him aside from what you guys planned for years?”

  “Kitten, let me let you in on a secret. We’re about to turn this town upside down. You’ll see. You’re at the very center of it.”

  * * * *

  The man finished covering the two graves of his victims. He’d buried both bodies just a
few feet down to ensure their eventual discovery by the authorities. It probably would be after some wolves got to them, but what the hell, might as well be dinner for a few canines.

  There should’ve been only one grave to dig, but he’d learned a long time ago that things didn’t always go as one planned. A man had to be flexible if he was going to survive in the world. So, he’d cooked up a new plan after having to off victim number two.

  It would take time for all the pieces to fall into place, but the payoff would be well worth it. Very well worth it.

  He wiped his brow and looked around the land. The sky was clear, and the air was crisp. He’d burned his athletic shoes after being nearly discovered by one of the owners of this ranch.

  The guy had come within fifteen feet of where he was hiding. If his other brother hadn’t shown up, there would’ve been three graves to dig, not two.

  The Strongs sure did have a nice piece of property with this one. Yes, indeed. Too bad they’d gotten hooked up with Charly Wynn. Life was about to get very complicated for them, and for her.

  End of Book 3: Feeling Strong

  To be continued in

  Book 4: Strong Passion



  Born in Missouri, I am happy to call Dallas, Texas, home now. Who doesn’t love sunshine?

  I began devouring romance novels during summers between college semesters as a respite to the rigors of my studies. Soon, my lifelong addiction was born, and to this day, I typically read three or four books every week.

  For years, I tried my hand at writing romance stories, but shared them with no one. Understand, I’m really shy. After many months of prodding by friends, authors Sophie Oak and Kiera West, I finally relented and let them read one. As the prodding turned to gentle shoves, I ultimately did submit something to Siren-BookStrand. The thrill of a life happened for me when I got the word that my book would be published.

  I do want to warn the reader that my books are not for the faint of heart, and are strictly for adults. That said, I love erotic romances. Blending the sexual chemistry with the emotional energy between the characters in my books is why I love being a writer.


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