The First Ones There

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The First Ones There Page 4

by Steven Wolff

  He examines the video closely, rewinding and pausing it several times when suddenly he figures it out.

  “This was taken from the back of the room, moments before I got up out of my chair. It was the janitor! He’s the one who uploaded it! He was standing in the back corner where this was filmed! I’m sure of it!”

  “Alright then, we’re going to go arrest him. As for you, there will be a full investigation and I expect a statement on my desk by tomorrow morning. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Take the two guards with you and go arrest him at once.”

  Daniel runs back to the Mission Control room, “Arrest that man immediately!” He says pointing to the janitor, “He broke Protocol 51!”

  The guards quickly grab the old man’s arms and yank them behind his back as the clicking of handcuffs can be heard, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…” They continue reading his Miranda rights as they walk out the door.

  Howard walks up to Daniel and asks, “Can you tell me what the hell is going on around here?”

  “I will, but in a second. I need to let everyone know, so I don’t keep repeating myself.”

  Daniel stands up on a chair and raises both hands in the air, “Excuse me, may I have your attention please?”

  He waits until the noise dies down, “I apologize for the inconvenience and all of the craziness going on. While I did initiate Protocol 51, apparently I was thirty seconds too late. The man that was just escorted away by security allegedly streamed our big reveal live on the Internet and as you know, that was not meant to be seen by anyone outside this room.”

  People collectively gasp and mumble as Daniel continues, “His video has since gone viral and is being shared by every news media, blog site, you name it… as we speak. The Internet is in a frenzy over these images and now we need to do damage control.”

  “Oh, that can’t be good.” Howard says aloud.

  “I need someone to hook up their workstation back to the Internet.”

  Someone from within the crowd asks, “but I thought we were under Protocol 51?”

  “Protocol 51 is breeched. I doubt further damage can be done by us pulling up YouTube. I just need to know how bad it is…”

  “Okay, we’re online.” Someone says at one of the workstations.

  “Screen cast your monitor and pull up YouTube. Type in UFO in the search bar.”

  As everyone’s attention focuses overhead on the large screen, search results reveal hundreds of identical videos that came from this one source.

  “Holy cow, you weren’t kidding!” Ed says scratching the back of his head. They click on one of the live streaming videos from CNN…

  “Turn up the volume.” Daniel says.

  “Sources are saying that if this video is truly authentic, the age old question ‘are we alone in the universe’ may have just been answered. With me today, renowned scientist and author of the book Roswell – the greatest lie ever told…Author Steven Wolff is here today.”

  “Click another link…” Daniel instructs, not breaking eye contact with the screen. The engineer clicks on the Fox News livestream…

  “This is clearly a hoax, perpetrated by the left-wing liberals trying to get you to buy into this belief that little green men are real. What’s next? Unicorns? Don’t believe in this nonsense.”

  “Try NBC News…” Daniel suggests.

  “The White House press secretary Catherine Martinez spoke to NBC News several hours ago – neither confirming nor denying that the video, believed to be of a crashed UFO on an asteroid – was filmed from inside NASA’s control room. Sources close to us say that it’s hard to tell if this is a staged setup, or if indeed this is an authentic video. We have tried to reach out to NASA, but as of this broadcast, we have been unable to reach anyone for further comment.”

  Daniel grabs the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, trying to figure out what to do. Howard looks to his dad and asks, “So what happens now that the cat is let out of the bag?”

  “Obviously, NASA has a public-relations nightmare on its hands, plain and simple. They either come clean about it, or they try and cover up. I don’t think the last part isn’t really an option.”

  “Okay, but if they admit to it – isn’t that going to freak the public out?” Howard asks concerned.

  Before Ed can answer the question, Daniel interrupts, “They’re already freaking out. I guess I don’t have much of a choice. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?” He says sarcastically.

  He walks out of the Mission Control room and down the hall where Security briefs him, “Sir, the lobby is overflowing with the news reporters and journalists, wanting to ask you about the video that went viral.”

  “Of course they do.” Daniel says sarcastically.

  “We’re doing our best to control the crowd, but they are even lining the streets outside. We don’t have enough staff on hand to control the crowd. Do you want me to give them the standard denial?”

  “No, there’s enough dishonesty in the world. The buck stops here with me and I take full responsibility for this. I’ll handle it.” He says walking up to the doors of the lobby.

  He pauses to collect himself before opening the doors. Right on cue, dozens of cameras start clicking and flash repeatedly as the media rushes around him – sticking microphones and cameras inches from his face.

  “Can you tells us, is this really a video of an unidentified flying object or is it a man-made hoax?”

  Another reporter asks, “Is it true someone from within NASA leaked the footage?”

  Daniel stops and takes a deep breath to address the media frenzy, “Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Daniel Adams – I am the deputy administrator of NASA. As you probably know by now, several hours ago an unauthorized video was live-streamed to the Internet from within this very facility, here at NASA.

  The crowd collectively gasps as cameras continue to click and go off, blinding Daniel as he’s speaking.

  “The person who allegedly recorded the video is cooperating with investigators and as of this moment, his identity is being protected until we can figure this out.”

  A young reporter interrupts him, “Is it true that these images shown on the big screen are from one of NASA’s deep-space probes?”

  “Yes, I can confirm that three months ago we launched a probe out into deep space to investigate an anomaly of interest.”

  Another reporter shoves her way from the second row to in front of Daniel, “Mr. Adams, can you confirm that these images are indeed – that of a crashed U.F.O.?”

  “At this moment in time, I can neither confirm nor deny what you think you see on the video. We’ve seen exactly what you’ve seen so your guess is as good as mine whether it’s extraterrestrial or not. ”

  “Mr. Adams, Amanda Holt from the Oregonian. So what happens now? Is NASA going to send something to the asteroid to go retrieve it? Like a recovery mission?”

  Daniel smiles and jokes, “If anyone wants to call Bruce Willis to grab his men and go land on an asteroid to retrieve it – that’s fine by me. At this point, we haven’t decided a set course of action.”

  Amanda interrupts again, “What if another country, say Russia or China goes after the asteroid? Are you just going to let them go retrieve it? What about the possibility of another country controlling an alien technology that’s power is unknown and in the wrong hands - could be used against us?”

  Frustrated, Daniel takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

  “Look – let me bring you up-to-speed on a little something… NASA no longer has a space shuttle program. Even if we wanted to go retrieve whatever it is, it would take an act of Congress before we can even think about it, because we simply do not have the funding to do so. Now if you’d excuse me, that’ll be all the questions for now.”

  He turns around and heads back inside, as Security keeps the media from followin
g. Daniel is surprised to bump into Ed and Howard, who were standing on the other side of the glass doors.

  “Is it true?” Howard asks.

  “Is what true?”

  “Even though there’s a crashed U.F.O. on the asteroid, you’re just going to leave it?”

  “Like I said, we just don’t have the means to retrieve it. I’m sorry, but that’s the reality of our situation. I’m really regretting sending a satellite to find out what your green glow was!”

  Howard watches stunned as he walks away.

  “Come on son,” Ed says gently guiding Howard towards the exit, “Let’s go home. He’s got a lot on his plate to deal with.”

  Howard lowers his head and walks out, not saying a word the rest of the way home.


  Parents House

  Later that evening Howard and Amber are lying together in bed, watching television. Every channel they flip through is nothing but talk about the crashed U.F.O. on the asteroid.

  “With us today is William Nye – a science guy and self-proclaimed space guru! William, welcome to our show!”

  “Thank you for having me.”

  “One of the most asked questions we get here at the studio is – who owns the rights to the space craft? Is it finders-keepers for whomever gets there?”

  “I’m glad you asked. In space, just like here on Earth – when anything is in international waters, it’s finders-keepers for whoever finds it first.”

  “That would be the two amateur astronomers, Howard Shepard and Josh Wilkins – who were the first to bring the asteroid to NASA’s attention. Is that correct?”

  Amber nudges Howard in excitement, “Hey! He’s talking about you!”

  “Turn it up!” He says sitting up.

  “Yes… and no. You see, they would have a hard time supporting their claim that they were the first to spot it. That’s like looking up at a cloud in the sky and saying ‘I see that cloud over there – so I’m the first person to ever lay eyes on it.’ That’s not how it works and you would have a hard time proving it. Who’s to say that someone in another part of the world isn’t looking at the same cloud first? I think it’s going to come down to is this… the astronauts that physically land on the asteroid and retrieve whatever they find are going to be the rightful owners of it, plain and simple.”

  “Regardless which country they are from.”


  Howard protests, “No, that’s not right – I found it! Grrr! Turn to a different channel please.”

  Bob Ross is sitting in front of a white canvas, gently tapping up and down with a green paintbrush, “There… that looks good. Gentle strokes of the brush and we can see our happy little tree taking shape. We’ll add another one right next to it so it’s not lonely. Don’t worry if you make a mistake… there are no mistakes when you’re painting.

  “Seriously? Are you trying to put me to sleep?” Howard jokes.

  “What? I like Bob Ross!”

  “See what else is on…”

  “You’re no fun.” Amber says switching to the national geographic channel.

  Neil Tyson is sitting in a chair talking, “What concerns me about bringing back this ship, is that we don’t know if there are any kinds of alien microbes or diseases that could wipe out life on our planet. Not to mention, the possibility of an actual alien intelligence who flew the ship. What if they’re not friendly or don’t want to go back to Earth? Then what? Do we force them to come back? Do we enslave them? I’ve said it over and over; we are not the only living things in our universe and we can’t just run into this blindly.”

  Amber flips to a different channel, “Breaking news – China, Russia, Australia and the EU are all reportedly getting ready to launch their own spacecraft in what experts are calling a modern day space race. Experts predict that any day now, we could see the launch of several rockets on a recovery mission to the asteroid. The question is who will be the first ones there.”

  She flips to a different news channel, “Authorities in Eugene are now expanding their search radius to ten miles west of Eugene try and find a highly contagious patient who escaped overnight from a research facility. One person was found dead from bite wounds to the neck, leading investigators to believe the patient who attacked them may have an altered-mental status. If you see anyone suspicious wondering around, you are urged to call 911.”

  “Can we turn off the TV? I’ve had enough talk about aliens for one day.” Amber asks.

  “You’re right – It’s late. How about we get some rest?”

  “Alright. Good night.” Amber says kissing him quickly on the lips before turning over.

  “Good night.”

  The next morning Howard shuffles out of the bedroom sleepy-eyed as he makes his way to the kitchen table. His parents are already sitting down, enjoying their coffee.

  “Look who just woke up. Good morning son, sleep well?” Ed asks, sipping coffee that has steam rising from the cup.

  “Yes sir, pretty good.”

  He leans over and kisses his mother, “Morning mom.”

  “Good morning sweetie! Is Amber still sleeping?”

  “Yeah – I didn’t want to wake her. She tossed and turned all night.”

  “Poor thing. We’ll let her sleep. Coffee is still warm – want me to get you some?”

  “That would be nice. Thanks.”

  She pours the coffee into his mug as he grips it for warmth, “You guys are up early.” Howard says adding cream and sugar to his liking.

  “Should I tell him?” Ed asks Lorraine.

  “Let him wake up first.” She responds.

  “Tell me what?” Howard asks, looking at both of them for an answer.

  “Never mind, drink your coffee.”

  “You can’t just say that. Now you have to tell me… otherwise I’m going to keep bugging you about it.”

  Ed looks at his Lorraine who nods her head okay, then turns to Howard, “Son, the President of the United States has asked that I come out of retirement for a very special mission.”

  Howard spits out his coffee in shock, “Wait – what?!? You spoke to the president?”

  “Not directly – no. I actually got a phone call from my friend Daniel Adams. He said the President contacted him and wants to round up all the best astronauts NASA has… for a mission vital to the ‘national security’ of the United States.” Daniel asked me personally if I would come out of retirement for one last trip to space.”

  “For what?” Howard asks.

  “To go retrieve the crashed spaceship.”

  “Tell me you said no…”

  “Of course I said yes.”

  “Dad, it’s not worth it!”

  “Son, if the President of the United States needs me, I’m going to do my best to deliver. It’s not the first time I answered the call of my country.”

  “Dad – you’re not in your twenties anymore. You’re no spring chicken! I’m sure there are other people just as qualified to do this job.”

  “I’m the only one with over 600 hours of space-flight experience and I’m the best thing NASA’s got. Imagine if another country got a hold of that technology! You don’t want some commie bastard to get it, do you?”

  “Dad, not cool!”

  “What’s not cool?”

  “You can’t say commie-bastards.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because… it’s just not right. It’s racist and not p.c.!”

  “Says who? I grew up in a time where we were at war with communists.”

  “Says… everyone. And just because you did, doesn’t make it right. We need to be a little more respectful of other countries, even if we don’t like them. You taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all!”

  “Actually, it’s your mother who said that. I’m the one that said if someone starts a fight with you, be sure to be the one who finishes it.”

  “Whatever. It’s like arguing with a brick wall.”
Howard says shaking his head. “So you’re seriously thinking about doing this mision?”

  “Like I said son, my country needs me. Who am I to say no?”

  “When will you go?”

  “Soon – I report back to NASA first thing tomorrow morning to get refitted. I’ve gained a few pounds since I’ve been out. A lot has changed over the years and we don’t have a lot of time to bring me up to speed.”

  “Any idea what ship you’ll be using to go into space? He asks while sipping his coffee. “Last I heard, the space shuttle program was scrapped, so what else is there?”

  “That was a sad day for America when NASA decided to abandon the space shuttle program. In my opinion, they should have never done that, but I get it. It was getting old, like me. To answer your question, there still is a fully intact space shuttle collecting dust in some museum.”

  “Wasn’t that… the Enterprise?”

  “You’re right son. It flew once, back in 1977 but never really went into space because it wasn’t fitted with thrusters. It was more for showing off and to pay homage to the show Star Trek.”

  “Wait a minute. I remember now… NASA did refit the Enterprise with thrusters, making it space worthy some time after the space shuttle blew up in 1986.”

  “That’s correct, but they never did use it – so it’s been sitting in a museum, collecting dust somewhere in New York. Since I know the space shuttle like the back of my hand, they’re making me Mission Commander one last time.”

  “You mean they’re taking it out of the museum?”

  “Yep, I was told they are flying it piggy-back to Florida on a special Boeing 747, sometime this afternoon.”

  “That makes sense. You’ve flown dozens of shuttle missions. Do you still feel like you can fly it?”

  “Ha! I can fly the shuttle in my sleep. Remember what I told you the other day… they don’t make things like they used to? This shuttle was built in a time when things were made to last. I have no doubt it can get us to that asteroid, pick up whatever we need and head home. Should be a piece of cake!”

  “That’s pretty cool, but Dad, I’m still concerned for you.”

  “I appreciate it son. Don’t worry, when it comes to space your old man knows a thing or two. It’s just too bad you couldn’t follow in my footsteps…”


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